Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 553: Can't let go

Shao Xuan and his entourage left the area surrounded by mountains in the night, until they really got out of the range, they slowed down. Oh,

"I will go up and see." Shao Xuan threw the unconscious prey in his hand to Dokang them, and then squatted on the tree.

The surrounding towering trees began to increase, and there were more birds resting in the forest at night, because Shao Xuan’s movement on the tree was still a little dissatisfied, and there were other nights and beasts moving around. There were always beasts in the distance. The battle between and the roar came.

This is the real, normal beastly mountain.

The beasts of the blue-faced fangs should not leave their treasures. Therefore, when they heard the movements between the various beasts around them, whether they were people from the Yanjiao or those who returned to the tribe, they were relieved. The movements of other beasts indicate that it is no longer a site of blue-faced fangs.

On the top of the canopy, Shao Xuan looked at the distant forest, and could not see the unusual green color under the night, but could hear the sound of the whistling sound coming from there.

The birds in the bird's nest on the tree seem to be very uneasy about the sounds and screamed a few times.

When Shao Xuan came down from the tree, several people returning to the tribe still regretted not grabbing the green face and fangs. However, they all came out and they would not go back.

Yan Yan has arrested a total of nine green-faced fangs, which will be given back to the two tribes. This is not a small point of Yan Yan’s intentional deliberation. When grasping the green-faced fangs, the main decision-making is the people of Yanjiao. People just assisted or soy sauce next to them, with the three peak giant eagle, one injured, one is not convinced by the spirit of the earth, the only one of the spirit, not willing to cooperate. They are all excluded and have limited contributions. The two of them are already fair trades distributed according to work.

The people who returned to the tribe also understood, so there was no objection to this. They just regretted not catching a few more. Who can think that the green-faced fangs that live in the depths of the beasts and mountains are useful for gold?

but. Since it is certain that the green face is here, they are the first tribe to stand up and cooperate with Yanjiao. I believe that there will be opportunities in the future. Yanjiao people will definitely be here, they can send more people together when they arrive.

With such a thought, the people returning to the tribe are very happy, and it is a correct choice to cooperate with Yanjiao.

"Shao Xuan, why don't we wait here?" Hershey, who came back to the tribe, suggested that there was only hesitation and caution in the words. When he said it, he carefully observed the movements of Shao Xuan. It’s dark now. He couldn't see the expression on Shao Xuan's face and could only speculate on his breathing and actions.

"Yes." Shao Xuan did not intend to leave now. The beasts were dangerous in the night. He had nothing to do, but the night vision of other people was far less than the day, unless it was a last resort, or it was not a good idea to be on the road at night.

They are now afraid to take out the Moonstone, which will attract some light-sucking insects and beasts. They can only find a place and then reduce their sense of presence. Waiting quietly.

There seems to be human voices in the distance. However, it is not the voice of the tribes. It should be the group of people. They are not in the same direction as Shao Xuan. They will not meet for the time being.

Wait a while. Still no other people's movements, Hershey blew the wooden whistle, but still could not get a response.

The dark sky has begun to lighten and the day is approaching.


Not far from the sound of the low plant leaves swaying, like what happened to run.

"What??" Mai whispered.

The group was alert.

A figure quickly passed over there. The flowers that are taller than people have been greatly shaken.

"I used to look at it." Dokang said that picking up the axe would go there.

"Wait!" Shao Xuan stopped Dokang. "Without the past, keep our prey."

Shao Xuan said that several people in the Yanjiao tribe knew that it was not a beast that lurked at night, but other people who wanted to **** their prey!

Yanling people?

After Shao Xuan’s body, the four Yanjiao people curved the nine prey in the rear, while the other side of the prey was the returning tribe. They form a guard circle and circle the prey.


The figure that was still hidden in the forest suddenly rushed out, like a fierce snake that stared at the prey in a cold, facing the direction of Shao Xuan, lightning, and the steps were like grass. Sliding on the same!

Pirates? !

This is not like the style of the people of Yanling. Those slaves do not have such special ability to act. After the people who have been removed from Yanling, the most likely identity of the person to come is "theft."

Dokang several people clenched their arms, the power of the totem in the body instantly increased, the muscles of the body suddenly tightened, there is a rock-like feeling, the power of the totem that frantically surging, so that the bones could not help but send out The creaking sound is ready to go.

What is the most disgusting tribe? It is their own prey that is being stared at, and they will definitely slap their hands and see one.

However, when Dokang stared at the figure that rushed out, on the other side, another figure suddenly appeared, completely different from the previous figure, and the timing of his choice was exactly the attention of everyone moving to the figure in front. When!

Unlike the former with a cold and murderous impact, the latter is more subtle, like a feather that suddenly floats over, quietly, but more swift than feathers.

The second jumped figure, the feet are connected on the ground, but with a light floating feeling, such as the ripples in the water, each time the ground is plucked a few meters away, the former moment is still there, the next moment The figure disappeared in place and appeared in another place.

Therefore, when everyone’s eyes are on the previous figure, the second person is like a ghost. From the other side, the person who is on the back of the tribe is not able to respond in time. The fastest response Pulling the stone knife and cutting it toward the quickly approaching figure, the other people returning to the tribe followed, but the other party could find a breakthrough in an instant, from the siege of the axe spear that came out of the cage, into the guard circle. There, there are nine poisoned green-faced fangs!

Just as the black shadow reached out and grabbed the green fangs that were closest to him, the three spearheads screamed in the air with the whistling sound of air friction.

The black shadow had to remove the already extended hand, but did not withdraw it. The palm of the hand was supported on the ground. The whole person vacated a flip, crossed the three spearheads and planned to shoot again. However, Shao Xuan’s sword had been cut. .

"Pirates seven! You are looking for death!" Shao Xuan screamed.

Pirates seven? It's him? !

It turned out to be the thief that they had caught and released!

He dared to come over and steal their prey! !

Dokang was so angry that he should be screwed directly to his neck instead of agreeing to his deal!

The stolen Pirates did not feel embarrassed, even the movements did not stop, the mind of the poaching did not change.

What about recognizing? I just want to steal your horns!

However, because Shao Xuan blocked this, other people have already reacted. At one time, the stolen seven did not have a chance to start. The person who appeared before was also blocked, and could not break into the guard circle to take the prey away.

If you can't do it once, then go back and find a chance!

Pirates and his associates all share the same idea. They are good at surprise attacks, rather than forcing them to attack when the other party reacts.

Quite a few unwilling to withdraw from the tribal people's guard circle, Pirates seven plans to talk about it first.

However, Shao Xuan is another idea.

Can't let them go!

The stolen people, the behavior is unpredictable, and they must be guarded against the ubiquitous crisis in the beastly mountain forest. Is it necessary to give up energy to guard against the stolen people? Even if there are other thieves who want to play their prey, but these two people, especially the one after two shots, can't let it go! (To be continued.)

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