Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 378: Welcome ceremony

After being born for so many years, the family has always had only one child. When did he have a brother? He looked at him with a stupid look.

On the other side, the eavesdropping Tao Zheng and others were also shocked by the news, but it was not right to think about it. Shao Xuan did not look like Dori.

"Auntie, Shao Xuan and me... is a brother? Brother?" Dori pointed to the figure in the distance and asked.

"I will make an analogy!" Dokang also found that his son seems to have misunderstood, but Shao Xuan's origin, unless the leader and the witch said, they are not afraid to talk casually.

Many people in the tribe know that the Yanjiao tribe does not belong to this place, but comes from the far side of the sea, but over the past thousand years, generations of stories have told the story to future generations, so that now Many people only use those stories as a story. If it is not for Doktor to take over the position of the hunting team leader, there will be no chance to know more. As for the young people of today, in general, they don’t think so much.

"In short, you will treat Shao Xuan as a brother!" I don't know how to express it. Dokang puts this sentence directly. Just after saying it, I feel that it is wrong. Shao Xuan looks like an elder. To treat the elders, these boys should respect them. Correct!

Two days before the welcoming ceremony, the atmosphere in the tribe was very strange, happy, curious, and the topics all revolved around Shao Xuan’s sudden appearance. With the words of Dokang, there was no such thing as a gossip. Every day, many people go up the mountain. If there are often leaders and other elders, they all want to communicate with Shao Xuan personally.

On the other side of Shao Xuan, he experienced this kind of circumstance that was regarded as a rare thing, and also felt the enthusiasm of the tribes.

The house was built, and the beds, tables, chairs, pottery, etc. were all prepared. On the day of moving in, there were still many people who sent things. People from the mountains and mountains, some sent beasts, food, and Send fur, etc. As a hunter, every household has fur in their homes, only half a day, and a large number of furs are piled up in Shao Xuan’s new house.

Shao Xuan heart silently remembers these people who gave gifts, although these people simply express their enthusiasm, there is no meaning to benefit from Shao Xuan here, but these are good, Shao Xuan wrote down.

There are big groups on the mountain, and there is a group of grass ropes for the ruler. With the straw rope facing the Shao Xuan, they will go back and forth. The next day, they will send several sets of clothes, pure animal skin, pure. Cloth, with animal skin cloth, both.

The clothes used for the ceremony were also prepared, and the skins used were made by the witch himself. The superb beasts were very strong.

Because there is no fire, the ritual ceremony and so on are somewhat different from what Shao Xuan knows, but there is not much difference.

On the day of the ceremony, as the sun went down, as the sky darkened, the people under the mountain continued to go up the hill, and everyone was neatly packed and dressed in clean clothes.

Shao Xuan discovered that the tribes of the day were mostly dressed in animal skins. There were basically no people wearing cloths. Most of the tortoises worn by the totems had no sleeves, especially the middle and high-level totem fighters. Or some other rituals, they will show their two arms, show the totem pattern. This is also a great opportunity to show yourself.

The ceremonial clothes prepared for Shao Xuan in the tribe also have no sleeves. In the eyes of the leader, Luo and others, this is also a good opportunity for Shao Xuan to show his strength. After all, Shao Xuan and the crickets did not see many people. Everyone else has heard that the ear is in need of seeing is believing, and seeing the impression will be more profound.

Because it is a festive ceremony, many soldiers have inherited the habits passed down by the ancestors, bringing a variety of hunting results, sharp corners, bone ornaments and so on.

Shao Xuan has not gone out to hunt for hunting here. In order to facilitate the road, the hunters did not collect any souvenirs. However, the only one he wore was only an elder bone.

Among the white bone ornaments, the red ball is very conspicuous. Even at night, as long as there is a little light, it can reflect the light from Mars into Mars.

"Ready?" Wu looked at Shao Xuan standing next to him.

"Okay." Although this is not the tribe he is familiar with, the atmosphere around the corner of Yan is very strong, so Shao Xuan quickly adapts.


The witch said that he walked over to the fire pit, and Shao Xuan was in the opposite direction. The welcoming ceremony needed to go down the mountain to the mountain. This is also something that every newcomer who comes to Yanjiao needs to experience.

There was no fire in the fire pit on the top of the mountain. The fire was surrounded by torches. Shao Xuan was waiting at the foot of the mountain. There were two groups of witches from the side to protect them from other accidents.

The humming of the top of the mountain came faintly, and the whole mountain was immersed in a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

There was a red light flashing on the top of the mountain, and the fire ignited in the fire.

With a horn, Shao Xuan lifted his foot and went to the mountain.

There are a lot of torches around, and the road to the mountain is very bright, probably to facilitate Shao Xuan to see the road. In fact, without these torches, Shao Xuan can see clearly.

After a long deserted area, Shao Xuan saw the crowd gathered. The road up the mountain had already been let go, no one was close, and people on both sides of the road looked at Shao Xuan curiously. This is the first time they have had the opportunity to observe Shao Xuan closely, and there is no need to worry about the reprimands of the sergeants and the elders.

This is Shao Xuan?

Who can't help but why?

I heard that he was robbing the Taihe tribe!

No matter what they feel now, they can only think about it and can't say it. This kind of ritual cannot be exported freely.

In exchange for a special ability vision, Shao Xuan saw some red silk threads, from the surrounding crowd, from everyone's body, all the way up, connected to the fire pit on the top of the mountain.

As Shao Xuan became closer to the top of the mountain, getting closer and closer to the fire pit, the red ball on the bone necklace worn by the body was like a fire, and a flame came out.

Seeing this situation, the people around him still screamed, but soon they stopped again, and closed their mouths, but their eyes were staring straight at the fire-burning necklace worn by Shao Xuan.

The totem pattern on Shao Xuan’s body is also revealed, with a flame pattern like magma, extending from the shoulder to the wrist and then to the palm of the hand.

Senior Totem Warrior!

It turned out to be a high-level totem fighter!

Everyone has big eyes around.

The fire pit finally appeared in Shao Xuan's eyes. There was no memory of the surging flames in the memory, but it was not too small and filled the entire fire pit.

Next to the fire pit, Wu stood there, holding a stone box in his hand, which contained three pieces of bones worn by Shao Xuan, but these three were not so bright.

After Shao Xuan approached, the witch handed the box to Shao Xuan.

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