Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 382: let me try

Shao Xuan proved his judgment. Others also believed a little about Shao Xuan’s words.

"How?" Tao Zheng looked at him.

The face that was dug out was buried in the leaves with no expression: "If you decide, then hunt."

The bone beast is indeed a big temptation for them. Hunters who don't want to hunt good prey are not good fighters.

Determine the hunting, Tao Zheng first with a person to withdraw a little, intends to discuss it, and then start hunting. If they are other prey hunting hunters, they don't need such a discussion, they can go straight to the line, and they will be more cooperative in the past. But the bone beasts are also the first time they are hunting, not in the original plan, so be prepared.

Unfortunately, the timing does not wait for people.

In the battle for their discussion of the hunting plan, a flying bird in the sky flew down, like a blast across the water, smashing a fish from the river, then hovering in the air, planning to find a stone to rest and eat.

Tao Zheng and others stared nervously at the long-necked bird, and silently read it: fly away, and fly away!

It is a pity that the bird just did not leave, and stared at the big stones on the river bank. The eyes were picky and seemed to be judging which stone stood the most comfortable to eat.

Then, Tao Zheng and others saw the long-necked bird, licking the fish, and flew over to the animal head of the bone-beast.

The roar of everyone: idiot! How can you choose that one! ! Choosing a neck tree is better than the "stone"! ! !

When the bird's paw stepped on the animal's head of the bone-stone beast, Tao Zheng and others felt desperate in the heart, and could not wait for the arrow to shoot the bird. A few of them even closed their eyes and couldn’t bear to look straight. Not afraid to see the bird being eaten, but afraid that I couldn’t help but make another arrow to the bird.

A great opportunity, it was destroyed by a stupid bird!

If the bird chooses other stones, perhaps the bone animal does not look at this little prey and continues to ambush, but if there is a prey standing on top of the head, even if it is a small prey, the bone animal will not let it go. .


The low screams like a rolling stone are instantly remembered. The beast head, which was originally a common boulder on the bank of the river, cracked its big mouth full of barb-like fangs and bit the long-necked bird that dared to step on it.

The dull beasts were mixed with the sharp and screaming birds, and the other birds in the surrounding woods were collectively stunned. I flew away. The young clawed beast who is eating the leaves shakes his head, and the head squats, and immediately abandons the tree.

The roar of the birds stopped, and the fish that had been picked up by the birds fell to the ground and struggled. I want to jump into the river, but I am stepped into a fish sauce by a bone animal.

The bone beasts ambushing under the sandstone ground, such as a hill rising from the ground, suddenly appeared in a huge body shape, and the short, pointed claws stepped on the stones on the ground to make a fragile creaking sound.

The long-necked bird bites in the mouth, and the bone-beast slowly breathes like a boulders, and it strikes in everyone's heart.

Everyone used to look at the bones and beasts far away. There is still no such clear understanding. Although they are not too close, they are stronger than before.

Shao Xuan is on the tree. Look at the bone-beast that reveals the prototype to the river bank.

The bone beast and the head of the terror are somewhat similar, but they are only roughly contoured. The overall difference is still very large, a vegetarian, a restaurant.

On the specific figure, the head animal seems to be fat, while the bone animal is more refined. The giant terror beast that the tribe had caught before was compared to today's bone-stone beast, which is like the difference between a fat pig and a bull full of muscles.

Of course, the biggest defense of the bone-beast is the rock-like bone. Anti-strike, strong defense, greatly increase the difficulty of hunting it.

Looking at the bones of the beasts on the banks of the river slowly licking the food, pottery contested a few people to lower the voice to discuss.

"What should I do next?" someone asked.

give up. But not reconciled. Hands-on? There is no absolute certainty. They haven't discussed anything yet. There has been change and distress.

Tao Zheng is also thinking about it. Several plans have flashed, but they have been rejected. The danger is too high. Even if it is successful, there will be casualties in the team. It is not what he wants to see. They have not yet reached the point of desperate for a prey.

I was thinking, Tao Zheng was hit by people, and looked at the past. He was taking back his elbows and his eyes swiftly swept upwards, indicating that Tao Zheng was paying attention to the people there.

Tao Zhengshun followed what he said and looked at the past. Seeing that Shao Xuan did not know what to observe in the tree, he lowered his voice and asked: "Shao Xuan, what do you think?"

For the opinion of this young elder, Tao Zheng still has to listen to it. After all, the other side has strength and has a status in the tribe.

"I will try it." Shao Xuan said.

"What?" Tao Zheng dialed his ear, as if he had just heard it, and asked again.

"I will try." Shao Xuan came down from the tree and said.

The people in the team brushed and looked at Shao Xuan. Although the line of sight was not ironic, they did not think it was a good idea.

"Don't look down on the bone beast." Tao Zheng seriously.

Many behemoths seem to be slow in their size, but when they are really right, they will realize their strength.

"I know."

The speed of the long-necked bird is still very fast, but the bone-bearing beast will catch it at a faster speed in order to catch the bird, so that it has to look at its explosive power. Shao Xuan had a preliminary understanding of its muscle distribution and strength when the bone animal rose from the sandstone.

"I will try it first, rest assured, I have a few in my heart." Shao Xuan said.

As soon as Shao Xuan said that there were counts in his heart, the concerns of Tao Zhenghe and others were slightly slower. Do you think that Shao Xuan has other abilities?

"Then you be careful, if not, we used to support and then evacuate." Tao Zheng said.

"Well, if I can't hold it, I will open it, but if I don't speak, you shouldn't go up easily." Shao Xuan added.

Tao Zheng hesitated and nodded: "Good."

Tao Zheng also wanted to use his weapon for Shao Xuan, and was rejected by Shao Xuan.

"Thank you, I have it with me." After Shao Xuan took the bag on his body and went over to the river bank.

Looking at the back of Shao Xuan’s departure, a young warrior asked Tao Zheng: “What else does he bring in addition to the black short knife?”

"I don't know." Tao Zheng shook his head.

"Is the knife still made of stone?" Another soldier worried.

Tao sighed and stopped everyone's words: "Look first."

Looking at Shao Xuan quietly close to the river bank, everyone can not help but admire: it seems to be a veteran, maybe he still has a way.

Then, Tao Zheng and others saw that Shao Xuanzang paused for a while on the high tree on the bank of the river, and then threw a hand out of his hand, not facing the bone animal.

Sounds east?

Everyone can't help but come up with several strategies that have been used during hunting. I want to take a good look and learn. However, the next scene made everyone stunned the chin.

Shao Xuanchong went out and rushed toward the bone animal.

The pottery that saw this scene could not wait for a blood spurt out. Is this Nima the "relief" you said? ! (To be continued.)

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