Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 958: Kindness (2)

Wearing a small Tsing Yi cap and holding an iron ruler, Wu Tiezheng's eight-handed pestle was outside the gate just repaired by Shanfeng City.

The perfect proportion of Zhang Liu's golden body, the witch iron is a lot higher than the other officials and soldiers around him.

These ordinary officials are just fine. The average height is seven or eight feet. Rao is a soldier in the army. The height is more than one foot or two feet, which is a lot shorter than witch iron.

Therefore, it is clearly the uniform of low-ranking officials, worn on the witch iron body, and it is actually set off by a gimmick, Yu Xuanang, with an extraordinary temperament.

Even those refugees who fled, when passing by the witch iron, one by one held their breath subconsciously, and did not dare to look directly at him.

The gate of Shanfeng City was half open, and the brigade refugees entered the city in an orderly registration status.

The city walls on both sides of the gate are being repaired nervously. A few days ago, the gap in the wall of the witch iron into the city has been repaired. Several good array mages are placing new defensive restraints on the walls.

Several small clippers flew out of the city and quickly flew towards the camp in the northern Yinwushuang north.

This is the scout flying boat of Shanfeng City. Yin and Wushuang did not attack for several days in a row. The high-level inside the mountain wind city was stunned. I don't know what ghost idea the demon is fighting. These days, the scouts of the scout camp constantly Was sent out to detect the situation.

Wu Tie squinted, looked at the flying boat out of the city, and shook his head with a smile.

These scouts are still timid. If they dare to be a camp near Yinwushuang, they will find that camp is almost empty.

"It's a pity that I am not here, otherwise, I rushed in with a team of scouts and burned the camp with a fire. It was a great contribution." Wu Tie smiled brightly.

A few days ago, he and a few people in Xiaofang fell in love.

Shanfeng City is short of manpower.

The witch iron has such a practice of Buddhism, and the practice of Buddhism is a “talent” restrained by magical powers, and it is recommended by several officials in the city ’s main government. Witch iron has successfully obtained a gate. Official functions.

He, the gate officer, is not responsible for defending the city and is responsible for these refugees.

Inventorying the population and registering household registration is an extremely easy task. Of course, if you have a dark heart, you will act like some other city gate officials. This is still a very oily position.

The refugees who are fleeing, the so-called poor family and rich road, will carry some floating wealth with them.

In particular, refugees who leave their homeland and have no foundation are most likely to be bullied. As long as these city gate officers use some means, it is not difficult to squeeze benefits from them.

In this regard, the witch irons sometimes manage it, sometimes they let them go, and do things entirely by mood.

There are people like Xiaofang, Tangbuyun, and Li Feiyang in Shanfeng City. Of course, there are some people who have dark hands and bad morals.

Wu Tie is observing Shanfeng City, and by observing Shanfeng City, to observe the entire Fufeng dynasty.

Fufeng Shenchao wanted to bring disaster to the east, and lead the scourge of Supreme Demon Kingdom to Wu country. This was against the witch iron. Needless to say, everyone must be enemies.

But how to deal with the Fufeng dynasty, the witch iron has not yet made up its mind.

To the land, to the people, to the wealth, the witch iron does not have much greed. As far as the territory and number of people of the Wu State are concerned, Wu Tie already feels a little headache ... Did he not see him, and gave away all the political affairs to the big housekeeper Pei Feng?

Whether to annex Fufeng Shenchao, the witch iron most likely felt that it would not do so.

But you cannot let them go too easily.

If the Fufeng dynasty is a 'good man', then when dealing with them, be gentle.

If they are 'bad guys', then ... haha, Witch Iron doesn't mind throwing the old demon monsters, Sha Jun, old hammers, and emperor monsters on the Fufeng dynasty. .

Leaning against the door frame of the city gate, Witch Iron grasped the iron ruler and poked his nose in a boring way.

"Hey, hurry, they are kind people at the first sight. What are you making?" Suddenly, Wu Tie picked up the iron ruler and knocked heavily on the city gate. He echoed his scolding.

A clerk responsible for registering refugee information shrank his neck and looked at the restless dozen men and women standing in front of the square table. He looked back at Wu Tie and said: "Wu Tie, you say they are kind People, they are kind people? In case ... "

"If they are demon spies, I dug my eyes." Wu Tie glared at the clerk: "If not, how about I dug your eyes?"

