Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 364: Exaggerated necklace

After being separated from the hustle and bustle, Shao Xuan continued to follow the target direction, knowing that there is really a Yanjiao tribe, and he has a lot of heart, even if it is far from the Yanjiao tribe, Shao Xuan also feels relaxed.

Without a squatting, Shao Xuan's footsteps accelerated a lot. Some plants were found in the middle of the process, and some herbs were made. The poison medicines were prepared. It was learned by Shao Xuan from the residence.

Some spare stone tools were also made when encountering good stone. This is the benefit of stone tools. It is based on local materials and does not require forging. Shao Xuan also polished a large pot of pots. Of course, it is much deeper than the basin. It is used to cook soup and water. There are two "ears" on both sides of the stone pot. After the stone pot is used, the straw rope is used. The two "ears" pass through, then carry them on the back, with the pot on the road, ready to use.

This arid mountain is indeed very large. Shao Xuan gradually saw the dense grass on the fourth day after being separated from the hustle. After crossing the mountain, the terrain became flat. Looking at it, it was a vast grassland. I don’t know. The reason for this season is that there is less rain here, and although there are many grasses on the ground, it is still biased towards drought.

Trees suitable for the grassland environment are piled together, or isolated in the middle of an empty grassland, which is also a major feature of the grasslands here. There is also a river on the grassland, but it is not too big. Along the curved river bank, there are some trees in the corridors that are not named.

Compared with this vast grassland, the trees growing here are not much. The grass is rich and varied. Even if Shao Xuan met a lot of forests and grasses with the house, there are many strangers here. Shao Xuan has no detoxification physique, and he does not dare to eat it. Even when he is resting, he will choose carefully. Don't look at such a seemingly ordinary grass, there are a lot of murders in the dark. Sometimes, a small grass can kill people's lives.

The bison herd is lined up and swaying slowly on the grassland. Even the sharpest predator on the prairie, who wants to pull a buffalo out of the herd, thinks a lot. This wild and strong herd is not a good deal to deal with, especially the buffaloes that are much larger than those in the center of the herd. The black, pointed horns are the first to meet the enemy. Sharp weapon.

Seeing Shao Xuan, several wild bisons on the outside licked their strong hooves. The thick and powerful limbs and the hooves like the iron palms step on the grass and easily step on a hoof-shaped pit.

They were demonstrating and issuing a warning to Shao Xuan.

A lion-like predator hidden behind the dry bushes saw this scene, and it was unwilling to remove the line of sight from the side of the herd. Moved to Shao Xuan, but the eyes that looked at Shao Xuan, the hair on his back was blown up, and the intuition made it avoid this seemingly small human. Eventually it decided to continue to guard the herd and wait for a suitable time to launch an attack.

Shao Xuan created a suitable hunting opportunity for the big cat. He first threw some pungent herbs in the herd, causing the herd to sway, and then seized the opportunity to slaughter a bison. Then ran away with the cow. The big cat hidden behind the bushes also took the opportunity to make it cheap.

The roast beef was eaten. Shao Xuan took out the stone pot and went to the river to pick up some water. After thinking about it, he put a little "thousand gold". Thousands of gold thrown into the pot, most of which are the broken grains that he had come from the shacks and were bitten by the wild rats. In the case of the squatting, these species are unlikely to survive, and it is possible to eat them. .

Shao Xuan did not even abandon these grains and was bitten by the wild rats. After peeling the shells, throw the golden grains into the pot and cook them. Although compared to this pot of water. There are too few grains, but the soup is a little turbid yellow with a hint of scent. It is very attractive. It is also a good enjoyment to drink such a pot after eating more meat.

The boiled grain has a soft mouth and a good taste. After drinking the soup and drinking it into the stomach, Shao Xuan feels a lot better. It is no wonder that the shacks do not look at the flesh of the beasts. It is indeed much better to eat this than the meat of the beasts.

