Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 432: Don't see, let them roll!

The young woman in white is still wanting to say something, not far from the distance: "And slow!"

Another car drove from behind, but the horse was not a horse, but a cow. On the body, it was bigger than the horse in front.

Although it is a cow pulling cart, the credit on the car is the same as that of the previous carriage. Whether it is material or workmanship, it is extremely fine.

The oxcart stopped slowly, because the front carriage stopped, the big yellow ox pulled, the nose spurted, and the horns swelled, pushing the carriage that was blocking the road toward the side.

The two horses and the cow seemed to be old rivals. They met with a red eye and the horn hit the horse's horn. The big cow is one enemy and two, and it does not fall into the wind. This is probably the benefit of the long two corners.

At this time, the ox cart also jumped down two young people, a man and a woman, with a similar appearance of 40%, the man is a little older.

"Hey, hey, you dare to hit my car?!" The former white woman saw her arrival and was angry.

It is a pity that the two people who got off the bus didn't look at her, but walked quickly toward the direction of the black bear.

"It turned out to be a 'black bear' bellows, black boss, only to be offended! Just because there are things in the body today, can not be said in detail, a little inconvenient, tomorrow will definitely go to the door to pay guilty." Young man came forward. The person who just shouted "and slow" was him.

"Hey?" "Black Bear" looked at the man in front of him. He knew this person and understood that this was the end of the matter. If he couldn’t fight it, he would put the knife back and pick it up again. This person said "the door to aggrieved", said that the sent people sent an apology ceremony past.

The former white woman probably realized that the person in front of him was not good at dealing with it. He realized that he had made a mistake and did not say anything.

"Black Bear" looked at the three people in the family, and they were too lazy to care about it. Perhaps the neighbors can look at the faces of these three people and say a few more words to themselves. The old man’s temper is not good, even if he doesn’t know how to treat the three grandchildren. Moreover, I don’t know if it’s related to the dwelling.

When I think of it, the "black bear" is not going to stop here all the time. The tiger's face is smiling: "You are going to the 'Golden Valley' squatting master? Just right, we have to visit his old man."

When the eyebrows were picked, the line of sight was smashed in Shao Xuan and in the broad sense, and placed on the black bear. In his view, the other two were only incidental, and the most important thing was the black bear.

"Since the same road, the three are not like us, the car can also sit," he said.

Here, except for the nobles who can ride, others can't, but if they are invited, they can.

If you are in the middle of the "black bear", he laughed and said: "Well, I am so welcome!"

Shao Xuan saw that the black bear didn't mind at all, followed by the car, followed in a broad sense.

Yan Jing looked at the three people who had blocked the road and got a sly and sly ox cart. There were still some sorrowful gods. It was a gas temper, and it was to borrow her things to brush up the acquaintance! Those two sly people! It’s a traitor!

The road was so wide, and the cattle and horses that were pulled were big. When the oxcart passed, the carriage was crowded and almost turned into the grass ditch next to it.

On the ox cart, the carriage is large, three meters wide and about seven to eight meters long. It has a theme and a guest seat. Shao Xuan is sitting in the guest seat.

"I don't know if Black Boss is here today, what is it?" he asked.

"I? No, no, no, I am a guest." "Black Bear" said.

Accompanying guests?

The biggest leader of the black bear caravan, is it just a guest? Who is this with?

Yan Heyi once again moved his sight to Shao Xuan. However, Shao Xuan and the generalized body were not particularly special. The obvious barbarian tribal style, and the signs they are familiar with, are not familiar with several tribes.

"I don't know if these two are..." I look at Shao Xuan and the broad sense.

Shao Xuan smiled and introduced himself: "Yanjiao Shaoxuan."

"Inflammation angle is generalized."

Shao Xuan remembers that when he lived in the residence, it seems that many people do not remember the Yanjiao tribe. Only those older ones still have some impressions. Therefore, when Shao Xuan introduced himself, he also paid attention to the look of the two people, and found the stunned eyes of the two people. Although it was not obvious, it also let Shao Xuan know that these two people really don’t know the inflammation. Corner tribe.

