Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 914: The magic atmosphere is gone

"So, start."

After the carefully selected ninety-eight Demon Emperors were all banned by two demon ancestors, the Xuan bone demon ancestor waved a little happily.

The altar under his feet lit up with a strange magic light.

A blast of magic blasted from the altar and turned into a huge funnel-shaped black-red vortex in the sky. Countless demon heads screamed in all directions, and flew towards this huge vortex involuntarily.

These demon heads were swallowed by vortexes, and then quickly turned into afterimages and flew into the altar.

All of their spirits were transformed by the altar into crystals of spirits and blood vessels.

It's just that the number of crystals of the spirit soul is obviously several times more than the essence of blood veins. After all, these demon heads, many of them are not flesh and blood, and the essence of non-bleeding veins is simply refined.

This is so. This demon head is full of tens of millions of miles, and the soul crystals and blood vein essences that they condensed in the altar are an extremely huge astronomical number.

The altar lights up, and the refined spirit crystals and blood vein essence are transferred silently through a teleportation array in the altar.

A strange rune on the altar lights up. With the transfer of the spirit crystal and the essence of the blood veins, these runes continue to twist, releasing a strange wave of laws.

In the empty space, the torrent torrents of the three thousand avenues and eighty-four thousand avenues left by the native world of the mainland of Mainland China were slightly shaken, like the sacral crucifixion, and the strange avenues entangled in the torrent torrents were touched by these strange laws. Suddenly, these alien avenues gradually gathered and restrained.

With Baigushan as its core, the void of 10,000 miles has become normal.

Disturbances of Alien Avenue disappeared, and the native avenue law of the Turkish mainland regained full control over this void.

The ninety-eight magic emperor-level masters took a deep breath at the same time, and they felt that some invisible shackles in their bodies suddenly disappeared. The spirits of their whole body are surging, they are surging, they are boiling.

The blood sea demon murmured in a low voice: "This method left by the ancestors is really mysterious ... Oh, the sacrifice can become a avenue, but it costs more."

Mysterious bone ancestor murmured: "What is the cost? We must have a hair. Compared to human race, our Quartet monsters and monsters can break through the ranks in this way, this is Saint Zu Enze!"

The blood sea demon ancestral whispered suddenly and whispered, "However, I heard that the other day, you passed the method of the altar built by the ancestor to the dynasty?"

The Xuan bone demon ancestor turned his head and gave a deep glance at the blood sea demon ancestor: "Yes, I passed them on ... remember the call left by the ancestor?"

"Human race, on this side of the earth, there can be no honorable existence ... if some people are willing to use the altar left by the ancestor to achieve honorability, he will no longer be a human, he can be a demon, he can be a demon, he can It's a ghost, it can be strange, but he is definitely no longer human. "

"Such" people "are welcomed by the patriarch."

"So, if they want, I'll give ... the reason why they didn't give it before was because no one wanted."

"Isn't that a simple question?"

Countless demon heads roared, howled, begged, and struggled, swallowed by the altar in groups. Strange runes on the altar light up constantly, and the laughter of the Xuan Bon Demon and the Blood Sea Demon ancestor spread through the void of tens of millions of miles.

Under the control of their Supreme Devil, those lower-level demon heads could not escape at all.

Even if they were tens of millions of miles away, those little devil's heads could only kneel on the ground, as if pressed by a mountain, without the strength and courage to escape.

And those demon and trolls who are near the altar and standing under the white bone mountain.

Mysterious bone demon ancestor, blood sea demon ancestor, and three demon princes are looking at it with anger, which one dare to escape?

Don't say escape, they didn't even dare to make any demands on these five demons-did they not see the previous demons who dared to put forward the conditions, were they stunned by the mysterious bone demons?

"Ninety-eight people ... maybe, there will be hundreds of newly-developed demons in the end." The blood sea demon murmured: "This number is enough to flatten the dynasty."

"Even if we can't, just swallowing them will be enough for our two old brothers to reach the highest level of honor." Mysterious demon ancestor said indifferently: "At that time, even if we leave the Chao Dynasty, we can go to other places. Place, start another stove. "

A bit of impatient claws crushed a huge piece of white bone around him, and the mystic demon ancestor said angrily: "I don't believe that in other territories, strange monsters such as the King of War can emerge."

"But, tell me, how did he achieve respect?" The blood sea demon ancestor muttered thoughtfully: "I haven't heard that he sacrificed to the people of the Wu country or the dynasty. How is he? What about honor? "

When the two demon ancestors were thinking about witch iron, the witch iron really couldn't bear it, and led the team to the mighty Baigu Mountain.

