Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 800: Bonfire array (8)


No sea has been seen.

The sea area of ​​a million miles has been beaten. The sea water evaporates completely, and the layers below the rock layer collapse and melt, turning into a large crater with a depth of tens of thousands of miles.

Witch iron and wind entropy each took the army and attacked each other insanely.

Wu Tie’s Pangu Jinshen is the true Buddha of the wind entropy.

After the iron and steel, the 120,000 and the three sorcerers and sorrows gathered together, and the hard hurricane engulfed a million dynasties.

Wu Tie doubled the arm of the wind, and the iron rods in the hands of the wind entropy again and again. The iron rod swayed and gave a harsh sound of tremor; the iron arm of the witch iron opened, the bones did not break, and then healed.

At the rise, Wu Tiekou vomited and thundered, and the eyes spurted flames. The black wind in the nostrils mixed with the yellow sand spewed from the ears, turning into a sandstorm and storming the wind entropy.

The wind entropy is also surrounded by Buddha light, and the red lotus flower around it is also spewing the water, the fire, the thunder and the ice, just like a meteor.

There is an extremely powerful armored body in the wind entropy. The attack of Wu Tie hits the sag of the treasure, and it breaks down. It bursts with a dazzling flame. The damage to the wind entropy is just ordinary. The attack of wind entropy is a solid bombardment on Wu Tie, playing him flesh and blood.

The strength of the two big arrays is striking each other, like the two stars in a fierce collision, the impact of terror, completely borne by the Wu Jia Er Lang and the Sui Dynasty banned army in the big array.

Every time there was an impact, there were tens of thousands of sorcerers and smashed bones, but they immediately reunited the flesh in the big squad. And along with the broken bones and bones, the screaming witches, their strength is improving a little.

The "Wan Jue Jing" is worthy of the Qing Dynasty's ruthless approach, and the Wu Jia Er Lang really benefited from it.

Every time there is an impact, there are also a number of shackles that have become ruined.

Although these inferior gods will be built to the level of the Ten Heavens in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, their roots are too shallow and their strength is quite limited. Their strengths are actually reluctant to deal with the monks of the five or six fetuses.

If this is not the case, these inferior gods will not only serve as the most inferior servants and servants in the Sui Dynasty.

Although they have a million people, although they use the military array, it is also the top military ranks of the Sui Dynasty, but in the face of the impact of the big array, their endurance is not as good as the **** tyrannical, talented Wu Jia Er Lang.

Every impact, even if only three or five thousand dynasties, the banned sergeants become blood, they die, they can die, but they can no longer be reborn.

In the squadron of the Sui Dynasty, a light tower flew up.

The dish-shaped secret treasure from the Witch Iron Festival is suspended above the sky, constantly extracting the soul and blood of these light columns, condensing the soul and crystal, extracting the essence of blood. These things, Wu Tie Ning can be in their own hands, can not let the quiet of those gods to take away.

The wind entropy has not noticed the casualties of the soldiers behind him. He is intoxicated with the crazy madness of Wu Tiequan and the meat.

"Happy, happy, it is really happy, this king has been so so happy for so many years." Wind entropy screamed: "The king has been too lazy to use the military array, it is really those demon ghosts they are not good at this thing."

"This king has always thought that this king can single-handedly suppress the world... I can't think of it, this army array is mobilized, it is so wonderful and delicious... This kind of power is much stronger than the power of the king alone. ...this pure power..."

The Wu Tie Tuan was struck by the wind entropy on the chest, and the shoulders were shocked. A horrible pure force slammed into the chest of the wind entropy through the broken treasure.

The wind entropy snorted and a blood spurted out.

He squatted back a few steps, simply dropped the iron rod in his hand and yelled at Wu Ting: "This king, the dynasty Yin Wang, the future Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, the future Terran Emperor... Ben Wang, can you lose to you?"

The mana of the Million Forces is constantly infused into the wind entropy. The wind entropy is low and the Buddha's curse is chanting. His body gradually turns into a golden glass that is crystal clear and translucent. A circle of red lotus lines emerged from his body, constantly floating on his body surface.

"All said that Pan Guzhen is the strongest body repair method of the Three Kingdoms of the People's Republic of China... This king does not think so." The wind entropy is hooked to the witch iron: "The strongest person, not the strongest Gongfa. What exercises, as long as the king shows it, is the strongest!"

The wind entropy voice has not fallen, Wu Tie has already rushed up, and a sinister sin-yin-leg-legged smashed the target.

The wind entropy snorted, the golden transparent face shimmered with red light, and he screamed, his fists were like golden meteors, and he instantly slammed thousands of punches on Wu Tie.

Wu Tie's body trembled fiercely, and the wind entropy's fist fell, and the large flesh and blood turned into nothing. Only the dark skeleton shimmered with deep light, and the death and death resisted the fist of the wind entropy.

Wu Tie has no defense, but is constantly attacking with the wind entropy.

The wind entropy did not notice the casualties of the soldiers who were behind the army. Wu Tie could see clearly.

Every time the big array hits, there are thousands of banned sergeants who are dying out of the flames. The Wujia Erlang behind Wu Tie is also a large piece of broken bones, but it can always re-agglomerate the body, and it is getting stronger and stronger because of the continuous body and bones.

The spirits of 120,000 and 4 Wuer’s children are integrated into one. Everyone seems to be transformed into Pangu. As long as one person is still alive, this big array will not disperse, and everyone will be able to respawn!

An elbow smashed the wind entropy into a nose and a swollen face. After the Wu Tie body, the five elements of the gods flew up, and they brushed heavily toward the bottom.

The Sui Dynasty banned the military squadron, and there was a slap in the face of the five elements. The 30,000 banned sergeants lost their arrogance and were directly crushed by the tumbling power of the sorcerer.

This time, the wind entropy finally felt the constant weakening of the atmosphere behind him. He looked back in his busy schedule and suddenly widened his eyes. He almost didn't call the exit.

The original majestic Million ban, now only 500,000 left!

There are more than forty thousand banned soldiers, who have completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

The wind entropy exclaimed, then he jerked his head and looked at the direction of Fuxi God: "This breath is a bonfire! It is the human sacred fire of my dynasty! Damn, who is it?"

The wind entropy slammed and slammed back.

The thumb-sized meteorite, which is almost exactly the same as the wind, appears in the wind entropy. With a little finger on his face, a little bonfire of the thumb on the meteorite swells in the wind and swells to a hundred miles in an instant.

The wind entropy controls the bonfire, which is obviously a hundred times stronger than the wind.

There is no need to arbitrarily set up a bonfire, relying solely on the attacking army behind him, the wind entropy has ignited the power of the bonfire.

Wu Tie and a group of witch brothers who murdered their chests only felt warm, and then the suffocating suffocation suddenly disappeared, and the war in their hearts disappeared without a trace.

'哗啦啦' sounds constantly, the armor, weapons and so on of the witch brothers, as long as they are forged with fire, even if the ancestors of the Wu family ancestors passed down the heavenly gods, they instantly collapsed and turned into little The stream of light dissipated between heaven and earth.

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