Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 956: Mountain Wind City (3)

After all, Shanfeng City is a fortified fortress. Before Supreme Master Mo's comprehensive attack, it was very prosperous and prosperous, and there were many giant merchants in the city.

After the war, the country was in chaos.

The wealthy merchants in Shanfeng City fled to the south early with their families and fled to the core area of ​​Fufeng Shenchao to escape the war.

In the south of the city, the former residence of the mountainous and windy city is full of people. The mansion is very spacious and exquisite. The mansion is empty, but there are occasional left-behind domestic servants walking around the black courtyard carefully. .

In a mansion, the witch iron Da Ma Jin Dao sits in a study space with an area of ​​seven or eight acres. Dozens of books are suspended in front of him.

After turning over a book, the book flew to the rear shelf by itself, and then a new book flew out of the shelf, suspended in front of the witch iron, and continued to flip.

In the book case in front of the witch iron, there is an old-fashioned and quite interesting purple sand pot. From the Duobao Pavilion in the corner of the study, the witch iron found a half a catty of excellent black tea. Now white plumes spew from the mouth of the pot, and the fragrance of tea is flowing throughout the study.

Holding the purple sand pot, without using a tea cup, I took a sip of the hot and fragrant tea directly to the mouth of the pot, and Wu Tie sighed with satisfaction.

"Although it is arty, but the owner of this house, the collection is really rich."

Wu Tie smiled and looked at a book in front of herself, shaking her head with a smile.

The pages of these books are white and stiff, and the pages are clean, with no trace of turning. The owner of these books was made clear, but these books were placed on the bookshelf to prove that they had a cultural heritage.

This shows that this family is regarded as an upstart.

However, upstarts also have the benefits of upstarts. Because they do not understand books, they buy everything arbitrarily, such as astronomy and geography, history and humanities, folk customs, fishing, farming, animal husbandry and forests.

After looking at it for a little while, Wu Tie already had a preliminary understanding of Fufeng Shenchao and Supreme Demon Kingdom.

On this continent, Supreme Demon Kingdom calls it 'Luo', and Fufeng Shen Dynasty calls it 'Tianfeng'.

On this continent, the Fufeng God Dynasty is the most powerful human empire. It is the ancient Fufeng seedlings. The people of the tribe were born with the magical power of the wind, occasionally mutated blood, can control storms and thunder, and the magical powers are not trivial.

The Fufeng dynasty has a more important aspect. It is said that the vertebrae of the ancient **** Fufeng who was beheaded and killed when the Emperor Taiguo ruled the world was used as the main material, and the `` Tiandi Qingfeng Banner '' was cast with infinite merit.

This is a spiritual treasure that was acquired the day after tomorrow. Because of its material and the immeasurable merit, the power of ‘Tiandi Qingfeng Banner’ is far superior to ordinary ancient treasures. The Fufeng dynasty relied on this treasure to build a country, and even more on this treasure, and laid a large array in the vast territory.

This large array is exactly the same as the dynasty's salary fire. However, when people in the magic Tao step into the territory of the Fufeng God dynasty, they have no strength at all, and there are all kinds of wind disasters and wind disasters. It is a senior old demon and has been accidentally killed by this large array.

And the Supreme Demon Kingdom, like the four enemies of the monsters and monsters that once turned around, is the deadly opponent of the Fengshen Dynasty, with tens of thousands of years of blood feud.

As far as the Supreme Kingdom is concerned, the Fufeng dynasty with a large territory and many people is their natural hunting ground. Numerous venomous and wicked magic exercises require human blood and souls to make materials. Cultivation also requires grabbing the furnace tripod from the Fufeng God, in order to make your cultivation progress rapidly.

For countless years, the war between the two countries has continued, and no one year has been peaceful.

Only with the ‘Tiandi Qingfeng Banner’ and with that town ’s National Front, Fufeng Shenchao firmly tied the fence and shut out the claws of the Supreme Demon Kingdom.

How many years ago, Fufeng God colluded with a certain prince to collide with the Supreme Demon Kingdom, and all the 36 senior veterans of the Supreme Demon Kingdom, including the contemporary Demon Empire of the Supreme Demon Kingdom, sneaked into Fufeng God. The imperial city, under the sudden attack, Fufeng Shenchao, the contemporary **** emperor, was seriously injured and was dying.

What's more terrible is that ‘Tiandi Qingfeng Banner’ was taken by Supreme Demon Kingdom.

