Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 891: Head to Head (3)

"This is not the attitude of the prisoners below."

The witch iron began to unravel the rune chains entangled in Qingwu, and unlocked all the vicious restraints and imprisonments on him.

"Prisoner below me? Me?"

Qingwu allowed Wu Tie to act, and he smiled: "The deity is still high above the sky, overlooking Seoul and other ants. I am only one of the billion incarnations of the deity ... You have imprisoned a tiny hair, and you dare to imprison. Already a deity? "

Wu Tie smiled and tapped Qingwu's head: "Naughty ... isn't you a hair? Hehe."

Qingwu suddenly felt a bit wrong. He looked at the witch iron's weird smile and suddenly remembered the gods who had died unclearly when they were watching the outpost.

Especially a few years ago, those who were inexplicably killed by the Ice Spirit Protoss.

And the source of the several mantras seemed to come from the Three Kingdoms Continent ... After they descended on the Three Kingdoms Continent, they were inexplicably killed by the Supreme Magic.

"Hey, a few years ago, wouldn't you be the ones of the Bingling Protoss?" Qing Wu asked Wu Iron quickly and dimly.

"Ah? What are you talking about? Oh, you mean, those guys with fish tails?" Wu Tie looked up and thoughtfully said, "In the past few years, there was a big beauty who was cold all over. , Oh, and one of her ... what brother or something? "

"Oh, by the way, she also said that she was the princess of a certain ice **** protagonist?"

"Oh, but that's it ... an altar, an sacrifice, an ancient curse ... should she be dead?"

Wu Tie whistled easily: "She is not good at us, huh, killing the door, plundering the girls, this is not a good thing ... What's her name here? Anyway, is she dead? "

Qingwu's face suddenly turned pale.

The identity of a 'prince' ordered by a great figure of the Ice Spirit Protoss is right.

The one who was killed by the curse was seriously killed by the warlords and witch irons in front of him ... but according to the information obtained by Qingwu and the analysis of the information gathered by the great wise men in the tribe based on Qingwu's deity, this person is now subject to The king of witch irons that is the focus of attention, at that time he should be just a quiet little man.

The witch iron at that time should not have much ability.

How could he be? At that time, there was the power to curse a god?

"What do you want to do? What do you want to do to me? What do you want to do to my deity?" Seeing that all the restraints and all the restraints on her body had been released, Qingwu didn't feel happy and happy, but was frightened. Screamed.

"You ... let me go, let me go!" Qingwu hissed.

Suddenly there was a beautiful shape on his eyebrow, like a scroll-like godlike pattern with a jewel as the axis and a light as the page.

Waves of bizarre spirit waves spread around, and Qingwu's body suddenly collapsed inward. He has used the mystery of the wisdom protoss, ready to explode his flesh, to escape this distracting spirit of himself.

The wisdom of the Protoss is not good, but the various soul mysteries are all-encompassing and ever-changing, and the theory of strangeness is worse than the Dark Soul Protoss.

A fine blood clone is not worth mentioning to them.

The splendid blood and blood exploded, and Qingwu's distraction had a ten percent certainty to easily walk away.

Throughout the Chao Dynasty, Qingwu prepared no less than 10,000 fine blood clones. He could change his skin at any time and reappear on earth.

Otherwise, the last time he besieged Yin Palace, Qingwu was completely blown by a blow from the wind. How could he come out so quickly?

However, just after the body converged inward, the witch iron touched Qingwu's brows with a finger, and a terrible withering force swept through Qingwu's entire body. All the essential blood energy and all mana in his body were all withered by this share The force swallowed up.

A bomb has been removed from the bomb --- medicine, leaving only a layer of iron shell, you still exploded a ghost!

Qingwu screamed, and his distraction was about to leave this avatar that failed to explode.

The witch iron made a little finger, and the black light streaks rushed out from the fingertips, quickly immersed in the blue misty body. As a result, each cell of Qingwu's avatar seemed to be covered with sticky glue, which firmly stuck Qingwu's distraction in the body.

No matter how Qingwu struggles, howls, how to scream and panic in panic, his distraction is stuck in this avatar, and he can't break it anyway.

Qingwu has performed dozens of mysterious soul mysteries in a row, and even used three taboo techniques. He wants to burn the distraction and thoroughly dispel this distraction.

But all mysteries are completely ineffective.

