Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 46: Gong Jiaheng

After the man quickly came to the shore, he flipped in the grass, followed by a groaning sound.

Shao Xuan looked at the man pulling a thick vine. In the creaking sound, the vine was pulled out a little, and the trap floating on the water quickly came to the river bank.

The closer the trap is to the river bank, the more the crocodile that is locked in is struggling, but it is much weaker than the crocodiles that Shao Xuan encountered before. If the crocodile is so closed in the state of full prosperity, the trap may not last for such a long time.

After the trap was pulled ashore, it also showed its full picture.

It was a square metal cage. In order to float it on the water, the trunk was tied to the thick trunk on both sides so that the metal cage could remain floating. Water plants are attached to the cage and the trunk, probably for the purpose of a cover-up, that is, whether the cover is aimed at people or against crocodiles. Some people think that the fish is stupid, and the obvious traps will fall into it. The following traps don't need to be concealed, but the crocodiles here are not stupid. Even if they are stupid and see more, they may be able to avoid obvious traps.

Shao Xuan saw that the man pulled the cage off the shore, pulled off the water grass tied to the cage, and then took a vine from the grass next to it, tied it to a metal rod, and made a round lasso at the end. .

The man then opened the cage near the head of the crocodile. The cage was divided into three sections, and he now only opens one-third of the head. After opening, the metal rod tied with the lasso is inserted in, and the lasso at the front end of the stick extends to the mouth of the crocodile.

The crocodile in the cage was opening his mouth, revealing more than a hundred teeth in his mouth, demonstrating to the man, and he could not wait to immediately rush to kill the person standing above.

The size of the lasso is very suitable. The hardness and toughness of the vines can maintain the lasso in a circle.

The man used the lasso to land in the mouth of the crocodile, if it was an inexperienced person. Perhaps the lasso will be the owner of the crocodile teeth, but the man succeeded once. The lasso directly covers the upper jaw of the crocodile.

The other two doors above the cage were opened, and the man was still moving at the four corners of the cage, and the cage then changed from a square to a flat spread.

The crocodile that was caught in the upper jaw closed his mouth, and the nature made it. After the upper jaw was covered, the first thing that came to mind was biting.

After closing your mouth. The bite did not bite the vine. Its teeth are not as sharp as the herbivores. The place where the vines are placed is just between its teeth, and it can’t be bitten off. Now, there is not much strength to swing and break free, so it makes a crocodile's best skill to die.

However, the death of this situation has tumbling, but it has made it sink deeper in the predicament. The original vine just tied its upper jaw, and now it rolls and rolls again. The mouth was tied. Without the restrictions of the cage, the more it turns and turns, the more the mouth is tied tighter.

After tying the mouth of the crocodile. To be on the safe side, the man used another vine and added a few more laps to his mouth.

After that, the other party found some large leaves, combined with vines, to cover the eyes of the crocodile.

The movement of the crocodile that is covered by the eye is reduced. After a lot of fish are tied to their eyes, they can reduce their tension. Obviously, crocodiles are similar to those in this respect.

That person knows very well about the habits of crocodiles.

A crocodile that is tied to his mouth and blindfolded. The hind legs were also entangled by the man with vines.

Crocodiles are reptiles that act on the ground. The main force comes from the hind legs. The crocodiles that Shao Xuan encountered in front of him jumped so high to bite Shao Xuan standing on the tree. In addition to their powerful muscles, they are mainly the more powerful thighs.

Therefore, the person tied the crocodile's leg is also to limit the action of the crocodile.

Tied up his mouth, blindfolded, wrapped his hind legs, this crocodile, the crocodile would not move there. The man stood by and looked at it, pulled the vines, added a few laps to the crocodile's mouth, and almost covered the crocodile's exposed teeth. Shao Xuan has experience, the fangs of the crocodile, when they are hoeing, it is like a knife, it can easily hurt people.

The man was so sweaty that he slid back the crocodile-like hat, revealing a dark, sullen face.

The metal cage that was spread into a flat piece was collected, hidden to one side, and then the rope tied to the crocodile was tied. The man suddenly turned and looked in the direction of Shao Xuan.

"Looked at it for so long, should it come out?" said the man.

No anger, the tone is very dull, it seems that I don't care at all.

Shao Xuan didn't think that he would be discovered, and he wouldn't hide. He jumped from the tree and walked over there. The sword on his body was also placed in a conspicuous place. If the weapon was hidden, he would Let the other party feel malicious and threatening. The attitude of the other party is still kind and there is no malice. Shao Xuan does not want to offend people with a face-up.