Fufeng Shenchao National Assembly lost its repressive artifact and immediately collapsed.

The supremacy of the Eight Kingdoms brought together and led the overall attack of the army. In a short period of time, Fufeng Shenchao lost 70 to 80% of its territory. The demon army drove straight into it. If it entered a no-man's land, Fufeng Shenchao suffered heavy casualties. There are hundreds of people in the fallen royal lord.

If it were not for the battle of the imperial city, the 36 demons of the Supreme Demon Kingdom would have been seriously injured and did not appear on the battlefield. Fufeng Shenchao has long been mourning and mourning, and it is impossible for them to implement the strategy of the disaster .

The witch iron rummaged through the books in the study.

In the study room, there is also a newspaper of the Fufeng Dynasty, as well as correspondence and correspondence between the owner of the house and some related households in the imperial city.

These residence newspapers and letters have made the cause and effect of this war clear and clear. The witch iron has a relatively comprehensive understanding of the current situation of the Fufeng God.

"Thirty-six demon statues ... I don't know how to cultivate. However, the number is not much."

"But you are guilty of misfortune, do you think that Wu country can cope with these deities?"

Numerous thoughts turned in his mind, Wu Tie shook his head with a smile: "Well, I'm afraid that there is still a mind to drive away the wolf ... I want to come to your calculations, there will be demonic forces around the kingdom of Wuxia. Want to conflict with them? "

"Oh, no matter whether the deities of the Supreme Demon Kingdom were attracted to the Wu State, or the great demon enemies around the Wu State were brought here. For you to help the wind gods, the situation is desperate and never worse Where have you been. "

"Perhaps, do you still have the mind to make Supreme Devils and others lose?"

Wu Tie pondered the various thoughts of Fufeng Shenchao.

Hold the teapot and drink the fragrant tea, Witch Iron poured out the tea leaves in the teapot, played with the teapot for a while, and stuffed it into the sleeve.

"Well, that's a good pot. It would be a pity if the war continued and it broke."

Wu Tie shook his head, he stood up, dozens of books floating beside him and flipped quickly, he circled in the study, and collected all the books he thought were valuable.

"Dang 啷 Dang" came from the yard outside the study.

A hoarse, murmured voice rang far away: "Who, who is in the study? No matter which man on the road, do you know the reputation of our master?"

"Retreat quickly, even if the army is in trouble, our Luo family is not the place where you, the city fox society, discuss wildfire."

A roar of strong dogs came.

Wu Tie smiled, glanced outside the study, waved his sleeves, and simply took away all the bookshelves in the study.

With a bang, all the candles in the study went out at the same time, and the witch iron had disappeared without a trace.

After about a quarter of an hour's work, a dozen strong men holding sticks and embarrassed men, led by two old men, carefully pushed open the door of the study.

"Shou Shou ... the one who killed Qiandao ... these are easily accumulated by the master, the book seed of our Luo family!"

The shouting shattered the tranquility of the night. Several speedboats patrolling at night whistled from the low air, and the squadrons jumped off the flying boat and surrounded the mansion.

Wu Tie held his hands and walked slowly on the dimly lit street.

On both sides of the street, there are many restaurants and other buildings, but the power of the soul is penetrated. These restaurants and restaurants have long been empty, and the tables and chairs have accumulated thick dust.

Before midnight, on a horizontal street in front, a few officials wearing blue caps stretched out lazily and came slowly.

"What time is the head on this day?"

A fair-faced middle-aged clerk sighed softly: "I don't know what cruel tactics they are calculating. Why don't you see anyone coming to attack the city these days?"

A grimace official muttered lowly, "Is it not good? They don't come to attack the city, just repair the city walls and gates."

With a bitter smile, the bearded clerk Shen said: "The other day, it was really to the point where the mountains and rivers were exhausted. I couldn't stop it when I saw it. They attacked for a maximum of two days and the mountain wind city was over. Who knew, They haven't seen anything these days. "

"Hey, I can live a few more days," muttered a young youth official. "We are not married yet."

Several clerks laughed at the same time.

The fair-faced middle-aged clerk laughed, "Xiao Fang, you are the best. The salary you have saved says you are going to keep your daughter-in-law. But after this war, ah, marry your daughter-in-law ..."

Shaking his head and sighing, the white clerk whispered: "I don't know, how many more days can we live? Xiao Fang, you have accumulated the gold and silver, Yuan Jing, quickly get out and find a few The half-closed elder sister, if you can be happy, be happy as soon as possible. "

The bearded clerk smiled very intimidatingly: "Wasn't it? If you were to Lord Yan, you would still be a young boy, wouldn't it be shameful?"

