Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 881: Refine to Spurt

The witch iron problem, Huangpidao people lost their eyes.

In the air, the other two Qinglian Guandao who studied Dan Road were even more angry with their beards.

In their minds, there are countless uses of arsenic, aided by monarchs and ministers, neutralizing toxicity, guiding medicine, cooperating with yin and yang, and using all kinds of magical functions, which are all mysterious.

However, the girls in high-end greenhouses take white traces of arsenic with white wine to whiten it? (Remedies, extremely dangerous, not serious)

How inexplicable is this?

They, the ancestors of Qinglian Guan, the most authentic ancestors of Qinglian Guan, have grown up and cultivated in Qinglian Guan since birth. They have not touched Hongchen. Where do they know, some girls in Qinglou have this? Somehow Yaxing?

Arsenic, poisonous thing, and death when served, this is common knowledge that ordinary people know ...

Some people take arsenic for the sake of whiteness?

The first question, Huang Pidao was not lost on Dan Dao, but lost, origin and identity.

A bit annoyed, the Huangpi Taoist took out a large bark of cinchona tree. He looked at Witch Iron without saying a word, and passed the bark forward.

Wu Tie smiled a little, this kind of side door, evil door gadget.

The cinchona cream extracted from the bark of the cinchona tree is useless to Yu Dandao, but it has a certain effect on the treatment of falciparum malaria, even on the heart and women.

"Mr. Tao is really mischievous." A witch iron finger shot, a large piece of cinchona bark disintegrated, and a small bowl of refined cinchona cream appeared in front of him. Wu Tie pinched a handful of medicine noodles and talked about its usefulness.

After waiting for the slightly stiff Huangpi Taoist to come back, Wu Tie quickly wrote a recipe.

Wonderful and strange recipe-Wuji Baifeng Wan.

He handed the prescription to the Huangpi Taoist, and Wu Tie laughed softly and asked, "Dare to ask, what kind of trouble can this Dan prescription cure?"

Huangpi Dao's face twitched fiercely, and he carefully identified all the medicines in this prescription-for practitioners, the medicines in this prescription are all extremely cheap, common herbs that are not very useful, Nothing is even a panacea.

Fortunately, the Huangpi Taoist was very involved in Dan Dao. He also studied these common drugs.

With deep Dan Dao knowledge, the Huangpi Taoist judged the medicinal properties of Wuji Baifeng Pills, and then elaborated its various effects.

Wu Tie looked at the Huangpi Taoist unwillingly and waited for a full tea time.

Huangpi Taoists also stared at Wu Tie: "Can it be done, is there any other use? The old Tao boasted that it had thoroughly analyzed its pharmacology."

Wu Tie looked up at the sky, and then sighed, "Old man, aren't you afraid that you haven't touched a woman in your life?"

Lao Tie laughed with a belly on his side. The huge knowledge base of Wu Tie was passed down to Wu Tie. He certainly knew who the most important user group of Wuji Baifeng Wan was.

However, the Huangpi Taoist who grew up in Qinglian Guan and received Qinglian Guan's cultivation all his life. As Wu Tie said, he basically hasn't seen a few women. He hasn't even grasped the pulse of a woman. Know nothing about women's physiological structure ...

Wuji Baifeng Pill, the gorgeous beautiful cut off the yellow skin Taoist.

Three questions, lost two, Huangpidao people with red skin, a trace of blood on their mouths, took a few steps back, silently gave the first gift to the witch iron, then turned away from the bow platform, Tayun flew to a few Brother Shi.

With a somber face, Hongdan Taoist, Huangpi Taoist's brother, came to Wuzhou's bow, and sat opposite the witch iron.

"In the first round, my brother lost. In the second round, it ’s still the same. I always say three Danfangs and provide materials, and the king of war takes three Danfangs and provides materials. We will directly discuss the amount and grade of Dandan. Winning and losing. "

"Just!" Wu Tie took a thumbs up to the Red Dan Taoist: "Directly, it's as simple as moving your mouth to cover you."

Huang Pidao snorted coldly.

For these three topics, Qinglian Guan can be regarded as exhausting his brain. Scented wormwood and cinchona are all very useless and extremely remote things. They thought they could be difficult for witch iron. Can stump him.

The arsenic and Wuji Baifeng Pill that Wu Tie took out were actually related to the women ... This made a group of old roads that had been repaired for a lifetime, and they were beaten dizzy all at once. Where can they react?

However, after all, recognizing pharmacology is just the effort on the lips. Dan Dao, it really depends on alchemy.

The Red Dan Taoist took a copy of Dan Fang from his sleeve.