The other side's line of sight swept through Shao Xuan's body. When he swept Shao Xuan's sword, he paused slightly, his eyes flashed disdain, and he did not hide it.

"Which tribe are you?" the man asked.

"Yanjiao tribe." Guessing the possible identity of the other party, Shao Xuan did not conceal, after all, there are more questions to ask, and the other party is not like a good deceiver.

"Yanjiao tribe?" The man thought for a moment. "It seems to have been heard, is it nearby?"

"Well, it’s far away."

"The tribe is far away, what do you do in such a far and dangerous place? Come out and practice?" the man asked.


"Looking for herbs?"

"Not at all."

"You don't want to come to Gongjiashan yet?" the man asked again.

Shao Xuanqi looked at the other side, he actually knows? !

"Is it really? Just you? Still rushing to find Gongjiashan?!" The man said "You really do not do anything", see Shao Xuan's eyes summed up for two words to die.

"Hey, is there a lot of people coming to find Jiashan?" Shao Xuan is curious.

"Not many, but there are also some people, but when they find it, they will find themselves dead." The man said plainly. There is no irony, no gloating.

"Then you are..."

"My name is Gong Jiaheng." Needless to say too much, a name has revealed the most important information.

When reporting his name, Gong Jiaheng is proud. The monks never conceal their own surnames, and they have always been proud of their surname "worker" and are proud of their own tribes.

Sure enough, it’s a curse!

When Shao Xuan heard the work of Jiaheng, he wanted to ask, but he listened to the other party and said: "I haven't found a mountain in Gongjia. How can you find these foreigners?! It is almost the same to find death."

It is no wonder that Gong Jiaheng has a dull attitude towards those who come to find Jiashan. He has no contempt, and he is not able to find the armored mountain.

“A lot of people looking for a mountain of work?” Shao Xuan asked.

"Not too much, but it is also quite a lot. I have been here for twenty years. I have encountered seventeen people looking for a mountain, ten **** like me, seven outsiders. Later nine died. Five injured returns, the other three continue to find, and now I don’t know where to die."

"Maybe they found Gongjiashan?" Shaoxuandao.

"Impossible! I can't find a place, how could they find it!" Gong Jiaheng said affirmatively.

There are other people coming over to find out that there is more than one Shaoxuan to crack out the cloud pattern, but there are not many people who have successfully cracked, so there are not many people coming here. However, it is even more difficult to find Gongjiashan than Shao Xuan expected. Even the people themselves are hard to find, and the chances of other people are even more embarrassing. After all, the monks themselves know more about the moiré and get more information.

Just because everyone can't find it, Gong Jiaheng didn't care about Shao Xuan coming over to find Gongjiashan. He went straight to Shao Xuan and said: "Come and help, I will divide you later."

In the past, after the squid caught the crocodile, it would not be killed here. He still has inventory. He does not plan to kill it for a while, and will stay for a few days. When the stock is finished, he will kill the fresh one. So, after capturing, he will drag the crocodile back to where he lives.

The people who are good at casting and forging, can forge and forge, the strength is not small, when forging, the arm strength is small. Therefore, compared with many people, the strength of the monks is still relatively large. In the past, after the crocodile caught the crocodile, it would drag the crocodile back. It used to be able to use some of the tools of the roller. Pull yourself.

It was too difficult for a person to pull, and he only called Shao Xuan to help.

"Hey, you drag your tail, I am pulling the rope..."

When the workmanship was not finished, he saw Shao Xuan pick up his tail and dragged the ten-meter-long crocodile forward. He walked so easily and cut off half of what he said.

"You are so energetic... okay." The workman finally pulled the ropes and found that he had no chance to force himself. He simply let go and stared at the crocodile to see if the crocodile was still tired. It breaks the vine attacking people. Gong Jiaheng also carries a large copper hammer in his hand. If there is an abnormal situation, he will directly hit a hammer.

"This crocodile medicine?" Shao Xuan asked.

"Crocodile? You say it? Of course, Chinese medicine, otherwise it will be so quiet." Gong Jiaheng said. The bait in his cage contains a drug that makes the crocodile weak. It is very effective and can last for a long time. After being dragged back, if he does not eat it for a while, he will continue to take the medicine.

"Right," Shao Xuan asked. "How did you know where I was hiding?" He thought that his hidden technology was not bad, and he did not make a sound.

"I feel that someone is watching."

Shao Xuan recalled it, too. At that time, he looked at the other side to catch the crocodile and looked too aggressive. The line of sight was too focused. The armor could live there for 20 years, and the perception was very sharp. Of course, he could detect it. (To be continued)

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