Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 934: Startled

There is no void.

The spar star stagnates suddenly, the extremely long crystal needle protrudes tens of thousands of feet, and then a colorful torrent that is as thick as a hundred miles roars out.

Thousands of magnificent figures are faintly visible in the colorful torrent.

The great protoss have once again made a great deal over the past ten thousand years.

After the colorful torrents spewed out, the spar stars looked like thieves found, sneaking around in the void, quickly changing their orbits and positions.

Every other hour, the spar star will stop for a moment.

Within the spar star, there will be a bright divine light. With the low chanting, the runes formed by the countless fist-sized divine light are ejected from the spar star, and then quickly adhere to the crystal needle.

One after another has different attributes, ranging in strength and strength, and the crystal light that embraces the singular avenues of law constantly sprays from the crystal needles.

One by one, the very fine crystals of light gently hit the sky above the mainland of Mum, so on the extremely far sky, you can see the huge colorful vortexes spreading over the land of Mum, spreading rapidly around.

Wu Kingdom, Luliu County.

Eight thousand miles outside the county town, a small town, a huge old mansion outside the town, a deadly white-haired old man lies on a bed, and there are nearly a hundred men and women around the bed, one with sadness .

Outside the bedroom where the old man was located, hundreds of young men and women gathered here in the courtyard, one with anger, and some young and energetic, with bloodthirsty blood flashing in their eyes.

However, only inside and outside the courtyard, the elderly could only hear the gasp and cough of the elderly, and no one dared to snor.

The Wang family of Luliu County, originally the first noble family of Luliu County, is known as Wang Ban County, that is, half of Luliu County is the property of his Wang family.

Wang's ancestor Wang De, the first master of Luliu County, has realized the Fenghuo Avenue and set foot on the peak of the fetal Tibetan realm for more than a thousand years.

In Wang De's generation, there were 18 brothers in the Tibetan territories. With these 19 masters in the Tibetan territories, Wangs overwhelmed the county, so that dozens of powerful families, large and small, could not afford to raise their heads. .

Half a month ago, Wang De hosted a wedding ceremony for his favorite first-generation grandchildren, and invited guests from many powerful families in Luliu County, as well as distinguished guests from outside the county.

Just at the wedding ceremony, Elder Hou Mi, the third-ranking Hao family in Luliu County, broke out. He didn't know where to get a powerful innate Lingbao, which seriously injured Wang De.

Forty-seven tyrants of Luliu County joined forces to make a raid. A fierce fire broke out. Nineteen ancestors of Wang's womb fell into twelve. Only Wang De and six other brothers struggled to protect some people and escaped. day.

In that battle, Hou Mi was also hit hard by Wang De, who was desperately fighting back. Forty-seven tyrants also lost a lot of ancestors, homeowners, and a large number of backbones.

When guests from other counties saw the bargains, they returned information directly, letting their own forces invade Midoriu County, and robbed all the benefits of Midoriu County.

At this moment, the green willow county is turbulent and chaotic. Hou Mi and others are busy sitting and negotiating with the foreign counties to divide their interests, and have no time to hunt down the fleeing Wang clan.

Therefore, Wang can only stay in the ancestral home of the small town where Wang's ancestors started up, and watched the seriously injured Wang De slide down to the abyss of death day by day.

The panacea has been used in numerous ways, but Wang De's vitality was severely damaged. In order to protect the young and old, Wang De was on the escape route and was seriously injured several times.

At this moment, Wang De has reached the point where the oil is exhausted. Taking no more elixir, he only forcibly fills the broken lamp with a little light, but it is not good at all.

"Here, remember, after the old man died, he scattered the four parties according to each house and branch. He changed his name and changed his surname, hiding in hiding."

Wang De was panting, while coughing, whispering a few words to the closest children and grandchildren around the bedside: "Be careful, be alert, considerate ... be mindful, and be vicious."

"Keep on the line and recover."

"Each house has its own branch, and it is contacted every sixty years, as long as the number of masters in each house and their state of affairs are summarized. The other should not communicate."

"After a few years, the total number of births in each house of my Wang family is twice the total number of those in each of the enemy's households... The people of the tribe were summoned and thundered to knock them out of the house. The old man avenged and hated the people. "

Wang De coughed up blood.

In a strong spirit, he pointed out and distributed the resources and wealth accumulated in the family near the ancestral house over the years to the heads of each house and branch.

Then he let these grandchildren kneel in front of his bed and swear the most vicious blood vows one by one.