"This is the prisoner's curse of the Dark Soul Protoss!"

Qingwu suddenly found these black light-grained feet, and he screamed hysterically: "This is the prisoner's curse of the Dark Soul Protoss ... you are just a humble human race, how can you cast the prisoner's curse?"

Wu Tie smiled and looked at the blue mist.

From the depth of the blood of the Wu tribe, he obtained the inheritance of countless exotic avenues in the group of auras that accompanied him when the Pangu saints broke the ground.

Those strange roads, Witch Iron can only realize a little more than 30%, it has reached the extreme, whether it is his body or spirit, can no longer bear more pressure on the road. Even one more will cause the complete collapse of the body and soul.

Among the little more than 30% of the avenues, Witch Iron chose all the avenues related to soul, wisdom, life, and death.

Other avenues such as the more basic five elements, yin and yang, strength, and blood are more sturdy and grounded. Wuxi Iron is carrying a little pride, and has not picked these `` basic '' avenues for insight and integration.

Therefore, the witch iron now has a deep understanding and mastery of the various soul avenues contained in the blood of the Dark Soul Protoss.

It's not hard to cast a curse of prisoner's soul.

"Impossible, unless you are a Dark Soul Protoss ... or ... you, you ... no one can cast the Prison Soul Curse."

Qingwu was a bit incoherent.

Then, he calmed down suddenly, staring at the witch iron, muttering: "A thief who has stolen the glory of the Protoss, etc.?"

Qing Wu said in a deep voice: "The thing we are most worried about has finally happened ... Among the Pangu survivors, someone got the **** thief and snatched it ... our gods ..."

"What did Pangu steal from you?" Wu Tie asked Qingwu curiously.

"Why should I answer you?" Qing Wu looked at Wu Tie, his face became extremely distorted and stunned: "Although this question is irrelevant, after all, he has succeeded ... But why should I answer you?"

"You got what he stole ... you **** ... thief!"

"Well, I don't need you to answer anything." Wu Tie chuckled: "I probably know what it is, the mystery of your blood, your original origin, the source of all your magical powers ... or you Gods, 'Mother of Creation'. "

"Look, I know something a little." Wutie hummed in a small key and choked Qingwu up. "Well, it doesn't matter if you don't answer, anyway, I just want you to be distracted."

"Your deity does not want to come to see me, so I will force him to see me." Wu Tie looked down at the blue mist in his hand and grinned: "Guess if I can pass you and count to your deity ? "

The blue misty skin was twisted, her lips were pale, her body was shaking slightly, and countless thoughts flashed through her head.

He was quickly judging the strength of the witch iron, judging his own strength, and everything he knew about the human race rolled in his mind.

Can the witch iron pose a threat to his deity?

With the excessive fog of the brain, sweat leaked out from the forebrain, and then turned into a white mist rising up.

Wu Tie smiled, left Qing prison thousands of miles underground, holding Qingwu.

Three days later, at the southwestern border of Luzhou, there was no funeral army.

This is the battlefield of the dynasty, the western demons, and the ghosts of the south. On average, about a hundred years, a fierce battle is bound to erupt here. The elite troops dispatched by the dynasties are at every turn, and the demons and ghosts are out.喽 啰 is more than a hundred times.

On weekdays, there are often small frictions here, and the three parties are killed here every day.

Numerous evil and fierce curses filled the burial army, making this field of tens of thousands of miles without grass, no ants exist, ordinary creatures step into it, and are infected with ferocious gas. At least it is a serious illness. Dead body disappeared.

This is also the most dangerous Jedi around Luzhou that the witch can find.

Hundreds of elders from the Three Kingdoms came here through the teleportation array. They held bone sticks and walked on the ground of the funeral army, chanting ancient obscure mantras, and a strange wave of mana covered the entire funeral army. original.

The entire funeral army was like a zombie buried deep in the earth for trillions of years, and was suddenly awakened by these witch elders.

A large gray, red, black, and dark green ominous air rose from the ground, gradually condensing on the ground of the funeral army, a cloud of thousands of miles and a substantial, cloudy storm.

With the deep roar, the ground of the funeral army cracked, large and small, mottled in color, all filled with monstrous gas, evil spirit, evil gas, yin gas, and various deaths, diseases, bad luck, and ruins. The ill-fated skeleton flew from the ground.

