Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 218: Not reconciled

Outside the tiankeng, he and others were kept outside. Caesar wanted to go up the mountain several times, but they were all stopped. They only walked around with anxiety. ▲∴

They didn't hear anything, but they felt a little vibration, very strange.

A few people also want to go down and see the situation, but before that, the leader sent a message and waited for the whistle to inform.

They have not heard the whistle of the leader until now, and naturally they cannot act rashly.

The sun is already skewed.

"What should I do?" Look at the to the side.

Shake his head.

As time passed, everyone became more and more worried.

"Hey, someone came up!!" cried the man on the far side of the tiankeng.

"It’s the big boss!"

"And there are them!"

I have been waiting outside the tiankeng to stand up.

Tahe Wei took the injured two people to a place to put them down, let people take them down the mountain, cook some medicine, and they also need a place without poisonous to take a rest, which will help to recover.

"We will guard here first, I will go down and see." After a pause, the tower said to other people: "Retire some, don't get too close to the pit, don't go down."

After a brief confrontation, the tower also knew the difference between them and the head bat. It is not an ordinary beast. Even if the two advance teams are all in battle, they may not be able to hurt the head bat, but they may all be destroyed.

Inside the tiankeng.

Shao Xuan still spurs the power of the body and releases the energy of the fire crystal in his hand.

Fortunately, I have been absorbing the energy of the fire crystal. Shao Xuan is not too tired, but everyone has a saturation of the fire crystal absorption.

Just like the soldiers who absorbed the fire crystal energy at the edge of the fire pit, the promotion was limited, and it was impossible to directly learn from the junior totem fighters who were awakened soon. It will be promoted to the advanced level. If you are not self-reliant, too greedy, you may not have to wait for the promotion, because you can't control the power of the totem in your body, and you will die.

Therefore, after feeling the limit. Shao Xuan is no longer absorbed, and when the body is exhausted, it will not be late.

The big guy in front of him, from the beginning to the present, still absorbs a bit of the red energy line released from the fire crystal. If you can see those energy lines, you must be shocked.

A fierce beast will absorb the energy of the fire crystal! It’s just that they never knew.

The light cast from above is getting darker and darker, and this is covered by a thick poisonous scorpion. Now even worse, if you wait any longer, you don't know what will happen. They don't like the night, which will make them more uneasy.

Looked at the one who still did not move there, a bat, 敖 cautiously move the steps, toward Shao Xuan past.

When he was only two distances away from Shao Xuan, the head bat suddenly looked at him. The wings on one side moved and did not open. More like a warning.

A drop of cold sweat slipped from the forehead of the donkey, so be careful when you breathe. He could feel the black mist with a little temperature ejected from the mouth and nostrils of the big bat.

Shao Xuan’s other hand, in the direction of his back to the bat, gestured to the shackles, indicating that he was relieved and not close.

I looked at the claws that the head bat had just moved twice. I decided to retreat, or I angered this guy, Shao Xuan and him, and the other people around, could not escape.

I am planning to go back. His eyes could not help but sweep Shao Xuan to the head of the bat to see what Shao Xuan held in the end.

The light is very dark. Because it is relatively close now, his own vision is good. Even if you can't see the color of the things that Shao Xuan holds in his hand, he can roughly judge what it is.

Fire crystal? !

Looking at it again, the color of the fire crystal has become a lot lighter.

The color of the fire crystal will only become lighter in one case!

I have seen fire crystals slowly and slowly in the fire pond many times. Now, this is the first time in the life of the 敖, in the place outside the fire pond, the color of the fire crystal is lighter!

No wonder the witch is like that to Shao Xuan!

Under the pressure of the shock, I thought about it, my eyes fixed on the head bat, and my feet went back.

After taking two steps and stepping on something, he used the tip of his toes to dial the soft soil above the ground, and he saw the fire crystal of the same size as the one he had before.

The previous one, because of the sudden appearance of the head bat, fell, and did not know where it fell, I did not expect that it can now be picked up again!

敖 Use the toes to pick the piece of fire, and the spar on the ground will be provoked.

I was preparing to catch the fire crystals that I picked up, and suddenly I felt a strong suffocation. The shadow of black broke through the drug lords, and there was silence between them. If you had a lot of experience and intuition, you would just stand here and probably don’t know how to die.

There was a previous fight, and I didn’t dare to pick it up. The moment was under the force, the soft soil was shaken up, and the squat was flashing through the force of the foot and flashed like a huge blade.

A hard-hitting escape, but did not wait for the landing, sharp claws have been grabbed from top to bottom, almost to the next moment will be nailed to death.


too fast!

