Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 807: Time, time, time!

Under the wind, the remnants of the squadron began to build the city.

The cultivation civilization of the Sui Dynasty is far stronger and more brilliant than the three countries. It took only a short period of half a day for the ban on the ban of the ban on the ban, and on the ruins of the Fushun gods, a city of hundreds of miles and all the defenses were completed.

A congenital Lingbao-class palace steadily landed in the middle of the city, sitting on the south gate of Miyagi, overlooking the South Gate Square, hundreds of thousands of patriarchs and elders who were sent to High level.

羲武乐, 羲不白, and a group of elders of the Yi nationality, were hung on a pole, and there were four murderous families to help them. In the indigenous tribes from the underground world, many patriarchs and elders who were murderous and bitten bitten With the teeth out of the crowd, carefully knives on the martial arts and other people.

Slashing, bleeding, and then dripping blood into the wine bowl, drinking a large mouthful of blood wine.

When you step out of this step, you will never be able to look back.

Fuxi Shenguo will never let them go.

Dare to treat the top leaders of the Yi people, such as Wu Le, as the animals of the **** alliance. This is the biggest insult to the Yi people. This is definitely a deadly death.

The wind and the laughter looked at the high-ranking tribes of one tribe and put them on their knees. They watched the large group of strange and grotesque underground indigenous groups fall to the ground and pay homage to themselves. He couldn’t help but be excited and excited.

He even deliberately slowed down the speed of the blood of these indigenous tribe leaders. Every one of them was dragged out of the crowd by the top of the four murderous families. Under the pressure, he was forced to go to the head of the tribe, and they were all released. Slow down the speed of the completion ceremony.

Go out of the crowd, bow to the wind, then take a knife, cut a knife in the martial arts and other people, release fresh blood, then drop into the wine bowl, drink a bowl of blood wine, and then sign the instrument of effectiveness, press Under his own blood fingerprints, he led his family to go forward and pay tribute to the wind.

A whole set of processes will take at least half an hour.

Throughout the day, only the heads of less than 20 tribes can complete the ceremony and thoroughly rely on the wind.

Previously, Wu Biao and others, the large and small ethnic groups that moved up from the underground world, and the different tribes in the ethnic group, more than 10,000 forests and forests, with such efficiency, no one or two years, it is impossible to completely conquer. The major tribes in front of you.

However, the wind is not in a hurry.

He is enjoying the feeling of being infinite and high above.

So many strange people of the 'humanity' group, so many people, bowed to the ground, devoutly bowed to him, which made him deeply intoxicated. He even has one kind. He has already proved that the ‘Emperor’s Avenue’ has already achieved the inexplicable sense of ‘the Emperor’s Fruit.’

So, the speed is slower.

Slow down a bit.

"Oh, in the secret of this dynasty, when I saw the myth of the ancient times, the octagonal vassal states visited the emperor's grand occasion." The wind squatted on the throne, and said with pride: "The emperor at that time, afraid Is it just so beautiful?"

Bai Suxin looked at the various tribes standing underneath, and he knew what was going on.

With a chuckle, Bai Suxin smiled and said: "However, His Royal Highness should be cautious, at least, first of all, the territory of the country that belongs to His Royal Highness."

After a while, Bai Suxin smiled and said: "This mainland has a low strength. His Highness can divide the soldiers into 10,000 teams. I will cooperate with the disciples of Bailian Palace to govern these indigenous groups and receive the city."

The wind nodded and he knew that this was the most urgent thing at the moment.

This kind of happiness of 'wanbon surrender' and 'eight-party see' can be enjoyed slowly, but according to his agreement with wind entropy, he has already belonged to all his territory and people, and he still has to receive the hand in the first time.

The wind smashed the hook finger, and several old eunuchs wearing Chinese costumes came together, and dozens of popular confidant generals were also busy, with a smile on their face.

Opening up the territory, conquering an overseas territory for the Sui Dynasty, and capturing hundreds of millions of people... What an earth-shattering credit?

The old eunuchs are very motivated, and those generals who are under the guise of the wind are looking forward to using this credit to make a fortune.

Listening to life in the wind, you can certainly fox and tiger.

However, if you can release it outside, do a town commander in the four sides, and rule the side of the side of the deterrent, it is a hundred times more than a hundred feet in the dog's legs around the wind!