The sullen little official Li Fang licked his lips and glanced at the buildings on both sides of the street quite intentionally.

"Ah, it's a pity, the girls in Wanhualou ... were all taken to the south by Jin Ye, otherwise ... how about, for the first time, you have to find a red card aunt in Wanhualou?" Xiao Fang rubbed his palms vigorously.

All the clerks laughed.

In front of the street, in front of a closed house, on a large flat floor, several night stands, and several lanterns gave out a dim light, illuminating the flat floor.

Dozens of small square tables, randomly placed there, there are benches near the table, a few clerks, a few old soldiers, and some Swen men wearing robes but white robes are sitting at the table, or Rice noodles, or noodles, or ravioli, were eating sparsely.

The few officials laughing and joking along the way stopped and found an empty table.

Xiaofang gritted his teeth and patted the little clean wooden table gently: "Brothers, you are always the host of eating your brothers. Today, we are also generous ..."

With a kind of mind that maybe he is going to die, and the accumulated salary does not know who is cheaper, the psychology of being cut out, Xiao Fang generously let the owner of a braised meat stall cut a few pounds of pig head meat, cut a large plate Fatty intestines, cut a few pig ears, cut a large plate of bitter liver slices, and made some other appetizing appetizers.

An altar was opened, and seven or eight pounds of old wine had been sold, and Xiaofang asked for it.

Several large bowls were filled with old wine that was not mellow but strong enough. Xiao Fang and a few good officials laughed in a low voice, touched the bowl vigorously, and swallowed it with a big mouthful.

The witch iron stood on the corner of the street, holding its hands, and watched with interest the few that were not high, but the life of the pond, in such a war, like a weed, may be burned into the ashes by the fire at any time.

They talked about each other, whispered all kinds of strange things and various gossips they heard.

His son was beaten again, and his girl lost a sachet to the neighbor's young man Lang.

The Lord of the Mountain Wind City was dizzy last night because of worries about fighting, and he snarled at his own tigress, and was caught with blood on his face ...

The commander of the first battalion of the Shanfengcheng City Defense Army, gritted his teeth and gave the younger son his teeth to the servants and sent them to the south. And this commander, he had nine adult sons before, and now all of them are not on the wall ...

The Lord Bo, the master of the city ’s capital, and the 10,000-year-old good man, the Lord Bo, who has never blushed or quarreled with his life, actually secretly cultivates the taboo technique ... The taboo secret is hoarded in the body, turning itself into an amazing human bomb ...

The good old man, after making the city break, was ready to return to the army with the Mogu Kingdom.

In addition, the oldest and most observant old master in Shanfeng City Academy, in the presence of his own students, proposed to the widow next door.

This old master who obeyed the rules and regulations of his whole life, when the army of the Demon Kingdom attacked, the old master who vowed to co-exist with the city died unexpectedly, knowing that he would restore the missing relationship in the past.

"The old tree is blooming." With a little drunk Fang "hee hee" smiled: "For the past two days, I am afraid that the master is going to put a drink ... In the past, he had beaten the ruler so that we would not be embarrassed. This time the master set a drink , We must send a generous gift to see if he is ashamed. "

Several clerks also smiled ‘hee hee’.

They began to talk about the young ladies who followed the family and fled to the big families in the south of the city.

"Miss Luo's, but it's a rouge tiger, with a very irritable temper. Compared to the lady of the city, I'm afraid it's better than it." The scornful clerk smiled: "It's a pity our identity, and She's so far away ... Well, if she can hold her for one ... we'll be broken and willing. "

"If you want to have a room and a home, everyone with a good style still has to count Miss Seven of the Mei family." The fair-faced official sighed softly: "Ah, three years ago, at the Lantern Festival, I was shocked and glanced. Mother-in-law has become a mosquito blood ... "

Several clerks laughed again.

A team of patrolling soldiers, heavy in pace, walked down the street.

In the air, dozens of flying boats were patrolling back and forth, stalking into Luo's mansion quietly and snatching all the ‘ya thieves’ from the collection.

Wu Tie smiled and looked at the little drunken officials, stepping in all directions and walking to their table step by step.

"The night is slightly cold, the water vapor is refreshing, and you are shy in the sac. Can you give a bowl of wine? Dispel the cold and disperse the moisture."

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