The people of the Yanjiao tribe are very good at treating the seven green-faced fangs. It is rare to pay attention to care.

In the middle of the day, Shao Xuan also smoked a blood. However, one day, after the seven green noodles had been eaten, they kept sleeping. Shao Xuan stopped bleeding and let them continue to hibernate. He could feel it. After the seven sleeps, the time to wake up next time will be very long.

The second batch of blue bronzes was created. The natural first is the people with high moral status in the tribe. The leader of the leader is divided, but the small leader has nearly 20 people. There are many bronzes, not enough points, and the leader. And the big bosses will divide the weapons they used before and let the small leaders use them first.

There are still many of them that were originally built by Gong Jiaheng. Although they are not comparable to Shao Xuan’s sword, they are better than most bronzes today. When there is no new bronze, they are used temporarily. The little leaders have no complaints. . Is it good, the soldiers who have not seen their men are envious of their eyes straight?

The bronze casting and the raising of the blue-faced beasts are temporarily solved, but at the moment, there is another very serious problem climate!

Yes, there is no snow wall much higher than the house here. People will not freeze into ice when they go out, but they will run towards the other extreme.

Compared with Shao Xuan, when they came back from the hinterland of the mountain forest, the weather is now hotter. A bird's egg ruptures on the ground and the egg liquid can be directly cooked. That is muddy grass!

Many grasses that were still green in the early winter did not suffer from severe cold, but they could not withstand the drought. They died in a cluster, and they were cut by a tribe to form a bundle and bundle it up. When the firewood burned.

However, in dry weather, fires must also be avoided. This is in the mountains. If the weather is on fire, the entire tribe will suffer. Therefore, under Shao Xuan’s suggestion, the tribe’s management of fires has been strengthened, especially those living inside the mountains. Have been warned.

According to the soldiers who went out to inquire, the battles outside have become more and more fierce. Before that, only a few small tribes were playing around. Now, some large and medium-sized tribes have joined the competition. Just like the rules in the mountains, the strong can have more resources. The weak can only stand by and watch, and pray that the strong can get a little bit of scrap.

The Lu tribe sent people a few days ago and brought over more than 30 stupid birds. They wanted to exchange water and some other things with Yanjiao.

Because the weather is too hot, the various tribes raised by the Lu tribes are in very bad condition. However, the leaders of the Lu tribe are very wise this year. They sold a lot of various mammals raised in the tribe from the beginning, leaving more of them younger. Nearly half of the animals that were sold were eaten by the flaming horns, and the other half were sold to various large and medium-sized tribes. Therefore, although the weather is hot day after winter, they can maintain a normal life. Moreover, they have their own water source, a pool of water and water from the ground. Do not do it all the year round.

The people of the Lu tribe, in response to disasters, always have their own methods and are sensitive enough. Leaders are also very smart, act decisively, and don't drag on the water, so even in the event of natural disasters, they can avoid it. This is something that several other large tribes know.

However, this year's weather has exceeded the imagination of the Lu tribe. I thought that even if it was hot this year, it would not be much hotter than last year, but it is not the case. People's ideas are still too naive.

The hot sun roasts the earth every day. Many grass trees that are far from the water source and are not drought-tolerant are killed by drought. They were eliminated last year and more are eliminated this year. Only those plants that are drought-tolerant are Animals will survive under such a climate.


The person responsible for the transportation of the Lu tribe is the rock raft that is familiar with Shao Xuan. After arriving at Yanjiao, the rock shovel poured a pot of water.

He has been drinking water for many days.

"You don't have a pool of water? Why are you still short of water?" asked Dokang next to him.

If other tribes ask this question, Iwam may not be telling the truth, but the Yanjiao people are different, and getting along so many times, Iwasawa has already known the Yanjiao people, knowing that they are just curious, not wanting to explore from him. What secrets to move and other thoughts.

"It's already dry." Yan Yan sighed.

"How is it possible?!" Shao Xuan is different, but think about it. Many small river streams in the forest are dry, and there are some caves. It is also a pool of groundwater seeping out. Now it’s all done, and the Lu tribes have such a situation. It makes sense.

"Don't say you, even our leader, never thought that would be like this." Yan Yan's eyes were sorrowful. When the water in the pool fell sharply, their leader made another decision to re-raise the tribe. Selling some, even in today's situation, may not be able to change to their satisfaction, but still insist on this decision.

Yan Yan is still responsible for the Yanjiao side, other tribes may hesitate, but the Yanjiao tribes will certainly be able to take these, they can also change from Yanjiao to water and other supplies, after all, the Yanjiao is in the beasts! Is there still less water in the forest? At least Rock is like this.

However, after listening to Shao Xuan’s remarks about the current mountain forest, the Lu tribe’s people were silent, and the situation was more serious than they thought. It’s no wonder that their leader would make a decision to sell the beast at a low price. There will be less water, and people in the tribe will not be able to satisfy them. Therefore, the leaders of the Lu tribe decided to keep the youngest cubs, the other all sold out, and reduced consumption. As long as they did not shake the roots, their farms could still recover quickly.

"Right, I see that the people you guarded this time are more than double the guards who were transported before, and many of them are robbed?" Shao Xuan asked.

Speaking of this, Iwate is more upset. "Don't mention it, there are several waves of people on the road. Even the tourists who are not afraid of death actually come and rob!"

Although they are all forced by life, but threaten their own interests, no one will give sympathy, let alone the world is cruel, except for the tribes, others, are outsiders!

People in their own tribe can't guarantee that the death and death of outsiders will shut them down! Don't mention those people who still want to rob! Even if the people of the Lu tribe speak better, they will not be entangled in this issue.

After complaining, Yan Yan looked at Shao Xuan seriously. "You are also careful, there are many people coming here."

There are certainly many sources of water in the beastly mountain forest. This is the idea of ​​many people. In their imagination, the mountains must be moist moss, streams and rivers everywhere, and juicy plants and fruits. Everyone That being said, that must be the truth.

When they were forced to a certain extent, in their minds, the threat of beasts in the mountains became very weak, and some people even deliberately did not think about the dangerous factors in the mountains.

The Yanjiao tribe has actually strengthened its defense and patrols around, but after hearing the words of the rock, the Yanjiao tribe has increased the number of defenses and patrols.

The tribe has never been said to be a servant. Survival has always been accompanied by blood and killing. It is foreseeable that in the next period of time, the vicious beasts may appear.

However, Shao Xuan now thinks the most, not those who go into the mountains to find water, the beasts and mountains are so big, not a tribe's forest in Yanjiao, can find water by strength, Yanjiao tribe will not interfere, as long as The mind will hit the Yanjiao, Yan Yan people will not pay attention. What's more, the fighting power of Yanjiao is there.

Shao Xuan’s biggest concern is that all tribes have been worried but unpredictable.

The change of the sky is definitely a sign.

The more severe such signs, the changes that may occur in the future, are likely to be as large as people cannot expect.

Shao Xuanzhen came out with a straw rope woven with dry grass, trying to tie the rope, but half of the cloth, the rope was suddenly broken.

It’s not that the chaos is entangled in a group, but it’s broken directly! There is even a straw rope broken at the break!

The situation of straw ropes is the first time that Shao Xuan has mastered the skills of divination!

This situation has shocked Shao Xuan.

It’s not a shame, but the change in the grass rope makes Shao Xuan unable to calm for a long time.

There are any major changes that will happen, and that changes are very close. Perhaps, shortly after the end of this climate change, it will come. (To be continued.)

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