After the meeting that day, the leaders of the two teams thought for a few days, or they were alone at home to meditate, or a few people gathered around to discuss, and there was never a problem that could make these people entangled in this way.

In the past, the leaders of the hunting squad only used the leader and the witch, and did not need to think extra. This time giving them the opportunity to express their opinions, but it is such a difficult thing to choose.

The words of Shao Xuan had a great influence on them. No matter which way you choose, you have to give up a lot of things. What they can do is to measure the road that is most beneficial to the tribe.

So, after five days of entanglement, I finally decided to choose the path of integration into the fire.

In the end, I decided to announce that no matter which side of the people, I was relieved.

For these people in the old place, although it is difficult to accept for a while, but it is really decided, and it feels a lot easier. The leaders of the hunting team often look for more people to ask for advice. I want to know what it feels like to be integrated into the fire. What is the difference between them and those without the fusion?

“Feeling?” Asked by so many people, Dokang grinned. “There is no special feeling. I feel that there is a fire in the body when hunting.”

This is of course not to say that the flame is burning, but that the power of the totem provided by the fire is more direct and more abundant. But it only ends here. No matter how much, Dokang can't say it. He doesn't know how big the difference is between the integration of the fire and the lack of integration into the fire.

"The totem pattern on your body is really bright." The leader of a hunting squad in the old town envied.

"It's too good to be too bright. Every time you go out to hunt, you have to cover up with colored mud. You are afraid to expose your body when you are hunting. Haha." Although that is the case, anyone can see that Dokang Sey. That expression is like saying: I am shining, I am proud.

If it is the first batch of people, there will definitely be a lot of sentiments that can guide these people. Unfortunately, from generation to generation, from the elders to the younger generations, from birth to the present, they have become accustomed to the life of fire into their bodies. This is the most common thing. It can't be said to be special. Just like they don't know what it means to be a person who doesn't integrate into the fire. These people in the land want to know the feeling of being integrated into the fire. Only after the fire is actually integrated. In order to understand deeply.

At this time, many people in the old place began to look forward to it. Some people think, after the fusion of fire, the color of the totem pattern will not change?

The integration of fire is a major event concerning the rise and fall of the tribe. It must not be sloppy. Although the two witches often quarrel because of conflicts of ideas, on this issue, both of them put down their prejudice and carefully studied the notes left by the ancestors. Things, others can't see, only two of them can think about it, and then they rely on them. No, there is one.

"A Xuan, what do you think is the meaning of this sentence?" The old man pointed to a word on the animal skin and asked Shao Xuan. He could not understand the meaning of this sentence, but did not want to ask the opposite old woman, first asked Shao Xuan, if Shao Xuan did not know, then ask the old woman.

In the hand left by the ancestors "Chi", the method of fusion of fires was written in detail, many of which were learned from the witches of the Taihe tribe, but later, generations of Yanjiao witches Look for some tips and make some assumptions so that they can be better integrated.

It can be assumed that after all, it is a hypothesis, in the end, no one is going to verify, only to remember these first, and then look at the situation again.

Two days down, don't say two witches, that is, Shao Xuan, what is all about the brain.

When Laoxu saw that Shao Xuan came back every day, his face was exhausted, not physically, but mentally exhausted. He thought about making a good point for Shao Xuan to make up for it. In the morning, he asked Shao Xuan: "What do you want to eat?"

Shao Xuan took a piece of barbecue and answered absently: "Fire."

Lao Ke was there at the time.

After finally formulating a set of plans, Shao Xuan was temporarily separated from that state.

"After seven days, the tribes held a ritual ceremony, a very important ritual ceremony. Every warrior must be there. Whether it is a patrol warrior, a wounded sick bed, or a child who is not weaned, it must be there. ”

The two witches have jointly issued passwords, and no one dares to ignore them.

Nowadays, the soldiers who go out to hunt are also coming back. No one has gone out these days. The people who traveled far away from the trading team have not gone out, except those who have been blacklisted by the Yanjiao. Others, as long as It is the blood of the Yanjiao. Does the fistula have the power to awaken the totem, and must be present during the sacrifice.

The tribe is big, there are many loopholes in the previous management, and there may even be some people who are not in the wrong place. Therefore, in addition to some important decision makers of the tribe and those they absolutely trust, Other people are unaware of it in case something changes.

