Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 961: Puji, Secret Paper (2)

The rain clouds dispersed.

For a long time, the sun was shining on the mountain wind city. In the refugee camp, the mud was rising and the mind was dizzy.

A young and strong man surrounded the water well, constantly pulling a bucket of cool well water into the waterwheel, and then someone pulled the waterwheel and sent clean water from house to house.

Many women, young and old, stood at their wooden sheds and straw shed doors, holding large and small bowls of water in their hands, and thankfully received water from the waterwheel for their loved ones.

A group of young militiamen, who were responsible for patrolling at night, walked slowly, and when they saw the water wheel, they also gathered around and asked the women a few water scoops and bowls. The large mouth was filled with cool well water, which relieved the burning of the throat.

"Peaceful all night." A big man stretched his waist: "Hey, hungry, hurry up and get rations."

The militiamen ran towards the small building recruiting troops.

They are willing to accept the reorganization of Mountain Wind City, pick up weapons and put on armor to become militia. Their treatment is naturally better than that of refugees. Every morning, each of them can receive a meat meal, a rice noodle, an elixir, and a nutritious product such as eggs and milk.

These things can make them full and they can make a family of five or six people full.

A large group of flying boats flew over from the south, and the officials in the Tsing Yi caps stood on the flying boat and threw the lotus leaf bags to the blocks below. It is still mixed with a lot of bran, which has a bad taste and lacks oil and water, but at least it can guarantee the basic needs of refugees.

Hungry, in this year, it is already a luxury.

Compared with those who were killed and taken away by the demon heads, they can fill their belly in the safer mountain wind city. This treatment is not bad.

The refugees are busy and orderly, according to the habits developed these days, one by one, the litters left by the officials. No one dared to take one more, and no one dared to rob the rations of the old, weak women and children.

Shanfeng City has announced military control. At this time, troubles are about to be cut off.

A bowl of bowls of well water enters the abdomen, and a mouthful of water fills. The medicinal power of 'Zombie Dan', whose properties have been changed by Witch Iron, is slowly released in the bodies of these refugees.

At the top of the tallest building in the city's main government building, Fufeng Youran and Fufeng IELTS carried their hands on their backs and looked at the movement of the northern city.

Fufeng IELTS's hand is playing with a baby pill with a big fist.

This pill is gray-green in color, with a haunted ghost face looming on the surface. This is a 'Zombie Mother Dan'. After all the people and refugees in the city, the abandoned low-ranking soldiers and officials have served the 'Zombie Dan', as long as the mother Dan is crushed and the medicine power is allowed to diverge.

It was as if a small flame was dropped on a barrel of hot oil, and the power of Zombie Dan would be fully attacked.

Mountain Wind City will become a place of devil dancing, and hundreds of millions of people and soldiers will be transformed into violent zombies, who are invulnerable, fearless to death, and highly contagious.

The weakest babies among them will have lethal power comparable to that of fetuses.

Such an army of hundreds of millions of zombies will definitely surprise the demons outside the city.

"It's a bit cruel, but the world is like a copper furnace. I wait for the firewood. In this world, it has been so cruel." Fufeng sighed and shook his head: "Uncle Huang, if I help Fufeng God a few years later The dynasty survived, and the local history of Shanfeng City should be written in thick ink. "

"The demon head broke the city, and the righteous people in the city fought back, throwing their heads, spreading blood, and giving the demon a serious wound."

"Here, a monument will be set up to commend their great achievements." Fufeng IELTS pointed to the crossroads at the core of Shanfeng City very seriously: "There, there will be a monument."

Fufeng squinted his eyes narrowly and said coldly, "First, we can carry it to the end ... Second, this matter must be dealt with by all insiders."

Fufeng IELTS smiled and nodded: "Uncle Huang said it very well, of course, you have to deal with it cleanly. I am the royal family of Fufeng, so I can't get a little stigma."

Fufeng leisurely looked towards the backyard of the main city hall.

There were subtle cries and beggings. The officials who went down the water well last night to all medicines are now being guarded by the Emperor Capital brought by Fufeng IELTS.

How can these small officials who have been cultivated as low-keys escape the butcher knifes guarded by these gods?