But even if it is good for the body, Shao Xuan has only one thousand grains. One thousand tablets. It’s a lot to say, but it’s only a little bit to put it together. Shao Xuan said that he wants to try to plant thousands of gold. It’s not about playing. He really has this idea. If he can make a success, he will go back to the sea. At the time, you can bring a group back and improve the life of the tribe.

After eating and resting, Shao Xuan took the equipment and continued on his way.

The terrain of the grassland is slightly ups and downs. Sometimes there are some raised low hills in the wilderness, and occasionally some ant nests can be seen.

Shao Xuan stepped into the grassland seven days later.

Under the clear sky, several people riding horses rushed on the grasslands, and the tamed horses stepped on the road in the slightly dry grassland. The few people were probably in the test, riding a horse, with a duel. Enthusiasm and atmosphere.

The person riding on the horse is wearing fur and cloth combined with the sewing clothes. The long hair is not shortened. After knitting, it is bundled into several small plaits. The hair styles of men and women are similar, and some patterns are painted on the face.

Shao Xuan took two roasting buffalo thighs, carrying a large stone pot with a large basin, and walked easily on the grassland. Compared with the rapid rush and tension in the area, Shao Xuan was stranger here. People are extraordinarily leisurely, and this awkward style of painting wants to be ignored by people riding horses.

The young man who rushed to the front was able to pull the horse when he was close to Shao Xuan. The people behind him saw it, and they stopped after Lema. The eyes of the examiner swept toward Shao Xuan. Two of the young people also grasped the dagger inserted in the waist, pulled out some, and some people laid their hands on the knife hanging on the side of the horse.

After the head of the person swept through Shao Xuan body, the eyes were more cautious, but the face was not so serious, and asked with a smile to see where Shao Xuan came from.

The people who saw the leader were like this. The other people looked at each other and changed their expressions. The young man who had just touched the knife did not move his hand away. The person who took the dagger inserted the dagger back into the skin of the waist. Set, their eyes stayed on the string of very special necklaces hanging on Shao Xuan's neck for a while, and then like everyone else, revealing white teeth, smiled and looked at Shao Xuan.

The string of "necklaces" hanging on the neck of Shao Xuan is actually made up of the big horns of the buffalo, as well as the fangs or claws of other predators. For these people, those who can hunt these grassland beasts, and those who can carry so many easily and easily, are enough to see them think about it before they act.

Don't look at this group of people who are chatting with Shao Xuan with a friendly and friendly smile. That is to say that Shao Xuan is not good at it. Don't provoke it, don't provoke it, take the lead, and be good to bully, grab the direct kill. Bullying is hard and hard, and the weak meat is strong. In such a primitive environment, there are always moments. This is why Shao Xuan left a souvenir after the hunting to make an exaggerated necklace.

With a few words, Shao Xuan did not directly say which tribe he was. He only said that he came back after going out and practicing. He couldn’t remember the road. He asked the surrounding terrain and used a calf as a reward. .

The tribes of these people are nearby, and they are also familiar with this. After collecting Shaoxuan’s ox legs, he listened to Shao Xuan saying that the tribes are deep in the dense forests. They are idle all the time, pointing Shaoxuan to the road. Also vacated a horse to Shao Xuan, with Shao Xuan past. Although they have not been to farther places, they have only been active in the grasslands near the tribe, but they have also heard the elders who have said the dense forests. When they are more powerful, they will be taken out, so They still know some necessary geographic locations.

"From here to go, and then turn over a few mountains, you should be able to see." The young man in the lead said.

They can only take the road here, it is impossible to go further and it is dangerous to go far. Then look at Shao Xuan, who is the same age as them. One person can hurry on this crisis-ridden grassland, and still live well. Those who have been slightly dissatisfied in their hearts have to hold back.

"Thank you." Riding the horse and rushing for a while, the road was over, and Shao Xuan took the equipment and continued.

Walking through the grasslands, turning over a mountain range, I finally saw the scenery I wanted to find.

Standing on the high mountain, looking at the lush green in the distance, breathing the humid air, Shao Xuan took the stone pot to the back and went down the mountain. (To be continued.)

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