Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 535: It’s true to listen to me.

Shao Xuan chose to use such the most direct hunting method, in fact, it is also to shock the gang.

This group of people does not think that Yanjiao people are very brutal and rude? Then show them savagely and rudely, let them know that if they enter the forest, don't think too much about their thoughts and obedience.

Enter the fifth day of the forest.

More than 60 people walked in the forest. The initial discomfort has passed. Now, these tribes from the central or grassland have begun to understand some of the most basic skills to survive in this mountain.

On the criss-crossing vine network, a huge face nearly two meters high suddenly appeared. The eyes of two black holes seemed to be faintly looking at the direction of the team. The whole face was distorted somewhat differently and was rendered in a different color. The horrible Mori came.

When I first saw such a face, many people in the team were scared and almost started. Fortunately, they were stopped by Shao Xuan in time, otherwise everyone would suffer.

Now, seeing such a face again, the rest of the team, in addition to feeling a bit awkward, has been able to deal with it relatively calmly. Yanjiao people are right. Sometimes, things that look terrible on the surface are not the case, and most of them are classified as ignored.

After the team walked all over here, the face that suddenly appeared on the vine-interwoven web gradually faded in color, like a canvas washed by detergent, and was folded up, and the two sides began to fold at the same time.

In a few moments, a weird butterfly flies up from the vine net, and the vines are denser and fly to the darker places where the sun is barely visible.

This is actually a kind of butterfly in the beastly mountain forest. They usually like to rest on the vines intertwined. When they are resting, they usually stand on their wings. Unless they feel strangers or dangers, they will slam their wings. Open the flat and use the pattern on the wings to scare away the close people or beasts.

If someone attacks it, it will shake its wings and shake the powder on the wings that can sneeze. Even some of the larger beasts, inhaling such a powder, will sneeze for nearly an hour in situ.

After walking for a while, everyone looked for a place to rest.

Along the way. They have already learned too much. The dissatisfaction that was originally caused by the "sincerity" that Yanjiao people want is too much to disappear. At the same time, they are glad that they chose to give "sincerity". Instead of choosing to go into the mountains like the Tianshan tribe.

I don't know how the Tianshan tribe is now, and I don't think it will be good.

There are some tiny flying insects around, Yan Yan people said that they should ignore these small flying insects, and everyone will put down their defenses a little and give more energy to pay attention to the surroundings.

These days, the clothes on them, whether they are burlap or silk, have been stained with a lot of smudges, sweat, blood of the beast, muddy grass that hides the taste, and so on. Body. Because there is no time to clean. Now the temperature in the woods is still high, and all of them have a stink.

Even so, they have no choice, because the beasts and beasts in the mountains are very sensitive to strange smells and blood, and now they are all strange, but at least many times they don’t want to face them. When you are a beast, you can lurk without being noticed.

There are many sesame-sized flying insects around. Probably smelling the smell of everyone, but it will not be scattered for a long time, but more and more.

"This is also where you are hunting on weekdays?" Qu Ce raised his hand and swept the flying insects.

"Yeah." Shao Xuan chewed the uncooked meat that was baked yesterday.

The tribe is okay. For the other tribes that are mainly planted, such as 莽, 不八, etc., it is difficult for them to understand the behavior of Yanjiao to hunted in dangerous mountain forests. Moreover, they ran so far, they all walked for a few days. There is no hunting range for the flaming corner.

After the Yanjiao tribe came to the place. It has opened up two hunting routes, and this is one of them.

After eating the meat, Shao Xuan got up and looked at the distance. The terrain here is not high, but fortunately there are no trees that are too dense, and the horizon can be seen farther.

There is a stream not far away, they just took the water there. For Yanjiao people, there is no problem in drinking directly. Anyway, they are used to it, and the body can survive. But other tribes can't do it. Drinking the water here may be diarrhea because they don't adapt. Shao Xuan let them take the water and then boil and drink.

Shao Xuanzheng intends to discuss the next itinerary with Dokang and Mai. The ear is slightly moved, the light flashes in the eye, and the right foot moves halfway, and the right arm suddenly slams out.


Qu Te, who was not far away, saw a flash of a hand, and when he looked again, Shao Xuan’s hand had already caught something.

"This is..." A few people who have come close have also come together to see.

They came to such places for the first time, and there are still many people who need to learn from Yanjiao. Although they often do not understand the behavior of Yanjiao people, they have to say that they have experience in the survival of the beasts and mountains. The horns are far away. Therefore, if you don't understand, you should ask with a thick face and figure out how to avoid unnecessary dangers and troubles.