"Just waiting for the demon to come to attack the city." Fufeng IELTS mumbled with the zombie mother Dan in his hand and mumbled in a low voice: "A little resistance will break the gate and let the demon enter the city."

Grinning, Fufeng IEL sighed: "How are these demon heads poisonous? Because Shanfeng City gave them heavy casualties. After they entered the city, they used magic power to slaughter the city ... and even used magic power to turn all the people in the city into Zombies ... "

Fufeng raised his head leisurely, and looked at the rain clouds that were quickly dissipating.

The sun's rays came through from the east, and the edges of the rain clouds were plated with gold rims, overlapping and overlapping like golden fish scales, which looked quite a thrilling beauty.

There was a sudden commotion in the refugee camp in the north of the city.

Fufeng Youran and Fufeng IELTS all paid attention to it. Fufeng Youran's face changed slightly, and she drank towards Fufeng IELTS: "Is the panacea out of control? Is it a premature attack?"

Fufeng IELTS hurriedly shook his head: "It is impossible, this zombie dan is not stimulated by the mother dan's medicinal power, it will only lurk in the body to continuously accumulate medicine.

"It broke out in advance, it is impossible, it is impossible." Fufeng IELTS resolutely denied the possibility that Fufeng leisurely proposed.

Fufeng leisurely changed his face slightly, he said in a deep voice: "Come, quickly find out what happened."

In the north of the city, a woman with a shabby face and a ragged clothes was carrying a child whose face was burning red.

The child did not know what the epidemic was, and he had a high fever for days and nights. When the woman fled, she was separated from her family. She was alone and a woman fled to Shanfeng City with a child. It was the most vulnerable and most dependent group of refugees in Shanfeng City.

He stunned into the mountain wind city, and the child started a high fever. She, a woman with little knowledge, did not know who to ask for help. The young men in all directions looked at her, and made her horrified. Almost everyone collapsed.

Early in the morning, he took two bowls of water to serve himself and the child in his arms.

Faced with a few weird glances, which were unknowingly and unintentionally, the woman hugged the child, carefully retreated to the corner of a shack and wooden shed in the distance, covering her body with a simple cornice.

Children who have been red-hot and have slang status have their normal redness in a tea time.

He opened his eyes, and there was a gurgle in his belly.

Pushing his legs and waving his hand, the child struggled from the woman's arms in a bone.

"Aunt, my belly is hungry!" The child stomped his feet and listened to the sound of "嘭". The thick bluestone floor tiles laid on the ground were shocked by the children into seven or eight pieces.

The woman stayed, and the men, women, and children nearby also stayed.

"Ah, hey, my husband's old waist has been cramping for so many years ..." People nearby have not recovered from the child's great changes, and a humpbacked old man suddenly made a strange noise.

Everyone heard the muffled sound of a bowstring trembling from the tall and hump of the old man.

In the sound of ‘嘣 嘣’, the old man ’s waist straightened up a little, his flesh squirmed, and the dry skin of the old man was a little plump and swelled. Before long, the old man had completely straightened his waist.

With a strong punch and kick, the fist of the old man moved the air, and he actually made a dull burst of air.

The old man opened his mouth and stared blankly at his fist: "Here, this is ... God, open your eyes?"

A few clicks, the old man's mouth with seven or eight missing large teeth fell off, and then his gums were a little bit itchy, and a little bit of white Jingjing's teeth grew out of his gums. Two rows of big teeth were grown.

"My hand, my hand!" Curled up under the eaves of a wooden shed on the side of the road, roaring hysterically at a big Han, who was clinging to his head.

Dahan ’s right arm was cut off with his shoulders on his shoulders, and his chest was severely cut with two knives. His deep-bone knife was highly toxic, and his muscles were rotten and rotten. It's almost a sigh of relief.

But he just choked a wrinkle and drank a bowl of well water. A large amount of pus and venom was sprayed out of the incision of his chest. He saw the muscles near the two incisions squirm rapidly, and the wound was healing quickly.

What is even more alarming is that this man's right arm wound showed a slight light green light. Seeing that a lot of granulation and bone spurs were constantly drilling out of the wound, and within a few breaths, his wound was long near the wound. How long is an inch of meat pile.

In front of everyone's eyes, this man who was exhausted and had little power to jump up suddenly jumped out. He shouted wildly, but in the time of a tea, his entire right arm actually grew back.

