"That is……"

The tower involuntarily moved to the other side, and people from other parts of the tribe also came around and stood behind the tower to look at the direction of the woods. Oh,

In the dimly lit wood, many bits and pieces of light moved. At first they thought who was pointing to the torch, but soon they discovered that it was not the Martian of the torch, but the light of the human body.

Is there a fire in people?

There are many people in the woods, and you can hear them by listening to footsteps. If the towers and other people have long been familiar with the footsteps of the giant beasts, and the atmosphere of the beggars, there is also a strong strange and familiar kindness. If they feel it, they will definitely take up their weapons and guard against them.

Until I saw the appearance of the person in front, the tower smashed, "A Xuan?"

At this time, Shao Xuan and his entourage have entered the tribe. The soldiers who patrolled around also followed. They were worried at the beginning that they were attacking by Wan Shi, but they soon discovered that it was not the case. They couldn’t afford the disgusting mind. When they knew who they were, they followed.

The hand of the witch holding the cane is squatting, and it seems that there is a heavy weight on the foot. Every step is heavy. Looking forward to the extreme, there is some timidity and a feeling of embarrassment.

In such a seemingly ordinary day, the two branches separated by the millennium are seen again in the homeland of the beastly mountain.

After two years, Shao Xuan once again saw the people here.

"I am back." Shao Xuan walked over and gave the witch a hug.

"Okay, good!" There was a tear in the eyes of the witch. He looked at Shao Xuan carefully. After two years, Shao Xuan was still the same, but it gave people a feeling of great change, especially Shao Xuan. Conspicuous totem pattern,.

The line of sight swept around Shao Xuan. Wu Cai looked at other people behind Shao Xuan.

They wandered directly, their bodies were too familiar, and, when they stood with the newcomers, they were inconspicuous, and the totems of the people were all with light.

As a witch. He can clearly feel the strong fire of these people, echoing the fire pit in the tribe.

Just, I didn't see the fire.

Realizing what is happening, some thoughts in the witch heart have passed away. However, this time, he is not allowed to think more. These people in front of him are all Yanjiao people, and they are the ancestors who have passed away for thousands of years. The people who have been looking forward to, now, are finally expected by them. Hey, who is the old woman who is riding a crutches on the back of Caesar?

He walked over and introduced the people briefly with the witch. He turned and told the tower. "Go and tell everyone, prepare food. Come and entertain the new brothers. Right, let me know by the way. Tonight Out of some rooms, there are more tools to prepare."

"Oh, good." The tower nodded, although the details were not clear, but he intuitively realized something and looked at the new group. Then turned and left to arrange things.

"There are a lot of injured people in the team, you need to prepare more drugs." Shao Xuan said to the witch.

"Well, I know."

From the side of the sea, I walked hard to this side and crossed the desert. The long journey to the fierce beasts, the people in their team are really very tired, but because of the excitement, the consciousness is very clear. Especially when I saw the flame in the high fire pool, everyone prayed sincerely.

It is a kind of fire, the real kind of fire, not integrated into their bodies, but the original kind of fire that can be seen by the naked eye in the fire pond!

When I saw the fire, it was like seeing another home. The previous shackles and worries were all swept away.

敖 Introduced the new team to the tribe, and the injured person finally got better treatment and rest at this time. The hungry soldiers finally put down their guards and relaxed their stomachs.

The people of the local tribe were very enthusiastic. Although everyone only met for the first time, they were somewhat restrained and embarrassed at first, but soon, several legs of the beast fell down and they talked and laughed.

On the road, they are more likely to communicate with their peers and other people. They are also proficient in the use of the local language. They don’t have to gesticulate a few words, and now they are blowing a sneak peek.

The women gathered to talk about their topic, the men roam around the fire, and the children and the elderly were placed on the other side to rest.

After all, there are too many people coming here. Even if the tribe is a temporary place, it is impossible for everyone to have a house to live in. It is too late to build a house, and everyone has no energy.

However, the soldiers on the other side do not care, such a warm place, not as cold as winter, not as hot as the desert, sleeping on the grass, and here, all of them are themselves, and there are fire protection, It can be safe when you fall to the ground. When you are full and full, they are easy to satisfy. As for others, wait until they sleep and solve it.

"Don't be afraid, you have no place to sleep, we will accompany you to sleep in the grass!" Mai patted a person next to him at the same age.

