Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 459: Broken hole

This salty land looks like a snowfield, and most of the ground is covered in white. N∈,

There are some shallow pits on the ground that are melted after the snow falls and are brought together.

On the snowy ground, a salt flower emerges from the ground like a coral. The center of each salt flower is dark or light, or red or blue. It looks like a land of wonderland. However, people who know this place are shunned.

Although there are salt everywhere, but the poison in the salt, the people who have eaten, the animals that have eaten, are not spared. Therefore, for a long time, it was a dangerous place that everyone recognized. If anyone goes in, it will die. Even the rebel people said that this is the graveyard of the salt beast. Who is close to here and invades their graves. Will be punished. This is a demonized zone.

Until someone walked into the salt field and found the salt mine, the dead land survived.


A subtle humming sound came from the shallow pit of the depression.

Shao Xuan will see that an orange-yellow crystal column emerges from the shallow pit and looks like a crystal-like texture, crystal clear. The crystal column is like a seedling that has broken out of the soil. It grows up and splits. As it grows up, the surface of the crystal cylinder becomes translucent from the transparent, and then covered with a layer of hoarfrost. When it grows to nearly half a person high and stops growing upwards, the whole has already been on the same salt. The salt flower in the place is almost the same, but the color is a little different, and it looks like a touch of orange.

This is just one of the salt flowers that are “opened out”. Among the other shallow pits, there are other salt flowers, and the colors are green and red, and even black.

This kind of scene is beautiful, and it is associated with the legends here. But let the people I see have a feeling of creeps.

"Let's go, don't eat them," said Luo.

Stepping on the salt ground, I heard a clear humming sound, which is the sound of the salt layer on the ground, much louder than the snow. At the foot is a large, small, cracked salt crystal with a block. There are flakes, large ones are stepped on small, and small ones are stepped on powder.

The team tried to walk to places with high ground potential, avoiding the shallow pits of the depressions, and the leather boots were soaked with water stains. After drying, the salt will be precipitated. Those who can not eat are also poisonous.

"There are footprints!" Dokang pointed to a direction.

The footprints left on the salt will remain for a while, even if the temperature is high. It won't melt as quickly as snow.

"There are probably more than two hundred people, no more than three hundred, and the time left is no more than four days." Wacha is already familiar with the salt land and can roughly judge it according to the traces on the ground.

"It is estimated that the Lihu tribes have newly recruited a group of people. This is not like the two tribes left by them." After Shasha followed up, he said.

The people of the Lihu tribe will be more uniform when they go, but the Mori tribe is more messy than these. Therefore, these footprints will not be left by the two tribes.

"Don't rest tonight. Keep on the road!" shouted.

Although according to past habits, in order to maintain sufficient physical strength to meet the enemy in front of the enemy meeting, they will definitely stop and retreat, that is, the road ahead in the past few days, and stop at night to rest. But after listening to Shao Xuan’s words, Zheng Luo decided to change the previous practice.

There is no hot broth, no rice porridge with warm stomach, hungry can only be frozen and hardened with hard meat, and all that can be smelled in the air is a salty salty atmosphere. What can be heard in the ear, in addition to the whistling of the wind, is the footsteps of stepping on the salt ground.

Fortunately, the wind was not big this night, and there was no snow. Compared to the previous few days, it was much calmer.

This kind of calm is easy to make people slack, but the levy keeps urging, so that everyone's nerves are always stretched, no complaints, they only know that everything is good to listen to the leader, the leader will not harm them.

At the same time, among the salt mines.

Several people from the fox fox tribe, who are wearing thick suede, and the people of the Mori tribe, negotiated within the salt cave.

Here is the salt cave of the Lihu tribe.

The salt under the salt mine is layered, a layer of rock, a layer of salt, and then a layer of rock, followed by a salt mine. However, they liked to dig down after the first layer was not finished, and they were finally dug up by them, but they did not expect that the surprise was so big.

At the end of the consideration, they chose to be an alliance with the Mori tribe. The temperament of the mountain wind is too weird. The people of the fox fox are not eyeing them, and the relationship between the two tribes of Yanjiao and Taihe is close. One knows, The other is not far away, so after excluding these three, it is the Mori tribe. Although the people of the Mori tribe sometimes look arrogant, but related to the fire crystal, the people of the Mori tribe will be smart, and temporarily put their arrogance away.

At this point, the six high-rises of the two tribes gathered together, among them, with a few large crystals of eyes.

"This is dug up today, there are more fire crystals below, but the more difficult it is to dig down, the next three or fifty days, may not be able to dig, I am afraid that during this time, Yanjiao and Taihe them The man came over," said a man in a brown animal skin with loose hair and a rough face. This is the people of the Mori tribe.