They swear that they will never forget the origin of their own family, never forsake this blood and deep hatred, never brothers against the wall, never family chaos-they will hide their salaries, be low-key and careful, accumulate strength, and revenge.

Wang De smiled with satisfaction.

The family has been hit hard, but the cohesion of the family has become stronger, Wang's, and hope.

Although I can't see it, as long as my children and grandchildren fight for it, then ...

Furious, Wang De's body suddenly froze.

He suddenly felt that for thousands of years, the terrible threat that might have fallen at any time, which had been on his divine fetus, disappeared, disappeared, and completely evaporated.

The rolling Tiandi Yuanneng gathered towards himself, his body became inexplicably relaxed and empty, like a huge black hole, and began to pull the Tiandi Yuanneng into the body by himself.

In the void, some strange changes have taken place.

"Where's the old man who is reluctant to take Baoyan Nirvana?" Wang De suddenly raised his last vitality in his body, staring brightly at his eldest son.

Wang Dede, Wang De's eldest son, took a moment, quickly pulled out a one-foot square jade box from his sleeve, quickly opened the jade box, took out the inner dan bottle, poured a thumb-sized, full body flame Feiteng, the faint shadow of the phoenix phoenix flashing in the flames of Baodan.

Wang De opened his mouth and swallowed the avenue Baodan.

A huge medicine force rolled out. Although it did not have any benefit to Wang De's injury, Pang Ran's medicine force stiffly supported Wang De, allowing him to recover a lot of spirits out of thin air.

He jumped from the bed in a bone, and rushed out of the bedroom.

In the courtyard outside, Wang's children and grandchildren all stared at the sky with big eyes and small eyes.

High in the sky, extremely high and extremely high, ordinary gods can not imagine the power, high to the extreme sky, a huge colorful vortex swirling rapidly, waves of huge waves of the law of heaven spread to the surrounding Come, the world is shaking slightly.

Everyone felt that some kind of shackles on their bodies had disappeared, and their hearts were relaxed.

Monks in Queen Realm, Sensual Realm, Emperor Building Realm, and Life Pool Realm cannot yet feel too clear, but the Tibetan monks, especially the monks at the peak of the Tibetan monk realm, all feel what happened to their bodies and divine fetuses. Great changes.

"This is ..." Wang De hissed. "This is heaven and earth!"

Wang De yelled with excitement. He was covered with fissures, and there were huge gaps everywhere, and the two road chains suddenly lighted up.

Fenghuo Avenue turned into two dragon-like lights and shadows, flew a little from his divine fetus, and slowly wrapped around his body.

When the first avenue rune was imprinted on the body that was almost collapsed with dense bruises, Wang De's body suddenly blurred, and then within a thousand miles, waves of heaven and earth could flow like a tide and quickly submerged into his body. .

Wang Deyang screamed like a dragon, shattering a cloud of white clouds in the void.

In the sky, the boulevards of the colorful vortexes hit each other, making a loud thunder. In the void, there were thunders everywhere, and thunder rays visible to the naked eye traversed the void, rolling over the sky like a dragon.

The thunder stunned all the intelligent beings and all living beings on the mainland, and felt the sudden disappearance of some kind of shackles.

Wang De hissed wildly.

As each rune in the Avenue continued to be imprinted on his body, the dark injuries disappeared in his almost collapsed body, and his body condition returned to the extreme. A wave of vitality rippled from his body, turning into waves of hot currents sweeping through his body.

The endless life energy breeds, from the fetal Tibetan realm, one step leap to the **** realm, this is the evolution of the life level, this is the leap of the life level, let alone, this is a huge 'mutation' of the life level!

The cyan wind, the red fire, the fire and the fire were born, and behind Wang De became a pair of huge wind and fire wings.

The tremendous pressure made Wang's children and grandchildren instability one by one, kneeling down one by one, raising his head in excitement, staring at his own ancestors.

"Here, this is ... the ancestor wants to ... become a god!"

Wang Youde hissed and screamed, "God open your eyes ... Dad, you must succeed!"

Even in rural areas such as Luliu County, the senior members of these wealthy families have heard of the horror of ‘sacrifice’. Unless the order of the gods is obtained, those who cross the robbery on their own will basically have no life.

But God ’s order was something that the high-ranking officials of the past three nations had used their powers to fight for.

One of the green willows is a rural place. One of them does not have sufficient resources. Even if they want to collect resources to offer sacrifices to the gods ... one of them does not know how to construct the altar, and one of them does not have so many sacrifices.