Near the edge, at the junction of the tribes and the tourist's place of residence, Yan Yan and the Noon Brothers squatted on several roasted animal legs, and there were several large animal bags hanging around their waists. Some fruits and cereals harvested last year.

After knowing the identity of those newcomers, Yan and the two brothers are very happy. The arrival of these people will make the Yanjiao tribe stronger. After all, they are all Yanjiao tribes, than those who are outside. The tribe's collaborators must be much intimate, and the people brought by Shao Xuan are willing to trust.

As soon as the leader said that the two brothers had taken out most of their stocks when they let the food out. If the food is gone, you can hunt again, but these new brothers can't make them hungry. I heard that they are not very easy to come. Many people are hungry and thin.

The brothers were laughing and talking, and suddenly they were stopped.

"Hey, Yan Yan, noon, you wait!"

The two men looked at the past and stopped them. They were the tourists and two who were known at the time of the Changzhou tribe.

Since coming to the old place, Yan Yan and Jiao Zi, they have awakened the power of totem, and their lives have been much better. Even with the tourists who have helped them, they have also gained a lot of benefits.

And they were forced to see a little hope. They followed their brothers. I didn’t expect that although they lived in the mountain of beasts, but the guards of the horns were protected, their days passed. Also, plus the Yanjiao tribe often hires tourists to help, and will also pay, for those who have no totem power, they are already satisfied. He and Er also found a tourist girl to marry, and had their own children at the beginning of this year.

It was only yesterday that some people lived in the tourist area that Wan Shi had to fight with Yanjiao. Half of the firepower of the Yanjiao came out of the mountain forest. The fighting power left here is not enough. Maybe the Yanjiao will not be guaranteed.

I have lived here for a long time, and they have heard a lot about the Wanshi tribe and know the style of the tribe. As a result, the people in the area where the tourists lived were turbulent. After two years of good life, did they have to change places?

And they also wanted to find Yan Yan, a familiar Yanjiao warrior, but they couldn’t find anyone. The Yanjiao had a tense atmosphere, and the most patrolling soldiers were silent. Not much to say.

Some tourists secretly left, and the soldiers who were patrolling did not stop. Others saw it and they left, but they did not leave. When someone came to discuss and leave, he refused. He just didn't understand the specific situation and was not worried.

After a day, he was finally touched by the two brothers.

"You, what are you doing?" and the two wanted to ask Yan Yan whether to fight with Wan Shi, but now looking at the two brothers is not like a state of preparation, but like a happy event, so ask The words changed again before I blurted.

"A newcomer is coming, we are going over." The corner of the corner, laughing and laughing.

"Newcomers? Which tribe?" and asked.

"Of course we are Yanjiao!"

And the second thought that it was the former Yanjiao tourist who was scattered in other places, he asked casually: "How much is coming, seeing you happy."

At noon, he compared four fingers.

"Forty?" and two try to find out.

The corner of the eye is contemptuous.

"Four hundred?" and two were a little surprised, four hundred people, quite a lot.

Corner noon continues to despise.

"Four...four..." and two stuttered, and why didn't he want to say that order of magnitude, he felt completely impossible.

"Haha four thousand! Don't tell you, wait in front."

"Wait, is there really 4,000 visitors?" and asked.

"Who is the person who is the same as the tribe, I heard that it is quite powerful." Speaking of this noon is still not convinced, thinking about the time to wait for those people to slow down, everyone is two strokes.

Watching the noon brothers leave, and the second standing in the same place, then slap the brain and ran to the house.

Although I don’t understand what it means to be just in the afternoon, I feel so good, and watching their state today is not like worrying about fighting.

go? Kill me without leaving!

Such a thick thigh does not hold, and where is the better thigh to hold? As a tourist, it is rare to encounter such an opportunity, and the second feels that this is quite good, let those who are vacillating leave, anyway, he does not leave.

The fire in the fire pit was active all night, and there were warriors who shouted around the fire everywhere.

Shao Xuan finally came back, Lao Ke gave him a boss a pot of broth, ate enough to drink, took a shower, Shao Xuan had a good night's sleep. He is more tired than others, and consumes too much power to support the bones. Later, he managed to recover points, unlocked the sapphire, and brought the team all the way to the place. It was really too tired.

Shao Xuanyi slept for two days, never woke up in the middle, and no one came to call him.

When Shao Xuan woke up on the third day, there were many new houses in the tribe. Some were built with bricks, some were built with wood, and the clay bricks were not burnt so fast. After all, there are many newcomers. So some people built it with wood first. (To be continued...)

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