Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 577: it's here

In the impression of the tribes, the memory of Yanjiao is still relatively deep. There are not many tribes they contacted on weekdays. The appearance of Yanjiao was too special, and they helped them, naturally remembering clearly. △↗,

However, when I saw the Yanjiao tribe last time, there were not so many people.

After seeing Shao Xuan four years later, the people of the tribe are very happy, especially Fuxi, who is familiar with Shao Xuan. However, when they see the team of Yanjiao, they can’t help but wonder: “You are... and migrate? ”

I moved in four years ago, and I want to leave so soon.

This tribal migration is too frequent. Although there are reasons for the catastrophe in the world, for the tribes, the frequency of this migration is indeed too high.

Fuxi’s words are unintentional, but they also make the people in Yanjiao look bitter. If they are not forced to do so, who is willing to give up the four years of hard-working construction, and then run away?

Moreover, the closer to this side, the more people in the team, the blame, the blame, the tower, etc., feel more familiar, and an idea in the heart rises again. Could it be that I really want to go back to where they used to live?

The more you want the people in the team, the more rapid the heartbeat. Compared to finding a new strange place, they certainly prefer the former mountain forest. Even if there are some shortcomings there, the tribes are old, especially for the land, and they can imagine their feelings at the moment.

So, without waiting for Fuxi to say, he asked: "What changes can the big river have? Is the river beast back? Can the ship drive on it?"

For a series of questions, Fuxi looked strange, and the warriors on the faces of several tribes around him also showed complex colors.

Shao Xuan saw it and asked: "How? What has changed in the river?"

"Change? Of course!" Fuxi pointed to the direction of the river. "Have you discovered that the sound of the river has changed?"

The sound of the river?

Because it is not always active in the water, so on this, the Yanjiao people are still weaker than the tribes.

"I didn't hear it." He said honestly.

Fuxi did not despise, and his eyes also showed complex colors. "The sound of the river and the river is gone. That is to say, that big river is gone."

Speaking of this. Fuxi also groaned. At that time, they were away from the river bank for refuge. Under the ground movement, people were almost shaken out, and they tied themselves and their families to the trunk or the mountain with higher terrain. They have many mountains here, and there are few flat places. Even if they hide, they are all from one mountain and hide to another. No one wants to run away from here and go further.

Later, everything stopped. When he tried to go to the river bank, he found that their former villages were destroyed. The house collapsed, and what shocked them was the other side of the river.

All of them have already prepared for the Yanjiao who have been waiting for another year. When they hear Fuxi, they are shocked. Even Shao Xuan, I wonder if I have to wait another year, and wait until the end of the rainy season. When the river can sail, I will start again. On the way, we have discussed how to build a ship, but now. Fuxi actually said that the big river was gone? !

This simply shocked everyone in Yanjiao.

Then a big river, how can you say it without seeing it?

Moreover, according to the tribes of the tribe. All the changes were made in the darkness of five days and nights. The villages of the tribes were destroyed. If they had not escaped in time, they would be as far away from the river banks as the crocodiles. Perhaps they would have many people buried in the disaster.

"I will show you the past." Fu Yan sighed and went over there.

Let the people in the team stay here first. Shao Xuan went to the river bank with the two leaders.

There are some large and small crocodiles around the activity. A crocodile with brown glasses and Shao Xuan climbed over. It was the little crocodile that year. After a few years, I have grown up a lot. I haven’t seen Shao Xuan yet. Come out, Fu Xuan reminded Shao Xuan Cai on the number.

It’s just that Shao Xuan’s heart is thinking about the big river. He just touched the brown-eyed crocodile head and he followed the fuss again.

The original place of residence of the tribes has been destroyed, not destroyed in the ground, or buried in the mudslides that were later rained.

"It's there, look at it yourself." Fu Xu pointed to the front.

In front, it is a small rocky hill that can't be seen.

Walking up the stone mound, there is no other obstruction in front, Shao Xuan will see what the side is.

"Actually... actually..." trembled and screamed, and they all had an unbelievable look.

Whoever sees such a big river suddenly becomes a small river, and can you see the situation on the other side? Can you not be shocked?

"That that...there is...there is!" The tower was too excited and intermittent, and others could not understand, but Yanjiao knew.

On the other side, where they lived!

The mountains seem to have become a bit higher. There are a lot of rugged places at the foot of the mountain. Going up, you can see the traces of the lives they once lived, even if those houses have collapsed.

The heavy breathing, the red complexion, the excitement of the people in the Yanjiao, made Fuxi very puzzled.

"Here, it used to be the place we lived!" He took a deep breath, and the pain and sorrow of the destruction of the land, when he saw the situation on the other side, faded.

They lived in the old place for four years, but there they lived for decades!

How can there be no feelings?

When they left, they also thought about it. After leaving, they probably won’t come back again, even if the witch said that it can be used as a back road for Yanjiao. If it is not good, then go back. Later, after the Yanjiao tribe returned to the old place, the development is getting better and better, and everyone will gradually not think about it, but occasionally they will dream of the place where they once lived, the crisisy mountain, the few A familiar hunting route...

"I didn't expect it... hahahaha... I didn't expect it!" He took a deep breath again, then took a long breath, as if he had spit out all the sorrows that had been in his heart during this time.

"Is it here? A Xuan?" He blinked his eyes and said to the other side.

"Well, yes." Shao Xuan can now also confirm that the result of the divination is there.

When the ancestors left the old land due to natural disasters, they came here, and the result was that the earth cracked and the river formed, and the way the ancestors returned. And now, after the millennium, it is a bigger change than that of the year, and the cracked land is closed.

There is a river of thousands of years, no more. Only a little trace is left, one is not too deep, not too wide, and you can see the small river on the shore.

There is probably no back road, which can comfort the Yanjiao people more than here. (To be continued.)

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