The usual spear has been abandoned, and he can only take out a stone knife with him and lift it to block the claw. He knew that this head bat could easily abolish his spear and abolish the knife that was blamed. The next shot, he might not be able to hold it, but he couldn't help it.

I also know that at the moment when his foot touches the ground, the claws will be nailed directly to the knife, and even the hard-pressed stone knife will be nailed to him, but it will be retired.

When the paws are nailed down, one arm is lifted up and stopped between the claws and the jaws.

And with the fierce attack, the claws that will be nailed to the next moment, if pressed by the pause button, suddenly stop.

He squatted on his feet, but he didn't run away again. He still maintained his posture as a knife, but his eyes looked at Shao Xuan, who was in front of him.

And the head bat, after a few seconds of pause, retracted the claws.

As for the piece of fire crystal that I just found, before he grabbed his hand, he was taken by the wing swept by the head bat, and he did not know where he was going.

In fact, Shao Xuan did not have the confidence to block this suddenly leading mad leader, but he couldn’t carry it on the other side. Just give it a try.

Still really useful.

This head bat is really very concerned about the fire crystal.

There are a lot of fire crystals here, and those that can be dug out are not absorbed. There is only one reason for this - it can't absorb the energy inside the fire crystal!

It can sense the place where the fire crystal is located, and the sag of the tiankeng is also its masterpiece. That is to say, those fire crystals on the ground. It is very likely that this bat head collar was later dug up by himself.

It dug up some fire crystals, but could not get the fire crystal energy. Shao Xuan speculates that it should be swallowed like a prey like a prey. However, after the fire crystal is a fire crystal, even such a beast that is moving toward the king beast cannot digest it.

How to eat it, how to pull it out.

On the ground inside the tiankeng. It is a layer of decaying and deteriorating things. Among them, there are many things that look like dirt, which is actually the cockroach of this head.

The piece of fire crystal at the foot of the foot is actually pulled out by the head bat. Those soft "soil" is actually its flaws.

The madness of the heart that had just escaped was not yet settled. I heard the movement on the side of the grass vine and saw the tower coming down from above. I waved my hand and motioned that they would not come over. If the head bat is stunned again, Shao Xuan may not be able to block the head bat again.

You have already guessed what Shao Xuan is doing. However, the limited knowledge he has mastered makes him unable to believe it. He does not want more people to know the secret of Shao Xuan. The witch must know that he has never said it, and naturally he has his consideration.

In the past three hours, the night outside has gradually deepened, and the moonlight outside. Not much can be illuminated at the bottom of the tiankeng, almost completely blocked by poisonous cockroaches.


A slight noise came from Shao Xuan's hand.

The sharp blade polished by the finest stone can't be slashed and cracked.

This also means that the energy inside this fire crystal is almost consumed.

Shao Xuan's wrist turned over, let the pieces in his hand fall, telling the head bat in front of him, this one has been absorbed. At the same time, Shao Xuan still thought: Don't pull out another one from the raft to let Laozi continue.

The head-necked bat with the wings dialed to the ground, those who have become inconspicuous, the fire crystal crumbs, do not know what to think, looked at it, they stretched out their wings, flew up, disappeared in the blink of an eye, Shao Xuan, etc. In front of people.

When the head bat left, Shao Xuan felt that the air here seemed to be fresher, and the extremely critical pressure from the head bat was also a lot less.

"It's gone." Guiqi came over and said.

The tower also came over, holding a piece of fire crystal in his hand and handing it to him: "I just got there from there..."

If you didn't wait for the tower, you would grab the fire crystal in the tower and throw it away.


"The fire crystal here, let's not think about it," he said.

"Why?!" Both the tower and the blame are in a hurry, but they are all pieces of fire crystal!

"The head of the bat is in the heart and will not let us take any one from here, otherwise... I am worried that it will kill."

If it is still a bit of a fierce beast, even if it is not beaten, you will risk taking the fire crystals here, but this is only the direction of the king beast, it can already be regarded as a half king, otherwise it will not They played without any help.

If you are chased by such a guy... It’s not too much to say that the disaster is over. I dare not take this risk.

Many of the beasts in the mountains are much smarter than people expected.

"I agree with the leader." Shao Xuan moved with some sour arms and said, "Every piece of fire crystal here has the smell that belongs to the head, and even if we bring it back to the tribe, it will be traced." ”

The tower and the blame are silent. They all understand that they are unwilling.

hit? Can't beat it.

steal? Can't steal it.

So many fire crystals are almost at your fingertips, but they can't be taken.

Wrong! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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