But everyone can also feel that there seems to be something going on. Some people say that the Yanjiao tribe is preparing for war, and some people are speculating about others.

The leader 敖 people will write down those who love to spread rumors everywhere, and then focus on them. If those people are really distracted, they will not be merciful.

The ritual rituals have been notified, and the witch also said that there is no need to wear ritual costumes on that day, but to dress neatly, to do the bathing, to do the cleaning, to do well, when there are soldiers to check If you fail to submit it, you will be forced to brush it and come back.

This is a significant sacrifice. For the millennium, the first complete tribe of the Yanjiao tribe.

As the days get closer, the atmosphere in the tribe becomes more and more tense, and even if they are enlisted, they cannot calm down.

Dori asked him privately, "What if the fusion of fires fails?"

The result is that Dokang did not say a word, and he will smash a meal. In this storm, it is necessary to stimulate more health, can you not?

Seven days, it will soon pass. According to the tradition of the tribe, the rituals are all in the evening, after the sun has fallen, this time the same.

It stands to reason that at this time the moon in the sky is already very bright, but this day the sky has always had thick clouds, especially from the evening, the thicker the clouds, the full moonlight of the sky.

In the mountains without moonlight, the night is very dark.

The fire was burning everywhere in the tribe.

The two witches were serious and stood in front of the fire pit.

For the call of the original fire in the fire pond, the old lady has never experienced it. At this time, she did not say much, according to the plan.

This time, more than 4,000 people participated in the sacrifices, and they gave them a piece of land. In order, the leader of the leader leaned forward, the senior totem fighters leaned forward, and then the back, the primary totem warrior and the unwounded People stand behind, of course, if they have made great contributions to the tribe, they will go forward and have the same rules as before.

Shao Xuan is the closest person to the fire pit except for the two witches. On the six bones worn on the neck, the six beads changed the look of the past few days, and it looked a lot brighter.

With the curse, the flames in the fire pond rise and rush to be much faster than the sacrifices of previous years. However, these days have seen various abnormalities of the fire, and now everyone can look at it calmly.

The high-volume flame will illuminate all around, there is no music, there is no sacrifice dancer, there is no fire shovel as in the past, only the sound of the witches can be heard. After the flame in the fire pond is rolled up, the double-corner totem pattern appears.

At the time of the totem pattern, the totems of all totem warriors are also displayed, some of which are dark lines, while the totems of others are brighter and more conspicuous.

The flame in the fire pond is getting higher and higher, and there is no wind and wind. Even if you are standing outside, you can hear the sound of the flame swinging.

Shao Xuan felt the totem flame in his mind, and became active with the flame in the fire pond. The flame body expanded a lot, and the "shell" that enveloped the totem flame began to flash at this time.

On the ball of the bone ornament, a bang, a flame emerges, the flame stretches forward, and is connected with the flame in the fire pond. This time, the flame giant does not appear. Shao Xuan has a feeling that constitutes the flame giant. The flames all melted into the fire.

The blood of the whole body is like being burned to boil, and it is stirred in the blood vessels. The power of the totem in the body is like a torrent of rushing, filled with the whole body in the blink of an eye.


The sound of fire burning like a firewood, like the sound of a rock bursting and burning, sounded from the fire.

Six fire veins, such as hot magma, appear on the ground and extend outward from the fire pit, and become thicker and thicker, as if the ground is to be severely cracked.

Different from the previous rituals on the fire pulse, this time, the fire veins on the ground, like the roots of the growing tree, extend outwards, and the closer to the fire pond, the thicker. The person standing here is like standing on a rock.

Near the fire pit, as the fire pulse thickens, the distance between the six fire veins has become very close.

The fire veins, together with the flames in the fire pond, bloom together like never before.


It seems like there is something to break ground.

With such a sound, six fire veins extending far away from the fire pond, rushing out of the ground, like a fire dragon buried in the ground, to break through the earth, dance up and down, every ups and downs, There will be a fire pulse from the ground.

At this point, the stones in the fire pit all became red.


The stones that broke into the fire pit made a cracking sound. Some flames burst out from the ground. After the red flame rushed out, it was followed by some blue flames, not many, but like the flowerbed at the bottom of the flower. Hold the flame above, fill the flame of the entire fire, gather in the middle, and vacate. The six fire veins that danced in the air also gathered toward the center and contracted into the flame above the fire pit.

The roots of the fire that have been buried deep under the firepit of the old place have left the fire pond!

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