"It seems to have been heard." Thinking hard, I said, "You tribes should be far from the city?"

"Well, some distance." Shao Xuandao.

He asked a few more words and learned that Shao Xuan was coming to ask for a living. The curiosity in his heart was gone, and there was no interest in continuing to ask. Are there fewer people who come here to ask each year? The queue can go from Wangcheng to Zhuangzi.

It was a look at Shao Xuan.

About half an hour later, the cart stopped.

After getting off the bus, Shao Xuan saw a big house, and looked around. They were all surrounded by high fences. There was a branch nearby to patrol the guards. They looked at the imposing manner and did not lose to the gate of Wangcheng City. Guards.

A large stone monument stands on the doorstep of the big house, and there is a pattern on the tablet.

The oxcart just stopped, and the carriage behind it arrived, but there was no quarrel between the two sides, and they were very safe. Even the cattle and horses pulling the cart were very quiet.

The three men marched first. After all, they were the people of the family. The guards at the door did not stop, but Shao Xuan was stopped. The name of the "black bear" was not reported.

I don’t want to sell a good "black bear". Here, they can't do it. There is only one master here, and that is the dwelling.

I handed the black bear an apologetic look, and went to the door with Jing Jing and Yu. The guards in front of the big house stood there with debt-seeking, and the sharp eyes were scraped on Shao Xuan. Even the black bears were not treated specially.

However, the "black bear" did not feel that he had been lost in the face of this time. Instead, he asked Shao Xuan with some concern. "How? What else do you have?"

Hard swearing is definitely not going in, and the risk is too great.

Shao Xuan gestured to the black bear to be safe, and then walked toward the entrance of the big house. Under the general eyes of the guards, he took out a strange little copper knife from the animal bag and handed it over. With a sentence, I will tell the old man to visit."

The guards who stood there in the original door, and still heard the words in front of them, are still laughing: Who is this Tamar, but also to bring the words to the owner, is that qualification?

However, after hearing the latter part of the sentence, they discovered that this person is really there!

If other people say "the old man is visiting", the guards will sneak out the people. If there are too many people for this reason, the tokens will be different.

When I saw the knife, the eyes of the guards changed, and the sharp-eyed eyes were taken back and replaced with curiosity.

After a small copper knife that carefully identified Shao Xuan's hand, a guard immediately put away the arrogance and indifference just now, and extended his hands respectfully, and caught the knife that Shao Xuan handed.

"Please wait a moment." The guard said, holding his hands and holding the knife into the door, there was no shadow in the blink of an eye.

Hearing the guard here said a "please" word, "black bear" and saw the double-headed behemoth like Shao Xuan, his mouth opened Zhang, and said: "Do you know the residence?!"

"Know, I didn't tell you yesterday. Have I seen the side of the house before?" Shao Xuandao.

The black bear seriously thought about it. It seems to be true. When I was eating dinner yesterday, it was only that time he didn't take it seriously. He only thought that he was a few times far away.

"Shao Xuan, are you just coming over and asking for the cultivation method? Is there any other thing?" "Black Bear" asked curiously. It is certainly not a general understanding that you can have a living thing.

"Yeah." Shao Xuan nodded.

"What the hell?" "Black Bear" asked, he was really curious, don't ask him to understand his heart.

"Going to debt."

Black Bear: "..." I don't believe in peeling off my bear skin! Jingu Yiju is in debt? Ha ha!

On the other side, next to a certain piece of land.

The hustle and bustle looked badly at the surrounding plots, and there were ten people around him who were obedient.

"I said, this place is a three-ridge, and there is a distance between each arm, one arm away! What do you show me? Are your arms as long as your legs?! Reorganization!!"

"And this one, is the chaff skin ready? It will be over in ten days. If it is not all over, the ground will die, and you will go out and die!! ”

"Oh, there is this piece of land, and the whole plant is deep and ploughed! The whole plant is deep and ploughed! After I have been with me for so long, I don’t know what is the whole process of deep cultivation?! If you don’t understand, you will get out of Zhuangzi!"

