Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 444: Yi family

The front of Zhuangzi is not far from the Jingu Tianzhuang, but the fence of the outer fence is not high. It is probably just one person high. It is close to the average height of Wangcheng people. If you don’t want to see it, you can’t look at it. The range that large stones can see, even if it is not crippled, can be seen from the gap between the stakes, because the gap between the stakes is not small. All in all, the wooden stakes on the outskirts of this field are just like perfunctory, but they play their part.

Even if this Tianzhuang is adjacent to Jingu Tianzhuang, there is no one to pay attention to it on weekdays. One is that the land is too small. The people here are vast and the land is rich. On this field, it is not a big man at first sight. People are not willing to spend their energy to pay attention. The second and most important thing is that the items in this Zhuangzi are too bad. Almost everyone who looks inside will shake their heads and then stop paying attention.

Over time, no one remembers who this Tianzhuang is, and will not give a more glance at passing by. At this point, you can look at it at a glance. The crops in the field are also planted in a stunted state. Selling must not sell high prices. Keeping the owner to eat it is okay, at least hungry, it is difficult to sell. .

The residence does not remember who it is, but only knows that it belongs to the Yi family. However, this Zhuangzi is too small, as if in his memory, he has changed his master several times. He remembers that there are two wells in the Grange, one is already dry, and the other is barely maintaining the land of the Grange. In recent years, the weather is arid, the crops in the Grange are not growing well, and the owners change their jobs and there are also wells. Inside. I just don't know which is the unlucky one to take over.

"The people of Yijia, hehe." The house shook his head.

Unspeakable, Shao Xuan can also understand from the words of the past.

In the view of the shacks, the people of the Yi family are simply not suitable for doing this. They are still okay when they go to the street, and they can’t do it. They don’t have that talent. Moreover, Yi Jia prolific neurosis. Some of the physique is not strong, cold days, he can watch the night in the dark night sky in the middle of the night. Then, I was sick and half dead for a few days, and how could the body get cold? Let's die! The six nobles are the most dead!

There are still sitting and sitting, and the consciousness is empty and the eyes are out of focus. Then I didn't know what to think of, suddenly burst into laughter, or suddenly mournful, that scary, and I remembered the familiar style of the Yi family. Can only help but shake his head, can not understand.

However, Yi Jia can become one of the six nobles, but also their ability. The development of the Yi family is not muscle, not bones, but the brain. Some people can observe the world, some can be good and bad, and others have other talents. Yi family really wants to figure it out, do not use knives to dig pits, kill people without blood. This is also the reason why many people are awed by Yi Jia.

but. The shacks are not afraid of being easy to be family members. In addition to the few people who have real skills, other uninformed people are still okay, if they are pretending to be in front of him? Directly let people fork out to serve.

"How, curious about the Yi family?" asked the house. Many tribes in remote places come to Wangcheng and are always curious about Yi family.

"A bit, I think they are quite mysterious." Shao Xuandao.

"Mystery, what looks like." The residence does not agree.

However, Shao Xuan was not curious because he heard that the Tianzhuang was a Yijia, but he saw a scene in the Grange. It’s strange in my heart.

Today is the peak of most of the Grange's harvest, the same is not far from the Grange, although compared to some of the surrounding Grange small, but the overall harvest is okay.

The slaves in the field squatted full of bags. I came to an open space in Tanaka, where there was a low wooden table. A man in a dark cloth was sitting at the table. Although it was not well worn, it showed a sense of elegance and a busy slave. Very different. The other party is still young, and it is not like a management. At this time, sitting at the table, holding a pen on the cloth and writing something.

The slaves reported to the side with their bags and then left for the warehouse.

It should be in statistics.

This is nothing. Shao Xuan is curious about the other hand's movement. He sees the other hand on the other hand. The four fingers are slightly bent, and the thumbtips move back and forth on the inside of the remaining four fingers.

"Go, look at the past. Kind of land can be planted like this!"

He lived and walked over there. He also saw the crop planted by the farm. He was judged by his standards. He was simply terrible. He did not want to guide and guide the two sentences.

The person who sat in his own Grange's statistical harvest was sighing, taking notes, hearing the next person to report, quickly cutting off the pen, and rushing to meet.

"Elderly Yi Jiayi, how come you are old?" Yi Shi went to the front with a respectful ceremony, and then looked at the neighbors in a strange way.

"Why, I can't come?"

"No, no, welcome!" said Yi Shi people quickly moved to the chair to sit in the house.

"No, I will stand for a while." The house swayed and turned to see the crops in the ground. The gas came again. "What kind of land do you like?! I can't see it!"

Yi Si Xindao: You can see the past in the past! But the face is still modest to listen.

Let's just have a mouth, let's just drop it. Which piece of land is too dense, which one is too open, which one is extremely watery, and that soil, is it earth? Hard like a stone!

Yi Shi was listening to the silence while standing next to him.