Similar things continue to happen throughout the refugee camps.

Those who have fled to Mountain Wind City either suffer from hunger, food, or cold weather, and are all sick; others have suffered injuries of varying severity, and have not been treated in time after entering the city; and some have fled from other states and counties. Deserters, their injuries are more serious, and many people are as lacking in arms and legs as this strong man.

But at the moment, their injuries are rapidly disappearing.

There are also those old people who are disabled. They not only have their injuries gone, but also various chronic diseases and other old injuries that have been caused by their aging and physical failure. They have disappeared in a very short period of time. .

Elderly people with inconvenience walking are now alive and well, and they are furious with their fists and kicks. They seem to have recovered to their youth.

Even more amazing is that in the wounded barracks in Shanfeng City, there are nearly ten million veterans seriously injured by magic and magic.

The limbs of these veterans were severely mutilated, and some were damaged and completely lost their combat effectiveness.

But after using today's breakfast, they all recovered.

Some Mountain Wind City generals who lead the battle, their limbs are severely mutilated. Some people only have their skulls and small half-length corpses left, and after a long period of recuperation, they do not take Da Bao Bao Dan to repair their limbs. Recovered.

However, after just drinking a bowl of dying medicine soup in the morning and eating a few pieces of noodle cake, their injuries healed quickly.

Not only that, most of them are cultivators. Among them, they are powerful and have the state of deities; if they are the weakest, they can also have the level of life.

However, after an inexplicable breakfast, their refining status has leaped forward, and the physical strength of the weakest soldiers and soldiers is enough to compare with the higher-level physical training of the fetus.

Nearly 10 million people who could only lie in the wounded barracks and waited for the severely wounded soldiers were fully recovered within a quarter of an hour, and all of them advanced by leaps and bounds, and their overall combat power was improved by several times.

News from all directions continued to return to the city's main house, Fufeng leisurely, Fufeng IELTS heard stunned, the graceful and graceful two adults in the royal family usually sweated at the moment, and the sweat on their foreheads continued to leak out.

Zombie Dan can never have such an effect.

Someone, somebody fiddled behind.

Before they knew it, the medicine effect of Zombie Dan was completely tampered with, and it was changed into a **** that was harmless to humans and had great benefits.

But who has this ability?

Who can have such a means?

Zombie Dan has been in the hands of Fufeng IELTS ...

"Huang, Uncle Huang ... IELTS is very young, and I do n’t know much about clan secrets. Can I have such ill-fated predecessors in the Fufeng clan?" Fufeng IELTS took out a few remaining zombie dans , Dumbly asked Fufeng leisurely: "This Dan, but this Dan ..."

Fufeng leisurely wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeves.

He smiled bitterly at Fufeng IELTS: "IELTS, Uncle Huang is slightly older than you, but you are the main branch of Fufeng, you have the prince of the prince, and the uncle is just an ordinary prince and the town general The real title ... What are the secrets of this family, and any retired seniors, shouldn't you be clearer than the uncle? "

Pointing at the zombie Dan in the hands of Fufeng IELTS, Fufeng smiled leisurely: "Well, find two capitalists?"

If you try it, try it. There are also criminals in Shanfeng City's death cell who do nothing wrong and whose sins cannot be forgiven.

More than a dozen gangsters who had long been condemned to death were brought up, Fufeng IELTS cut a zombie dan, took some medicine powder and poured them out.

The time for half a cup of tea is not enough. The injuries caused by the torture of these gangsters have completely healed, and their cultivation has advanced rapidly, and the body has a faint metallic luster.

"Fortunately, I am helping the Feng Dynasty, maybe ..." Fu Feng leisurely wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: "Perhaps, it was saved."

Fu Fengya thought more. He looked at his own uncle with a weeping face: "But in this case, obviously the senior was very dissatisfied with the strategy we discussed last night ... otherwise how could such a good show be played?"

"Uncle Huang, this is my chance to help the Fengshen Dynasty, but it's you or me ... what a great disaster!"

Fufeng IELTS's mind is still quite sober.

Suddenly, Fufeng's complexion suddenly became even more strange: "Apart from Shanfeng City, do we have to do the same thing in some of the big towns in the north? Hurry up, stop them, send a message, stop them!"

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