Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 220: For the fire crystal, let it be

Shao Xuan stared at the head-necked bat hanging upside down, silent for a few seconds, then stood up.

With the movement of Shao Xuan, the atmosphere that was originally stagnant became more tense, and the surrounding air seemed to be frozen and difficult to breathe.

Everyone is worried that the head bat that is hanging upside down in the next moment will suddenly launch an attack. This is not the beast that was once hunted. Stars, in front of it, everyone is a prey.

After Shao Xuan got up, the head of the head bat also twirled a small angle with the movement of Shao Xuan. It seemed that the tension around the atmosphere was inconspicuous and calm.

Suddenly seeing this guy, Shao Xuan was a bit wrong, but it was not too surprised, but he was shocked when he woke up. Anyone who opened his eyes and saw this scene would be scared.

It also wants Fire Crystal, but the piece that Shao Xuan carries with him is gone. Now there is no one in the pocket. If this head bat is crazy here, Shao Xuan can't stop it.

Just thinking, the head of the bat moved.

The wing flies and moves from the upside down position to the air.

The airflow fanned by the wings blew the fire in the fire.

The nervous nerves of the people are pulled more tightly, like the next moment will break.

However, the people who were nervous and prepared, as well as the shackles standing on the side of the pit and Caesar in the attacking posture, did not let * this flying head bat show that it did not even look at the people around, and the wings moved. The black shadow flashed, such as the sudden lightning, crossed and disappeared, disappeared at the same time, and Shao Xuan, who was standing there.

He shouted and chased the past, Caesar followed.

"You are waiting here first, I have a look!" Leave a message. The leader also went to the tiankeng.

Yesterday's World War I, among the seven high-pitched totem fighters in the pit, the wounds of the cockroaches were the lightest, like blaming and smashing their injuries, not fighting well, and going in vain. It will only increase casualties. After all, it is not a level, and the strength is too different.

When he rushed to the tiankeng, Shao Xuan had been brought under the tiankeng again.

Although the head bat has already controlled the force, the two hind paws still pierced Shao Xuan's animal skin, but because it was wearing the worms caught in the ice sheet near the Eagle Mountain, the shoulders were not scratched, but Not much better. Such a force, even if the bones are not broken, the skin is not broken and there is no bleeding, there is still a pain.

Flying to the bottom of the pit, the bat claws loosened, Shao Xuan fell forward because of inertia, or if the reaction is fast enough, it will probably fall on the ground covered with humus and bat.

It seems that Shao Xuan has no fire crystals. After the head bat grabbed Shao Xuan, he walked around twice. Then the folded wing claws moved, and a piece of fire crystal on the ground was dug out and thrown to Shao Xuan.

Throwing the fire crystal like a bullet, Shao Xuan did not directly pick it up, and sideways escaped. If this is done directly, it will not be said that the center will be scratched. The wrist bones will probably split. In addition to the fire crystal, there was a group of humus and bat cockroaches that were pulled out by the claws of the head bat, and Shao Xuan also avoided.

After the fire crystal was shot into the wall of the pit, Shao Xuan was dug out.

For Shao Xuan just to avoid picking up, the head bat seems to be quite angry. The black toadspox spouted from its nostrils and mouth, and the sound of the airflow was sharper than ever.

Shao Xuan looked at the fire crystal in his hand. This one is about the same size as the one he brought with him yesterday. The difference is that this fire crystal has not been consumed anymore. Yesterday, he took it with him and used it a lot. Therefore, it can be consumed in a half-day period, and this fire crystal, half a day is absolutely not enough, even if its efficiency has improved a lot, it can not be consumed in such a short time.

Not at night, it is impossible.

The voice of 喳喳 and Caesar came from above the tiankeng. They are here.

This head-necked bat can smash its neck like a chicken, and Caesar is not much better.

Before the head bat had an action, Shao Xuan bent his finger into his mouth and blew out the whistle that both Caesar and Sui knew. He told them not to come over and they were fine.

After listening to the movement above, it was determined that Caesar and Sui did not come down. Shao Xuan immediately began to urge the body to "burn" the fire crystal. In the special ability vision, Shao Xuan can see that the red crystal of the palm of the hand has a trace of red lines, some of which are coming to their side, and the other part is toward the head of the bat.

Originally, Shao Xuan’s head bat, more than ten meters away, felt a lot of energy when he felt the energy of this silk.

Standing in front of such a half-level king's beast, Shao Xuan felt a lot of pressure.

Look around, under the crater, there is still some chaos, all kinds of dirt can be seen everywhere, the only difference is that there is a long mammoth body. This should be the food brought back by the head bat last night. It is hard to imagine how it was transported to this mammoth, which is several times larger.

