Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 442: Master Heng

"Yes!" The guard took two steps, thought of something, and turned back to the Hengjia Hengdao. "There is still something. There is a sword on the young man outside the door. There is a moiré on the sword, that moiré..." The guards raised their eyes and smashed the workmanship. "It’s like you stay. Hey,"

At that time, when the guards watched the young man fighting with the crickets licking out the golden sword, they paid more attention to it. At the armored home, they watched the door. Over time, they knew more about weapons than others. The pattern, so, almost when Shao Xuan took the sword out of the holster, they stared at it, even if they were a little far apart, but with their eyesight, they could see what the moiré looked like.

"Crap! When did I hit a sword with a moiré?!" After returning to Wangcheng, in addition to the first few days of communication with several old men inside the armored family, the workmanship was mostly closed. State, shutting down in the casting and forging room, when did he create a sword? Even if the sword is built, it is not sent directly. It is placed in the casting and forging room. How can it be in the hands of outsiders? Just put... oh?


The armor was suddenly shocked, and most of the water in the pot was almost spit out. "Wait, what did you say, what did you look like?"

What is it like? The guard recalled it and found that there was not much appearance in the impression. At that time, I went to pay attention to the sword.

Under the rigor of the armor, the guards slammed the scalp: "That kid is very powerful. He grabbed the heavy hammer and chased the beating. He looked like a tribe, and the totem pattern on his body was like a flame."

Gong Jiaheng: "Ask him if he is Yan Yan Shao Xuan, if so, bring the kid in."

The young people standing on the side were surprised when they heard the guards say that someone had robbed the heavy hammer and beat them, and they heard the reply from Gong Jiaheng. More surprised.

"Yanjiao Shaoxuan? I have never heard of this name. Master Heng, who knows that person? Have you ever created a sword for him?" asked the young man.

Gong Jiaheng nodded. "If it is him, the sword in his hand is given by me." But when he mentioned the sword, he remembered the anecdote when the Yanjiao tribe tried to cut the stone. He asked for the sword. The man proposed to cut the stone and test the sword. It was also inspired by that time. However, there is no need to say those things.

"Yanjiao, this name is quite familiar." The young man whispered.

"That is not the name of the person, the name of the tribe, the Yanjiao tribe."

"Ah, they are!" The young people remembered. "I have heard from the elders of the family that the Yanjiao tribes have said that the Yanjiao people come to Wangcheng every time. There will always be some troubles. However, the distance from the last time The horn man has been in Wangcheng for some years. Don't say me at that time, you may not be born to Master Heng. I didn't expect them to come again now."

Thinking of the evaluation of the Yanzhong people by the elders in the family, the young man said: "It is true that this time the movement is not small, in front of so many people. Grab the hammer and chase people, this is enough for Wangcheng. People have been talking for a long time."

There is something in the mind of the armor. He is very suspicious, do not hurry to let Shao Xuan come in, will the kid step on the front directly in front of the gate? Or, have you stepped on it? !

"Open, you have been sitting here before, I heard the movement outside? Is it particularly big?"

young people. That is to say, I thought about it. "It seems to be, it’s booming."

The workmanship was even more worried, and the guards who came to report had already left. He could not ask the specific situation there. However, how did Shao Xuan come to Wangcheng at this time? Could it be that the thousands of gold in their tribe are cooked? This is very much looking forward to.

Seeing that the workman is always thinking about things, he didn’t ask again. However, the name Yan Yan Xuan, he remembered, go back and let people check it out, then ask about the Yanjiao tribe. How did Master Heng know each other? Listening to this tone, the two are still very familiar?

Over there, the guard who was ordered by the squadron, with all his doubts and surprises, returned to the door.

The 300-somethings of the Black Bears caravan are confronting a group of people coming from the Linlu tribe. The leaders on both sides are arguing, and their eyes are like a fire-breathing fire.

The guards did not care so much. After leaving the door, Shao Xuan and the generals stood on the side of the Black Bears.

Originally, I saw the two camps that were about to fight. Because the guards arrived, they stopped temporarily. The people on the side of the black bear and the Linlu tribe stared at the people who ran over. The two sides also played drums. This time, they were slightly calmer. It is quite regrettable. Are the people in the armored family angry? Come out and let go? Mistakes and missteps, or impulsive, should not be gathered at the door of the armored family!

There was a quiet place around, and the onlookers closed their mouths and quieted down to hear the conversation there.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes, plus the onlookers on the third and third floors of the surrounding area, the tall guards ran to the black bear caravan. The people around the "black bear" also quickly let the road open. Let the guard talk to his boss.

However, the guard did not look at the "black bear", but always came to Shao Xuan.

"This little brother, but Yan Jiao Shao Xuan?" asked the guard. The tone is still polite, not as cold and alienated as usual.

"I am." Shao Xuandao.

"Heng Master has please!"

