Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 940: Uninvited

Wu country, southern Xinjiang, the 108th city of ghost killing.

Very rude, brutal name, ‘kill the ghost’.

But in Jiuyi, ‘killing ghosts’ is the name of most of the military cities in the southern Xinjiang defense line. From the first city of killing ghosts to the thousands, hundreds, and hundreds of cities killing ghosts, army cities stand here, experiencing blood and rain.

For countless years, countless evil spirits have died here.

For countless years, countless soldiers have fallen here.

Originally, the walls of these cities were dyed black by the ghost's spirit and the solidified blood of the soldiers, but after the witch iron washed the southern ghost country, the walls of these ghost cities were washed by Dharma.

The city walls are restored to the original color and luster.

The turquoise boulders are polished to shine, the alloy sap is poured between the boulders, and powerful forbidden runes spread like dragons spreading, and the city walls with a hundred feet exude heavy majesty.

Teams of red-haired young men carrying various equipment were cheering loudly in the fields outside the city, sweating and sweating.

The King of Warriors has a decree. In the next ten years, the new fields opened up will be owned by the pioneers, and taxes will be waived for several years.

A hard spot, built to be almost as heavy as a building, it can open up thousands of acres of new land at least a year, and tens of thousands of acres in ten years. This is a huge asset, enough for a big family to live a good life without worry.

The young men waving various tools frantically shouted and laughed, sweat dripped in the dirt, their laughter and laughter spread out all the way with the wind.

They are discussing enthusiastically. After ten years, they have so many fields. How many dolls can they raise?

Therefore, in this decade, it is not only to cultivate the fields, but also to work **** the bedside table, to marry a few more aunts, and to have more than a dozen dolls. Yo, this way, the family can also grow stronger.

"His Majesty the Emperor Shengshou has no boundaries!"

A young man who was waving his **** and had wiped out a large area of ​​miscellaneous trees and weeds in three or five breaths could not help cheering.

Outside the city, these young people who were frantically laboring and cheering loudly, and gray-faced and gray-faced smiled, and two rows of big bright teeth shone brightly in the warm sunshine.

In the middle and north of the Wu State, it is already snowing. Only the southern Xinjiang is still sunny and the weather is very good.

In such good weather, in the 108th city of ghost killing, a twelve-man Tianwu army was scouting, and accompanied by dozens of local auxiliary soldiers, he drove a small special flying boat and went straight into the city slowly. Deep in southern Xinjiang.

"In front is the homeland of the old ghost country, so there must be some wind and evil spirits, and the deep valleys have not been cleaned up."

The captain of the scout team, a captain at the top of the life pool holding a bronze mirror that is enough to peer into the surrounding area for three thousand miles, while watching the surroundings, whispered: "Be careful, you can't run into anything. Did you meet those hidden ghosts and ghost kings ... "

The mirror light flickered, and a magnificent aura appeared in the mirror.

The captain paused, stared deadly at the mirror, and shouted sternly: "Go forward, eighteen degrees east of the south, go at full speed ... there are weird, ready to respond."

A special scout with a length of more than 30 feet was lit up with earthy runes, and a light building with a thickness of about 90 meters wrapped the ship. Then two rows of twenty-four circular floating arrays under the belly of the flying boat were launched with full force. The floating array of diameters spit out a three-dimensional circular rune, and twenty-four rounds sprayed a hundred feet long. Strong beam of light.

The speed of the flying boat soared suddenly, hundreds of miles at the fingertips, and brought a dull sound of breaking through to the southeast.

There were rounds of gas explosions in the bow, twelve scouts, dozens of auxiliary soldiers clenched their weapons at the same time, and looked around in a vigilant manner.

A short while later, Feizhou came between the mountains and mountains.

In the mountain forest, huge blue jade pillars stood there, and each jade pillar was wrapped by a blue tornado with a diameter of several tens of feet and a height of thousands of feet.

The cyan tornado was spinning rapidly, but there was no sound of wind. The tornado was clear in color, carved like blue glazed, and stood so quietly between the mountains.

The thin, fist thick wind shadows swirled between the tornadoes, and there was no sound at all.

The flying boat drew a huge turbulent arc in the air and then stopped abruptly.

The scout captain looked at the dense green jade pillars in front of them, the huge tornadoes, and could not help shouting: "Warning to the rear, the main force of the Tianwu Army came to clean ... Damn, we only searched half a month ago Here, who made this formation? "

On the hill in the distance, dozens of heavy armored soldiers of Fufeng Dynasty looked grimly at this small flying boat.

