Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 943: Advance

Build walls, line up, build cities, and hoard troops.

The army of the Supreme Demon Kingdom possesses reason and restraint beyond imagination.

They did not launch an attack on the territory of the northern martial arts in the first place, and they did not even send a scout. They just built the outpost army city steadily and calmly.

Witch Iron probably can figure out their minds.

These demons are full of confidence in their own strength.

They firmly believed that the Wu State could not be their opponent, so no tentative attack was needed, no scouts were sent, everything was a matter of holding the snails with three fingers, and doing everything they could.

Relocate troops, hoard enough troops, and then a wave of mad push, which directly leveled the entire military country.

"Want to come, is this their plan?"

Wu Tie frowned, and passed the order-let Li Ergouzi be more diligent and not let these demonic army be too easy.

So, on the night after the yin and black flag was erected, a group of soldiers lacked arms and legs and used extremely inferior materials. They didn't even use any special alloys. They only used a small amount of refined steel giant soldiers. , Slowly walked towards the Demon Army City.

More than three hundred heads lacked arms and legs, and the east and west of the chest were full of patched giant soldiers. They were slow to move and muddy, and they made a crashing sound of "Ding Dangdang" all the way, and occasionally fell in the mountains. .

They were just like this, extremely desolate, and moved a little bit outside the already small-scale Demon Army.

The army of the Mogu Kingdom is extremely elite. The three hundred or so heads of incomplete and inferior giant soldiers are hundreds of miles away from their walls. The Mogu soldiers standing on the wall have already discovered their existence.

On the city walls, pieces of skull-shaped magic mirrors light up, and large turquoise magic lights illuminate within hundreds of miles.

The former General Yin took a large group of guards, broke out of the gate, stood on the wall, and looked at the giant soldiers.

"What kind of moth are you doing in this martial art?" General Yin's eyebrows flickered with a gray gloom, and the huge magical thoughts were like running water, quickly swept through the group of giant soldiers, penetrated their bodies, and put them inside. See the details inside and out.

"Well ... this is!" General Yin suddenly burst into laughter: "Ha, ha, ha, the extermination **** thunder urged by Yuan Jing? Well, this power is really not small, let these wastes be carried over? "

General Yin laughed. He waved a finger forward, and a giant devil with a height of five feet walked slowly. In a few steps, his breath was blocked in front of the giant soldiers.

More than three hundred giant soldiers hugged and surrounded this huge Capricorn, slowly crawling along the toes of Capricorn to its insteps.

Waiting quietly for more than ten breaths, these giant soldiers flashed red, and the whole explosion exploded.

Lightning splattered, and the plasma inundated the maggot's feet like flowing water.

Numerous flashes of electric light flickered, a layer of dull black light flickered on the surface of the magic maggot, and the self-detonation of more than 300 giant soldiers failed to cause any harm to it, even the smooth skin on its feet. None of them were broken.

In the high altitude behind, more than a dozen high-speed flying boats with a length of more than 30 feet whistled and tore the air, as if a moth flew into the fire, radiating from the clouds hundreds of miles away from the sky.

These high-speed flying boats, which are long and narrow and have scars on the surface, made a sharp blasting sound. It took only thirty or more breaths to span hundreds of miles and hit one of the huge Capricorn chests.

These flying boats are filled with Yuan Jing of the fire attribute, which is filled with a large pile of exterminator thunder.

The thousand-foot-tall Capricorn is wrapped in the fire light from the explosion of the flying boat. The dark and dark light on the surface of the Capricornus suddenly lights up.

After the flare of the flying boat explosion disappeared, the black light on the surface of the Capricornus dimmed.

The demon owl was still intact, its dark green magic light flashed in its eyes, and a thick, low-pitched chirping sound was emitted towards the high altitude in the north.

Waves of hurricane spread from the surface of the maggot to the surroundings, and the huge sound waves swayed the surrounding giant trees, spreading in all directions like waves.

General Yin stood on the city wall and sneered sneerly: "Don't make a fuss, don't go to the table, wait for the magic Hou to destroy the revolting army of the Fufeng gods, and make your hand, when your military kingdom is destroyed. "

Just when these giant soldiers and flying boats attacked the demon army under the control of the Yin General in a ridiculous way, the Jinjia youth of the Fufeng Dynasty had already taken a few subordinates sneakily to the walls of the magic city. To the place of hundreds of miles.

A slap of ropa suspended above the heads of the golden armors, and they continued to emit colorful clouds covering the bodies of several of them.