With a strong wave of his hand, Wu Tie Shen said: "It's raining, there are old and young, the rain and the cold, how can I get ill? Let them in quickly ..."

The clerk behind the square table pouted his lips, looked at Wuxi Iron's burly body that was twice as tall as ordinary people, his lips wriggled, and he silently cursed a few words and waved his hand to let the fleeing people enter the city Already.

Opposite the witch iron, leaning on the door frame on the other side, also wearing a Tsing Yi cap, but a city gate officer with much older qualifications than the witch iron coughed.

"Witch brothers, you ca n’t do that." The city gate officer smiled oddly: "The soldiers are wild, and the brothers can take advantage of them. This is justified ... The emperor is not hungry. What about? "

"You're good ..." The gatekeeper snorted softly, pointed to the row of officials sitting at the gate of the city, and said in a deep voice: "But you also offended the brothers."

Wu Tie rolled his eyes and looked up at the rolling gray sky with clouds in the distance, too lazy to take care of the goods.

The city gate officer looked at the witch iron and ignored him, and his face became even more ugly.

He snorted coldly, and was about to learn from the old and sell the old witch iron, a few smoky airships bumped all the way, like a leaf falling in the wind, fluttering up and down toward this side.

Far away, a sharp whistle came from the flying boat.

"An enemy attack! The magic army is here! An enemy attack!"

Red lights flew up from the flying boat, and then exploded in the air, blowing out the **** flames of the sky. With the thunder, the refugees of the brigade outside the city gate suddenly became messy.

"Let's get in!"

"Masters, let's go in!"

"The devil is here, let's go into the city, into the city!"

The gate officer across the witch iron's face changed suddenly, and he shouted loudly, "Close the door, close the door!"

Inside the city gate cave, a group of soldiers rushed out, and a big man in bronze armor shouted sharply: "Close the door, fast!"

The big man held a blue flag and shook vigorously toward the gate.

A gust of wind rose on the ground, crowded refugees outside the city gates screamed and exclaimed, and were swept up by the strong wind. They flew back dozens of feet away, and the city gate was suddenly clear.

In the "humming" sound, the city's main defense team has already begun.

On the city walls, the wind patterns like the dragons began to light up, and a large wind roared into the sky, condensing into a thick wind shield outside the city walls.

A small group of officials dropped the table, picked up the refugee registration file they had just registered, and ran away to the city gate.

The gate, which was several feet thick, closed slowly, and the gate was dazzling.

The big man holding the blue banner shouted at the witch iron: "Witch iron, what are you still doing? Hurry into the city ... mother-, I haven't seen the group of magic cubs these days, and they are really upset Minute."

Wu Tie groaned for a moment, took a few steps back, and retreated into the gate.

The city gate officer who just spoke the lesson learned from the witch iron glanced at the witch iron and sneered sneerly: "Well, I thought that the witch iron is a good man. You want to protect the fugitives outside the city?"

Wu Tie sighed softly, shook his head, and did not speak.

The general glanced at the gate official severely: "Lao Jin, how do you say that? It's us ... incompetent."

The general's official position was a lot higher than that of Wu Tie and Lao Jin, and he was reprimanded by the general. Lao Jin didn't dare to say more.

The city gates were closed heavily, and a low sound of breaking air came from the city. Groups of soldiers and soldiers formed an army formation. Pedal flow clouds rushed to the city wall and quickly set their direction on the city wall.

The witch iron came out of the city gate hole, reached a watchtower behind the city wall, and looked at it in the distance.

Several flying boats that had been hit by smoke and fire escaped into the city. In the distance, hundreds of thousands of magic boats, like a nightmare, slowly smashed the rain clouds that broke the sky and landed from extremely high altitude. Just two miles away from the ground.

The magic boats lined up, flying slowly towards the direction of Shanfeng City.

There are hundreds of miles away from the mountain wind city. These magic boats are arranged horizontally in the air, and the side deck slides silently, exposing a door with a simple rune cannon.

In the next moment, tens of thousands of rune cannons of all sizes made a deep roar, and streamers wrapped in rune shells as large as a water tank, small and the size of a sea bowl, whistling across a hundred miles of void and crashing heavily. On the wall where Shanfeng City has not been repaired yet.

Rune artillery shells exploded, and a cloud of highly corrosive, highly toxic black clouds burst open, corroding the wind shield outside the city wall into a 嗤嗤 嗤嗤.