Hey! The people around the black bear caravan turned their heads and looked at Shao Xuan with a green light.

"Black Bear" snorted a few words at Mauda's ear. Mao Da quickly nodded, and then the "black bear" inserted the big knife into the holster behind him, picking up his hands and not looking at the people on the side of the Linlu tribe. Followed Shao Xuan. The guard did not say that he would ask him, but he did not say no, this time is to be cheeky!

When the "black bear" left, Mauda greeted people and hurried back. The boss asked them to prepare some gifts. After all, they made such a mistake at the door of the house. They always said that they would calm the master's anger, so that they would come to the sword later.

As for the people of the Linlu tribe, this time, who is in charge of you, you can play with your own eggs, what are you blaming, wait for us to fix the workmanship and then come to the door to kick the field!

The people of the Black Bears Caravan, who ignored the Linlu tribe, went straight.

The onlookers around the blasted the pot, and they all heard it when they guarded it.

Shao Xuan did not listen to the onlookers. He talked about it. After entering the armored family, the sound outside was separated. As for the heavy hammer, he gave it to the guard of the armored family, with such a big hammer. It is not convenient to walk in the house.

After a lapse of many days, I saw the Hengjia once again. Shao Xuan found that there was some change in the workmanship, and there was such a master's demeanor and momentum.

"Oh, it really is your kid!"

"Master Heng, I am disturbed by the door!" Shao Xuan smiled.

"Haha, let's talk about it!" Seeing Shao Xuan again, Gong Jiaheng is still very happy. "I heard that your kid will be beaten by his family?"

"Being hit by the door, you can't beat it." Shao Xuan spread his hand.

"Is there a place to live in Wangcheng? If I have no place, I will live here. I have a place here!"

In fact, Gong Jiaheng is also worried about Shao Xuan provoked things, and was retaliated by other forces in Wangcheng. It would certainly be safer to live in the home of the armor.

Shao Xuan knew it, but he declined.

The black bear sees Gong Jiaheng and Shao Xuan say that he is rising. There is no interjection next to him, until Shao Xuan talks about him, he speaks.

"Black Bear Caravan, I have seen Master Heng!"

"Yeah." After all, it was with Shao Xuan, and Gong Jiaheng did not look at his face. Besides, it is not wrong with them.

Gong Jiaheng also introduced Shao Xuan to the side of the show: "Wang Zizi released."

For the tribes, the son of Wang and the son of the tribal leader next door are a meaning, so Shao Xuan also followed the thinking of other tribes, and there is no fear of it.

Shao Xuan came here, and he took a look at the workmanship and sent a thousand gold, in order to find a knife.

"Go, go into the house and talk about it in detail." Gong Jiaheng took a house not far from the casting chamber, where there was a visitor, and the casting and forging room did not allow outsiders to enter, and it was a private place.

For the people in the armored family, there is no bedroom in the place where they live, but there is no casting and forging room. The casting and forging room has too many secrets, too important. Of course, you can’t bring people in, even Wang Erzi Come and ask for a sword, you can only sit outside and wait.

On a white cloth, Shao Xuan drew a picture of the knife that had been used in the broad sense. After a glance at the armor, he also had a number in his heart. He knew that Shao Xuan would stay in Wangcheng for a while, and the time was not urgent. He had Empty will give this knife a general purpose.

"Well, I know, rest assured, I will definitely make you satisfied with the fight. I am not satisfied with my continued change. Right, what happened to your kid's sword? Do you need to repair it?" Gong Jiaheng asked.

"I really need it." Shao Xuan took out the sword, and the sword was bent in a curve, which was caused by his blocking the two hammers.

"Also put it here, I will repair it for you." Gong Jiaheng also wants to ask Shao Xuan to come over for a drink tomorrow. After he upgraded to a craftsman, he got a lot of wine.

"Tomorrow will not work, I promised people, to go over there." Shao Xuandao.

"Who promised? Face is bigger than me?" Gong Jiaheng said with a joking tone, not serious, but also proud, he has this capital.

"I will go to live with his old man tomorrow."

Gong Jiaheng: "...Go."

He is not comparable to the prime minister. Although their workers in the Jiajia family have always been proud, but the name of Jinguyuju, they still admit, eating 20 years of gold valley, Gong Jiaheng is also familiar with the residence.

Even the original intention to leave the house, just got up and sat back and continued to listen.

Shao Xuan did not say much, simply talked a few words, then left a small animal bag brought to the work, and then left.

After Shao Xuan left, he looked at the animal skin bag in the hands of Gong Jiaheng, and he was going to grab it when he raised his hand. He intuitively thought that this was related to the things that the residence had been squatting.

It is a pity that the armored hand has been hiding more quickly. "Want to see? Don't give it!" Shao Xuan specially gave him a wink before leaving, or did not leak. (To be continued...)

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