"You, listen to you." The wind smashed his king's order card from the waist, and he handed it to Bai Suxin with a smile: "Hey, these general managers, and these generals are the confidants of the king. You can use it with confidence... Well, this time, let your disciples build more credit..."

Squinting, the wind sneered: "There are some officials in the DPRK, and the king is losing power. He is quite disrespectful to the king. When the king returns this time, he must pack them well. Their empty position requires a disciple. They fill in the blanks and work for the king."

Such a grand and promised official, the wind is not at all concerned, Bai Suxin is not taken seriously.

Bai Suxin smiled and said: "Good... just, Your Highness still, send a letter to the Queen... This Yi, I heard that the relationship with the Yi is very good. I waited so..."

Bai Suxin pointed to the martial arts and other people who were hung on the pole: "The Yi people, some old people, their brains are a bit confusing... Hehe."

The sullen face was gloomy. He waved his hand and said with disapproval: "I am relieved that the Yi people have some miraculous means. Can they intervene in the internal affairs of my dynasty?"

"I am in the dynasty and the so-called Fuxi Kingdom, who is strong, who is weak, who is more beneficial to her Yi people, those old women, they are clear."

Bai Suxin didn't talk. He smiled and chose the four old eunuchs, the twenty savage confession generals, and the lucky ones who quickly walked down the tower.

The wind and the comfort of the back, leaning on the legs of the Erlang, watching a tall silver giant with dozens of five or sixty-six high-level elders, striding over, '咚' The heavy shackles were downstairs in the city gate, saluting his heavy gimmicks.

"His Highness, my family is willing to drop... But will His Highness let my family eat meat?" The silver giant grinned, revealing a scarlet fang, his eyes filled with violent appetite and greed.

“Satiate the meat?” The windy hysterical smile: “The ridiculous question... What meat do you want to eat? The king is enough!”

The wind screamed and slammed the armrest of his throne, and the Mars splashed, and ‘嘭嘭’ rang.

"Whether this king is a dog, it is a jade food, eat and drink without worry... You, it is much more useful than a dog... So, rest assured, you are the king’s running dog, you have to eat, you have to drink and drink. This king will never treat you badly!"

The silver giant grinned, and he reached out and said, '咔嚓', pulled the thigh of a Yi elder and threw it directly into his mouth and chewed it: "So, thank you, Your Highness... Hahaha, we like it. Eat a bite of human flesh, but in the underground, the group of **** of the Yi people, we are not allowed to let go of the belly to eat and drink..."

The wind brows a pick, and the muscles on his face violently twitched a few times.

"So cruel? Good, good, good, this king likes your ferocity... The more fierce the better, the more you will use your ferocity, help the king to sweep the enemy of the king... What do you want, this king Give you something!"

With a wave of hand, the wind smashed a golden entangled curse to the silver giant patriarch.

"This is the Honglian Temple "Strong Ghost Wang Chaojing", in the body repair method of Honglian Temple, it is also extremely top... Look at your burly body, great talent, and like to eat people... practice this practice The most appropriate thing."

The wind screamed at the silver giant patriarch who smiled and smiled. Shen Shen said: "In the future, you will be the close-knit guard of the king. Come here, quickly customize a batch of giant flags, horns, gongs and drums. Gourd, golden hammer, golden knife, golden gun..."

The wind was so excited that the eyes were red: "In the future, the king's ceremonial guards, more than the father, must be more eager."

The crowds around the wind screamed and laughed.

The martial arts and sorrows of the bruises and bruises are smashed, and the blood drips from the wounds and spills all over the floor.

In the distance, in the cloud, Wu Tie is fully deducing the time avenue.

His whole body is grotesque, and numerous avenues of the road are merging with the flesh. His uterus is turned into countless streams, constantly infused into the body. Only most of his attention has been placed on ‘time’.

Time Avenue, high and deep, mysterious.

According to common sense, even if you follow the ‘time’ avenue and step into the realm of God, the mysterious secrets that ordinary people can perform on the ‘time’ avenue are extremely limited. The short freezing time, in a local area, the time acceleration of some flowers and trees is nothing more than such a small means.

Wu Tie is too pregnant.

At the beginning of the day, I was using a lotus flower on the witch-iron plate to repair myself with the numerous materials collected by Wu Tie.