A strong man with a silver armour held a javelin and was about to attack the flying boat. The young man with a golden arm waved his hand to stop his urge: "These scouts must have a close connection with the rear. They killed them, but they were alarmed. To them. "

The Jinjia youth pouted and smiled: "Instead, let them come forward and let them try to crack our‘ Wanhua Storm Thunder ’. Maybe… we can get more time.”

A group of heavy armored men stayed for a while and laughed: "His Royal Highness!"

If this group of scouts were directly killed, the Armed Forces would immediately know that an enemy had invaded.

But do not kill them, leaving them to attract the main force to deal with this large array of thunderous storms ... In the barren mountains and wild fields, the sudden appearance of large arrays is likely to be the sudden birth of some Taikoo Caves, ancient ruins.

In this way, they will not be exposed.

This is enough to win more time.

Between the two huge doorposts, covered by the shadow of wind, a thin light curtain has completely cracked, and a lush mountain behind the light curtain is faintly visible.

After another six hours, a hundred-foot-long battleship of the old patrol system flew into the air. Thousands of warrior soldiers in armors flew out of the battleship and were suspended in the large thunderstorm array. outer.

These days, the soldiers of the Armed Forces are wearing armor, but there are some mottled marks on the armor, as if chopped by countless rounds with a knife and axe.

The light in the eyes of the young man with gold armor flashed, and he looked up and down towards these soldiers of Tianwu for a while, and then scornfully poked: "I can't even compare the armor of the garrison soldiers who help the Fengshen Dynasty. "The strength of the kingdom in this place is really limited."

Several Captains of the Tianwu Military Academy surrounded several old gentlemen wearing blue and white robes, holding calculation chips, compasses, etc., slowly flying out of the battleship.

These old gentlemen are obviously array masters, and they are followed by dozens or dozens of disciples. They landed on the ground and began to use their own methods to measure the nearby mountain terrain and veins, calculate the positions of those jade pillars, and look for a large array of eyes.

A group of people in the Fufeng dynasty waited with interest, watching the old divisions toss there.

"This Wanhua Fenglei array is one of the twelve **** arrays of Fufeng Shenchao to protect the country. Wanhua Fenglei is infinitely changeable and unpredictable. The array of pillars we brought was three of my Fufeng gods. The Grand Master of the Front is teamed up with nine Master Masters of Refining. "

A bronze armored Han Han smiled cheerfully: "This big battle, half-step honor level is difficult to break, these weak chickens ... hehe."

Jin Jia youth touched his chin and said with a smile: "How many people do you think they will die?"

Before the words fell, a mages brought by a Tianwu army had vomited blood, slumped back for dozens of steps, and then fell to the ground, his body fainted and fainted.

A group of Fufeng gods faced each other one by one, silent.

They haven't tried to break the battle, just calculating the changes in the battlefield of Wanhua Storm and Thunder, have they spit out blood?

"Weak ..." Jinjia Youth frowned. "So weak power ... How much time can they give us?"

A group of armored men also stagnated, and a silver armor strong man murmured, "But I'm afraid it's not, this is just a small town, so the array master's strength is a little too weak, right? In their capital, they want When there is ... a master? "

After more than two hours, several hundred-foot-long battleships of the same type have arrived.

On each of the old battleships, there were more than a thousand generals of torn armor and low strength, and several old men such as mages, fengshui divisions, and alchemists rushed over.

According to the judgment of the young man in Jinjia, this is the general of the southern Xinjiang defender of the Wu State who has received the news and issued a military order. Therefore, soldiers and horses from nearby army cities arrived.

However, looking at the order in which these warships arrived and the time difference between them, the young man in Jinjia could not help shaking his head.

Obviously a group of black people ... Well, this came to reinforcements, so slow?

During this time, a dozen array masters were tired of vomiting blood, and seven or eight feng shui divisions were back bitten by the large array. They also vomited blood and fainted.

A few runemasters used Fuyu to attack Wanhua's wind and thunder array, and they were directly backswept. Several strong and weak wind knives flew out. They almost did not kill a group of guarded generals of the Tianwu army.

Blood was dripping from the ground, and dozens of wounded Tianwu soldiers were carried back to the battleship to rest.

The time passed a little, tossing from dawn to darkness, and then the sky turned bright again.

