Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 421: Black eat black

When Shao Xuan saw this fat duck, he knew that it was not a pure wild bird. As a few of the grown-up Shao Xuan who looked at the Yi and the tribe, they knew too much about that kind of eyes, especially this one. When the bird swam in the water in front of his face, the light that flashed in the eyes of the black beans made Shao Xuan know what the **** was going on.

Originally, Shao Xuan wanted to follow this fat duck to see who was there. He had already guessed that the other party was not a good class. There were traps in front of him. Maybe others could hardly see it, but Shao Xuan could, this kind of He has also set the trap.

Keeping such a distance, he is confident that he can escape when he encounters a besieged, but after the other party appeared, Shao Xuan changed his mind.

The first to solve the people and traps hidden in the dark, and then use this hit to disturb the hearts of the rest of the people, solve them one by one. Moreover, Shao Xuan also wants to know how the totem power in the body has improved after the two bone ornaments have been stimulated.

Now, the murderer has already solved it, and this only the fat duck that he brought him, Shao Xuanzhen is firmly in his hands.

For Shao Xuan's words, the dark-eyed fat duck's black eyes flashed and wanted to be called, but because the neck was shackled, only two weird syllables were issued.

Obviously, it can understand Shao Xuan's words, Shao Xuan feels that the duck is panicking.

"Ask you a few questions, answer me to be satisfied, I will let you go." Shao Xuan stared at the duck in his hand and said.

The wings were tied, and the fat duck licked his foot and nodded.

Shao Xuan slightly moved his hand on the neck of the duck, but he did not let go of his heart. If this fat duck slammed his mouth after he let go, Shao Xuan would not hesitate to twist its thin neck.

Fortunately, this duck still knows the current affairs, does not have a mouth, look at Shao Xuan, waiting for Shao Xuan's words.

"Do they still have people?" Shao Xuan asked.

The fat duck paused and nodded.

“How many?” Shao Xuan asked again.

This fat duck froze. It won't count wow, it only knows yes and no, as for a few... one is also there, ten is also there.

Look at the fat duck. Shao Xuan knew that this question could not be answered from it.

"Take me in the past."

The fat duck slammed his foot and motioned that it was now caught and could not walk.

Shao Xuan grabbed its neck with a straw rope, untied the bundle on the wings, and then took a long straw rope, "leading the way."

The fat duck shook. I am very unaccustomed to the shackles of the quilt, but I still take the lead in the front, but my eyes are still lingering from time to time, thinking about how to escape.

When passing by the big tree, Shao Xuan discovered that the man who died under the tree had become a strange black and black. It was a horror. There was a pungent smell around him. of.

Shao Xuan swept the inconspicuous poisonous grass on the ground and planned to solve those people. Look at these poisonous grasses again, can poison a totem warrior, this is not a general poison.

The fat ducks still cooperated. They did not deliberately bring Shao Xuan to a dangerous place. They even deliberately took Shao Xuan to avoid those places where traps were ambushed. This made Shao Xuan’s impression of this fat duck change.

This fat duck, the relationship with this group of people does not seem so good, seeing the three were settled by Shao Xuan, did not show any resentment, and now. Although it still thought about how to escape, it did bring Shao Xuan to the place where the group was, and also took it to a safe place. He didn't care about Shao Xuan. On the contrary, I am a bit happy to see what it means.

After a long walk, Shao Xuan saw traces of life of many people. Some boiled bones were thrown into the grass to see the bones, like humans.

The fat duck paced up and swayed. Continue to take Shao Xuan to the other side. It can now sound out and alert people there, but it doesn't.

Shao Xuan looked at the wooden house built on the tree not far away. There were various branches and vines around the wooden house, hiding the wooden house in a green, throwing some bones under the tree, and the burnt wood ash.

Someone in the room was active, Shao Xuan listened carefully, only one person, and Shao Xuan did not feel how much power the other side had.

The people in the room groaned, and the sound of knocking and slashing came from inside.

Make sure there are no other people around, Shao Xuan will tie the fat duck to the tree next to it, and whether or not it will break the rope. Since this fat duck has not been screamed, it will not be there later.

Shao Xuan quietly slammed into the tree and went to the wooden house on the tree.

There was a staggered old man in the wooden house. He was skinny, with a sickness, and said something in his mouth. Beside him, there were some cut pieces of meat, and I didn’t know what animal meat.

When I noticed something, the old man turned and looked behind him. "You are back... Who are you?!"

When I saw a stranger, the old man’s eyes were alert and his eyes flickered. He was measuring the power gap between the two sides. He also thought about how the three people who went out were going, and when they could come back.

However, take a closer look at Shao Xuan, the old man’s eyes are horrified.

"You... how are you here?!"

"Do you know me?" Shao Xuan entered the house and looked at the old man inside.

