Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 396: Cloud pattern flat foot tripod

The team did not cover the traces of walking. Even if it was hidden, it could not be completely covered. It would take no effort to get rid of it. Hundreds of people, and those who carry goods with their goods, can't leave no trace in the mountains.

After a while, Shao Xuan will arrange some traps again, and the people of Taihe will also help, and their drugs will make Shao Xuan's layout more "**". As long as the people behind continue to follow the footprints, continue to "enjoy".

Can you use skills to deal with enemies, why use brute force? The people of Yanjiao and the people of Taihe are naturally happy. They don’t have to waste time and manpower to deal with the chasers. They only need to guard against those who have been ambushing in the woods, which greatly reduces their pressure.

Two days later, the number of encounters of ambushes has been reduced a lot. For a long time, no one has seen a person robbing, and more Kangxin’s heart is loose, and finally passed. Then, just use the beast to protect against the beasts in the mountains.

And because of Shao Xuan's several arrangements, the people behind did not catch up. Only occasionally saw a group of scavenging birds yelling over the sky above the head.

In the middle of the road, I saw Shao Xuan making stone tools. When I was resting, the people in the team also had the feeling to ask Shao Xuan the use and production of various stone tools. If they were trapped in the forest and had no other weapons in their hands, they would use stone tools to save their lives.

Listening to Shao Xuan said that because they have very few gold weapons, they basically use stone tools. If they were before, everyone would definitely make up a picture of the hand-lifting boulder and beast, but after two days. After the incident, the talents found that the original stone tools could not play a small role, not just the skill of rubbing stones.

In the absence of gold, the other brothers used a variety of stone tools to solve the behemoths in one mountain. Another brother, really fierce! I really want to see you and have a deeper exchange.

As for the various hardness of the stone that Shao Xuan said, many people are confused, because in their view, the stone is all the same, but it is the broad face of blindness. Learn the fastest on the stone.

On the other side of the Yanjiao and Taihe tribes, on the other side, in the city of Anba, Anyan looked at the dozens of **** and muddy people standing in front of him. The face was green, and a hand slammed the big copper cup of wine in the hand to the ground.

"A bunch of waste!"

The captives stood there and stood there, whispering. This time, I did lose a lot of people. The continuous traps I encountered were one of them. They were also robbed by other tribes. A lot of deaths and injuries!

Out of the city of Anba, other tribes put away their smiling faces, and they can rob the open hands and rob them. If you are the six Anba or others, the immediate interests are the most important.

Because of the trap, many people who went out of Anyan were injured, and they were robbed by fire. They sent out a hundred people. The last one came back, only a dozen. How can this make An Yan not angry? Just like being pressed against a chest by a big stone, I can’t wait to vomit blood.

The remaining spar in Yan’s hands was not found, and even the copper tripod could not be retrieved!

Why did it make it easy to send a big copper trip as a gift?

One is to pull hatred. In the face of so many people in the free trade zone, there will definitely be more people staring at the trading team of the Yanjiao tribe. I can borrow the hands of other people to create trouble for the Yanjiao people.

The second reason is to use the copper tripod to drag the pace of Yan Yan people. Taking advantage of such a big tripod in the mountain forest is definitely not convenient, and it will leave traces of walking for easy tracking.

But the result is like a loud slap. No mercy on the face of An Yan.

Bronze is still very rare for tribes, and the casting process is complicated, and every tripod, especially those big tripods. It takes a lot of manpower and material resources, and it is because of its rareness. From its birth to the present, it has always been owned by the slave owners, and it is also owned by the six powers. The other status in the city is lower. people. There is no such ability at all, and most people can only use Tao Ding.

It is true that An Yan, as a descendant of the ruler, is of course qualified to reward others to others, but to the tribes? I really didn't think about this peace of mind. Even if it was a casting failure, I didn't want to give it directly to the Horde, just as a chess piece. Unexpectedly, this piece was actually taken away!

What can be expected to be spit out by the tribes who took them back?


Probably think that the copper wine glass is not deflated, and the words have fallen into a very thin ceramic cup.

"Get out!" Seeing these people standing in front of them, An Yan will come to the air. If there are too many people to break, he still needs to use these people's words, and he has already dragged these wastes out and cut them!

Next time, the next time the people in Yanjiao come to the free trade zone of Amba City, he must make those people look good!

It is a pity that An Yan does not know that Yanjiao has long had a deal with the "Black Bear" and does not need to go to the free trade zone.


When the Yanjiao and Taihe teams returned to the tribe, the weather in the forest had already turned cold. They stood on high ground and looked around, and could see the yellow leaves everywhere in the forest. After a long time, those leaves will fall completely, and at that time, winter is coming.