In the past countless years, countless soldiers of the Chao Dynasty have died here, and countless masters of the Demon and Ghost States have died here.

The soldiers of the dynasty and the soldiers in charge of the dynasty were responsible for collecting the corpses. Ten percent of the war dead could be transported back to the dynasty for burial, and only about 30% of the remains were here.

And where is the country of demons and ghosts?

Those who died in the war were directly discarded here, letting the wind and rain blow, and letting the terrain change, all of them buried in deep underground.

For countless years, countless negative breaths have accumulated under the funeral army. At this moment, these negative breaths are inspired by the witch elders using witchcraft. Pieces of evil spirits rise into the air and slowly piece together.

‘Kak, Kak’, countless bones are flying all over the sky, slowly piece together into a monstrous altar.

The witch iron is standing on a small hill bag on the edge of the original funeral army, beside it is the blue mist that is imprisoned and unable to move.

Qingwu looked at the witch elders, and his face became increasingly pale and pale.

He whispered: "Witch ... They ... Witch ..."

Wu Tie glanced at Qingwu obliquely: "My name is Wu Tie. I'm asking the elders of the Wu clan for help, isn't it a natural thing? Any fuss?"

Qingwu gritted his teeth and said stubbornly: "It is recorded in the war secrets of our tribe that the killing of the gods by the witch tribe in the past has crowned all tribes of the tribe ... they can fight near and far Offense, witchcraft is secretive and evil, and most cruel and savage. "

"If it isn't, the Wanshen Protoss and the Wushou secretly battle the spells, cutting off the luck of the Wusong and making the Wusong follow up weak ... The sacrifice of the gods in those coming battles may be unacceptable. "

Qing Wu murmured: "But the Manchu Protoss was also killed because of the curse that was exerted with all its strength, and the Dai people were utterly cursed and turned back, and they will be completely extinct after ten thousand years."

"It's the witches, how come you ... have multiplied and grown again?"

Qingwu's body was constantly seeing cold sweat. He looked at the busy elders of the clan, the hundreds of thousands of clan witches gathered in the burial army, and the witch iron standing next to him, and standing behind him A row of cows and horses are elite.

Qingwu suddenly wanted to cry.

"You can't do it." Qingwu Shen said, "My deity, his spirit is protected by a three-page book of wisdom, which is the supreme artifact of my wisdom protoss. You can't pose any threat to him."

"That's not necessarily." The witch iron released the avenue furnace, and the flames rolled in the furnace, condensing into three appliances.

A skull crown, a magic mirror, and a long-handled sickle.

"This is also a supreme artifact? The melting pot of this king is to devour them as the foundation, and merge it with other countless rare materials to make it."

Qing Mi's eyes widened sharply. His pupils contracted to the size of the needle first, then suddenly spread like a dead person, showing how horrified he was in his heart.

"Xu Piao that ... that ... stupid!" Qing Wu growled like a cuckoo's blood, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"The three most powerful artifacts of the Dark Soul Protoss, he actually brought them all over ... And, how dare he take these three greatest artifacts into your hands?"

Qingwu's body was shaking violently.

The avenue melting furnace is actually made up of three supreme artifacts of the Dark Soul Protoss. Well, the melting pot of the avenue is definitely better than the book of wisdom.

Such a simple problem of one plus one equals two can be calculated by Qingwu with his toenails.

And Qingwu had only three pages of the book of wisdom, not the entire book of wisdom. The power of the three-page book of wisdom is probably only equivalent to one-thousandth of the book of wisdom?

Then, facing the evil spells of the Witch tribe, the fierce witchcraft ... especially the heavenly furnace as the core and the poisonous altar as the booster, the poisonous curse and fierce witchcraft inspired ...

"I think we can have a good talk." Qing Wu rubbed his palms vigorously: "Her Majesty King Wu, we should talk well ... For our wise protoss, beating and killing is the most boring and most Shameful thing ... all the contradictions in the world, all causes and effects, we can resolve with peaceful negotiations, don't we? "

"War is only a last resort ..."

"The most scornful of our wise protoss is war."

"We should sit down, have a good cup of tea, enjoy song and dance music, communicate equably and harmoniously, and then make decisions that are beneficial to both of us, don't we?"

Wu Tie only snorted, and Fang laughed, "Your deity, maybe you don't think so. So let your deity teach you something, and then say something else."

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