The city walls trembled violently, and the shock waves of terror passed through the waves of defense.

The large city defense array weakened the lethality of the shock wave by more than 90%. The shock wave that penetrated in still shocked the large group of soldiers to spit blood on the wall, one by one, and kept going backwards.

In fact, the elite soldiers in Shanfeng City suffered heavy casualties, and the soldiers in the rear reinforcements were all recruits with little combat power.

Waves of rune artillery shells screamed and no one appeared on the magic boat, which was continuously pouring countless rune artillery shells on the walls of Mountain Wind City.

The city wall trembled violently, and cracks appeared everywhere.

There was a loud bang, and a ten-foot-long section of the city wall could not support such a fierce projectile. It finally collapsed and shattered in the explosion of a rune shell, and dozens of soldiers and soldiers standing on the city wall all heard Did not hesitate, was directly blown into a cloud of blood.

There was a muffled sound of "咚".

In the mountain breeze city, the witch iron felt the slightest threatening breath suddenly burst into the sky.

A turquoise jasper banana fan rises from the direction of the city's main mansion. It has a length of thousands of feet, is covered with numerous runes, and is surrounded by smoke and clouds.

A bad wind rose into the sky.

There was a moment of darkness between heaven and earth, flying sand and stones, sand and stones turned into arrows with strong penetrating power, and rushed towards the magic boat outside the city with a harsh howling.

The wind was so fierce that the roofs of several buildings in the city were directly taken off and large buildings were razed to the ground.

Wu Tie looked at this scene.

Broken buildings are everywhere in Feeling Mountain Wind City. This is not just the reason why the magic army attacked, but also the credit of this banana fan?

The bad wind is like a dragon, screaming out of the mountain wind city, shoveling the land outside the city directly, and a lot of refugees screaming. They were directly drawn in by the bad wind, and instantly exploded. Crush.

Even the witch iron had no time to rescue.

The man who controlled this jasper banana fan in Shanfeng City was too decisive. It was too sudden. The Witchcraft did not expect that they would use such indiscriminate tricks.

The evil wind swept hundreds of miles and swallowed the hundreds of magic boats with one sip.

Countless sandstone bricks are washing these magic boats with high speed. Watching the surface of the magic boat splashed with countless firelights, the defense of the magic boat was shaking violently, and dazzling ripples continued.

Hundreds of such huge magic boats were actually swayed by this fan, and they went backwards a little bit.

While the giant magic boat was going backwards, defensive formations were constantly being destroyed by the evil wind. More than a hundred magic boats that rushed to the front sprayed fire and smoke, and with the dull explosion, the huge hull eased from the air. Slowly fall to the ground.

Yin Wushuang's voice came from far away: "Hey, if you don't have this congenital Ruyi fan, you mountain wind city, can you carry it for so long?"

"Hey, but how many more can you see?"

"Let's go and see!"

The huge magic boats retreated backwards. Taking advantage of the bad wind, the magic boats retreated very fast, and disappeared after a few breaths.

Wu Tie looked at the retreating magic boat and couldn't help grinning.

Yinwushuang, is this a reinforcement?

Standing on the watchtower, the witch iron's eyes flickered, and it was clearly seen that in the military camp of Yinwushuang in the north, the demon army of the brigade brigade was stationed, and various large ordnances were continuously entering the empty military camp.

Not long after, outside the large account of the Chinese army in that barracks, three generals' flags were hung.

The piles of bonfires were burning, the soldiers of the Sergeant laughed and laughed, slaughtered pigs and slaughtered sheep, picked out countless drinks, and enjoyed the feast in the camp.

The army's large account is surrounded by a large group of demon army guards, and soldiers constantly send all kinds of delicious food into the large account.

With Wow Iron's amazing vision, all of this is like watching from the palm of your hand and seeing clearly.

That night, on the flat ground outside the gate of the big house and the night market stall, the witch iron and Xiaofang sat together.

"This time, I'm afraid the mountain wind city can't keep it." Tang Buyun's face was very ugly. As a clerk of the city's main government, their news is undoubtedly the most informed: "Prince Le and the city's owner have been sealed. Beyond the southern gate, this is to stay to the end. "

The witch iron slowly said, "Stuck to the end?"

Tang Buyun chuckled, and drank his wine and drank it: "Prince Le said that the people in the city have been supported by the gods of Fengshen for generations. Therefore, when the city fought hard."

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