Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 518: Intruder

When I saw Shao Xuan, the team that was laughing and laughing stood up straight. Although Shao Xuan was similar to their age, even younger than many of them, but for the great elder, the owner of the Yanjiao tribe All with awe, especially after the battle of Wan Shi, Shao Xuan's status almost exceeded the two leaders.

The team who came here to guard the guards was to prevent the tourists from going out of trouble. If they found out, they would stop the solution. If they didn't, they would chat at the side. I didn't expect to encounter Shao Xuan. At this time, the mood of this team is like a student who was in class and suddenly found the principal standing behind him.

Perhaps the people who came here are not asked what to do, but they are really relaxed at the moment. Therefore, when I saw Shao Xuan, I opened my eyes in guilty conscience, and from time to time quickly rushed to Shao Xuan to see if the elder was angry.

Originally, Shao Xuan was planning to pass through here and go to the fields in the tribe and the feeding of the beasts. He only walked through the inside of the tourist area.

coming! coming!

The warrior who is here is in a tight heart, and his eyes are drooping. When he raises his eyes, he quickly looks at it: the elder's expression is not very good. What should I do? ! Will you train?

Listening to Shao Xuan's footsteps approaching this side, several people's heartbeats followed, and when Shao Xuan finally stopped in front of them, they had to look up and laugh: "big... ...the great elders are good."

"You have been here forever?" Shao Xuan asked.

"Yes, it’s been there, it’s been the day since dawn. There’s nothing wrong with the tourist area.” The team leader replied.

"Before? Is it you?" Shao Xuan asked again.

"We are taking turns with another team. But the night is not here, there are people with other patrols." The person who led the team said, the heart secretly anxious, is the elder elder found what is wrong? But they have been here, and found nothing unusual.

Shao Xuan did not ask again, but walked over to a house not far away.

The team who stayed in the place, look at me, I will look at you, and then the team leader will make the decision first. Following Shao Xuan's past, if Shao Xuan discovered something unusual, they would have to make up.

Shao Xuan went to a very ordinary wooden house to see the shape and materials. This is indeed a very ordinary house in the tourist area. However, this house is far away from other people’s houses. This place, Only this house. It is like being isolated.

There was a layer of dust on the stone at the door, and the stone was recessed. The soil was stuck on the stone. It was obvious that no one sat on it for a long time.

This house is where the long-lived Shao Xuan discovered the long-lived leaves of the knot ropes, since that time. No one is coming in this room. After the discovery of external falling. The explanation for the visitors was that there were "defections". Others living in the tourist area were anxious to be separated from the family, for fear of being misunderstood. They were afraid of being suspected of being involved with the defectors and fearing being driven out.

Because Shao Xuan said at the beginning, let the patrolling people pay attention to this area, so there are often some patrolling soldiers walking around here. Now, the tourists who live around have moved to the place, like moving away from the plague. Therefore, this kind of situation seems to be isolated.

Did not go in immediately, Shao Xuan walked around the house, and then stopped at the window, there are some traces of scratches on the window frame, if you do not pay attention, it is difficult to find. The traces look fresher, not like a year or two, although there is a layer of gray on the window frame, but if you look closely, you will find that the dust there is thinner than other places, like being Who gently blew the same.

"Here, who has been in the past?" Shao Xuan asked.

"No, at least when we were here, we didn't see anyone coming in." The people who led the team hurry. Because I know that this is the focus of attention, if they are here, they will definitely pay more attention. They will not go in easily, and this kind of mistake will not be made.

"Or, I am going to find someone from another team to ask?" asked the team leader.

"No need first."

Shao Xuan opened the door and walked into the house, but the team that followed him did not dare to go in. They knew that there must have been some things in this room, and they would not step in without permission.

The situation inside the house is similar to that of Shao Xuan’s impression. The wooden table that was smashed under the wrath of the year was also cleaned up. The wooden house of about 20 square meters was empty and clear at a glance. However, in the place where Shao Xuan dug out the long lived leaves, there are traces of moving the soil. Although the other party has been very careful, but the movement is moving, the soil color is different. If it is over a period of time, it may not be obvious, but now, The traces of the flipping are still relatively new, and it should have been in the past three days.