Impressed with the majestic body of the mammoth, it has been thrown dry there, and the raised bones are very obvious. By contrast, the two arches that spirally bend forward are more attractive. However, this head bat is not interested in things like ivory, bones and the like. All the bodies are just dry, and the other bones and teeth are there.

When he arrived at the tiankeng, he and Caesar were all around the tiankeng and did not go down. He walked down to the bottom of the tiankeng along the place where he put down the grass vine yesterday and saw the same situation as yesterday.

My heart was clear, see Shao Xuan did not get hurt, and the hanging heart was put down, quite helpless, so early in the morning, I was so scared that I have not slowed down until now.

Shao Xuan also saw the squatting down to the bottom of the pit and made a gesture to signal that he was doing nothing.

Since Shao Xuan can detect the movement of the cockroach, the head bat can naturally, but it does not care at all, and does not care about it. It is just a thought at the moment, absorbing the energy from the fire crystal. . But if you take a piece of fire crystal here, it will not be so calm, it will kill directly.

He will not die to get the fire crystal. After confirming that Shao Xuan is fine, he will stay by and watch it in case something unexpected.

After a while, the tower also came down, because Caesar, Sui and Yi, who had caught up, didn't go back, and he came and inquired.

"You go back first, let everyone continue, I am staring here." Speaking low voice said to the tower.

I looked at Shao Xuan’s side and yelled at myself. The tower nodded and handed a spear. “You are careful.”

As Shao Xuan expected, from the morning, until the night, the fire crystal on hand only made a "beep" sound, split.

Seeing the cracked fire crystal, the head bat is not staying here, shaking the wings and flying away from the tiankeng, it is going to forage.

Shao Xuan took a deep breath and hurry to leave the tiankeng on the same side.

Shao Xuan is okay, there has been a fire crystal to add physical strength, you can't do it, even if you take the herb, it is also a bit wilted by the poisonous cockroaches under the tiankeng, and it feels better after leaving the tiankeng.

From the beginning of the morning, I didn’t eat anything, my mental exhaustion and the emptiness in my abdomen, so Shao Xuan didn’t look much better.

Back to the place where the hole was dug, Shao Xuan ate a few pieces of meat before he slept with exhaustion.

The next day, as usual.

Only this time did not wait for Shao Xuan to wake up, it directly took Shao Xuan to take people away.

He is still the same as the previous day, guarding the past, and on the other side, the tower and the blame are carrying people to work, they think, hurry to dig the hole, and then dig the fire crystal and leave.

On the third day, before the head bat took Shao Xuan away, I didn’t know who was too nervous and touched the trap placed around the hole. This was originally a beast that prevented the food from coming out at night. Now, it has become a thunder drum that shocks everyone's heart.

The arrow of the sarcophagus shot in the direction of the head bat, and slammed into the wing, as if it hit a hard metal.

The sarcophagus arrow fell to the ground, and the wings of the bat were not hurt at all. However, the tension of the situation climbed straight.

Being stabbed this way is not a big problem for the head bat, but it can be seen as a provocation. It was a little angry, but it did not directly kill the people around it, but screamed in the hole dug out by the crowd, and collapsed the results of the labor that had been dug for two days.

The leader and the two big heads saw the collapsed hole and their faces were green.

I also looked around in the past collapsed, and it was inconvenient to continue to dig here after the collapse, and I had to change places.


However, even if the gas is bleeding inside, a group of people can't take it.

Can't beat, can't be embarrassed, can't afford it, it has to endure it, who makes people strong?

Fortunately, this head bat does not mean to attack them directly. If it is such a semi-king-level fierce beast area tribe, it is really crying and can't cry.

Fortunately, the tribes have fires, and there are places where fires will always make these fierce beasts. However, after this incident, how to get rid of this half-level leader bat?

This is what you said.

"First, let's get the fire crystal and say it. I think that this head bat needs fire crystal energy, but like the totem warriors, there is also a degree that will not be absorbed endlessly, but it is not yet To that degree." Shao Xuan said.

"It can only be like this, A Xuan, you have worked hard!" he said. Before he came, he told the witch that he would protect Shao Xuan. What is the result now?

"Nothing, anyway, it didn't hurt me, just want to absorb the fire crystal. And, I think, wait for it, and it is not good for us in the future." Shao Xuan said.

I know that Shao Xuan is comforting him, and he has no choice but to laugh. The "King" word of the beast can be no more than other beasts, proud, not easy to get along with, it is even more difficult to be obedient with the beasts and beasts raised by the tribe, one careless, angered them, the consequences are unimaginable.

For the fire crystal, let it be. (To be continued...)

Ps: Book City sells well, a good book called "Super Warrior"! R1292


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