Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 548: Knocking on the mountain

I know that Shao Xuan will catch the blue-faced fangs, and Mai Hetu is excited to look red. I can’t wait to bring this one back to the tribe to test it. Is it really effective for casting? However, other tribes will not put it on the corner. People are gone, after all, those people have not yet harvested.

Originally, Mai wanted to let the tribes bring Shao Xuan back. If the sky flies, it will be faster and there will be fewer obstacles. However, the mountain giant eagle is not willing to cooperate. Shao Xuan’s green tooth is close. It screamed and ran away, and it was useless to let the tribes reassure them.

The mountain giant eagle has always been more repulsive to this area. When they rest, they fly to another place to rest, and will not stay here. Now, it shows a stronger sense of rejection of the blue face.

In the end, Shao Xuan chose to go back with them. They also met a group of Yanling people on the road. However, Shao Xuan did not want to conflict with them. He just wanted to bring this green-faced beast to the stone cave as soon as possible. Therefore, they tried to circumvent the team and run too fast. The slaves of the team also failed to catch up with Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan wrapped the blue-faced fangs with leaves and vines, only the part of the nostrils and the protruding fangs. The slaves were only skeptical. If they were not sure, they would not have been chasing them. From the arrival of this mountain forest to the present, the people of Yanling and the tribes have not really collided, and they all have the strength to find the green face and fangs.

When Shao Xuan went to the cave, the slaves who went out to find the target also went back.

The slaves returned to the cottage, sitting there with a gloomy face, and the whole body was filled with a pressure of "I am not happy." The slaves who went back did not dare to scream, but they were honest and drooping. Standing there and waiting for training. This is the normal state of the past few days.

"What's the harvest?" The blue-legged ridge of the forehead of the forehead, the sound sinking like a heavy stone, to crush people.

The slaves standing there were shrinking their necks and their heads were lower.

轼矢霾霾's line of sight is like a knife, and it is scraped from the team. I don't know if I am picking the first person to start.

On a hot day, the slaves standing there were sweaty on their dark faces, and their emotions were tense and they sweated faster.

"Master. We saw the tribe on the way back." A senior slave in the lead looked at the gaze of the squatting, hard-headed. "There are people who have returned to the tribe, and others, see the totems on them." The pattern should be inflammatory."

As soon as I heard the word "Yanjiao", the two people standing next to the 轼矢 raised their eyelids at the same time. These two people, one is the Pirates who had been seen before, and the other is the Pirates who just came here.

Yanya stared at the slave for two seconds and slowly spit out two words: "Continue."

Although Yanya did not show intense emotions, everyone who knows the character of Yanya knows that if the things that are said at this time cannot touch the slave owner, they will be punished.

The slave slammed the matter and said his guess. Then I quickly looked up and looked at the face of the squat, and saw that the eyes were bright and the face was light. I knew that I was doing the right thing, maybe there was a reward, and I couldn’t help but be happy.

Sure enough, after listening to it, I also thought that the Yanjiao people should be screaming at the green face, and after saying "reward", they would call people. He intends to let the slaves continue to search for the side of the Yanjiao activities.

"How, I didn't say it? The first thing to find the green face is definitely the Yanjiao." The Pirates jumped on a wooden stake and sat down, leaning his legs.

Pirates sneaked a glimpse of him: "Have you told them?"

"Hey. I don't tell them so much, they may not be able to find it. It's my credit to have such news soon." The Pirates didn't feel that they told the Yanjiao people what was wrong with the fangs, but they thought they were doing something. . Difficult to find the goal, of course, let others do better, he is only responsible for stealing.

Pirates are preparing to say something. Suddenly, the brow wrinkled, and even the thief who had just smugly looked at it, and the two quickly left the cottage of Yanling. They heard the call of other thieves.

It was the two people who had been robbing Shao Xuan's prey before they came back. After the two returned, they told the other thieves about the things they encountered, in case other people encountered the same thing. Although most of them usually act alone, but this time to get a green face, it is impossible to rely on them alone or two, only cooperation.

When Yanling and Pioneer each started their actions, Shao Xuan’s side, a crowd of people crowded into the cave, watching the black-faced fangs brought back by Shao Xuan, envious of the eyes, and doubts, Yanling people looking for such fierce What is the use of the beast?

There are also people who have been robbed in their lives, but when they think about the fighting power of the Yanjiao people and the situation in the mountains, they temporarily rest their minds.

In the vast mountain forest, it is impossible to have only one green face and fangs. After asking about Shao Xuan, others intend to follow the track of Shao Xuan’s pursuit and look for it in the past.

Of course, when you need to pay attention to the face of the green face, Shao Xuan also reminded me that listening to them is their own thing, Shao Xuan can not manage.

Shao Xuan also knows that the people in Yanling should have guessed what he was coming back to. He was covering the green face with fangs and did not expect to be able to deceive him. He only dealt with the situation at the time. Those slaves will certainly report things to the slave owners, and after they have come to guess, they should also act.

"I don't know if Yanling people will come over and grab it." Mai said, "I will add a few traps to prevent them from stealing up the mountain."

However, out of the expectations of the Pirates and the tribes, the people of Yanling did not go to **** the green noodles that Shao Xuan caught, but took people to Shao Xuan to catch the place where the green noodles were found.

Not to mention, they were really met by one of them nearby, but the speed of the green face was too fast. Finally, they got into a cave. They sent people in. They just went in and didn’t have much to go to, and they heard a miserable. Called, and the blood spattered, and then there was no sound.

You can't send people in, you can let people smoke, and a lot of grass that burns a strong irritating smell, burns in the hole, blows into the hole, but finally can't force it out, I don't know if there is still Other holes.

It’s impossible to arrest, and there are many traps around it, not just the mountain, but other mountains around.

Shao Xuan once lurked in the past and explored it. The people who look at Yanling are like to do a big job. Their purpose is not one or two green face fangs, but more! So they did not go to grab the prey of the tribe, but left the manpower to do other deployments.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of knocking on the mountain echoed in the mountains and forests. This is the intention to use the sound to push out the green fangs that hide in the mountains.

This is also forced to be unable to do it. The records left by his ancestors only said that the green face is not easy to catch, but it is not very difficult to find. The reason why he camped there was just to arrest more. But now, he can hardly see one, look for this, when can he go back?

It’s almost two hundred years that no one came over and grabbed it. It is reasonable to say that those blue-faced fangs should be more and more, and why can’t they see it? (~^~)

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