Now that Wuxi is on its way, really don't want [笔 趣 阁] too easy.

The Canghai Taoist used the Canghai Shenzhu to pack all the "unusual people and other people" in one bone. The witch iron and the Canghai Taoist directly broke through the void and teleported, and reached the Baigu Mountain from the depths of the strange country in the north. time.

Then the God of Canghai released everyone, a mighty army of nearly one million people, an elite army composed of Wujiaerlang, the Five Elements Elves, and the Shenjing Giant Divine Soldier appeared outside Baigu Mountain.

Mysterious bone demon ancestors and blood sea demon ancestors were moving.

The blood sea demon ancestor's body suddenly shrank to a thousand square feet, the black bone demon ancestor jumped up, the white bones emitted the white magic light to illuminate the Quartet, and the two hollow eyes revealed the magic flames, staring directly. With Witch Iron.

"King of War! Witch Iron!" The mysterious demon snarled. "Your tribe, self-proclaimed morality, innocent invasion of the territory of my demon kingdom, why?"

Wu Tie opened his mouth, speechless for a long while.

An old demon who killed countless and brutal people actually accused the witch iron of invading other people's land for no reason?

This world ...

Wu Tie stern face and bowed his hand to the mysterious demon ancestor: "Oh, yeah, it is an unjust act of aggression to bring soldiers to the realm of the demon kingdom for no reason ... but the king is a wild country. Lord, I'm pretty arrogant. You justified me, didn't you play the piano against the cow? "

‘Hehe’ laughed a little, Witch Iron smiled seriously at the Xuan bone demon ancestor: “I want to slap you, it ’s here, it ’s as simple as that, where can I get so much mess?”

Mystic bone ancestor sneered, "I'm afraid of you as an ancestor?"

The Emperor, step by step, took a stiff step toward the mystic demon ancestor: "Old bone stick, are you afraid of me?"

Mystic bone ancestor stared at Emperor Thorn fiercely, and his unbelievable hiss screamed: "Are you really committed to this clan? Emperor Emperor, you, but ... But it ’s stranger than my ancestors. Leader ... Do you still have a face? "

The Emperor Gong smiled strangely, with a twisted tone and an evil smile: "Face? Where do I have a face? Hey, stupid!"

Around the Baigu Mountain, huge clusters of giant immortal poles slowly grew out. When the immortal poles emerged, countless demon heads pierced with poisonous thorns in all directions.

Poisonous caused a large number of demons to fall directly to the ground, screaming with anguish and blood sea ancestors.

The blood sea demon ancestor rushed to the emperor: "Old bones, you deal with Sha Jun's old ghost ..."

But the blood sea demon ancestor just moved, Sha Jun has turned into the sky, and the yellow sand pounced on the sea of ​​blood: "Blood sea ... you can restrain the emperor, but the old man can restrain you ... Come, come, come , We are old and good, warm and warm. "

The blood sea demon ancestors could not tolerate it, and the yellow sand of the sky had surrounded that sea of ​​blood.

The yellow sand spread rapidly towards the surrounding area, and the territory around Baigushan became a desert within a million miles.

The range of the desert is rapidly spreading around, millions of miles, millions of miles, billions of miles ...

The Emperor Emperor reached out and grabbed the Xuan Bon Demon, dragged him, and pressed him into the yellow sand blood sea. The two old monsters and the two old monsters immediately huddled in the **** sea of ​​yellow sand.

Their overall strength is not much different. This entanglement is enough to toss without external help.

"Six Demon Demon, Red Lotus Demon, go!" Wu Tie pointed at the Yin River, a bit of suffocation and Bailian Demon standing on the waist of the mountain.

The witch iron just gave the order, and the white lotus demon 'kang' knelt down on the ground and walked towards the witch iron. A standard king courtier sees the emperor's courtesy: "So-called, good birds choose wood to live, good ministers choose kings and Shi ... Wei Chenning is indifferent, willing to scrimp the ground for His Majesty, and die! "

Liuyu Mozun and Honglian Mozun shook their bodies, and almost vomited blood due to Bailian Mozun's operation.

Wu Ti stroked his palm and laughed, and looked at Bai Lian Mozun gladly: "The current affairs person is Jun Jie, Bai Lian Qing's family, you should be Jun Jie ... Well, the king thought that in the future, you can be the head of Bailian Palace.

