Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 469: Tribal secret

There was a fire crystal on the ground. It was dug out by the people of the foxes. Now it is all frozen and it has to be dug.

However, the weapon tools of the three chiefs are better, the strength is also great, and there are illuminations of the glowing spar. The three of them are also quick to dig. However, when you dig, you are also wary to prevent others from coming, such as the fox and other people in the Mori tribe.

Shao Xuan intends to jump into the pit dug out of the fire crystal to see, there is a layer of white ice on the wall of the pit, first put a rope down, and slide down the grass rope.

The potholes were dug deeper and slippery around, or it was more convenient to use a rope.

After Shao Xuan went down, he fell directly to the place where the beast had been.

The behemoth left, it is now a long tunnel, surrounded by a layer of white ice, although thin, but frozen together with the rock formation, very hard.

The temperature is very low, and Shao Xuan feels that the gas that comes out is not a little hot.

He can feel that there is a fire crystal around this "tunnel". Perhaps this behemoth is in such a place because of the fire crystal. As ever, the bat king.

However, for so many years, this "snake" has not even come out. Do you sleep for hundreds of years? It’s really long enough, and I don’t know how big it is.

Waving the sword, smashing the ice layer next to it, dug out a piece of fire crystal embedded in the wall of the cave, and felt it. Shao Xuan found that this fire crystal should be absorbed, but it was not absorbed.

That "snake"?

No matter how much, Shao Xuan's movements speed up, waving the sword on the hand, and also do not need to shine the spar, directly in the special field of view can see the fire crystal on the wall of the hole clearly, the starting hand is also accurate.

bass! bass!

For a time, in the whole tunnel, the sound of digging the fire crystals was heard, and the sounds dug by them were collected above the pit.

When they levied, they smashed the fire crystals above them, and even those hidden in the frozen foxes were all turned over and put them into their own leather bags. The three talents jumped into the long "tunnel" below.

"I plan to come to the foxes to grab salt mines this time, but I didn't expect to grab their fire crystals." The leader of the Taihe River laughed.

In any case, I was able to get the fire crystal, and I was always given a little comfort.

The fox has been dug into the fire crystal layer, and each piece of fire crystal is relatively large, better than those in the Yanjiao salt cave.

The three chiefs took a break and continued to act. No one knows how long the king beast will leave. They can only take advantage of this opportunity to dig more and wait for the king to come back. They will withdraw.

"I haven't seen so many fire crystals for so long after living." The leader of the Taihe River was rushing, not knowing whether it was tired or happy.

"I have lived for nearly eighty years, and I have never seen so many fire crystals." The Shanfeng tribe sighed.

Shao Xuan dug the action of the fire crystal, and Luo was silent.

The leader of the Taihe River took a look at it and did not speak.

Don't look at the three leaders who look almost the same, they are all about forty years old, but they are not. They are much bigger than the Luo.

Maybe other people who don't know the Yanjiao tribe don't know. However, the Taihe tribe, who has been with Yanjiao for a long time, understands that among all the tribes, the average life expectancy of Yanjiao is the shortest.

This was discovered by Shao Xuan later. On the other side of the sea, he noticed it, but he was not sure. I don’t know the truth until I come here. Many people in Yanjiao are different, but only one is different from other tribes, but like the most ordinary people without any power, it is life.

Among the people of the Taihe tribe who came here this time, there are quite a few hundred years old, but it still looks like a strong man. But if it is in the Yanjiao tribe, over 100 years old, even if it is alive, it is absolutely impossible to hunt. It can only help to plant the land, but it can not do too tired. At the end of their lives, they age very quickly.

because. Their lives are not complete.

This was something that was unthinkable when the fire was split.

The reason why the ancestors of that year were so embarrassed, the guilt of the notes they left behind was so strong, not only the reason why they could not return to their hometown, but more importantly, they realized that the punishment of the fire splitting them was not complete. Life cycle.

They are Yanjiao people, in many ways can be stronger than other tribes, but in life, but a knife hanging, waiting for them to go all the way, will not be merciless.

This thing, the other side of the sea, perhaps the witch also knows, but did not tell other people, plus the Yanjiao tribe over there, has been isolated from the world, everyone is not aware of such malpractice, nothing Negative emotions and stress. There are not many people here, the tribe communicates with the outside world, and most people are unaware of it. Perhaps some of the soldiers know that they are just in their hearts.

When the ancestors of the tribe allowed to marry outsiders, perhaps they wanted to use this kind of thing to see if they could solve this problem. Unfortunately, there was no effect. The blood of Yanjiao was too strong, and the blood of the external family could not be suppressed.