The hustle and bustle walked all the way, and the face was getting worse and worse, and the ten individuals who were next to each other were squirted and squirted, and they did not dare to wipe them. They carefully answered the question of the shack, and made mistakes again and again. Will be saved back, they do not want to be driven out of Zhuangzi. How good here is, the reward for eating, the outside people want to do it, the envious people have to go, even if it is the most inferior slave, there are many people who originally intended to come in.

When I walked to the side of a piece of land, I looked at the ground and looked blank. "Here, who buried the bone?"

At the same time, the ten people who are surrounded by the other side screamed at the same time: When it is over, this is a prelude to worry!

They have been around for a long time, and they have an understanding of the temper of the house. It’s okay to open a house, which shows that there is still a chance to save. The fear is that there is no shortage of people. At this time, someone must be ill, and everyone present will be implicated.

One of them was pale, and the land was one of the ones under his jurisdiction. Although there is still no such thing, it is one of the procedures to prepare for the preparation. The bones to be buried under the ground are all sought after by the people of the sect. With these bones, the plants planted on them will grow well. However, now I look at the way I live in a shack, it’s a scorpion!

The eyes of the scorpion are poisonous. When you look at it, the situation in the ground is clear. He said that there is a problem with the bone, and that is definitely a problem. This is the authority of the whole Zhuangzi.

The person in charge of the land rubbed his sweat on his forehead and let people bring the bones.

After a while, two slaves were brought to the front. The bones of the animals are responsible for their burying.

The person in charge of the land, staring at the eyes of the two slaves, seems to be poisoned.

After seeing the shackles, the two slaves knew that their things had been discovered, and they were so scared that they did not even have the courage to defend them. They squatted on the ground.

Frankly speaking, although the temper is not good, but compared with other slave owners who abused slaves, it is much better. As long as the land is planted, there will be no less rewards. When the person is in a good mood, the person who has merit is always generous, even if it is a slave, it will not be rewarded. However, there are still people who are not satisfied. These two slaves are.

The animal bones that have been transported have been changed, and the original animal bones will certainly be stolen by these two slaves for other benefits. It is impossible to manage a piece of iron plate. It is impossible, many people are here. Things, the method of planting the squatting house has also been coveted for a long time, and it is possible to have a mind to make a hole.

For those who are good at planting, a piece of animal bone can leak too much.

The surface of the residence is covered with frost, and the tone is cold. "Tow it out."

Immediately, the guards came over and blocked the mouths of the two slaves and towed them for questioning. No matter what the outcome, the two slaves could not live.

Some people like to use people to make fertilizer. In the land of other slave owners, there may be a sin slave who is executed directly as a fertilizer, but in the squatting here, never, people know that this land is planted. The ground is accurate to a bone and a stone holds a bucket of manure. But because of this, in the land where you live, the things you produce are always the best.

The person in charge of the land, the position is not guaranteed, will certainly be shackled, as to whether it can be restored, it depends on his ability.

When the residence was in a bad mood, Zhuangzi’s management was coming quickly.

"Homeowners, a few young masters come..."

"Don't see!" The house waved impatiently.

"There are still a few caravans..."

"Let them roll!" The words of the house have not been finished yet, and the answer to the house is over.

As long as the management is expected to happen, he will only mention it in a matter of business, and he will do his duty. As for those who are caravans, they definitely want to see the new kind of baby that the family has come out of, and he is rushing to find it.

Going back a few steps, I saw a guard who was guarding the door coming over and said a few words, handing the knife in his hand to the management.

Seeing the knife, the strange color on the surface of the tube flashed, and then holding the knife and quickly chasing the past.


"What else?!"

"Someone came over..."

"Tell them to let them roll!"

"But he handed the knife."

"Let them not hear it... wait! What knife?"

The shacks returned from the wrath of the wrath, looking at the small copper knives held up by the hands of the manager, and the eyebrows rose up and down again, picking up the knives and familiarly playing them between the fingers. "You just said, who is here? Is it called Shao? Mysterious?"

"Oh, I don't know, the guard is only talking about a young man, looking like a tribe."

"That's the kid! Bring him in!"

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