Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 583: We will all!

However, when it comes to migration, Yang Hao hesitates.

In fact, when Shao Xuan came out from the desert with Yan Yan people last year, he had the thought of the migration tribe, not only the problem of fire, but also the future of the tribe he had been worried about.

However, the migratory tribe is, after all, a big thing for the whole tribe. He dare not make decisions without hesitation, even if his position in the rain tribe is already high, but once it involves migration or fire, this big event, he alone Can't do the Lord, and discussions with other high-level tribes have continued until now.

One year's results, he convinced a lot of people, but the migration of the tribe was decided, but where to move, it is a new round of quarrel. Some people say that they go to the central part of the mainland, where the water is abundant, the weather is pleasant, the soil is fertile, and it is suitable for planting, which can make the tribes live very well.

But when this proposal is put forward, it will be opposed by more people.

How is the fighting power of their rain tribes, their own mentality is still clear, how competitive the middle part is, the far-off team knows, and there are too many strong people in the middle, just the big tribes can tell them that they are too tight It’s easy to get up and want to eat between a few strong people.

Speaking of this yang is sad, in fact, a long time ago, their rain tribe is also very strong. However, this kind of words will now be ridiculed. The current rain tribe has been heading for a recession. Not to mention the Central tribes, some medium-sized tribes in the middle can fight the tribes in the rain.

Yang Lan also thought about whether or not to go to the Yanjiao tribe. When they discussed the location of the migration, the Yanjiao tribe had already destroyed Wanshi. It can be said to dominate the place. Although it is close to the beastly mountain, there is a Yanjiao tribe. Should be okay? And there are fewer tribes there, they can find a place farther away from the beasts.

This time, he took people out of the tribe to go to the side of the beastly mountain forest to find Yanjiao, and also took this purpose, no matter who. Walking halfway, I heard that Yanjiao has migrated again! I can only find it all the way.

Looking back at the situation I saw before I entered the house, where the Yanjiao is now, it seems to be more stable.

"You, is this going to settle here?" Yang Yan asked.

"Well. The fierce beast can't live there." Seeing Yang Yan's eyes turn around, there is also a guess in Shao Xuan's heart, "What's the idea?"

"Cough, it's a bit." Thinking about it. Yang said, "What do you think, our rain tribe is here, how?"

“Here?” Shao Xuan pointed to the foot and made a line to indicate the river bank.

"No, no! I am not talking about the river!" Yang Hao hurryed. When he came over, the people who listened to the tribe said that the side where Yanjiao lived, backed by the mountain forest, a place not weaker than the mountain of beasts, even more dangerous.

I heard it tremble as soon as I heard this. They didn't pursue much, never thought about grabbing the ground with the beasts, and the ferocious tribes like Yanjiao chose this place.

However, knowing the dangers behind this, there are also benefits, that is, there is less competition, and there are not many tribes who dare to live here. Even if the desert is in the air, it will definitely not be here.

"I heard that there are several tribes disappearing there." Yang Hao pointed to the other side of the river. The tribes live on the side where they live.

"What do you mean?" Shao Xuan understood. Yang Lan This is to find a place to live in some places near the tribe. The past disaster has destroyed several small tribes on the river, and there is no need to face the dispute. The rain tribe wants to seize the place at this time.

"Oh." Yang Yan started, he meant it. Can avoid the dispute of the site, the tribe's look fierce, but he can see that the tribe is also a group of no big ambition, to get tempered to get along. Here, I can still hold a thigh of a horn. Don’t think that he doesn’t know anything. Yan Yan’s hands now have more things, and they are not interested in their little tribe, and the fire of Yan’s corner is gone, they If you move to this neighborhood, you don't have to worry about the suppression of the fire.

Many things are clear in my heart. He can even contact the ancestors' handwritten notes, contact the current situation of the desert, the actions of all parties, speculate on a lot of things, think about it, he thinks that holding a thigh is the most insurance. The tribes in the middle are not suitable, and there are too many tribes holding their thighs. The tribes are certainly not rare, and the flaming horns are different, just to know each other.

"Everyone knows for so long, acquaintances haha." Yang Xiao smiled.

Shao Xuan spread his hand. "There is not the site of our Yanjiao. You can make your own decision. However, I have to remind you some things first, even if you don't have a site conflict, if you guys in the rain tribe provoke I can't guarantee what will happen."

"Oh, know, know, yes, I understand."

After chatting with Shao Xuan for a while, Yang Lan went out to visit the two witches and princes of Yanjiao, and then left with more than 20 rain tribes outside. He planned to find someone from the tribe. Talk and make the final decision.

The tribes of the tribe are still talking about several tribes such as the Luo tribe that did not escape in the catastrophe. They are squatting, and they have heard that the rain tribe has the intention to migrate. They don’t feel much about the rain tribe. As long as it’s not the kind of greedy and cruel people, the tribes don’t care.

I know that the Moonstone comes out of the Horde. The rain tribes all have their eyes shining. They don’t mean to **** it. They just think that the transaction is easier and more cost-effective, just as they could change the shell more easily. I did not expect that there are such benefits in the migration! No shells, there are water moon stones!

Do you guys from tribes eat millet?

We plant, we can grow people in the rain tribe!

What, eating less corn, like to eat meat?

We raise, we can raise beasts, cows, sheep, horses, etc. What do you like to eat? It’s cheap to sell to you!

pottery? linen?

We will also! We will all! Can't learn too!

So, when Shao Xuan discussed the matter with the witch and the leaders, the soldiers who came back from the river bank said that the people of the tribe and the rain tribe had already laughed and looked like a pair of brothers.

"Look at that, the possibility of the rain tribes moving over is very high." Shao Xuan said.

What the witch thought of, smiled and said: "In fact, the history of the rain tribe is very long. It may not be worse than the big tribes in the middle of the present. I don’t know how it turned out to be. What they have mastered is far more than everyone knows. More, just, the survival of the rain tribe limits them."

The people of the rain tribe said that they can farm, can raise, and can make pottery. They are not blown. The ancestors of the rain tribe did have a lot of skills, but later, the people of the rain tribe gradually put down those skills because they didn’t need those Skills, they can live a lot of good things. But now, in order to survive, maybe they may really pick up those skills. (To be continued.)

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