Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 488: Old castle

"How to do?"

"Try again?"

"Would you like... Wait a moment, look at the situation and say?"

Standing on the cracked ground, in the team of Wang Cheng, a group of people looked at the other person standing there, although the flame giant had disappeared, but Shao Xuan’s body still had a flame around, no one is sure, will be later I will not repeat the previous scene.

The team's people looked at Shao Xuan over there with trepidation. The scene just was too strange and shocking, but the momentary change has such a subversive scene. The flame giant just gave it to people. An indescribable danger, even if the person who is far away, feels the very dangerous and extremely oppressive moment in the moment of the change.

"What was it just now?" asked the girl in the leather armor standing next to Yi.

"I don't know." Although Yi Qian tried to keep calm, but his heart had already set off a stormy wave. At that moment, he felt a very strong impact, not physically, they were a little far away, and the injury was not serious, but The spirit is almost broken! Don't talk about divination, even the spirit can't concentrate!

There was no movement here, and Shao Xuan turned around and found that the other party did not want to immediately attack the second attack.

The migration team of Yanjiao has gone a little farther and entered the semi-desert zone, and they have to catch up with the team.

"Go first!" Shao Xuan called the people who were there to sneak in the direction of the tribe migration.

"Hey, Shao Xuan, what happened to you... What is the matter? Is that the strength of the ancestors? Can you come back?" The enlistment looks forward to Shao Xuan. If such power can be used all the time, they will not use it at all. Worried about the people of Wangcheng.

Shao Xuan smiled and shook his head, "No."

The power that broke out just after that was more successful than Shao Xuan imagined, but it was because of the unprecedented power. Shao Xuan has to bear more pressure, suddenly bursting out of full force, although now can run and jump, but the pain from the muscles is very clear. He can do it again, but only once. It’s really going to be the third time. He wants to run hard.

"Wangcheng people, will continue to chase?" Dokang asked.

"Yes. It will only be a moment when they will not leave immediately. Let's take this time to hurry. Otherwise, the situation will be more severe. I guess, there are reinforcements on the side of Wangcheng." Shao Xuan said.

"And there are reinforcements?!" Not only are they conquering and more Kang, they are not understood by others. Just for their Yanjiao tribe, Wangcheng’s people spent so much time on killing, what is it for? To say that it is only for salt stone and fire crystal. They did not believe in killing, because until now, the people of Wangcheng did not mention salt stone and fire crystal at all, and they launched an offensive at the meeting, and it was a murderous offensive that seemed to leave no way to live.

"In short, we are still on the road as soon as possible." Shao Xuandao.

The people behind them have kept a distance from the tribe's team, preventing the people behind Wangcheng from chasing them and entering the semi-desert area, sparsely populated. The threats encountered will be much less. They only need to guard against the people of Wangcheng. The small tribes in the desert can be solved by the people in the front team.

Those who watched the Yanjiao left. On the other side of the city, Wang Cheng did not issue an order to pursue, but to rest in place.

"How long does it take for people in the autumn city and the city to arrive?" Yi Yi asked the person next to him.

"Come on, up to two days, if you are fast, you will be there before tomorrow night." A young man embroidered with the word "朝" on a dress said, "Yanjiao is really powerful. It is indeed a big threat, especially that is called Shao. Xuan, such a person, still slaughtered."

"Indeed, if you let go, I am worried, they will become the second thorn." Yi Yi looked at the direction of the Yanjiao people, muttered.

The young man in the family’s home had good ears and his ears moved. He grasped the key words in Yi’s words. “The second thorn?” They were farthest from the city of Qiucheng, and they did not expect to be found this time. I followed the big team first, and the others were behind. I thought about taking a share. For him, Yanshi and Huojing are still very attractive. He always thought that other people had the same idea. But now it seems that things are not that simple.

One of the six tribes of the year, the Chaoqiu tribe was facing the family and did not care much about other things. Except those who stayed in Wangcheng, the rest were in the autumn city, guarding their own one. Acre three points, from time to time from the small tribes nearby to exploit something to enrich their warehouse, Yanjiao tribe things, they have heard some.

"So, there is the first thorn? Who is the first thorn?" asked the young man at home.

Several other people, including the girl who is in the family, have also come over. They have never heard of this statement. Who is the "first thorn"?

Yi Yan is silent. There are some things that he can't let everyone know. If he is not one of the core children in Yijia because of his talent, he can't know the secrets.

The leather girl looked around and pulled the easy to the side.

"Hey, hey, where are you going to pull it?!" someone shouted.

The squeezing roots of the leather armor ignore the person who screams behind her. As a descendant of the royal family, her pro-grandfather is the current king. She is the eldest son of Wang, who is likely to inherit the throne in the future, so her identity is relatively high. Many things she is qualified to know.

"Let's say, this is the two of us, what did you mean by the first thorn of the second thorn?" asked the leather girl.

Yi Yi thought for a moment and said: "Do you know what happened in Wangcheng before the millennium?"