Danfang is extremely complicated. It contains tens of thousands of words and requires hundreds of materials. It is an extremely tedious and extremely complicated Danfang. Among them, the control of the fire, the change of recipes, and the mutual combination and interaction of pharmaceutical ingredients, are sufficient. There are more than a million species of gram changes.

A little carelessness is a waste of waste.

The Red Dan Taoist only took out two materials, one in front of himself and one to the witch iron.

"Wang Wang can check, each serving is 789 kinds of medicines, the same temperature, the same amount, the same place to pick, the medicinal power is very small."

The Red Dan Taoist said generously: "These two materials for filling the marrow can be chosen by the King of War."

Wu Tie glanced at Dan Fang, and immediately wrote down the refining methods and refining process above. The huge divine thought swept through the medicinal materials prepared by the Red Dan Taoist. He smiled indifferently and took out the melting furnace on the avenue.

"The two medicinal materials are exactly the same, but they don't need to be replaced. Well, Hongdan Dao, please!"

The avenue melting furnace is the size of a human head, suspended in front of the witch iron. The surface of the melting furnace is tumbling with glory, and the sun, moon, and stars are rising. Another chaotic streamer is flying fast, mysterious and mysterious.

Hongdan Taoist nodded his head, his sleeve waved, and the three-legged round tripod came out with a hum.

The whole red crimson round tripod has a top and bottom, and the round tripod has three circular fire doors at the waist, which emit red, white and yellow fire lights, respectively.

Strands of medicinal gas faintly visible to the naked eye were sprayed from Yuanding, and there was a scent of medicinal scent in Fangyuanli.

It is astounding that in the mountains and forests below the fleet, countless birds and beasts just smelled this medicine, and they suddenly roared and roared, and hissing in the sky, the blood in an individual swelled, and the body was obviously inflated for several minutes.

This alchemy medicine tripod does not know how many years it has been passed down in Qinglian Guan, and how many master alchemists in the alchemy have refined many amazing road avenues. This Dan Ding alone is a mighty treasure, and the medicine gas it emits is enough to reborn the most common birds and beasts.

With this kind of Dan Ding refining Dan, let alone the success rate of countless years of huge medicinal power, how much bonus will it provide to Dan Li?

Even if it is an ordinary bigudan, I am afraid that it can become a potion of the avenue Baodan class.

"They are all prepared!" Wu Tie smiled, and a fire flared from the avenue melting furnace, swallowing 789 medicinal materials in one go.

In the distance, the pig Gang, who watched the witch iron and Qinglian watch the way of fighting, opened his mouth fiercely.

"The stove of the three masters can not only burn a living person, but also refining alchemy?" Shaking his head, the pig Gang hysterically muttered to himself: "It feels weird ... Rouquan Zunzun was smelted by this stove. "Dead, this is a crematorium ... the elixir made from this furnace ... can it still be imported?"

"Shut up!" Youmeng Pengzun yelled coldly: "dead pig, close your beak ..."

He arrogantly snorted, and the ghostly Pengzun whispered softly: "Although the deity knows nothing about alchemy, when studying Dan Tao that year, he once burst out 365 mouthfuls of the best Dan furnaces snatched. For the appreciation of the Dan furnace, the deity Still have a say. "

After a moment of groaning, Youmeng Pengzun held his back and slowly nodded his head and admired: "The furnace of Wu Wang is of extraordinary quality, which is much better than that of Shennong Ding from the Qinglian view ... even if Shennong Ding is a superb ancient treasure? "

Zhu Gangyi looked at the Red Dan Taoist suddenly: "This is the No. 1 Shennong Ding of Qinglian Guandan Hall? How do you recognize the old bird?"

Youmeng Pengzun sighed softly: "The deity ... has raided Qinglian Guandan Hall thirty-six times and wants to take this medicine tripod."

"My dear, for this baby, I was seriously injured 36 times in a row ... unforgettable and fresh in memory, of course I recognize it."

The pig just opened his mouth, licked his mouth, and smiled very sternly: "Old bird, I said, you are the reincarnation of King Dapengming who was too old then ... you once stood on the head of the Buddha The reincarnation of God ’s power. We were good brothers in the last life! "

"Hey, I raided Qinglian Guan 36 times, but just escaped from a serious injury ... this magical power must be you. I haven't run away."

"But we worship the son brothers even closer than our brothers ..."

The ghostly Pengzun's face turned dark, and the ten fingers suddenly turned into huge bird's paws, twitching like a sheep's madness.