Bai Lian Mozun smiled and his eyes narrowed into a line: "It is what you wish, do n’t dare to ask for it ... You are determined to properly discipline the Bai Lian Palace disciples so that they are all your loyal ones. , The most deadly running dog, hawk dog! "

"I ... grass!" Lao Tie stood behind Wu Tie, almost throwing out the water and fire magic gun in his hand.

Have seen shameless, never seen such shameless.

Wu Tie looked back at the old iron, and sighed: "Old iron, rest assured, he is in our hands, it will only be a knife in our hands, used well, it is of great use and can not hurt ourselves."

"No, no, no, Weichen can be a running dog." Bailian Mozun smiled humblely: "Weichen, where is qualified to be your sword and sword? No, Weichen is absolutely not qualified. "

Wu Tie was silent.

He can understand how this old gentleman, Ning Danbo, fell into a devil.

Bai Ran Palace's mighty righteousness has been practiced astray and has become extremely hypocritical. In addition, the old gentleman is so ‘bone '.

With the cooperation of Bailian Mozun, Wu Tie easily put him under his control.

That yin river, with a sense of anger, the two deities are surrounded by the eight demon statues of comparable strength, and they did not fight or quarrel, and the bone erosion deities and ecstasy deities were so smartly put into the witch iron majesty .

The body is a eclipsed demon statue of the Yin River, the body is a vengeful ecstasy demon statue, they are agglomeration of two Taoist seals, the control of the principle of the avenue has reached the existence of about 20% of the second grade of the rank, strength Very weak.

To be precise, in the Chao Dynasty continent, any deity exists, which is Dinger Jianer's power supreme.

Today, a total of ten demons have taken refuge in witch iron, and they are scattered in all directions, surrounding the countless demons gathered around Baigu Mountain. Pangran's demon-level demon pressure was released in a mighty manner, and countless hissing and shrieking demon heads were forced to throw themselves into the altar.

The ninety-eight Demon Emperor standing on the middle of the mountain suddenly had a dilemma.

They looked in horror at the witch iron and the old senior ghosts behind him, their bodies were stunned for a while, and then they fell to the ground at the same time, like Bailian demon, want to surrender to the witch iron.

Wu Tie looked at these demons with cold eyes, feeling the terrible sorrow and resentment on them, and waved his sleeves, sending them directly into the altar.

With a cold snoring, Wu Tie looked at the old iron, looked at the witch prison behind him, and waited for nearly a hundred witch elders.

"Lao Tie, your ancestors, these demon heads are your chance to achieve honorable status." Wu Tie Shen said: "I will use the initial crown of the ether to open up a cultivation world for you, and let you ascend to the highest level of the gods as soon as possible. , And then break through the ranks. "

"As Bailian Mozun said, they can only be running dogs. Only the old iron and the ancestors can be our own people who can rest assured."

While Wu Tie was talking, Yinzhou Taoist walked out of a teleportation array in the city of Chenwu.

He found Pei Feng and Blood Prison as quickly as possible, and after telling the civil and military officials in Luzhou for a while, he rolled out Pei Feng and Blood Prison in a roll and directly inducted links with the deity of Wu Tie. Silently appeared beside Witch Iron.

The Canghai Taoist released a **** of the sea, including the old iron, Pei Feng, blood prison, and a number of ancestors of the Wu tribe.

The witch iron urged the primordial crown, and began to accelerate the time flow of this sea **** bead frantically.

He is constantly cutting the surrounding void, one by one tens of thousands of miles of cube-shaped void, and a large number of heaven and earth elements can be continuously sent into the sea and sea **** bead, and the concentration of heaven and earth and energy in this sea **** bead is constantly enhanced. , And constantly improve Pei Feng's practice speed.

In the void, the two old monsters and the two old monsters are in a fight.

They had damage to each other, but within a short period of time, no one could help each other. They were so entangled. The Bone Demon and the Blood Sea Demon tried to rush to the witch iron several times, but they were both blame. Entangled, can't move.

The altar is still devouring the demon heads around, and the demon heads everywhere have been reduced by half.

After a few days, the sea **** beads, Lao Tie, Pei Feng, and Blood Prison, together with nearly a hundred ancestors of the Wu tribe, flew out at the same time.

"go with!"

The witch iron pressed it out with a light palm and sent them all over the altar.

The law of heaven runs, and in Pei Feng and others, a bit of innate aura emerges.

The magical energy in the void disappeared quickly, and there were not many monsters left in the mountains.

Wu Tie sat quietly in the air, with the same golden merits as the big golden pie in his head, but the volume had more than doubled, and even a touch of vitality drooped down, dyeing the world in all directions like the glass world .

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