Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 562: What to eat

On this day, people in the Yanjiao tribe, whether they are in the mountains or in the mountains, were told to stay at home and not to go out.

Many people in the tribe are flustered and worried about something big.

The tourists who went to work in the fields every day were also panicked. They exchanged food from the Yanjiao tribes for labor. The Yanjiao suddenly sent out such news, so that they couldn’t help but wonder what happened. Could it be stolen again?

It shouldn’t be, there’s no such thing as stealing. Is there anything dangerous?

No matter how curious people are, how do you think about it? Since the tribe has already released this news, they will do the same.

For a time, the forest was quiet inside and outside.

In order to avoid stimulating the fierceness of the green face, the tribe lifted Caesar and several other beasts and did not let them meet.

The patrolling soldiers are everywhere, the shield and the net are all ready to prevent the sudden riots of the green fangs, and they can subdue them as soon as possible.

Seven green-faced beasts, each of which has passed Shao Xuan’s waist, the largest one, and the back height has reached the chest of Shao Xuan. The rattan rope, which is thicker than the adult arm, is one of the toughest vines used in the tribe to tie the savage beast. Shao Xuan cannot grasp the seven vine ropes at once, which is inconvenient. Simply hit the end of the seven vines. Knot, tied together, he can only control the knot made of seven rattan ropes.

The seven green-faced fangs that were finally released were extraordinarily excited, and they wanted to fly directly. However, their necks were covered, and the other end of the rope was firmly controlled by Shao Xuan, unable to open up. After the success of slavery, the slaves were slave owners. Fear, let them not dare to use the fangs to blast the vine. However, as soon as the speed slowed down, they could not "fly". Therefore, when Shao Xuan took seven green-faced fangs, the tribes saw such a situation:

Seven guys with blue faces, hanging eyes, long fangs and fierce expressions. They were swaying their short limbs, and the grass on the ground was kicked into grass clippings, and the huge nostrils spurted hot air.

The rattan rope was tightened and screamed. Fortunately, it is strong enough and has not been broken.

"Is everything ready?" Shao Xuan looked at Du Kang from the outside of the forest.

"Well, except for the patrols and the guards there, there are no more people." Dokang slammed his hands and stared at the seven green-faced fangs. I keep thinking in my heart: choose what to eat, don’t choose anything, let us raise it?

Get the exact answer, Shao Xuan Cai went forward.

The place where the seven green noodles have just stayed has been kicked out of their four short pits by four short legs. Now that Shao Xuan moves, they are more active, and they have to push forward. If Shao Xuan is pulling them, they have to fly. .

Shao Xuanyuan thought. The blue-faced fangs look for food and eat everywhere, but the current situation is not the case. They are not only stopped when they are released, but then they want to rush outside the forest. The seven directions are still unified, and there is no Shao Xuan. I think about running in different directions.

Shao Xuan followed them outside, because the road was opened and there was no tree to block the road, so this journey was very smooth. They want to go straight. But if you go directly there, you will walk out of the road, there will be more trees in the forest, and the seven rattan ropes may even be entangled. What Shao Xuan did was to bring them back and forth every time they ran out of the route.

The pull of the seven green-faced fangs, replaced by other tribes, may not be able to get it alone.

After the patrolling soldiers saw it, they also discussed with their companions.

"I heard that something can fly on the grass?"

"But they look heavy. They haven't seen flying."

"However, the leader and the leader, what are you doing behind? It seems very nervous."

Finally, the forest was out, and there were no trees around. Shao Xuan did not force them to follow the route, but with their direction.

There are many arable land outside the forest, which were later opened after the Wanshi tribe was destroyed. The direction in which the green noodles ran, the time of sowing was relatively backward, and the seeds that were planted were the seeds that were given to them. This winter is not cold, only the number of trials, the number is not large, and the area is not large.

The planned piece of farmland is surrounded by soldiers. In the past, tribes were busy here, but they were all rushed home today.

Which kind of land is planted, Shao Xuan has a number of hearts, he also prepared a roll of animal skin, which painted a piece of farmland.

When I walked through the road between the farmland, there were two green-faced fangs that stopped at the side of a field and stopped running. I wanted to go to the field, but the other five of the tribe did not stop.

Shao Xuan made a mark on the land of the animal skin, and then let the soldiers who were there go to the ground to cut a few leaves.

These are so late in the field, the seedlings are not high, and the leaves are not big.

Shao Xuan handed two narrow leaves with long fingers to the two green noodles that had just stayed. These two were quiet and smelled the leaves, then opened their mouths and bit the leaves into their mouths to see the eating. It seems to have a stubborn feeling.

As for the other five, even the reluctance is not willing, just simply smelling it, not opening his mouth, he earns the rattan rope and wants to run forward.

Anyway, there are two that can only open their mouths, and the leaders and big heads who followed them suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a smile on the face.

Shao Xuan continued to move forward. Whenever there was a blue-faced tooth decay, he would do the same temptation, and then mark the animal skin roll according to the reaction of the seven green-faced fangs. Which plant has a few green noodles is interested in it, and which ones are there, etc.

Seven green noodles seem to show different interests for different crops, just like people's tastes are different, some like salty and sweet, until now, except for the ones they eat in the growing area of ​​the forest There is no other common hobby outside the grass.

Followed by the leader and the leader, I feel that these seven are troublesome to raise, and each time they feed the food is different, they also pick the precious crops that are planted from the seeds of the family in the sea!

Under such a strange climate, when some small tribes want to eat bark, they also use those precious crops to feed the beasts? Think about it and feel extravagant! Look at them as a reluctant one, and Dokang and others can't wait to unscrew their heads in the past.

Moreover, a fierce beast eats better than himself. What kind of feeling is that? Never thought about it before! !

If someone told Dokang in the past, Dokang definitely felt that the people who made this kind of thing had a pit. But now, they are willing to be pitted.

Yan Yan people, my heart is quite complicated.

However, for the new bronze, endure!

Eat well, but also picky eaters, it is better than they do not eat anything.

Now people in Yanjiao can't wait to supply these seven. Who can make their blood precious, and the casting of new bronzes cannot be separated from them?

When everyone looked at each other and thought differently, Shao Xuan took seven green noodles and stopped at one place.

The people looked up and looked at the front. It was a fence surrounded by tall wooden stakes. At the beginning, Shao Xuan’s tempo would steal seven stuns. It was here. (To be continued.)

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