There was a thunderous thunder of 'Booming Rumble'. At noon, a fleet of hundreds of old battleships slowly rushed over, 100,000 armors were torn, and the weapons were only three-level and six-level spiritual soldiers. The battleships were arrayed outside Wanhua's thunderous array.

Several members were wearing heavy color armor, surrounded by a group of guards, and repaired as high-level generals in the Tibetan territory slowly walking out of the battleship.

They brought hundreds of famous mages, and these mages were obviously a lot higher. They measured for a while outside the Wanhua Fenglei array, but only one person vomited blood, and the others just changed their skin red and white for a while.

"My lord, this large array, I want to come to be a mountain protection array in Taikoo Cave. Some are mysterious and profound. They are very mysterious and profound. They are by no means set by the people in the world today."

A gray-haired old array mage came to several generals and yelled out his judgment: "These Taikoo Caves are great creatures, of which there are incredible and precious treasures ... this is how many Blessed General! "

A group of soldiers in the Fengfeng Dynasty had already laughed so tightly that they could not stand still.

Jinjia Youth smiled cheerfully: "Interesting, interesting, actually opened this place as an ancient cave mansion? Oh, there are no strange treasures, but a group of devil who does not blink ... can be considered a surprise?"

Several Tianwu generals pretended to look outside the Wanhua Fenglei array for a while, and then waved their hands: "Well, it's very good, I'll break the array and give you ... one day."

The crowds of mages apparently froze.

They looked at each other. The earliest white-haired array mage laughed and said, "Several generals, not us ... what we can do to the best of our ability, it's true that such a world-like formation of a marvelous array. It's not enough. "

With a cough, the old array mage said dryly: "Perhaps, the masters of Wudu, they can ..."

Several generals drank angrily and scolded the old array mage with a **** dog.

Their purpose is nothing but, if the Grand Master of Wudu is invited, can this Taikoo Dongfu be owned by the southern Xinjiang defenders?

These benefits, since they were the first to discover them, the biggest benefit must be theirs.

Never allow outsiders to intervene.

Therefore, the array mage present must work hard to break the line, and must break the big line within a day.

If the problem cannot be solved within a day, I am afraid that the sudden emergence of this large array will not conceal the high-ranking troops in the southern Xinjiang. At that time, there will be big figures coming down to grab benefits.

This is something they can't tolerate.

"Hey, the underlord is not strict, deceive and conceal ... What kind of combat power can these armies have?" The Jinjia youth could not help but sigh: "What is the name of this country? Wu country? Well ... they are over."

In the thunderous array of Wanhua, in the middle of the huge doorpost, in the light curtain, a woman wearing a veil, who was born and enchanting and enchanting, twisted her long waist and stepped on a huge red peony. Flowers, carefully passed through the light curtain.

The moment the woman walked through the light curtain, Jin Jia youth exhaled softly: "Unexpectedly, it was much smoother than we thought. Hehe, we didn't need to take any action."

As soon as the young man in Jinjia waved his hand, the tornadoes on those jade pillars disappeared all at once.

The beautiful woman passed through the light curtain and suddenly appeared in front of the generals of the Tianwu army.

The closest to the beautiful woman is the dozens of array masters who are trying to break the battle. They stare at the beautiful woman who appears in front of them. The eyes of a young array master who is measuring with a compass is shining, facing the beautiful woman. Say hello.

"Dare to ask my lady ... where did you come from?"

The eyes of several generals of the Tianwu Army suddenly lighted, and they shouted sternly: "After all retreating, this little lady is obviously coming out of that cave house ... Oh, haha, this is our creation!"

The beautiful woman stayed awake, her wonderful eyes quickly looked around, and then her face became extremely weird, staring at those jade pillars.

"Oh, oh ... Wanhua thunderstorm ... Is this what they are going to retreat from?" The beautiful woman covered Yin Hong's small mouth and laughed, and she was rather enchanting when she smiled, she was full of waves. , An amazing charm scattered.

Dozens of mages had blurred eyes, and then sprayed blood on their nostrils.

"Magic power?" A general of the Tianwu Army snapped sharply: "Take the masters, retreat!"

More than a hundred soldiers with red ears and red eyes closed their eyes, and the Wolverine dragged a group of mages who sprayed blood in their nostrils and ran back.

The beautiful woman did not stop, nor did she strengthen the magic power. After a few laughs, she gently gave a gift to several Tianwu generals: "Several generals, the little woman Hu Sanniang is polite ... Hee, I don't know where this is, what country is this, and who is the **** emperor on the throne? "

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