There are some hoes hanging around the house, which are human skulls, and the skulls are also covered with blunt instruments or sharp cuts.

"No... don't know!" The old man hurriedly denied.

Shao Xuan’s sword in his hand swayed, picking the axe from the old man’s hand and pointing the tip of the sword at the old man. “Here you are one?”

"There are still three!" After the axe in the hand of the old man was picked up, he shrank his head and trembled.

"How do you know me?" Shao Xuan asked again.

"I don't know!" See Shao Xuan approaching the tip of the sword, the old man panicked even more, screamed, and then slammed his head: "I really don't know you! It is listening to them, this time the goal is to hold The young man of the sword, so I am..."

"Talk about your origins." Shao Xuan pulled a stool made of wooden stakes and sat down.

The old man twitched his head and quickly blinked his eyes. He swept his eyes at Shao Xuan. "What about those three people?"


The old man heard a trembling and was terrified. When he turned to Shao Xuan, he saw the impatient color on Shao Xuan’s face. He quickly said: "If I say it, can I take a life around me?"

Shao Xuanyi sword split another wooden bench next to it. Two pieces of wood collapsed and slammed into the curtain wall, making a loud noise, scaring the old man another one.

Shao Xuan took the sword, and the Jianjian clicked on the wooden floor in front of the old man. He calmly said: "That said, you still have a way to live. If you don't say it, you can only send you to see your accomplices."

The old man said in a panic and looked down on the ground. ”

The old man trembled and screamed, and he said that the origins of several people. He is a very afraid of death. He didn’t have to use Shao Xuan more and more effort. He explained everything. He originally planned to squat and was Shao Xuan. I was scared, and I didn’t worry about it. I only asked Shao Xuan to bypass his life.

The old man was expelled by a tribe who lived in the forest because he poisoned the tribe and stole the gems of the tribe to trade with the slave owners. He wanted to escape with the property, but did not think, halfway through People stared at them and robbed the property. People almost lost their lives on the way. Later, they fled back to the woods and did not dare to return to the tribe. It is difficult to survive in the mountains with his ability.

Under the yin and yang, the old man met a group of people who ventured to the depths of the mountains to find Gongjiashan, and took a little understanding of the mountains to become a guide in the team.

Later, the team's people were on the way to find Gongjiashan, dead and dead, wounded, and some left, leaving only eight people. This old man is one of them. The rest of the people are no longer obsessed with looking for the Jiajia Mountain. They converted their strategies and went to the robbery to find the people in Gongjiashan.

If they encounter people who seem to be in a bad position, they will not easily shoot, but if they see "Fat Sheep", they will not hesitate to rob. However, most of them can come to find Gongjiashan. Most of them are capable of being able to bear. Although they were finally killed by them, the skulls of those people were hung in the house as spoils, but on the way to the robbery, the team There are also casualties among people, from eight to four. When there are few people, they are naturally more cautious when they choose their goals. They will not be easy to shoot, but they are also greedy. They haven’t been able to take another shot for a long time. It’s rare to meet Shao Xuan, who doesn’t seem to have much threat, and then think about it. Together with the monks, they know that Shao Xuan certainly has a special chance, either to find the armored mountain, or to shoot the monk, no matter which, the body must bring a lot of good things.

Driven by the interests, they planned to rob Shao Xuan, so they sent a bait, that is, the fat duck.

Speaking of this fat duck, it was trained by the old man. The old man had some experience in training the birds. He used to train some birds to steal other people in the tribe. He was later discovered and was expelled from the tribe. Therefore, in order to show his own value, the old man regained his old skills and trapped a fat duck. After half a year of training, he used it as a bait to attract others to the ambush. In fact, strictly speaking, you want to adjust a fat duck like this, it takes two to three years or even longer, and it is better to start from just breaking the shell. The conditions are limited. The old man can only make some other Skills to make up for it, although some extreme, it is easy for the object being tempered to give rise to the rebellious mind, but in order to show their usefulness as soon as possible, the old man did not hesitate to use it.

There are not many animals here, and food is hard to find. If you look at such a fat duck, anyone will have an idea.

Shao Xuan’s heart is clear. It’s no wonder that the fat duck looks unfamiliar to these people. When the emotions are oppressed, they give birth to the opposite.

I said everything, the old man carefully looked at Shao Xuan, this time, can you spare him a life?

Shao Xuan stood up and looked at the old man who was squatting on the ground: "These people on the wall are the targets of your murder?"

"Yes...Yes." The old man trembled and replied, then he again said: "I didn't shoot! They killed them, they are all!"

Shao Xuan stared at the old man for a long while, staring at the old man’s guilty cold and sweat, before he left, and took away a few bronzes here. The benefits of these people’s robbery were many, drugs, property, weapons, and so on. Shao Xuan played a black and black, and took it with him. (To be continued.)

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