Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 273: Hello, blocking the road

Can these in the box be eaten as a meal?


but! For the tribe, it is extremely precious spiritual food. The old man of the witches would rather starve and not throw away these. Just like those who are willing to stay here.

After careful consideration, Shao Xuan decided to leave these for the time being. When he returned, he would call some people to come over and bring back the ancestor’s body and these “history” important to the tribe.

Too many things, too precious, Shao Xuan himself alone plus 喳喳, can not guarantee that these things can be fully brought back, if you encounter a troublesome beast, do not say bring people and boxes back, Lost is possible. This risk cannot be taken.

The weird power that existed in the cave before has disappeared, and may not appear again. Its guardian mission has been completed.

In order to prevent the power from disappearing, other creatures will come in to destroy the ancestral body and those precious "history". Before Shao Xuan left, he set some traps at the hole and went to the forest to find a lot of insect-proof plants in the hole. For these insect-repellent plants, Shao Xuan also played with a giant bear, and his arm bones were almost broken. The giant bear is much bigger than the two he had seen in the old place.

Sure enough, the deeper into the forest, the stronger the beast.

Dealing with the things inside the cave, Shao Xuan Cai left, and went to the direction that told him the direction.

The original goal of this time was to find the stone that I found, and I did not expect that there would be unexpected gains. Do not take a trip.

More than half of the stones found in the plaque are embedded in the mountain wall, which is slightly different from the surrounding colors and has a lot of hardness. There are various animals or other natural phenomena on the surrounding stone walls, such as scratches, scars, etc., but this stone is rare.

“Good, very good!”

It took Shao Xuan some time to dig up the stone. The rock is hard, at least the finest stone. Large enough to stand on the ground, estimated to be nearly two meters high and one meter wide. Oblong. Shao Xuan tried it, and the more he went, the harder the stone was. The finest stone is not easy to find. But it is not rare, but the better stone, Shao Xuan is concerned, maybe the core of this stone can reach the highest level.

He was out of stock at hand, and he prepared more stone and brought it back to polish it.

It is heavier than the average stone, but with the strength of the Yanjiao people, Shao Xuan can also walk on the stone, but also trotting. Just the speed in the mountains is much lower. Sometimes encountering tricky, Shao Xuan must first throw the stone down, find a chance to come back and resist.

It’s really hard to go back with a stone, but it’s worth it to find a stone like this.

Because it takes more than one stone, it consumes a lot of strength. He still has to maintain enough physical strength to deal with all kinds of possible raids around him. Shao Xuan didn't have time to study the knots.

Carrying a heavy stone. Some of the first few days did not adapt, but gradually got used to it, and sometimes used this stone as a shield to block the attack of those beasts. Now the weight he can bear is getting bigger and bigger.

In this way, stop and go. When Shao Xuan returned to the tribe, it was twenty-nine days before he left the tribe.

Shao Xuan did not expect that he would leave for so long. He said that this trip was not a matter of three or five days, but he never thought it would take nearly 30 days.


He flew down from the air. Speaking to Shao Xuan a few times.

“There are outsiders in the tribe?” Shao Xuan wondered. Could it be the Wanshi tribe?

But now it is not like the beginning of a war.

After making a gesture, let 喳喳 continue to pay attention to the situation in the air. After Shao Xuan took a break, he picked up the stone that had just been laid down, and the other hand grabbed the dead prey and went to the tribe.

The prey is a python, nearly 20 meters long. It was encountered when Shao Xuan woke up to find food in the morning. He was almost sneaked and took some effort and time to get it. He thought that he should be able to return to the tribe before dark. I did not throw this python away and dragged it back with the snake's tail. There are many snakes in this forest. There are a lot of them in the forest. Shao Xuan has seen a few more than thirty or forty meters, but those Shao Xuan have always avoided them. They will not provoke them before they are fully prepared.

When I came to the border, I met the soldiers who were here.

"A Xuan, come back! This time the harvest is good!" A warrior looked at Shao Xuan and dragged and said, said.

"Alright, how is the tribe now? Is anyone coming?" Shao Xuan asked.

"Oh, you have been away for too long, don't know." The soldier thought of something, the voice was slightly depressed, and said: "There are some people who have heard that they are the people of the Central tribe... The people who have recently hunted have not gone out."

"No wonder I haven't met all the way. It turns out that everyone didn't go out hunting." Shao Xuan said, and asked some people from the middle of the country.

"I don't know why, but I have to ask the witch and the leader. However, I think those people are not pleasing to the eye, and each one looks like a long sky." The man grinned and said.

Listening to what they said, Shao Xuan went to the tribe. Now that the sun is setting, he has to hurry back, and he can catch up with dinner. After eating in the morning, in order to hurry, he has not stopped in the middle except for a short break twice.

The tribe seemed to change a little when he left, the leaves of the tree became denser, and there were some farmland not far away. The seedlings in the field had grown taller and he had only taken a tip when he left.

Because of the stone dragging the prey, Shao Xuan did not go directly to the crowd, and took a little road.

At this time, many people who came out to work have already returned to work. Therefore, there are not many people who Shao Xuan passed.

Walking and walking, Shao Xuan heard someone talking in front of him, his voice was very strange, more than one.

"Hey, so I said, this is what the Yanjiao tribe, in fact, it is not so exaggerated by others!"

"Quce and Xu also said that they are very powerful, I don't think so."

"That is, before I heard those rumors, I thought that all of them were like monsters. I really saw it, very disappointed." A soft female voice said.

"In addition to a little bit of strength, there is nothing special. What about strength? Can you kill someone with a stone?" The man couldn't help but laugh.

Others also think that this is quite funny and laughs.

The man said something, and continued: "You said how they can fight with stones? This? Is it still? I have seen this, hahaha!"

However, he soon discovered that everyone’s laughter stopped and the atmosphere was a bit strange. He heard the sound of being close behind him, but he didn't care, even if he was heard by the Yanjiao tribe. Big deal, he is not afraid. Just, seeing everyone stiff on one face, like seeing something incredible, and a good-looking person squinting at him and motioning him to look behind him.

The setting sun fell in the obliquely forward position, and he could not see from the shadow who the person was. Just thinking about whether or not to turn around and see, I heard a message from behind:

"Hey, it’s blocking the way."

Shao Xuan looked at the person who was stuck in the front of the road with a variety of color feathers. He was standing there in the position of a monkey holding a watermelon. He thought: This is a silly x.

The person who was blocking the road turned around. The first thing I saw was a large stone. The pressure was quite high, and I couldn’t help but move it to the side.

Shao Xuan didn't say much. He took the stone and dragged the snake and went to the house. He swept the few people present. If he didn't find any knowledge, he would stop watching it. He would have to wait for the fight. Anyway, these people I will not leave for a while. He is hungry now, consider going back to eat this snake, or cook it?

Looking at the people who left nothing, the young people standing in the same place were silent for a long while, and some people asked: "Who was the man who used to be?"

Others did not answer, they did not know.

They have only one idea at the moment: lying in the trough, the person just looked at them just like their age, and the strength is great! It seems that it is not a big stone, just a bucket, and it is not a big python, but a dead fish. Footsteps... quite brisk. (To be continued...)

Ps: Congratulations on the book's fourteenth lord salalalasah~ Thanks!

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