Therefore, in the past hundreds of thousands of years, the green willow county has not had a deity.

not a single one!

Not to mention Midoru-gun, there are dozens of prefectures in the surrounding area, none of them.

Well, there aren't dozens of states in the surrounding area, and there isn't a divine realm. The strongest is the existence of the peak of the fetal Tibetan realm.

If Wang De can become a god!

"Ha" roared.

In the new body of the god, the huge life energy feeds back the almost broken **** fetus. The **** fetus immediately emits a brilliant light, and the power of the fire and fire is full. The **** fetus heals a little bit in a moment. Wang De feels the body of the body. New, huge, and very different forces from the fetus.

"Divine power?" Wang De bowed his head sharply, yelling at his children and grandchildren: "Wait, attack the husband together!"

A group of Wang clan remained for a while, and after a while, urged by Wang De, they rushed up into the sky and launched a crazy attack on Wang De with all their strength.

Wang's exercises are all wind and fire attributes.

For a while, the wind was cutting wildly, and the fire spreading wildly.

But the wind knife and the fire group touched Wang De's body and died silently-how can mortals harm the gods?

Wang Deyang screamed: "Baby, follow the old man, counterattack the green willow county! Those who hurt my people that day, destroy the nine groups ... dare to obstruct them, kill without pardon!"

After a few screams, Wang De couldn't help but yell: "He-mom-, there is no God rob, no God rob ... Which one is beastly, saying that the peak of the fetal Tibetan realm will definitely die if you step into the realm of God? Who said, Get out of my husband! "

After jumping and scolding for a few words, Wang De rolled up a violent wind, and led tens of thousands of people inside and outside the ancestral house to kill Lulu County.

A quarter of an hour later, the corpses of Luliu County ran across the wild, and blood flowed into the river.

Except for Wang, all the nobles in Luliu County were swept away, all the men and women were beheaded and killed, and all the flowery families became Wang's private possession.

In the empty space, the colorful vortexes are constantly expanding. In the colorful vortexes, clear and powerful fluctuations of the heavens spread in circles.

The huge thunder shook the earth and the earth shook constantly.

Just like the time of horror, the changes in this world immediately shocked countless creatures.

Not far from Luliu County, in a deserted mountain, a thick bronze coffin was smashed with a punch in an ancient cave that had not been sealed for many years.

A man with a height of ten feet and a dead body, only a little bit of flames of life continued, his skinny body climbed out of the coffin, hysterically screaming: "The heavens and earth are created ... the heavens and the earth are open ... After all, return to earth! "

"Old man's wife, old man's son, old man's descendants ... old man's enemies!"

"Old man ... is back!"

In the cave, the heaven and earth elements can rush wildly, and the heaven and earth elements with different attributes can rub against each other. Countless thumbs of lightning flashes in the cave, and the light is split on the person. It was the dusty old skin that fell off and shattered. On his dried body, pieces of plump, tender muscles quickly grew.

The faint fire of life swelled trillions of times instantly.

The human body that climbed out of the coffin hardly had thirty-six avenues in his body meandering.

Take the 36-street avenue and put it in the dynasty. This is also a master in the sequence of `` Tianjin '', enough to serve as the master of a state.

"Old man, back ... how many years? One hundred thousand years? One million years? Old man's home, is it still there?"

The barren mountain where the cave was located was completely destroyed, and a tall, burly figure shouted, rising into the sky.

Such whistles sounded throughout the Three Kingdoms continent, throughout the Chao Dynasty continent, and across the barren mountains and fields of the mainland.

The mountain peaks collapsed, the rivers collapsed, the lakes dried up, and the sea was lifted up to the bottom of the sky ... A series of majestic figures were born, all laughing wildly.

This is the old ghosts of the past. They knew they couldn't survive the scourge, so they closed themselves to delay life.

And in the northern part of the Three Kingdoms continent, in the secret field of snowy fields, Sima Wuyou's Army Corps, all overwhelmingly breathy.

In just a quarter of an hour, when the first thunder of the sky sounded, Sima Wuyou's banned army, the 30,000 generals were vacated, and all were ordinary!

With over 100,000 fetuses at the pinnacle of the territories of the kingdom of Fuxi under the control of Fu Wule, they also rose into the air.

The territory of Dawei and Dawu under the direct control of Wu Iron has more than 500,000 generals, gatekeepers, and generals from all tribes, and at the same time swallowed up the heaven and earth, and became the **** in place.

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