After this outing, the people of the Taihe tribe learned that a little elder of the Yanjiao was still less irritating.

Hard hit, he can play. Playing yin? He is still doing it!

Especially the few people who had dealt with Shao Xuan at the beginning, I was glad that Shao Xuan did not use pits to hang them, or they would be mad at not being killed.

After being separated from the people of Taihe, Du Kang took the team and walked to the tribe with a smile. The big tripod that reflects the golden light is also swayed by Dokang. At this time, there is no need to cover it, and the cloth is covered, revealing the body, which is quite eye-catching.

Looking at the front, I can't wait for Ding to jump up and show off the more well-being, broad-mouthed, and greet others to keep up.

Walking through the woods, I saw the river outside the tribe. On the other side of the river, the leader took the tribe and stood there to meet the trading team.

The big tripod that Dokang stunned almost flashed the eyes of the greeters.

The first feeling that Zheng Luo saw Da Ding was that he did not believe it. He closed his eyes and opened it again. Dokang still licked his mouth and stared at the flashing Ding!

If you don't change the point, how can you change it? ! Still awkward! If you use it to cook something, it is not as good as the big stone pot left by the ancestors! !

Seeing that the body is not stable, the face of the sign is even worse.

"What is going on with this?!" asked Luo to ask. If Dukang changed the weapon with something for the weapon, he decided to hold a tribal meeting and withdraw the leader of Dokang.

After Kang Kang put down the tripod, he rubbed his arm and relaxed his muscles, then smiled and said: "You said this tripod? It is Shao Xuan."

As soon as I heard that it was Shao Xuan, the face of Luo was stiff and stiff, and the color of questioning was slightly slower. I am planning to blame Dokang. Why didn’t I persuade Shaoshen when I changed Shaoding, I listened to Dokang and briefly explained the cause of the incident.

After listening to it, I collected the dissatisfied color on the face, licked my beard and smiled: "Since it is sent by others, then it will be collected."

What do you want to do with the door?

As a tribal leader, the levy can obviously think of more. For the slave owners, this trip is not free to send. He can now guess the expression of An Yan.

Stealing chicken does not eclipse the rice! That! Let them show off!

He also listened to Dokang and said that he cooperated with the "black bear". The levy was even more laughed and his eyes were gone. He said: "Good! Good! Good!"

In a good mood, Luo Xuan called Shao Xuan up the mountain and gave him some linen and silk fabrics: "This is when you go out, another team of the tribe goes to trade with other tribes. I have a lot of here. You take some time."

Although the textile raw materials such as ramie are rough, they are cheaper and easier to get. They are used more and the silk fabrics are used less. The slave owners like the shiny and smooth things.

Some of the linen and silk fabrics were given to Shao Xuan, and Luo asked about the transaction of Shao Xuan. Dokang only briefly said something. In detail, he still wants to know more about it.

When he finished, the sign of Luo also looked at the tripod brought back.

"The cloud pattern is a flat foot, it should be cast by the monks." Zheng Luo said.

"匣人?" Shao Xuan really did not understand this.

"Well, it used to be the '匣' tribe. The monks were good at casting, and later the tribes were scattered. The monks used the name of 'worker' as the surname, and they made casting for their lives everywhere. There are many tripods in Anba City that were cast by them. The style of the monks is mostly based on the round and ditch moiré. In recent years, there are more flat feet. The six Zhuchengs are now cast, the rounds are mostly, the square trips are the second, and the flat feet are the least, of which the round tripods More than half of the flat feet are from the hands of the monks, plus the monks like the moiré instead of the animal prints, so this tripod should be cast by the monks, but somehow, the tripod failed to cast." With the flat body, and look at the feet of Ding, I am puzzled.

If you don't understand, you don't want to, and Luo asks Shao Xuandao: "It's good to be the master of this trip. It's good to go back to the furnace or keep your own soup."

Shao Xuanyi took the trip out of Zhenglu and returned to his home. He placed the tripod in his own stone-making room, which was big enough and spacious enough for him to study the ornamentation on the tripod.

The words on Ding’s reading are a bit embarrassing, with a bit of ancient meaning. If other people, they probably can’t read and can’t understand, but Shao Xuan can still understand some.

The usage habits of the written language here have changed a little more or less in the past thousand years. Some words are used and grammatically different. What Shao Xuan learned from the people in the desert is actually the use of words used here thousands of years ago, but it is closer to the ancient method of Ding.

Shao Xuan wrote all the words of the body on a piece of cloth, and slowly studied it later.

However, when Shao Xuan wrote the words and looked at the tripod where he stood there, he always felt that the pattern of the body was a bit weird, like a whirlpool, attracting people's attention. (To be continued.)

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