"Someone has been here." Shao Xuan said that he suddenly looked in one direction and walked out of the house.

Seeing the expression of Shao Xuan, the team members who were in the tourist area also knew that things had changed. They were preparing to follow, but they saw Shao Xuan and stopped.

"Run fast!" Shao Xuan stared in one direction. He just noticed a breath that did not belong to the Yanjiao tribe. Since the battle of Wanshi, his perception of the fire was more acute, and the other party should be moving. The man was approaching here. Shao Xuan will be aware of it. However, the other party was too cautious and seemed to find Shao Xuan staring at him, decisively and quickly left.

When I heard Shao Xuan’s words, the guard’s team changed face. “Grand elder, do you mean, there are outsiders?!”

This outsider naturally does not refer to tourists, but refers to people who come in from other tribes.

"Well. You should pay more attention to these days. Try to use the power of fire to perceive." Shao Xuantao. The fire has been integrated into everyone's body. If you use the power of fire to perceive it, even if you can't immediately find the outsider, you won't notice it until the other person walks.

The advantage of the fusion of fire is that the perception of the fire is strengthened. If the people of the previous horns have only a little bit of sensation on the blood of the tribe, it is very clear now. This is also the place where Yanjiao people are different from other tribes. Outsiders don't know this.

"Yes!" The guards quickly pledge. They did not doubt what Shao Xuan said. The elders said yes, that must be. It’s not a joke that the outsiders sneak in, they can’t relax. At the same time, my heart was also annoyed, and there was an outside drop in the place where they guarded! Although they are not allowed to dereliction of duty, they have not been able to find out that this threat is true.

Shao Xuan asked them to inform other patrols, step up the guards, and then walked around the tourist area. If nothing was found, they went to the fields in the tribe.

Not many meetings, Dokang, their three big heads came over. People in the tribe patrolling were told that outsiders could sneak in and step up their defenses, and they naturally learned.

"Who will it be? A few big tribes that haven’t moved yet?" asked Dokang.

"No," Guiqiu looked gloomy, "may also be 'theft'!" He has learned from other populations that Shao Xuan has been to the house, knowing what Shao Xuan is suspecting, and he is annoyed that by now they I also couldn't catch the sneak in that year. Now, the other party may have appeared again! !

"I don't know if the person who sneaked in this time is the same person as the two people. When the two men sneaked in, they didn't kill, but if they came here, they would not be allowed to do it. What is it.” Shao Xuan’s heart is also alert. “And the other party is very cautious and escapes quickly. It’s hard to catch. Anyway, the patrol is strengthened. To prevent the “stealing” people, you can’t just look at the looks. Those people have too many means to look at them, and they can only recognize them from the roots."

“Strengthen the patrol of the tourist area,” Shao Xuan said of his own guess. “The other party cannot be hidden in the home of other warriors in the tribe. Otherwise, it may have been discovered. It may only be hidden in the tourist area or outside the tribe!”

The three big leaders also nodded, and the identification at the fire level was the most accurate.

The sneak sneak out of the outside, so that after the Wan Shi, some of the Yanjiao warriors, who had been swaying, finally calmed down. It is just a Wanshi tribe. There are many people in this world who are stronger and harder than Wanshi. "Pirates" is one of them.

As an alternative group, "theft" is indeed mysterious and very painful. Even the tribes and the tribes of the tribes have been sneaked into the past, more than once, and they can imagine each other's embarrassment.

Moreover, Shao Xuan also wanted to find the person who had sneaked into the Yanjiao and hid the Longevity leaves in the house. Ask them where they found the Long Live. The technique of the knotted ropes recorded on the Longevity leaves was spread from the Yi tribe. This point Shao Xuan has already confirmed on the sea side. It must have been that the Yi tribes brought the long lived leaves a thousand years ago. "Who is the long lived leaf stolen from whom?" (To be continued.)

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