The blood prison standing aside, sighed quietly: "Girl, you lover, but it's not easy ... haha, arsenic whitening, Wuji Baifeng Wan health ... he knows about women Pretty sober? "

Pei Feng narrowed his eyes, and his eyes flashed with unfathomable gloom.

The witch iron is hands-on, rude and simple. It is like a boy who has just learned alchemy, and randomly stuffs all materials into the avenue melting furnace.

Huangpidaoren waited, at the same time relieved.

This scene is stable.

Filling the marrow with nourishing Shen Dan, the medicine is extremely delicate, like the spring breeze and rain, bit by bit into the bone marrow, nourishing the primordial spirit, is a unique Danfang created by Qinglian Guan for some disciples who practice special mysteries.

It can be said that this Dan is unique to the Qinglian Temple and there is no semicolon in the world.

This class of Dan is not high, but the method of refining is extremely complicated and cumbersome. In the Qinglian Temple, it is said that the first difficult party is not a master alchemist who dare not start. But even a great master must be careful and wait carefully, so maybe seven or eight of them are successful.

Taoists of Red Dan, in the view of Qinglian, the success rate of refining this Dan is the highest, but it is still stable at a probability of ten times.

The addition of every medicinal material must adhere to the timing and grasp the moment of the calcium carbide fire that the medicinal power merges, otherwise this elixir must be refined.

When I saw Wu Rong so rude that all the materials were stuffed into the avenue melting furnace at the same time, the Red Dan Taoist heart suddenly became ancient and impassive, and the expression on his face also became light and cloudy. dust.

This question is stable.

The Hongdan Taoist smiled, grabbed two medicine primers with opposite yin and yang attributes, and carefully placed them into Shennong Ding.

Pressing your hands on Shennong Ding, a change of fingerprints urges the Shenhuo in Shennong Ding to lift, rise, rise, and fall, refine the medicinal power of the medicinal primer a little bit, and then construct the perfect confluence of yin and yang, and turn it into the original of Dan Ling Embryo.

The breathing time before the formation of the Dan embryo, the red Dan Taoist ticked with his little finger on his right hand, and the centuries-old medicine with the five-element attribute rose into the air, and fell into Shennong Ding precisely. All the essence of the medicine was extracted by Shennong Ding in an instant, just like 淅淅Lili's spring rain fell into the Dan embryo one by one.

Hongdan Taoists are methodically refining Lingdan.

The medicinal materials of the three colors are the left three, the right four phases, the upper gossip, and the lower nine palaces. The various medicinal materials continue to fly into the Shennong Ding, and a faint scent of medicinal herbs is continuously sprayed from the furnace.

These medicinal fragrances are all refined medicinal impurities, so it is still so fragrant, and fluttered hundreds of miles with the wind.

Because the Red Dan Taoist has determined that the Witch Iron lost this game, he is very determined, very leisurely, and is very relaxed in refining the medicine.

He felt that the refining status of this pot of elixir was better than ever.

He can even predict that this pot of elixir is 108 pieces of Dan, and the grade is above the top grade.

The Red Dan Taoists even feel that their mental state is alive and active. It seems that they are trapped in the bottleneck for tens of thousands of years, and this time, they will break through the bottleneck and reach the unspeakable and unspeakable state above the master .

The 727-flavored medicinal materials have been sent to Shennong Ding, and the Red Dan Taoist smiled and changed his fingerprints.

He has seen the dawn of breakthrough, and that ray of light is in front of him, as long as he maintains this subtle and inconceivable state of magic for a quarter of an hour. When this furnace of elixir took shape, it was when its realm broke through.

At this moment, the witch iron was extremely rude, just as the slaughtering butcher slapped the dead pig's head on the chopping board, and a slap of the slap hit the avenue furnace.

"It's done!"

In the sound of "嗤嗤", one hundred and twenty-four green smoke purple gas was ejected from the avenue melting furnace, and each of the blue smoke purple gas held a thumb-sized, blue-violet color and a translucent danmar.

The Red Dan Taoist was startled by the loud sound of the witch iron, and almost slipped out of that wonderful realm.

He glanced angrily at the witch iron, and then he saw Dan Pill erupting from the avenue melting furnace.

One hundred and twenty-four, and the grains are unique.

The quality is perfect, there are no flaws, there is no trace of impurities, the medicinal power is restrained, and even a trace of the aroma of the medicine is not emitted, which fully meets the standard of `` sacred things from the dark ''.

This Dan ... this Dan ... this Dan ...

This amount, this grade, the Red Dan Taoist uttered a strange howl, the perfect and mellow state of mind burst into pieces, and Qiqiao sprayed blood at the same time.

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