At the beginning, Shao Xuan’s notes on the ancestors’ ancestors were mostly with incomprehensible notes, but they did not directly mention the reasons until Shao Xuan’s practice of controlling the ancestors’ bones after returning to the tribe from Gongjiashan. When the power is strong, the witch is mentioned to him.

Many people in the tribe know that their tribes are not as long as other tribes, but they don’t know the reasons. Some people think that it is because the life of Yanjiao people is full of strength, they are given the power, so they will Stripping away other things, so many people are psychologically balanced.

Wu did not tell them, but also did not want them to hold the hope of incomparable. For generations, for nearly a thousand years, they still haven’t been able to go back. I don’t know when to start. This thing is selectively forgotten. Only the top level of the tribe knows that the singer knows that the witch knows and the others do not. Know the real reason.

The arrival of Shao Xuan is a light, a hope.

In the past year, Wu has sent a few batches of people to the seaside. Where Shao Xuan came to the place, he waited for an opportunity to move with the entire tribe. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find opportunities. No one knows how long it will take such an opportunity to come again.

Go back... How come back?

Shao Xuan thought, and the action of digging the fire crystal became obsessive.

The leader of the mountain wind is quite puzzled. What is the atmosphere? Feeling suddenly suppressed.

"I will go to the vicinity to see." Shao Xuan will hand the excavated fire crystal to the sign, and then run along this tunnel.

While running, Shao Xuan recognized the position and calculated the distance until he came to a stop and looked at the top of the "tunnel". It should be closer to the salt caves of their horns, not directly above, but above the slope.

Did not start digging immediately, Shao Xuan first continued to walk along the "tunnel" until the end of the tunnel. Here is where the king beast rushes out of the ground. But the hole has been iced, a very thick layer of ice, blocking the entire hole, the closer to the hole, the colder.

Shao Xuan did not go over, but listened carefully, did not hear the sound of the outside of the king beast, then folded back.

The king beast will freeze the hole and it should not return in a short time.

They will call them and say what they mean. He plans to start digging under the Yanjiao salt cave.

If they are still trapped here for a few days, then if you dig into the fire, do you still come down from the place of the fox? The fox is obviously stared at by the king beast. If it is in the past, I don’t know if it will provoke the king beast. Moreover, a large part of the fox and the Mori tribe are not here. If they come back The two sides are immune to a war. At this time, there is no need to consume them.

When the four people are together, they decide to do so.

Where is the digging not to dig?

Shao Xuan quickly waved his sword and smashed the shovel that had been repaired by the armor. He broke the ice layer of the "tunnel" and dug the stone on the rock wall.

The three of them also worked hard.

The situation outside is not clear. You can't leave immediately. It's better to use more fire-blasting crystals. Even if you fight with the king beast, they will desperately protect some people back, let them go back with the fire crystal, and don't fall into such weather. Come once. The fire crystals dug out can be used by the tribe for a long time.

The range they dig is not large, there is no one-tenth of the potholes on the side of the fox, but the four people work together and the progress is fast. The rock at the beginning was very hard, but the more it went up, the easier it was.

In the cave of Yanjiao, the soldiers who stood next to the fire pits in the lower layer heard the movement from the bottom of the pit, and their hearts were panicked. They rushed to find Dokang.

Dokang let some people in the lower salt caves go up first to prevent the re-emergence of the ice-splitting. Arranged, only a few people carefully approached the fire pit, and planned to run quickly once they saw the ice.

In addition to the king beast, what else is there in the underground?


The sound below is getting clearer and clearer, unlike the movement of the king beast, there is no such awkward momentum, and there is no ice.

foreign enemy? Are the fox tribes still the people of the Mori tribe?

Duo Kang was stunned and moved a little, stretching his neck and looking into the pothole, indicating that others were ready to start.

The other soldiers around him also grabbed the weapons on their hands, and the muscles on the ground were twitching. They were frightened by the king beast. I really don't want to see any weird things coming out below. Hope is a person, regardless of the fox, or the Mori tribe, or other tribes.

The sound is getting closer and closer.

The nerves around the pit are tight, and it’s really not like the movement of a behemoth.

There seems to be loose underneath.

Dokang raised his hand.

puff! Hey!

The soil layer and a piece of rock were pushed away.

Dokang is planning to slam a "hands-on", and sees four people heading out below, turning back to the face.

Take a closer look.

Three leaders and an elder are in the hole!

Finally, the four people dug up from below, and when they came out, they saw a circle of people around the pit, all pointing at themselves with a sword axe. (To be continued.)


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