Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 52: Place a nuclear cave

Not long after coming out of the tribe, Shao Xuan saw several mountains that had been resting, and there were traces of eagle claws on the mountain wall.

When I first came to the place, it preferred the high places, and did not like too many people around. After all, it has little connection with the Yanjiao people, unlike other beasts that have been printed. It circled the mountains on several hills around the tribe.

When Shao Xuan came back, he did not see the embarrassment. He also learned from their mouth that when the Tuo and Lei returned to the place, it was a long time to go to the desert and then ran to the "back to the tribe" and took away. A few eagle "back to the tribe".

However, the people who came back to the tribe later said that it might be that the giant eagle eagers were going to Yingshan, and they went together. They didn’t worry too much. They didn’t know about the mountain giant eagle, but they used to go. Once, there is experience, although I don’t know which way they are going from, but since they are all a few hawks, they are safe.

Not long after this winter, the “back to the tribe” from the grassland, the long-distance team, made a special trip to find the beasts and forests, and sent a message that some of the tribes of their tribes had gone back, but they did not see it. Nothing else to say, like the way to say and stop, but at that time, because of the unusual kind of fire, I did not think much.

Going to Yingshan, but not appearing with other hawks, is there no Eagle Mountain? Still out of the Eagle Mountain, but ran to another place? This Shao Xuan is not known.

When he was asked by Shao Xuan, he regretted it. After all, they did ignore it. They didn’t ask much, and the people who returned to the tribe did not stay here for a long time. They took the message and left. To understand, Shao Xuan personally Go to the grassland and ask the people who are going back to the tribe. The exchanges between the people of the tribe and the giant eagle are very common. They can understand the meaning of the mountain giant eagle. When several eaglees go together, there is no news at all. People who "return to the Horde" must know more.

Shao Xuan did not blame them. After all, the situation was special, and the temper was not good. In the tribe, except for the old gram and the witch, it is barely able to listen to a few words. Others do not want to care about it, let alone communicate.

When the matter here comes to an end, Shao Xuan intends to go to the grassland.

It took another half an hour. Shao Xuan can feel a little change.

"When you let Tuo and Lei bring the nuclear species back, we also know that the thing is very dangerous, but I did not expect that there will be such a big lethality." He pointed to the gradually sparse woods in front and said.

Although the mountain grows less plants because of the soil and stone, the more it goes up, the less the green coverage, which is why the nucleus was decided here. But Shaocheng is like this, like a bald mountain. It is amazing.

There aren't many plants here, and the beasts that are active in the mountains are rare. I have seen them many times. Occasionally I can see one or two pheasants passing by the mountainside, not living on this mountain. It is something else. Come over the mountain.

"The nuclear species are placed on the mountain. There are some small caves on the mountain. Later, we will expand the cave. According to what you said, there are many stones with good materials inside." I carefully compared the things at that time with Shao Xuan. Said it.

Zheng Luo and Du Kang are listening to the side. However, if they look red, they can't wait to rush to the past, they know that their emotions are not calm.

At the time of the sea, the nuclear species were controlled by the big slave owners. The bronzes they can get are purchased from slave owners or traded from merchants, but they have never really seen nuclear species. Even for nuclear species, they are very strange. I only vaguely know some things, but I feel that I have not been too far away. Unexpectedly, there are actually nuclear species for making gold mines here!

"With nuclear species, can we make more gold?!" Dokang started and looked forward to it.

"Accordingly, yes. But no one in the tribe has tried it. I don't know if it will succeed. I have to try it before I know it." Shao Xuan answered. In the past when the sea was over, the tribe's craftsmen only modified those weapons on the basis of bronzes. Even though Gong Jiaheng once pointed out some skills, he explained the smelting technology from the absence of ore.

What the Yanjiao tribe can use is only the "theory" provided by Shao Xuan.

The main points of smelting technology that Shao Xuan sorted out were the combination of the smelting method in the history of slave owners and the words excerpted during the work.

When he was in the desert, Shao Xuan sneaked into the city of Xueyuan. In the place where the ancient scrolls were collected, he saw the records related to smelting. That said not only the nuclear species, but also the where the smelted ore came from, and the better the stone, the shorter the time required, the higher the metal content.