"Thousands of years ago?" Obviously, I didn’t expect Yi Yi to suddenly mention such a long time. However, because she had to deal with Yanjiao people this time, she had heard a lot, and she also read the notes of her ancestors. I know that Yanjiao people did appear before the millennium.

"I only know that the Yanjiao tribe came from the sea a thousand years ago, and some people have left here," he asked.

"Then you know, who are the people who left, are you?"

"I don't know, I have asked me, but he doesn't say it."

Yi Yi looked at the direction of the Yanjiao tribe, saying: "In those days, most of the people who left were expelled from the city by Wang Cheng. There are two very important people, one is the Mu family's Mu Han, the other is We are easy to home."

Mu Han? Yi Xiang? These two names are very strange to you.

Yi Yi continued: "If Muhan competed in the success of the family, the Mu family is not the current people. It is reported that Mu Han was defeated by the competition and was driven out of Wangcheng."

"What about Yi Xiang?"

"Yi Xiang, in the ancestors' handbook of our Yi family, he was called 'Ominous'. Since he was born, he was the ominous person of the Yi family's ancestors, and will bring disaster to the Yi family. Unfortunately, Yi Xiang always It is possible to avoid the scourge and keep alive. On the contrary, those who have disputes with him are suffering various disasters.

Later, Wangcheng was in chaos. The Yijia people once wanted to secretly execute Yi Xiang, but he suddenly disappeared. At the beginning, Yi Yi once felt that when he knew Yi Xiang’s affairs, such a genius would be considered as “ominous.” In that year, Yi Xiang was one person who mastered a variety of ancient Buddhist techniques, one of which is now almost After the loss of the knot, I haven’t been able to truly master the skills of the knot.

It’s a pity that such a genius.

"When the city was in chaos, many of them were executed, and many escaped. I heard that those people left with Mu Han, and Yi Xiang is very likely to leave with them. After the civil strife in Wangcheng, the civil unrest finally subsided. When the reaction came, the passage in the sea had already fallen, and it happened that at that time, Yanjiao appeared, and Wangcheng once targeted them, but he had just experienced civil strife. The interior of Wangcheng was unstable and did not immediately Yanjiao people started, but they also released rumors, let others target Yanjiao, and later, Yanjiao people entered the forest, faded out of everyone's sight, and over time, they were gradually forgotten."

"It turns out." sighed, she said that because of the people of the fox and the city of Wangcheng, the six nobles started to attack the Yanjiao tribe. These are just two of them.

"Why don't you start early?" asked.

"One is that they often hide in the mountains, rarely appear in Wangcheng, and the second, now the people of Wangcheng, are not willing to take it out easily." If the royal aristocrats of the millennium ago, they have already started, can be thousands of years down. The people inside the six tribes are changing, the people are changing, and no one wants to get into trouble. Even if the composition of his own position gathers the interests of his hands, if the people of Yijia and Mujia often beat the alarm bells in other people’s ears, those People probably forgot the threat of slipping away. Every few decades, when Yan Yan people entered the king city, most of the conflicts were related to Yi Jia and Mu Jia.

I thought about the style of those people who are now in Wangcheng. It’s really not quite like, but, “So many years have passed, Mu Han and the ominous of your Yi family have entered the land early? Unless they become kings.”

"This is also what our Yijia people are worried about. Mu Han may have died long ago, but who can be sure that he has any descendants? After all, Mu Han left with hatred, and he said that he would come back for revenge. He couldn’t report it. Let the children report. As for Yi Xiang... He may, still, may live in some way."

Everyone in Wangcheng knows that Yi Jiabu’s prophecy of “the world will be divided into long-term and long-term must be combined”, but in fact it is only half, and the other half, except for the Yi family, others do not know.

The other half is specifically reminded of the Yi family: "Ominous" is still there.

This time it is said that Wangcheng people are dealing with the Yanjiao tribe. It is better to say that Yijia and Mu family have to deal with them. This is the main driving force behind the Yijia people. It is rare for them to encounter such opportunities. The things of the foxes and the things of the city gates, convincing others to agree to send troops, even the methods of spreading rumors and killing people by knife are similar to those of the millennium.

The other few kings of the same city, with the heart of the mind, can be easy to play, but with a task: to find out whether the Yanjiao people are really predictive ability, what is this predictive ability? Is it related to Yi Xiang? If there is one, then Yi Jia will kill Yan Yan at all costs.

The things of those people of Mu Han and Yi Xiang were the ones in the hearts of the six nobles of Wangcheng. Now, the Yanjiao people must become the second thorn in everyone’s heart? Don't pull out this thorn, it really makes people sleep all night!

"However, the people in Yanjiao, what are they going to do over there? It is not a good place to live." I puzzled and pulled out a simple map. "Continue to go there, it will come to the edge." If we join forces with those who come from behind, we can force them to jump into the sea! Shao Xuan is powerful, but I believe that the kid can never maintain such a power!"

Hearing the words "jumping the sea", Yi Yu's eyelids jerked twice, always feeling that there was an ominous premonition. (To be continued.)

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