"As far as we know, people with mountain winds may be united with Yanjiao and Taihe. They may come here to grab mines. Although we used salt to recruit some people, it is always more preventive. People in Yanjiao, It’s not so good to send it.” The leader of the fox said.

"The weather will come, will they come over?" The people of the Mori tribe suspected.

"If they are really coming in the snow, they will definitely know the secret of the fire crystal!" They have already divided half to the Mori tribe, and the meat hurts for a long time. If it is not to guard against the three tribes, why should they separate the benefits? ! They don't allow anyone to join in and share it!

In this regard, the people of the Mori tribe are the same.


A weird cry came from outside the cave, and the sound was flying to the side.

A man from the Mori tribe raised his hand, and a gray shadow screamed and rested on his arm.

It was a bird that looked like a raptor, but it was not big.

The bird shook his hair, as if he was snoring, and then yelled at the Mori tribe.


The face of the Mori tribe changed. "The people of Taihe came to the salt mine. Now it is almost to the salt. They really know the secret of the fire crystal!!"

"The people of Taihe have come over, and the people of Yanjiao are not far away. It must have been that the people of the last mountain wind discovered the fire crystal, so they joined together. According to time, they will reach the salt mine the next day." The leader of the fox has already calculated a few times and said.

"After the day?" The people of the Mori tribe said, "In the three days, I am afraid I will change the sky. The previous plans have to be changed."

The people who talked about this fox were also depressed. They had already arranged several plans, and they had been arguing for a while, but they were disturbed by sudden weather changes. The people of the Mori tribe have always been sensitive to weather changes. They can Changes in various grass trees in the forests presumed climate change. It will definitely change in the next three days, and even become even more powerful, it will definitely happen.

"The hard fight may not be able to block them, especially the arrogant people in Yanjiao." The leader of the fox is measuring the impact that the tripartite cooperation can bring to them.

"What about that?" asked the people of the Mori tribe.

Sitting in the eyes of a narrow-eyed woman on the side of the head of the fox, she flashed a smirk and smiled. "It is not impossible."

Several other people are looking at the women.

Dressed in a flaming suede woman, raising her hand and stroking a white fox in her arms, "The sky will indeed change, but it is not three days. Within two days, there will be a great change!"

It seems that in the words of the woman, the fox in her arms raised her head and snorted.

"Two days? Are you sure? How do you know?" The people of the Mori tribe suspected.

"How to know that you don't have to worry about it, but I am sure that there will be changes within two days." The woman has a stable tone and is confident in her own words.

"Even if there is a change within two days, what can you do to solve it??"

"The way is, in fact, simple." The woman is not anxious or slow. "The sky has changed, the manpower is unstoppable. Once it happens, it can only bear, or find a place to hide. In the salt mine, where you can escape, only Salt cave."

"You mean..." Others already have some understanding. The salt mines are only those that are opened by the five tribes, and they are only sheltered from the salt caves of their five tribes.

"But if there is no salt cave, you said that the people of Shanfeng, Yanjiao and Taihe have come. Once they change, where can they avoid?"

"Destroy their salt caves!" The other people burst into the light.

"On the other side of the Taihe River, the fastest day will come. The Yanjiao and the mountain winds will definitely be the same. We will ruin those salt caves tomorrow. When they come, we can just keep our own holes, salt. Dong Yi is difficult to attack, and they are blocked outside. Under the change of the sky, even if they want to destroy our salt caves, there is not much time." The leader of the fox said.

"Not bad." The woman smiled and agreed to nod.

"Just, the salt caves of their three tribes have been destroyed. How do the people you recruited settle?" asked the people of the Mori tribe.

"Let the salt caves of your Mori tribes out, let them go in and avoid them. We will send some people on both sides to take care of them. The important thing is to keep them here," said the woman.

Temporarily giving up your own salt cave is not impossible. For the fire crystal, the people of the Mori tribe can temporarily put down the salt mine. "If they are mountain winds, will the three tribes take the salt cave over there?"

"Even if you seize it, if you can really seize it, their death and injury will not be small, why are we afraid?" said the woman. Three of the five salt caves were destroyed. They were heavily guarded here. The last salt caves were even seized. Most of the people who died at that time were temporary helpers who used salt to recruit them. They died when they died. They are not dead. The people of the foxes can also kill the fighting power of the three tribes of the mountain winds. Why not?

The decision here is good, but they don't know, there is such a non-common card, and they are on the road overnight. (To be continued...)

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