In particular, Wu Tie burned a lot of souls and crystals, and he did not hesitate to upgrade the workmanship. At the beginning of the day, he swallowed a large amount of the power of the soul that was obtained after the melting of the souls, and the original ruins that had been hit hard, and now the half has been repaired.

Next to Wu Tie, a group of rich time rhymes are slowly spinning.

The time flow rate around Wu Tie is rapidly increasing... The flow rate of the outside world is constant, but the time flow around Wutie, Bohai, and the Five Elements is accelerating.

When the wind was swaying on the newly built Miyagi Castle gate, the time flow around Wu Tie has become very amazing.

In just one day, Wutie, Bohai, and the Five Elements have spent a month, and the time flow has increased by 30 times.

Subsequently, as the wind continued to be in the newly built city, with the wind entropy governing the army, and constantly marching toward Shenwu City, the time flow around Wutie is getting faster and faster, and faster and faster, Wutie on Time Avenue The control is getting more and more subtle.

Ten days later, Wu Tie has been able to increase the time flow rate by 10,000 times.

One day outside, Wu Tie is equivalent to practicing in it for decades.

Before, Wu Tie had entered a strange state, and he saw the boundless chaos of Hong Meng, the huge figure, he also saw, curled up beside the huge figure, the dying chaotic beast.

A group of auras hovered beside the huge figure.

The time flow around Wu Tie is increasing steadily, but in the mind of Wu Tie, in his spirit, time is strange and seems to be stagnant.

Wu Tai silently looked at the huge figure through a very distant distance.

The huge figure, also looked at him quietly through the boundless chaos.

The spirit of the group is flashing, beating, and constantly releasing a strange, agile way.

Complex, changeable, unpredictable, far more complex than the giant rhyme contained in that huge figure.

Wu Tie's blood is boiling, and his **** veins are spreading in a strange atmosphere. Some of the information that has been engraved in the blood before the opening of the earth is due to the strange "enlightenment" state of Wu Tie. Excited.

"Yuan Shijing" is not complete."

Wu Tie suddenly had a clear understanding.

"No, the "Yuan Shi Jing" is complete... "Yuan Shi Jing" recorded, complete, from the "Panggu saint" 'the holy body itself' of the "all avenues" ... that is the 'exhibition' of the 'dao' ""

"Three thousand avenues, 84,000 side doors, both sides, all inclusive in the "Yuan Shi Jing"."

"The blood of the 'Panggu bereaved' is directly inherited from the 'Panggu saint'... It is complete and incomplete, and it has different performances, and it has produced such a rich and diverse ethnic group."

"Just, the great powers of Taikoo, the "Yuan Shi Jing" they studied, is only the most 'significant' of the ancient blood of the Pangu... There are other rhymes between the heavens and the earth, more strange, more complicated and changeable. The way."

Wu Tie’s attention is concentrated on the huge figure, which is not much smaller than his body.

"what is this?"

"Xuan and Xuan, can not be named, strong name..."

Wu Tie whispered: "Hong Meng is confined, Zhou Tian life pulse..."

Wu Tie's body is full of pain, and his boiling plasma is twisted and hovered, and it has changed dramatically.

Among the cells in his body, there are two double helices, three helices, four helices, five helices, six helices... In the end, there are even tens of thousands of extremely thin streamers entangled together to form a multi-dimensional structure of spiral light dragons.

This information is hidden in the blood.

At the time of the Taikoo mythology, the sacred ideology of the "Yuan Shi Jing", which was not able to reach, or was not accessible at all, was derived from the body of Wu Tie.

"Yuan Shijing" is just a key." Wu Tie laughed: "This week's lifeline is the biggest source of so many colorful people in the mainland. It is also the cause of the earth in the past, and it is the sage of Pangu. The direct cause and effect of the fall."

After the Wu Tie body, the original huge jade dish has been consolidating.

When his blood was boiling and condensed into those weird spiral structures, the jade dish shook slightly and turned into a stream of light, directly immersed in the three lotus buds that were originally set on the jade plate, the strange lotus roots, and finally A lotus flower inside.

‘咔嚓’, the beginning of the spurt broke through countless cracks again.

Wu Tie's blood is like a river in the Yangtze River. With those strange spiral structures, he is in the lotus flower that the Tai Chi is in.

The time flow around Wu Tie has once again soared tenfold.

One day and one night, Wu Tie has been flying for three hundred years.

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