Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 960: Puji, The Secret (1)

The night was rich, the drizzle was dripping, and the mountain wind city was slimy and wet.

Inside the city's mansion, small officials in groups of three, wearing blue caps, scrambled out of the back door, side door, side door, and even over the wall, and quickly dived into the city.

They have varying amounts of 'Zombie Dan' in their hands.

One well was thrown, and two rivers passing through the city were thrown at the source. A dozen were thrown at the source. In the city's Huotou camp, which was responsible for preparing food for the refugee camps, three or fifty were thrown in the water storage ponds.

There are also granaries stored in various places, etc. The zombie Dan is crushed into pieces and stimulated with force. Dan Wan turns into a gray-gray mist, covering the entire granary, and then aggressively invades the rice noodles, pork, and drinks.

These zombie dans are very active.

A trace of heaven and earth can be continuously absorbed by medicine, gradually transforming and multiplying.

After one night of gestation, the total potency of thousands of Dan pills originally grew to tens of thousands when the sky was bright.

With the passage of time, the total potency has continued to increase.

From this point of view, the prescription of this zombie dan is quite a bit wonderful.

The witch iron stood on the main gate building of the city's main government building, gazing at the busy officials of the city's main government all night, and sighed softly. He took out a small account book, a serious note to Fufeng leisurely and Fufeng IELTS.

Fufeng Shenchao's attitude towards its own people determines its future attitude towards them.

Unfortunately, the witch iron is not a 'god'. He can save the people in the mountain Fengcheng city, but other places of Fufeng Shenchao, other cities facing the crazy attack of the Supreme Demon Kingdom, the people in the city, the witch iron rescue Nope.

"Where is the retribution in heaven?" The witch iron, who was standing in hiding on the main gate of the city's main house, burst out laughing.

The laughter was desolate and indignant, shaking the gigantic city main house.

From the Fufu leisurely and the Fufeng IELTS, to the city's main government to fight for the junior husband, the night watcher, countless people were shocked, one by one rushed out of his house, looking at the direction of laughter.

There were dark clouds and drizzle, and the main building was empty and there was no ghost shadow, but the laughter did continue to be uploaded from the ten-foot-high gate eaves.

More than a dozen half-steps with a breath of supreme class, the jasper banana fan appeared quietly, suspended in the air, exuding strong mana fluctuations, and calmly covering the entire city.

The witch iron's laughter came to an abrupt end, and his hair-separated lonely walked out of the door, just like a few clerks next door, staring blankly at the sky.

His deity was quietly turned into a breeze and quickly passed out of Mountain Wind City.

The camp of Yinwushuang is only a few thousand miles away from Shanfeng City. After witch iron left Shanfeng City, it took only a few thoughts to penetrate the dozens of defensive prohibitions in the village of Yinwu Shuangying and invaded. His army had a large account.

The drunkenness of the Chinese army's large tent was **** and spit.

Yin and Wu both ends sitting in the middle of the main position, with redness on the face with excessive drinking. He was holding a huge sea bowl in both hands and was swallowing the hangover soup sent by the guard with a big mouth.

Several guards were busy, opening the curtains of the large tent of the army, opening the top of the cover, and using the force to stir the wind, attracting fresh air outside, and dispelling the pungent smell inside the large tent.

The two look similar to each other, with big eagles' noses and fierce yin, and young men with eyes like wolves are sitting next to yin and wu shuang. The youth on the left is holding a wine bottle and still sips. With spirits.

The young man on the right has red lips. His wine is not wine, but the blood of the pungent monster.

*** Banquet, after hysterical music, Rao Shiyin and Wushuang also felt a little tired. At this moment, they are supporting the spirit and slowly savouring the last little bit of joy.

Outside the big tent, on a flat ground, under a huge shed, several fat-eared fireheads were fumigating several large-scale beasts on the campfire. When the witch iron invaded the barracks, these fierce beasts had been roasted half-ripe, and there was already a strong flavour of meat in the air.

Yin Wushuang and the two youths sat there quietly, drinking soup and drinking soup, drinking and drinking, and continued to drink blood in the tasting tasting that still carried the warm spirit of the monster.

Wu Tie stood in the corner of the army's large tent, quietly watching the three men of Yinwu Shuang.

Previously, Wu Tie attached a trace of his hair to Yin Wushuang, monitoring his words and deeds at any time.

He knew these two youths, one was Yin Wuzhi and the other was Yin Wu Yong.

They belong to the same clan as Yinwushuang, and belong to the Yin clan of the Supreme Demon Kingdom. The clan of the same generation, because of the different branches and different methods of cultivation, they are divided into the Wu, Wu, Wu, and Wu tribes .

The supreme southeast conquest of the kingdom of yin and wu is the highest authority in yin and wu shuang.

Yin Wuzhi and Yin Wuyong are the closest siblings in Yinwu Shuang weekdays, and they are also the generals of the leading army of the forward corps under Yinwu.

Yin Wushuang spent a lot of time on the road, and rushed to the camp of Yin Wuzhi and Yin Wuyong alone. After speaking his discovery, Yin Wuzhi and Yin Wuyong took only one quarter of an hour to decide to go all out. With Yin and Wu pairs.

The two originally led the army separately, attacking a northern border town of the Fufeng **** dynasty.

Now they gave up their attacks and took all the vanguards under their direct jurisdiction to the outside of Mountain Wind City.

The Huotoujun cut several grilled beast legs and sent them to breakfast for the three of Yinwushuang. Several passers-by rushed into the army's large account.

"General, the evil minds of Xiaowutoushan evil heart cave, a total of 572 disciples and disciples came here."

Holding the wine bottle, Yin Wuzhi nodded with satisfaction: "This evil lover is still sensible and obedient ... Arrange camps for them and let them stand by in the army."

After a while, several commanders came in.

"General, the family of the south gate of the Black Mist Valley, from the ancestor south gate Xiao, three hundred and forty-five people, together with three thousand private troops, have all arrived."

Yin Wuyong smiled and nodded: "Well, his Nanmen Xiao is sensible and settles them well. The Nanmen family is proficient in mystery skills and is of great use in the battlefield."

After another half a quarter of an hour, several commanders flew in.

"General, a total of one hundred and thirteen men and women from the nineteen consecutive valleys and the seven caves and nine valleys and the twenty-three sacrifice monsters were all ordered."

Yin Wushuang smiled a little: "It is also knowledgeable and interesting, hey, if they dare not come this time, they will have slaughtered the nineteen serial valleys after the military. Well, let them stay and wait with peace of mind."

On the left and on the right, there were Zongmen, clan, and demon forces that were constantly recruited by Yin Wushuang, Yin Wuzhi, and Yin Wuyong to come to the camp to report.

In just one breakfast effort, there are at least 100,000 people who have gathered in the camp of Yin and Wushuang for the weak heads.

The strength of these ancestors, families, and scattered demons is much stronger than that of the demon army under the control of Yinwu Shuang.

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