Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 435: Five colors of gold

Shao Xuan was pulled out of the Qingmang Hall by the shack, and he was busy for a while, seeing the residence stop, and yelled: "Yellow land!"

The name Shao Xuan listened to the residence and said that it was the first slave of the old man, a ox.

The squatting screamed a few times, because it was too anxious to turn around in place.

Not many meetings, Shao Xuan heard the sound of the thundering hoof, such as thunder.

In the direction of the sound, I saw the end of the dirt road, a huge oxen rushed over here, and brought smoke all the way behind him.

Compared with the cow that Shao Xuan had seen before, it is much bigger! This kind of being placed in the mountain forest is also a beast that cannot be underestimated.

As the big yellow cattle approached quickly, the vibration of the ground became more apparent. The huge figure and the horns on the head, with the fierceness of the pressure, seemed to break through all the obstacles in front.


When the big yellow cattle rushed to the front of the house, they slowed down until they stopped at the side of the house. However, the pair of cow eyes squinted at Shao Xuan, and it seemed to be looking at Shao Xuan, a stranger.

"What are you doing? Just call a few times before you come over?!"

The big yellow cow just bowed his head and slammed into the house with a cow's nose. It looked like it was spoiling, but soon, this big yellow cow seemed to find something. The nose sniffed on the shack and turned to look at Shao Xuan. The big bullseye scanner of the pot is usually swept again on Shaoxuan. This time, I have to look more carefully. Then, Xuan Xuan found that his sight stayed on the animal bag he was carrying.

However, I was probably aware that Shao Xuan was not a good person to deal with, and it was a stranger. Therefore, although I really wanted to rob Shao Xuan's animal skin bag in the past, the big yellow cattle still did not act. However, the big yellow cattle put their eyes on the squat, and the nose sniffed again, then stared at the hand of the shack.


"What is it called! This thing can't be eaten for you!" said the squatting, and easily jumped over the cow's back higher than the two floors.

"Come on." The house took a picture of the cow's back. It is indicated that Shao Xuan also went up.

The big yellow cattle squirted a jet from the huge nostrils of the bull, and the hooves stepped, and some were reluctant.

Shao Xuan did not hesitate, turned and jumped up.

"Go. Go see thousands of gold!"

"哞" big yellow cattle screamed, the hooves stepped, turned and accelerated. Although it is fast, it is compared to it. To be much more stable, this is to take care of the shackles on the back of the cattle.

The squatter said that the yellow land is another management here. Several pieces of land are used to help them. Of course, some people cooperate with management. This big yellow cow is in the Jingu Tianzhuang. Except for the squatting, whoever’s face is not given, even if it is the big management that Shao Xuan has seen before, there is no way for this cow to step on the hoof.

The place where thousands of gold are grown. Not in this area, on the back of the cow, the residence is quite touching: "Whenever a new strange grain is found, it will be planted in another place, because the variable is too big." Saying that the residence looks to Shao Xuan, " For example, thousands of gold, you have planted, you should know that when you plant thousands of gold, the other crops around you can't grow normally."

Shao Xuan agreed to nod. "It is true that at the beginning of the germination. I also found that there are many weeds in the yard, which can grow long and disappear."

Shao Xuan did not say that it was okay. When he said that this residence was so distressed, his stomach was sour. More precious thousand gold, was sprinkled by the kid in the backyard. Fortunately, this is a thousand gold life and can adapt to it. Otherwise it is really bad!

Can be biased, this little kid sprinkled in the backyard, how to manage thousands of gold, actually lived, but also rushed through one after another! Not only that, but when the seedlings that he was known as the "Golden Valley" masters only grew a little longer, the little ones were matured!

Can't calm down!

So, I wanted to say more about the house, and I kept those words in my heart. He didn't want to speak out now. Stuffy.

The big yellow cattle ran across the planned fields, and the crops of various colors quickly retreated backwards. Fortunately, Shao Xuan had a good eyesight and could see what kind of crops were planted in the fields. Unfortunately, most of them did not know.

Jingu Tianzhuang, not all kinds of golden millet, there are all kinds of food crops and medicinal materials. The size of the land is large, including several mountains. Some crops and herbs in the mountainous environment are planted on it. When a mountain is past, Shao Xuan can still see the slaves who are busy on the mountain.

When there were no other crops in the surrounding fields, only a list of well-equipped guards, Shao Xuan knew that the place was here.

The heavy guards, if other people, have not been close to these guards as targets, but see the big yellow cattle, the guards who are there to quickly let the road open, let the cattle better. This big ox is the best proof of identity without the need for other tokens and passages.

The big yellow cattle stopped by a wide dirt road, and the squatting and Shao Xuan jumped from the back of the cow.

