Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 387: The stone is bright

When the buzz stopped, the line in my mind was also recovered.

Shao Xuan looked at the stone in his hand. It was just a stone that looked very ordinary. Now it has become like a spar, like a boiled egg with a shell. The spar has a slight coolness and is very similar to the water moonstone.

Just wanting to move, Shao Xuan suddenly felt that the field of vision was dark, like a sudden dizziness after a long squat, because of the blocked blood circulation in the body, the dizziness caused by the lack of oxygen in the brain.

Some are tired, but after a slowdown, it is much better.

Shao Xuan once again looked at the stone in his hand, squatting with the water moonstone. Although there are some slight differences in color and transparency, it is not much different.

Really water moonstone?

The sunlight outside the window is just right, and the interior of the house is bright.

Shao Xuan pulled the window and closed the door, and the room suddenly darkened.

If it is a water moonstone, in such a dim environment, it will definitely shine brightly.

However, it turns out that this is not the same.

Shao Xuan’s hand has light, but the light that is emitted is very dark. It does not work as a light. If there is a scroll of the animal with a word on it, holding this spar, it may not be able to bring the beast. The words on the leather roll are clear.

This brightness is simply not comparable to the water moonstone.

However, knowing that this is similar to Shuiyue Stone is also a useful information for Shao Xuan. Did not immediately turn the other two stones into this, Shao Xuan intends to sit down and rest, just made a piece, it took a lot of strength, I feel very tired.

At this time, someone came knocking at the door.

"Shao Xuan elder, is it? The leader will let you go." Someone outside the house shouted.

Shao Xuan should have a voice, put the stone on the table and open the window. I patted some of the dust on my hand, which was left when the spar was formed.

When he got up and opened the door, Shao Xuan followed the other side to the leader.

The spar was placed on the table by the window. The sun outside the window shines in and shines on the stone. The whole stone is like a bath under a warm light.

Over there, Shao Xuan was called to the leader. When he entered the house, many people had arrived. It was similar to that he saw when he came last time. There are important figures of the hunting team, such as Dokang and General, and the tribes. Several prestigious elders are sitting there. There are more people in the hunting team. But the witch did not come to join in the fun.

"Shao Xuan, come over here!" The leader of the sign refers to the seat next to him.

In the past, this position was a witch. Even if Wu did not come to other people, he would not dare to sit down. This is the first time that Dokang and others have seen someone sitting in that position, and neither the witch nor the leader will say anything.

As an elder, there is that qualification.

This time, Luo asked Shao Xuan to come over to discuss the transaction of the slaves to the land. Wangcheng, they will not go, and they have troubles over there. They have not been to these years. But in other cities, they still walk a few times a year.

It is impossible for everyone to pass. They are negotiating here to determine the number of places to go and some things to pay attention to. Such a meeting. It will be opened twice before departure. Today is a temporary resolution to open a meeting, so no advance notice.

"It is said that there is a lot of demand for white hides over there this year. Do you have any white beasts? Please sort them out and raise the price." The leader will tell you the news.

After the hunt, the tribes will hoard the fur that they don't need, and the white fur is the least they like. One is white and dirty, and then too conspicuous. Wearing that into the forest is to find death. However, the white beasts are rare in the woods. And most of them appear in the winter, or in the snowy mountains farther. Who is going to go there?

"The leader, is the spot still?" Dokang asked. Their family has smashed a lot of spotted skins this year. Last year, slave owners liked this kind of color, so the selling price was high. As for the skin of other colors, they kept wearing it.

"This is the case," Zheng Luo thought about the news he wanted to hear. "It is said that they didn't like it this year."

Dokang’s action was awkward, and the smile on the face was also awkward: “How do they look like a year?”

Zheng Luo did not care about the anxiety of Dokang, turned to Shao Xuandao: "Shao Xuan, you come to the tribe to come late, there is nothing to sell, there is nothing to sell, but you can follow it to see, when you can help everyone One."

To say this, Zheng Luo really hopes that Shao Xuan can learn more about the situation here, but also worried that Shao Xuan has nothing to sell. If it is after the trip, the other people in the tribe are selling joyfully, and Shao Xuan is not good at the observation.

"You can rest assured, I know." Shao Xuan laughed.

Dokang and generalized heard the words, while looking up at Shao Xuan, did not speak.

After the meeting, the leader greeted everyone to eat, the meat is the bone-and-bone meat that Shao Xuan took out, eating, drinking, and bragging.

Although there is no rich seasoning, the people of the tribe are also savvy. They will put some fruit leaves that can be used with the taste when cooking the soup. It tastes good. These Shaoxuan have to learn from them.

"How many years have not eaten, or that smell!" An elder squatted and said.

The other also talked about the situation of hunting bone animals in the same year, and also told Shao Xuan stone beast where the bones are suitable for doing something.

Shao Xuan has been staying at the top of the mountain until sunset, and it is getting darker before he walks to his place of residence.

However, when he went back, he found that there were many people around the house.

"What's the matter?" Shao Xuan asked in a loud voice.

"Hey, Shao Xuan, you are finally back!" Tori squeezed out the crowd and ran over with excitement. He asked, "What is the one in your house?"

Although the house was not locked, they did not dare to arbitrarily enter, even if the window was open, they could pick up the glowing thing and they would not be bold. Not to mention that they are not familiar with Shao Xuan to the extent of freely taking things, Shao Xuan is still an elder, the status is second only to the witch and the leader, how can the elders' things be randomly taken? !

Therefore, when a group of people saw the glowing stone, they could only grow their curiosity. Now that Shao Xuan is back, everyone is very excited.

"Is there in the room?" Shao Xuan did not understand. He looked at the room and understood. Although there were many people blocking it, they could still see the light coming from the window of the house.

Water Moonstone? !

No, no, that light is not exactly the same as the water moonstone. The color of the light is less cold and warm.

In front of the crowd watching the strange, see Shao Xuan came over, rushed to open the road, rushing to ask their own questions.

Can't answer the question of answering around, Shao Xuan opened the door and walked straight to pick up the spar on the table.

Not to mention other people's curiosity, Shao Xuan himself is also confused. This is not the case before he left. At that time, the stone was not so bright at the time. How did it come to the night, it would be like this? This brightness is almost the same as that of the water moonstone.

Look at the other two stones placed on the table. It is still two stones that look very ordinary. There is no light and no inconspicuous.

Seeing the side of Dori and others stretching their necks, full of anticipation and curiosity, Shao Xuan handed them the spar in their hands.

When the spar was in Shaoxuan’s hands, other people didn’t dare to do it, but when they were holding it, everyone started to rob, especially when they were familiar with many people, they squeaked and tried to take it. Take a look.

It’s not good to be noisy here at Shaoxuan. Dori rushed to speak with Shao Xuan. After Shao Xuan agreed, he took the stone to the spacious room outside the house, and took away the noisy crowd.

As soon as the crowd left, the surrounding area was much quieter.

Shao Xuan sat at the table and picked up the other two stones and thought about what it was all about. (To be continued)

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