This colorful cloud has a strong ability to hide. When the Yin general just scanned these giant soldiers with magical thoughts, he could not find the whereabouts of the Jinjia youth.

The young man in gold armor took out a cyan long bow almost as high as his body, and put on a long arrow made of the bones of a bird. He slowly opened the long bow, and then shot an arrow.

The arrows flew silently, the shadow of the arrow was like light, electricity, and dream, and the speed was extremely fast.

A strange gray magic pattern suddenly appeared on General Yin ’s eyebrows, and he snarled lowly, purely instinctively. His waist suddenly fell backwards as if he had been severed with a heavy axe.

Rao Shiyin dodged quickly, and the arrow flew over his eyebrows.

Silently, from the chin to the eyebrow, a deep wound emerged, all the flesh inside the wound evaporated directly, and then a stream of dark gray cold blood was sprayed from the wound like a stream.

General Yin's majestic body folded back at ninety degrees. He touched his **** face, his entire nose disappeared, there was only a deep wound in the middle of the face door, and he was constantly spraying bleeding water.

"His ... Feng Fengchao, Wuying Chasing Arrows ... 嚯 嚯, 嚯 嚯, 嚯 嚯!" General Yin's body straightened up, his eyes spouted a gray demon flame, and swept fiercely outside the city. past.

The Jinjia youth has evacuated silently with several subordinates.

General Yin's face twitched a few times, and the four fangs that came out of his mouth were flaming with radiance, and he laughed awkwardly: "Fun, interesting, here is the royal family with Fufeng God. This arrow, but Not those ordinary puppets can shoot! "

"Send troops, head north." General Yin waved his hand vigorously to the north.

"They came to the door. If the general did not react at all, it was a capital crime." General Yin pouted coldly and said softly, "Go north, lay down ..."

General Yin pulled out six dice, and threw it to the wall dug in front of him.

With six dice spinning for a while, he grinned: "Twenty-seven cities, slaughter cities!"

The gates of the magic city were opened, and 27-strong 10,000-strong troops were like ghosts, rolling out in the dark clouds of the magic wind, and they were divided into twenty-seven roads silently and advancing to the north.

Behind these twenty-seven demon army, each one has a demon lord who follows him.

There were originally twenty-seven thousand-foot-long, dark-colored magic boats ready to leave the city, but these magic boats just emptied, and they were waved by the general Yin and rushed them back to the berth.

"It's just killing chickens. What kind of knife is used?"

General Yin's gray eyes swept across the dark mountains outside the city, and said quietly: "Send scouts to find the whereabouts of Fufeng God towards those little cubs. Alas, if you can catch a few royal families of Fufeng, this credit Can General Ben be blocked? "

After a moment of groaning, General Yin smiled a few times and said, "Boy of Fufeng, can you hear the words of General?"

"Whether you set out this battle, you want to bring disaster to the east, to stay alive, or to have other intrigues and tricks ... Supreme demon kingdom, never fear. General, this is out of the city, attacking the northern military kingdom in person. "

"Aren't you trying to provoke General Ben and let General Ben do what you want?"

"Okay, this general is yours ... hey, don't be caught by this general, you must not be caught by this general."

"Otherwise, no matter if you are the prince or queen of Fufeng, the general Yin and Wushuang, the famous male-female-no-bogey, must make you unable to survive or die."

There was a strange laugh, and Yin Wushuang sighed lowly. Immediately another 30,000 people in the city gathered together. Yin Wushuang rode on his skeleton horse and rushed out of the gate.

In the magic city, many of the remaining demon soldiers stared at the back of Yin and Wu twinkling. Their eyes were either indifferent, or mad, or confused, or confused ... None of them were the eyes that normal people should have.

Killing Ghost City is one hundred and eighth to the south of the city, close to the original border of the ghost country, and there are thousands of cities, towns, and villages.

Before Li Ergouzi drove the giant soldiers and flying boats and launched a ridiculous attack, the civilians in these cities, villages and towns had all withdrawn to the north.

Twenty-seven demon commanders drove straight in, and saw only empty villages and towns along the way. In the fields just opened, many tools such as hoes and plows were dropped.

What's more, in the livestock pens of villages and towns, there are still many large and small animals, livestock and poultry left behind.

Cows, sheep, horses, pigs, geese, ducks, chickens, etc., except for large animals that are **** in livestock pens, other poultry and small domestic animals are free to roam in empty villages and towns.