“This is the place to plant thousands of gold.” said the squatting, pointing to the large fields next to it. “There was a lot of millet planted here last year. Later, with thousands of blonde buds, the crops around these fields are all dead. It is."

Shao Xuan looked around and saw a few pieces of land that could be seen in the eye. Only a little sparse yellowed grass grew in it, swaying in the wind, and it was very cool.

This is indeed the situation caused by thousands of gold. In the Yanjiao tribe, Shao Xuan’s backyard is so rich in thousands of gold, but the growth of plants in a large area around it is extremely poor. Fortunately, it is far from the tribe and has little influence on the ground.

However, here, the cockroaches are much more diverse and the effect is obvious.

There is a circle of high-rise wooden pilings around it, with doors that allow the big yellow cattle to enter. Beside the door, there were people inside and outside, and they saw that they lived in the house.

"Let's go." The house was called Shao Xuan and went in.

This high-rise wooden stake was planted after thousands of gold. The residence was surrounded by people. Without the permission of the dwelling, the outside people could not see the inside. Even the size of the Grange was not found. Before the order of residence, I couldn’t get in, so now the situation of 1000-grain is very good, so there will be a series of things that the juniors of the family are rushing to inquire about the situation.

A field of thousands of gold is greeted with a thousand grains of gold. The form is the same as those of the Yanjiao tribe. Now the height of these plants has reached the waist of Shao Xuan.

"The first 'robbery' they have passed, and the past will become the fertilizer of other plants. When the next 'robbery' comes, the ground will also eliminate a batch until three times 'robbery' past and finally The one who survived is the best." The hustle and bustle looked at the green piece of the ground and said. There was gratification and pride in the eyes of the squatter. However, when I thought of the ones that Shao Xuan took out, the squatting of the squatting house was a little self-sufficient and it was taken.

Take out a few large grains of Shao Xuan, and Zhaozhao swayed toward Shao Xuan. There is a small hall not far away, named "Qiju Temple", which is the highest class in Tianzhuang.

Sitting down in the sacred hall, I only asked about some of the things that Shao Xuan planted when he planted thousands of gold. As descendants of the family, they have too many secrets that are not known to outsiders, so they can produce better crops than others, and many rare things that others can't grow, they can also grow, especially cereals.

It has been said that if a new grain that is extremely difficult to grow is found, it can be planted only by people who are looking for a family.

But now, this situation is a bit strange. Being regarded as a rough person, a savage and violent tribe has even succeeded in planting such a rare species, and it is better to plant a kind of "Golden Valley" than the family. How can these people who enjoy the praises be good?

However, the main focus of the settlement is to favor the grain, and the rest are behind, so at this time, he can also adjust his mentality.

Shao Xuan did not squat, and said what happened at that time with the residence. First, he also wants to understand what is the change in this. The family's understanding in this respect is far better than that of others. Shao Xuan said that the method of planting it will definitely help find the reason. Secondly, the person who lives in this place, with Shao Xuan's understanding of him, will not rely on the things he has paid. After learning the reason from Shao Xuan here, he will give Shao Xuan more rich rewards.

"The fierce beast meat!?"

Not far from the big yellow cattle are shaking their ears.

"Yes, they... it is eaten." Shao Xuan said.

"So, they are eating the fierce beast meat, so they rushed through the three 'robbery', and eventually grew into this?" The house put a few large grains in his hand on the table, still do not understand .

"Although I also know that there are some little-known methods such as the bone-buried method, but it is the first time I have heard it with a beast." The house was so hard that he licked his beard and did not return to God. The secret recipe of the ancestors, can't you compare with those fierce beasts? ! It shouldn't be!

"So I came here this time, but I also want to know the reason for this. By the way, look at the color of the thousand gold you planted, whether it is the same as ours." Shaoxuan.

The old man's face is red, not snoring.

Shao Xuan continued: "You said that you are using the method of ancestors uploading, using the fertilizer you have configured yourself, will it come out of another color? For example, white, green, black And so on." Different fertilizers come out differently, is it possible?

The movement of the beard and the beard, suddenly thought of something, shocked, and a few beards falling down on the hand fell to the ground.

"I know! It turned out to be the case! Hahaha! The five colors of gold, this is what it meant, hahahaha!"

Looking at the laughing house, Shao Xuan toothache, this old man is mad, I do not know what he thought of.

After the big laugh, I ignored Shao Xuan and rushed straight into a room, leaving Shao Xuan and the big yellow cow outside the temple to wink.

Seeing the big yellow cattle staring at a few round millet on the table, Shao Xuan throws one of them into the shell and throws it over. Anyway, this grain is sent to the house for inspection. It will not be recovered after the inspection. .

When the residence came out again, I saw the big yellow cattle blocking the bull's head at the door of the temple, staring at Shao Xuan, screaming low. Shao Xuan, who was sitting there, is fighting. (To be continued.)

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