Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 597: 疐 tribe

The guards at the entrance looked at the grinding team and the teeth hurt. Oh,

In fact, when these people have not turned the mountain, the guards outside the trading area have already discovered each other. They are told by the eagle in the air. They still think that the rain tribe, the tribe, the tribe are all Come over, which tribe is coming now?

The cockroaches in charge of the whistle in the sky told the guards that there were not many people coming in, so the guardians thought that they should be the small tribes who lived in the Yanhe area.

I am looking forward to it.

This expectation, I have been looking forward to nearly half an hour, have not seen the figure!

An hour later, the people of the tribes went in, and those people have not yet appeared!

As one of the guards of the Yanjiao River trading area, Quintu thought: Is it the tribe that came over, their totem is a turtle?

When I finally saw the figure over there, the guards knew why those people were so slow.

Too cautious and too careful! You can scare away by dialing.

I can't wait to stop it one step at a time.

Nearly eighty people, except the one who started the head, almost all of them look like a dress.

When those people finally got close, Kuntu blew a wooden whistle, told Shao Xuan, and another tribe came over.

Those who stood at the door did not go in. They still had great precautions and wariness against the Yanjiao who still held weapons at the entrance.

"Go in, you won't eat you! Rest assured, in the Yanhe trading area, the transaction is still safe, and we have a burning corner." Kuntu said.

The leader of the group looked at Quinto and seemed to be thinking about how credible the words of Quinto were.

After a while, the talent nodded, and then raised his neck. When Kuntu thought that he would step forward into the trading zone, the man would like to be a thief. He only looked out into the trading area and honed it. After a while, I took a small step and walked inside. I quickly looked at the situation in the trading area and looked at the nervous face. It seems that there is a bit of wind and grass that can go straight away.

Shao Xuan looked at this strange tribe and said: "Which tribe are you?"

Shao Xuan has tried to slow down the sound and say it in a more friendly tone, but. Still let the incoming person seem to be frightened and shrink back.

The person who started the head probably noticed that he was not doing this right, and he couldn’t get through the face, and he calmed down and cleared his voice. "Well, cough...we are the people of the tribe, I am the leader Abu Lai."

Hey tribe?

Able? Still the leader?

Is there such a timid leader?

Regardless of how he thought about it, Shao Xuan saw that although they were overly cautious and very curious, they did not have other robbing ideas. They walked over and laughed: "The Yanjiao tribe elders, Shao Xuan."

Elder? !

Those who have just straightened their backs feel that they are not enough.

"Cough, oh."

I don't know what to say, Aberdeen looks a little embarrassed. The laughter pulled out was very stiff, and I couldn’t get a word for a long time.

These people should rarely deal with other tribes, perhaps this is the first time they have participated in such a transaction. Shao Xuan thought.

"I don't know what the tribe brought with him, and want to exchange something?" Shao Xuan asked.

After sweeping a few eyes on the people of the Lang Yi Chaos tribe behind Shao Xuan, especially the people in the team, he saw several times when he was carrying the stone, even if these people changed their heads. Piece of vine, he still recognizes it! Just like when hunting a herd, he can find out which is just the prey he is looking for.

only. Can these people be a little embarrassed?

Look at the tribe's appearance, a bit like the Yanjiao who was isolated from the world a long time ago, but the Yanjiao people didn't have anything at all, but at least there was a hide. These people live here, there must be no better hides, what kind of transactions can they come up with?

Lang Lang didn't look down on the tribes, but curious about what they had in their hands. The rattan baskets they carried were too tightly woven, and they couldn't even see a gap. The above is also tightly covered. Lang Hao can only hear the slight impact of the hard object from the rattan basket due to the accidental smashing of the inside of the rattan basket, but listen to it more. I didn't come out, because the other party was holding fast, and I didn't know how his strange big feet moved. I thought he would fall, but the next moment he saw him stand up and continue.

Sure enough, even a small tribe can not be underestimated.

For Shao Xuan's question, Abu Lai did not directly answer what he was carrying, and his eyes still swept around quickly, as if he was discerning any danger.

"We want to change some food, um, and animal skins, we must be thick and strong!" Abu Li said that this time is rare and quick, not as much as he did when he grinds over. Stalk around.

"Food and animal skin have our horns, but do you want to trade directly with us, or go to the place to see? There are rain tribes, tribes, and tribes..."

"Don't blame the tribe!" Ah did not refuse quickly. He doesn't know where the rain tribe is, but he knows the tribes and the tribes. The tribes look too fierce. They don't dare to talk to the tribes. As for the tribes, the characters are too bad, too treacherous. They don't like it.

"Just trade with you Yanjiao, you said on the board, fair trade, no lie!" Abuy wide eyes, hard to sweep around, just looking at Shao Xuan, want to get exact from Shao Xuan here s answer.

"This is true." Shao Xuan nodded.

Able, who got the exact reply, took a long breath, cautious and prepared, but did not disappear.

Shao Xuan took them to the center of the trading area. There are many empty houses along the road. There are still no people in the big trading area, and there are many empty houses.

However, when the tribes looked around, their eyes were envious. They were even more envious of the skins worn by Yanjiao. As for the tools on the hands of Yanjiao people, they were only curious, but they didn’t care much. They don't know what it is, and what they want most at the moment is food and warm skin. This winter will be a bit colder, they have to be prepared in advance.

Although the current trading area is still very simple, there are not many people, but for the tribes, a new door has been opened.

The young 疐 疐 tribe warriors, their eyes continue to linger on the skins and beasts that are put out, and when they see the brooding of the beasts, they even want to take a look at them.

Lang Wei saw the warriors of the tribes keep screaming, and he was satisfied that although these people wanted to get those things, they still didn't have the meaning to **** them, but they always followed the lead.

The tribes of the tribe want the animal skin and the beast meat. Shao Xuan mainly takes them to see the place where the animal skin and the beast meat are placed. The more you look at it, the more nervous you are, the more nervous you are, the more the animal skin is. Better than he thought, he didn't know how much they could bring in, and how much could they reach their expected number?

After they saw them, Shao Xuan took them into a large warehouse, where 80 疐 tribes could enter.

"You have seen the hides and beasts, and you should be able to satisfy you. Now, let's see if you can come up with something that makes us feel good." (To be continued.)

Ps: Note: 疐 (zhi) sf0916

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