"Mosquito, that is the kind of blood-sucking." Shao Xuan rubbed his brow, holding his fist, carefully moving his index finger and thumb.

The thing that was held by Shao Xuan was still struggling, and a "fine needle" that was longer than Shao Xuan's little thumb stretched out and swayed.

Shao Xuan accurately pressed the thumb on the "fine needle" and used the force on the abdomen.

I only heard a slight squeaking sound of "嘣", like a hard object.

Although the sound is not big, there are even a variety of birds called in the distant mountains, but the ears of several people present will not be heard.

Seeing the scene of this scene, the muscles on the surface of the human body twitched hard.

What happened to the "嘣"? Is that a mosquito mouth? How do you listen like a hard needle?

This stuff also **** blood?

Make me funny! What would it feel like if you were stunned?

Shao Xuan opened his fist and handed the mosquito that had been deflated to Qu Ce and others for research. Just now, he cut off the "fine needle", which is a needle of a syringe needle, which is a sucking mouth of a mosquito.

Broken the mouthparts, and Xuan Xuan pinched a half-dead mosquito. He had already lost his ability to move. He also lived shortly. Shao Xuan will give the complete mosquito body to Qu Ce and others, so that they can take a good look at this mountain forest. Noting that the extremely dangerous creature is also convenient for his next move.

Qu Ce brought the mosquito corpse up and saw that although there were very powerful mosquitoes in the place where they lived, they could **** the adults, but the danger was not as good as before.

Ignore those people who study mosquitoes, Shao Xuan and Mai said: "I am not right."

A group of people over there were studying the mosquitoes in the forest, but they also supported their ears, paying attention to Shao Xuan’s words. After hearing what Shao Xuan said, he quickly asked: “What is wrong?”

"They shouldn't have appeared at this time." Shao Xuan wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Now this day, like winter?"

Said that no one in the summer retorted.

So strange, even more serious than last year, everyone feels uneasy, especially because they have been told by the tribe's witch, there may be unpredictable big changes, especially worry.

"This kind of weather, such mosquitoes will definitely appear in groups." Shao Xuan said.

In groups? !

Look at the mosquito that has died. Think about the mosquitoes that may appear. The group can't help but make a nap.

“Does mosquitoes also appear during the day?” someone asked.

"You said it." Shao Xuan looked at the mosquito and swept his eyes around the forest that was blocked by the sun.

"What should I do?" Someone was in a hurry.

"Nature has a way, you need to paint something, but it may be a little bit uncomfortable. If you endure it, you can avoid those mosquitoes when you apply it. Listening to me is right." Shao Xuan said to the Chaotuo.

Dot nodded, then left with the wheat, and when they reappeared, they had wrapped some dark mud with a large leaf, with a strange smell.

Looking at the black mud handed over by Yanjiao, the faces of several tribes are dark.

Which pit did you dig from? !

"What the **** is this, where to dig it? Really apply it?" The sound of the reed leaves was difficult. Wouldn't it be playing us?

"As you choose, we just lead the way." Shao Xuan does not matter.

"So how do you not paint?" Someone argued.

Shao Xuan five people Qi Qi picked up their sleeves and revealed the lines of paint on the arm from the shoulder to the fingers. "We painted it before we came out. It was coated with herbs and pigments. This is our inflammation. The habit of the horn. I just didn’t expect that there would be mosquitoes at this time. I didn’t bring more medicine. You can only use these muds to make up.”

The surface of the reed leaves and other people is darker. But for the sake of safety, I still have the patience to apply the black mud to the body with the broken branches. The smell, the tears of the people are falling.

However, at dusk, they knew that Shao Xuan really did not lie to them, and the grievances in his heart were also less.

In the forest in front, the movements of the cockroaches echoed, and even if they did not pass, they could know the possible situation there.

They simply can't judge how many mosquitoes there are based on the sound.

"Go ahead, there is still a road to the rest of the place tonight." The Yanjiao who led the way did not stop, and the people behind could only keep up.

There are more and more voices in the ear, and the vibration of the wings when a mosquito flies over can be heard clearly, stimulating everyone's tympanic membrane.

The taut nerves in the brains of the people jumped down. Although the light was dim at this time, with their eyesight, they could still see the needle-like mouth that grew on the mosquito.

Too much.

The mosquitoes in front are almost all over the woods, from the close to the ground, to the branches above, all flying mosquitoes! Both blocked the line of sight.

However, every time a mosquito flies, it will avoid people who come over, and will not pounce on it.

The hearts of the people hang up and gradually let go. The gas that has been squatting is also slowly relieved.

"I said, listen to us is right." Shao Xuandao leading the way. (.)

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