Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 455: Cooperation

This sentence of Dokang, when Shao Xuan saw the people of the Shanfeng tribe, he understood it profoundly. 》

The meeting place of the Shanfeng tribe is in a valley, and there are not many dense trees around. Even if there are, it is not a thick old tree.

The people of Yanjiao and Taihe each found a place to rest first. The director of Dokang moved to move a large piece of rock. He could sit on the stool and be a weapon. The people of the Taihe could not do it.

Is the strength great? ! The people of the Taihe River are jealous.

The people of the mountain wind did not let Yanjiao and Taihe wait for more. Shao Xuan moved a large stone and sat for a while, and he heard a sharp and short scream, which sounded like a bird.

And when I heard this call, people in Yanjiao and Taihe looked up.

"Come on!" said Luo.

Shao Xuan did not understand why everyone had to look into the sky until they found several figures above the steep mountain wall behind them, and then the figures became more and more, one by one, jumping directly from the top.


The sound is like the sound of an umbrella.

The people who jumped from the high mountain walls opened their wings. No, not real wings, those who are not growing on them. It's something that looks like a wing.

Shao Xuan looked at the people in the air to flexibly adjust their "wings", change direction, and rushed down to the ground. When they approached, they slammed two times and then settled down.

Shao Xuanyuan thought that the totem of the Shanfeng tribe would be a bird with large wings. It was only after they found out that some of the totems on their bodies were a bird without wings.

Strange tribe.

Take a closer look at the wings of them. As a hunting hunter, Shao Xuan can see that the wings of the mountain wind people are made of animal skin. It's just a very delicate workmanship, like a special dress, which can be flexibly worn on the body.

I don't know how this kind of clothes are made. The skin has been specially treated, and it looks like a soft and light film with no feathers. Only some mountain wind people will decorate with a few feathers.

After landing, the mountain wind people put their "wings" away, and it looked like they were wearing a strange cloak.

The people of the Yu tribe that Shao Xuan had seen before were only raising birds, but the people of the Shanfeng tribe felt that they were birds. To be more precise, they thought that their ancestor was a bird, but they had no wings, and the rumors were on the totem. The bird has been looking for wings. Therefore, the people of Shanfeng will try their best to add a pair to themselves.

Dokang said that the people of the Shanfeng tribe had such a style of clothing very early.

I can make such clothes, and I can be so flexible and flexible. There is no sense of detention that is uncontrollable in the air. It is a genius!

Probably Shao Xuan’s line of sight was too strong. After the other leader saw Shao Xuan, his brow wrinkled. "Wacha?"

The exchanges between the Shanfeng tribe and the Yanjiao are probably the ones who guard the mine. It was just that the Vachain disease that led the team was not able to come.

"In the tribe to rehabilitate." Zheng Luo did not say how Wacha is recovering now.

The people of the Taihe River and the people of the mountain wind know that the Wacha, who was led by the team at the Yanjiao, was seriously injured and almost screamed, but they did not know that Wacha not only survived, but also recovered almost.

Among the people who have been brought by the three parties. There are some acquaintances who are mine-keeping, and there are some strange faces, but now it is not the time to pay attention to them. Therefore, the leader of the mountain wind just looked at Shao Xuan. He removed his gaze, and he thought that Shao Xuan was just a son of Luo.

"Today, when you come out, I want to talk about it. We have decided to rob the salt mine. What is your decision? Is there a willingness to cooperate?" said the leader of the mountain wind.

Zheng Luo and the Taihe leader looked at each other and sat on the stone slowly: "Salt mines, naturally, they have to be robbed back, take away the things of our Yanjiao tribe, expel our people, this hatred must be reported." Speaking of the words, "just, the people of your mountain wind did not tell the truth."

This is also discussed by Shao Xuan and Zheng Luo. The people of the mountain wind dare to go to the salt mine to test. The people who sent the past are definitely not waste, but they have lost so many people. It is impossible to get any useful information, just the mountain. The wind did not say anything to Yanjiao and the Taihe tribe.

The head of the mountain wind was slightly moving, but it did not refute, nor did it answer. It was just silence, like the default, and the eyes looked at the Taihe tribe.

"We will not give up the salt mine. You said that you want to unite, but you can do it. However, like the levy, we want to know the truth, but we don't want to be yelled at you. I don't know the truth, I don't unite." The leader of the Taihe River made a sound. They are the same as Yan’s position. If there is no Shanfeng tribe, the two tribes will unite to grab the salt mine. The most urgent thing is that the mountain wind tribe is right, because the mountain wind tribe does not often communicate with other tribes. The tribes that can unite can't be found at the moment.

The leader of the mountain wind did not answer immediately, but raised his hand to signal the people behind him to stay around.

The leaders of the Luo and Taihe also indicated that the people they brought came to the vicinity to prevent.

The people who came from the three tribes’ heads were all guarded around, preventing other tribes from coming over to eavesdrop or raid. And staying, in each tribe, in addition to the leader, there are one or two people. Those who can stay with the leader are either the ones who are most close to the trust or the ones who are in the tribe.