The experience of slave owners' failures and successful examples, Shao Xuan has written down. As for the words extracted from Gongjiashan, it is also very useful to sort out the words, such as the method of observing the gas, the difference in casting various utensils. The proportion of metal, as well as the ring of the ancestors of the Yi family.

The ring of the Yi family, the other people do not understand, did not look much, but the previous technical experience, so that the two leaders and three big heads are both eyes.

"I have heard from the workers of the Jiajia family that there is a kind of blue-faced beast. Its blood is very useful for building weapons. The sword can easily open the stone." Shao Xuandao.

"Really?!" Several other people looked at Shao Xuan.

"I heard that I have not seen it with my own eyes."

"The green-faced beak-toothed beast, what will it look like? We can't let go of it when we hunt." Luo couldn't wait to ask.

The goldsmiths they used were not the best. The goldsmiths used by most people are better than the fine stone tools here, but they are used by the goldsmiths they use. The stone tools have a lot of shortcomings, but if such shortcomings can be improved, it is very satisfying to be able to make better goldware and make them easier to hunt and more emboldened.

"According to Gong Jiaheng, the blue-faced fangs are not big, the face is blue, the skin is thick, there are horns and no horns, and there are two long fangs, often jumping in the mountains, looking very fierce. The temperament is also very fierce, often attacking other beasts, is a beast of herbivores."

When Shao Xuan said, the other five people also made an action at the same time, that is, looking for the hide or cloth. Dokang turned out a piece of cloth, but did not bring a pen, the pigment did not bring anything, grabbed the head, and levied the road: "Head, you wrote me back to copy."

The levy lifted his eyelids and glanced at him. He did not say anything.

"Don't worry, this is not anxious. Go back and add it to me." Shao Xuan said, continue to go up the mountain.

There are very few plants growing on the ground here. There are several kinds of grasses that don’t know the name. They don’t look conspicuous. If they are put together with other flowers, they are easily overlooked. Here, in other plants. When they can't survive, they are still strong.

Shao Xuan has taken some of it in the past. Going back and studying it, he can grow up here with the influence of nuclear species. It may also be a rare medicine, and the damage caused to the nuclear species may be useful.

"It's there!" He pointed to the front, where there was a cave blocked by big stones.

There are no warriors guarding the caves, because the people guarding them are at the foot of the mountain, which can better avoid injuries. Even a little injury here, it will cause big problems after a long time.

Moreover, there are no other tribes in this mountain forest. Apart from those beasts, basically no outsiders are seen, and there is no need to be tightly guarded.

The closer you are to the cave, the more dangerous you are, the more uncomfortable you are, and the danger is signaled. This made the first check-up of the nuclear species and Dokang very uncomfortable, but the heart could not suppress the excitement.

Nuclear species, that is nuclear!

He walked over and removed the stone that was stuck in the hole, but did not enter it immediately, but opened a large animal bag.

"Put this on."

Shao Xuan took over a gray simple robes handed over by the scorpion, which was made of worm skin.

In the same year, Shao Xuan brought back three worm skins from Yingshan. Only one volume was used. The other two volumes were placed. After the gynecological nuclear species were brought back, according to Shao Xuan’s account, the insect skin was found. These protective clothes. The soldiers who moved the stones at that time were wearing these clothes.

Six people put on the worm coat and walked in.

There are some light moonstones in the long passages inside, and you don't need an ignition handle to see the inside.

Going on, it is a place with a larger space, which is round. It was all the hard work of the warriors and other warriors.

The nuclear species are placed in the middle, which is not much bigger than the fist, but the danger is extremely crazy.

"That is... the legendary nuclear species?" The throat was moved, and I wanted to touch it. I also knew that this thing was too dangerous. The closer I got there, the more hidden the insects, the clearer he could be. Feel a burning sting.

There is a piece of stone around the nuclear species. In the past two years, the tribe spent a lot of time looking for stones in the forest. It was rare to use the good stone to polish the stone, but most of them moved here.

Shao Xuan looked at it and, with the result of the calculation of the ring figure, went to one place and looked at the stone placed there.

In this position, there are many stones on the same distance from the nucleus, and many surfaces can see the irregular distribution of gold. Here is the most dense location of copper under the influence of nuclear species. Copper mines are produced here!

Magical nuclear species.

They moved some of the copper mines in this location, then moved a large stone from different locations and brought them all back to the tribe. (To be continued.)

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