The blood has been taken, and the casting of the bronzes will begin soon. ●⌒,

They don't know how long the blood in the bamboo tube can exist, nor can they guarantee whether the blood will deteriorate. Therefore, the preparation work is naturally as fast as possible.

In the casting room, unrelated people were forcibly rushed out, even if they wanted to see it, they could only wait outside. Except for the two leaders and the three big heads, the other small heads could only circle outside and stretch their necks. Can see a shadow.

Bronze casting is also a method of casting molten molten alloy into a mold cavity by the clay casting method used by the slave owners.

Most of the molds used are mud, but this time the casting is different from before, and everyone is more cautious about each process.

This is an attempt to use the blood of the blue-faced fangs. It is an important turning point. If it succeeds, the bronzes used by the tribe will rise by one level, and the use of stone tools will be gradually replaced. After all, if the new bronzes are hard enough, It is sharp enough. Even if it is said that it can break the rock, many people will choose bronze.

The mud of the mold is made of long-term dry and repeated beats, so that the mud is highly cooked. The former bronzes also prove their usefulness, not too wet or ventilated. The bronzes are still available.

This time, the mud used is more stringent in the process of sieving, rinsing and the like.

The process of ore smelting is still the same as before. However, when it is experienced by black turbid gas, yellow and white gas, green gas, and finally only the green gas is left, the copper alloy is completely melted. According to the previous process, it can be cast, just This time, before the casting, the blood of the blue-faced cavities will be added.

At the beginning, Shao Xuan saw the words on the mountain wall of the Gongjia Valley, when it was added to the blood of the beast, but did not elaborate on the details. Shao Xuan can only try on his own guess.

Pull out the needle on the "syringe" and place the needle on the bamboo tube. Green blood will flow out and make a squeaking sound.

"Just... just drop it?" The craftsman next to him was so nervous that he stuttered.

Otherwise what else?

Shao Xuan is not likely to find someone from the armored family to ask. I can only try to pour in it.

Shao Xuan erected the bamboo tube so that the blood in the tube dripped from the small hole connecting the needle and fell into the molten copper alloy liquid.

With the green blood of the snoring, the people who are staring at this side, the heart is like being grilled on a hot stone slab. torment.

Nervous, anxious, stiff and afraid to move, did not dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing the movement there.

The blood dripping into the copper alloy liquid, the sound of the sputum stopped abruptly, and did not evaporate as Shao Xuan thought, but spread like it in the alloy liquid.

As the blood gradually dripped, the cyan flame suddenly emerged from the alloy liquid. The flame is not high. The level of the alloy liquid is only one layer lower than the little finger.

The fire is still the same and the alloy is still melting.

The more blood in the bamboo tube drops, the liquid surface of the alloy liquid is covered with a layer of blue flame. At the same time, the alloy liquid inside is rolled, but there is no bubble, only the burning blue flame.

The color of the alloy liquid is changing, becoming darker and no longer golden. The color becomes uniform as the alloy liquid rolls over.

When the blood of the beast is used up, there is no blood from the animal, and the cyan flame inside the alloy liquid gradually disappears. The mold is poured.

Outside the cast house, the small heads such as Mai, and the people who know the secrets of the gold, they are waiting outside, and I want to listen to the voice inside to satisfy the curiosity. However, until now, there is nothing in the movement that they want to know.

The two leaders are too calm, even if they are exclaimed, it is better than always.

After a long time.

There was a sound of forging in the room.

Forging, engraving, annealing, grinding...

Although everyone is very nervous, but all the work is carried out in abundance, except for the task, no one asks, no one says more. The two leaders also fell into the background, just staring at the wide copper knives that had been formed there.

Now the knife looks a little rough, not too much beauty, but in the eyes of the people in the house, it is simply a peerless beauty.

It is different from the previous bronzes, even if it has not been completed, but it gives people the feeling that it is another realm, another level exists!


The sky outside the house, the sun from high hanging, to skew.

At dusk, the afterglow of the setting sun is scattered everywhere, waiting for the people outside, the shadow is drawn long.

Inside the house, Shao Xuan took the newly-formed copper knife and wiped the blade with the animal skin.

This knife, the biggest difference from the previous bronzes, is also the most conspicuous place, because of its color.

It is not golden yellow, nor is it the silver, silver or even reddish color of other coppers, but cyan!

Overbearing broad blade, dark blue color, restrained, but ferocious.

Shao Xuan stared at the blade of the blade, reflecting the cold light reflected from the blade. Throw away the wiped skin and move your fingers along the edge of the blade, then gently bounce it.

Like the whistling sound of the wind, which has a vibrato that vibrates with a sharp edge. The feeling that passed to the ear is like what is in the blood.

Cyan bronze!

Most of the bronzes will be cyan after they are rusted. However, now, the copper knives that have just been cast are deep and dark blue!

Did you make it?

This is the question everyone wants to know.

The leader and the big boss did not know anything, and only Shao Xuan and the craftsmen who had been responsible for the beatings and engravings knew that the knife was far stronger than the hardness of other bronzes!

Shao Xuan’s line of sight was removed from the knife, and he looked at the beggar and the sign that stood still and did not say anything.

The two leaders were not worried, but they were too nervous and too excited to forget the reaction. Now, see Shao Xuan look over, oh, quickly pull out a large piece of stone that is ready to be thrown. This is one of the test stones placed in the stone room. This piece belongs to the medium stone level. The bronzes that are used in general are all medium-lower stone. After all, ordinary bronzes have limited sharpness and hardness and cannot be forced.

Because it is too nervous, the action of throwing stones is very stiff. But at this time, no one has been paying attention to the action of throwing stones. Staring at the stone that was thrown up, and looking at the knife of Shao Xuan’s hand, his eyes swept back and forth quickly, for fear of missing any details. At that moment, I forgot to breathe.

Shao Xuan took the bronze sword with both hands, stepped forward, lifted, and then cut down the stone thrown into the air!


The blade was cut on the stone, and the big stone of the fist broke into two halves, crisp, neat, smooth!

On the cutting edge, there is no trace of a defect.

Whether it is sharpness or hardness, it is really much stronger than the previous bronzes! (To be continued.)

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