Now, even Dokang has taken people around to guard, and Shao Xuan is sitting next to the sign, and has not left.

The Taihe tribe knew Shao Xuan’s position in Yanjiao, but the people of the mountain wind did not know, so the leader of the mountain wind once again looked at Shao Xuan’s side strangely, guessing that this is probably the son of Zheng Luo, otherwise it will not Stay here with such trust.

However, after the leader of the mountain wind only looked at Shao Xuan again, he converges and thinks about how to speak. There are only a few core figures left. He did not intend to take advantage of Yanjiao and Taihe people. After all, with their mountain wind tribes, they have limited combat power and forced to grab salt mines in the past.

"As you also know, after the people of the fox and the forest forced the three people stationed in the salt mine to force them out, we sent another person to the mountain wind. I told you fifty people, except for these five. Ten people, in addition to ten people, sneaked into the salt mine and found that a fox and a squad had a particularly strong defense. Even if someone heard the attack, no one left, standing there and motionless, it seems only The things there are the most important. Later, our people paid a price and finally passed one. Unfortunately, he did not see the things inside. But!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the leader of the mountain wind are full of fanaticism. "But the people who used to be in the past are the most sensitive people in our tribe. He can feel something that others can’t detect. And he is seriously injured. When I came back, I only said one word - 'Fire Crystal'!"

In the heart of the levy, a sudden jump, breathing is a little faster. Not just him, the people on the other side of the river are the same reaction.

Shao Xuan was also surprised. There is also a fire crystal here, also called "Fire Crystal". The difference is that on the other side of the sea, after the fire crystal is found, it must be brought back to the tribe, using the power of the fire to "digest and absorb", and here But not. Probably because they have already integrated the fire into the body, they found the fire crystal. It does not need to bring back to the tribe, after all, the fire has long since disappeared. All they need to do is to use the power of the fire in their own body. Although "digestion" is slower, it does have this function.

When Shao Xuangang came here, he also saw the record of the fire crystal from the notes of the ancestors. It is only very few times. On the tribe side, up to now, I have not seen the fire crystal for many years. Even if I see it, it is only a treasure of the tribe. Or find that the amount of fire crystals is very small.

Now, the people of the Shanfeng tribe mentioned the fire crystal, and then contacted the extreme reaction of the fox and the forest tribe. It can be inferred that there are fire crystals in the salt mine, and the quantity is still quite a lot! !

No wonder the fox and the Mori tribe are so crazy!

Perhaps at the beginning, some people in the fox and the forest found the fire crystal. The two sides came together and negotiated cooperation. They only found that the amount was relatively small. After thinking about expelling the other three tribes, they carefully examined them, so when they were expelled, There is still room for manoeuvre. If the amount found last is small, they will dig up the fire crystal and return the salt mine to the three tribes. It is not wise to fight against the tribes whose three forces are not lost to them.

But later, they found that the amount of fire crystal is not small enough to shake their previous plans, so when the mountain wind people go to investigate, they will pick up their hands and make the final choice.

Fire crystal, not everyone can easily detect that some animals with special abilities may be able, but the salt mine area is special, blocking the exploration of the fire crystal, so until now, no one, no animal found There was a fire crystal there until the mine was dug there.

Now, after learning the truth, both the Luo and the Taihe leaders thought of a word at the same time - grab! !

If it is really fire crystal, be sure to grab it!

Everyone wants to grab the fire crystal and monopolize the fire crystal, but calm down and estimate it. I have to admit that if you want to grab it, you must cooperate. Otherwise, you won't be able to fish. The two tribes of the fox and the sen have been united, and they have also attracted some reinforcements with salt. From this point of view, the tripartite unity here is the best.

When the leader of the mountain wind spoke of the fire crystal, he noticed the reaction of the Yanjiao and the Taihe people. The shock and fieryness in the aspect was very obvious. No one could calm down after hearing this, except...

The leader of the mountain wind looked at Shao Xuan for the third time. After the other people were shocked, they were so eager to wait for the eyes that they immediately rushed to grab, but what about the kid? Except for a little surprise at the beginning, it is like walking away. No matter what he is pondering, there is no such strong enthusiasm as anyone else, although there is one point, but compared with others, it is quite calm.

The leader of the mountain wind can't help but think: This kid doesn't know the importance of the fire crystal, or is it lacking?

Zheng Luo exchanged a look with the leader of the Taihe River. They have cooperated for so long, they know each other and can guess the other party’s decision.

"So, our Yanjiao promised to cooperate." Zheng Luo said.

"We Taihe also agreed." The Thai River continued.

Since the decision to cooperate, there are many details to be discussed, including how to distribute after the rush, after the finalization is to pledge with the totem, the tribes are very valued for this oath, will not easily violate, even if it is related to the fire.

The three leaders talked for a long time and added one night, and they left each other the next day.

Shao Xuan saw the mountain wind from the steep cliff, flexible with the support of the "wings" vibration, quickly squatting upwards, a few blinks of effort turned over the cliff, no one was seen.

"Go, go back and prepare!" The levy invites people to return to the tribe, and snow is about to come soon, but this winter, the forest is destined not to be quiet. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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