Grain silos in villages and towns are also full of grain. There are also a large number of stocks in shops everywhere, including oil, salt, vinegar, tea, and so on.

Demon scouts swept across the villages like clouds.

They quickly came to the conclusion that the Wu State was very wealthy, and in terms of the wealth of the materials alone, it was even stronger than the Fufeng Dynasty, which was greatly damaged by the Supreme Demon Kingdom.

However, the overall strength of Wu country should be far worse than Fufeng Dynasty.

From the tools discarded in the fields, as well as some weapons such as swords, halberds, and swords found in villages and towns, it can be seen that there is a big gap between the Fengfeng Dynasty and the materials and the refining methods.

Judging from the basic farming tools and privately held weapons, the level of civilization of the military state is not as good as that of the Fengfeng Dynasty.

The speed of the demon army approaching north was much faster.

Rich, but there is not enough strength to protect this rich, for Supreme Masterland, this is really a big piece of fat.

The black wind roared all the way, the black clouds rolled, and the twenty-seven demons maintained a pace of progress, almost at the same time, they encountered the first military city of a certain size.

These military cities are separated by less than one hundred and fifty miles. With the strength of these demon generals, they can even see the movements of neighboring friendly forces, and they can more easily communicate and communicate with each other without any obstacles. .

Twenty-seven magic troops lined up outside the south walls of the twenty-seven military cities. Then, the leader of a central demonic army strode forward and opened a low opening toward the walls ahead.

This is a magician who has been cultivated by the Five Realms of the Divine Realm. He relaxed his voice and spread his voice all over the world. Twenty-seven demon army, all the people of the twenty-seven military cities And the defenders, can hear his voice.

"Kaicheng, surrender, you can be slaves, you can live."

"After ten counts, I can't wait to surrender the city, we siege the city, and after the city breaks, when the city is slaughtered, it will take revenge."

The other 26 leaders of the demon army laughed at the same time, and the silent smile was extremely yin and ruthless.

Yin Wushuang's order was to slaughter the city.

Regardless of whether these military cities opened their doors and surrendered, it was necessary to kill the city.

But how happy it is to make them believe what they say, take the initiative to open the door and surrender, then raise the butcher knife and let them cry because of despair and remorse!

The magic is so easy to satisfy.

As long as other people breed the strongest negative emotions in the soul because of their actions, this can bring unparalleled happiness to the demon, which originates from the heart.


The open-mouthed demon will begin to count down.

There was chaos in the twenty-seven military cities. Suddenly, a low-ranking civilian wearing a blue official robe, with a wretched face and extremely wretched temperament, popped his head from the wall of an army city and screamed with a hissing exhaustion.

"Several years of war, the city is astute and exhausted."

"Now in the city I waited, there was no ...

"Today, my official ... hangs his seal, abandons his official, cares for his life, and runs away!"

The low-ranking civilian screamed, took off his official robe, dropped his waist official seal, and took a few confidant guards, smashed into the gate of the city gate, and set foot on a teleportation array, and disappeared in no time.

On the city wall, more than 2,000 garrisons screamed in unison, followed the steps of this officer, rushed into the teleportation array in the square gate building, and ran away without a trace.

Within the city, a few tens of thousands of people yelled and cried, and then ... they rushed to the wide places in the city at the same time, and set foot on the teleportation array.

The leaders of the twenty-seven demons are speechless.

"This is, to what extent are you afraid of dying? Only in the city gate building, will you arrange the escape teleportation method?"

Just reading a "ten" demon leader is a little skeptical of life.

He subconsciously remembered that Fufeng Shenchao was a civil and military official who would stay in the city and would rather die ... Although those guys are very annoying ... but in comparison, the military official ...

"General Ben, I really want to pinch them one by one."

Twenty-seven military cities abandoned resistance, and all city dwellers and defenders fled.

Twenty-seven demon troops remained silent for a while, and continued to advance northward in the yelling of Yin Wushuang.

Small military cities were abandoned.

A number of medium-sized military cities were abandoned.

The large army cities resisted for half an hour, barely resisted the demons' fronts, and when the people in the city fled through the teleportation array, they also abandoned the army city where the city defense array was hardly damaged and escaped. Already.

After six days and six nights like this, the demon army under the control of Yinwuwu came straight and came under the walls of the 108th city where the ghosts were killed.

This is also the closest support point to the giant transport array, the strategic support point of the southern border line of the Wu State, a giant military city.

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