When the number of residences is over, Yi Si has no choice but to smile: "There are many shortcomings." But this place is not his kind, it is his old man watching, he just came over to help statistics at this time.

This land is not good. It is not only the cause of the well. The soil is not good. I don’t know what was planted before, so that the soil has changed. They want to repair it and it’s not successful. It’s even worse for two years, even if there is a family. People are pointing, but they are not the same, the harvest in the ground can only barely maintain their lives.


The squatter looked at the person who didn't grow up in front of him, but after all, it wasn't their family, and he didn't want to say more. Fortunately, people who are not their family, if it is, will probably mad at him.

When the residence snorted, he stopped talking. He told the company to continue to work. He went to the well not far away to see how the situation was in the well.

Shao Xuan took a look at the past and the situation was not very good.

"The water level has dropped again." Look at this, I don't know if it will be dry year after year. Even drought-tolerant crops must have water.

"It will always be good." Shao Xuan comforted.

"No. You don't understand." The squatting face is sad. "I always feel that something big will happen. There are always signs of change in the heavens and the earth. And..."

The latter words did not say. He knows a Yijia person, and he is also a neuropathy that can be frozen outside to watch the night sky in the big winter. He remembers that the old friend said a word when he was in the hospital bed: the world must be divided for a long time. .

unfortunately. When I asked the person afterwards, the man said nothing, and said nothing, only a meaningful smile, a smile.

To this end, the family members immediately raised their vigilance and saw that there were any signs of rebellion, and they forced the suppression. Can they finally establish the situation now and let others destroy it? In particular, it is guarded against the other five nobles, as well as some newly emerging tribes. It is also the focus of observation.

At this time, a charming voice came from the door of the Grange.

"Little Secretary"

Shao Xuan looked at the past and saw a young woman wearing a well-sewed silk gown. She was full but not swollen, twisting her tight waist and combing a seemingly casual but self-contained bun. Look up and smile, walk in quickly, every step is not big. The steps were very fast, and the skirt was taken up like a blooming flower.

The man raised his weak and boneless hand and covered his lips. He twisted his waist and walked toward Yi Si. The eyes are like water, the smile just started, just want to say something, I saw the neighbors not far away, the face is stiff, apparently did not expect to see the residence here. Busy and convergent smiles straight up, and bowed to the squatting, then threw a roll of cloth in his hand to Yi Shi, and let the slave next to him move over a chair with a backrest.

The slaves in the Grange are no strangers to this, so they are not surprised by what they say and do.

Shao Xuan saw the pattern on the other's clothes and thought of the floral ornaments that the six nobles had told him about the "black bear". He guessed that the woman should be the six nobles.

The residence is very dissatisfied with the manner of the Mu family, but he did not say anything. For him, as long as he is not a family member, he will not care. If you have that leisure, he might as well look at thousands of gold.

The roll of cloth that Mu’s woman threw at Yi Shi was actually the record of her harvest in this field. Let’s help Yi Si to check it again. She was impatient and personally checked. I really want to check it out and give her a It may not be possible to finish the two days. I don’t know if it’s correct, so I came to find Yi.

Yi Shi did not talk much, put the hand at hand first, and spread the roll of cloth that the woman threw.

There are more than twenty sheets of this cloth, each about half a meter long and two palms wide, all of which are filled with dense letters.

Yi Shi flipped the cloth with one hand, and the other hand quickly trembled with the four fingers, while the thumb almost turned into a shadow and moved between the other four fingers.

Shao Xuan discovered that when Yi Shi saw the roll of cloth, each piece was almost just a glance along the word, and it passed. It took less than half a minute to sweep a piece of cloth, and twenty sheets of cloth filled with words. After reading it, I wrote the final result on an unwritten cloth. It took only a quarter of an hour to use it.

After the statistics were good, Yi Si took envy in the eyes and handed the statistical results and the roll of cloth to the woman. "Congratulations, it is a big harvest."

The woman giggled and her eyes were covered with fine lines. It was also because of this harvest that she was in a good mood. However, after seeing the last statistical result, she changed her face instantly, such as a ribbon suddenly turned into a steel knife with eyes in her eyes. Mori's killing.

"The gang of slaves has reported so much less!"

There are not many under-reports per page, and arithmetic can't be done, it may be wrong, but this page is combined, and then look at the final result, there will be more. The woman did not tell the result of the people’s report to Yi Shi, but since the result calculated by Yi Si is like this, then the real thing is sure. So the women are angry.

In the past, she reported a little less, and she was too lazy to care about it. She closed her eyes with one eye, but now, the people below are simply greedy! Don't knock a stick, next time they are more courageous.

"I will send someone to pay the reward tomorrow!"

Leave a sentence, the woman with the results of the statistics of the company, twisted and walked away, murderous, it is estimated that the Grange will see blood at the side.

Shao Xuan knew at this time that the original Yi Jia was to help people settle accounts. However, the brain of this person is very long, just like a humanoid computer. (To be continued.)

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