In addition to being good at finding crystals, the tribes have a skill. They can guess which part of the animal skin is from the animal by smelling the skin. one look?

Others use techniques such as reading and touching, but they only need to smell the news to reach a conclusion, and the accuracy rate can reach more than 70%.

When I first traded with Yanjiao in the Yanhe trading area, Abu Lai did not judge this way. It was because the animal skin that was traded at that time was too big to see where it was probably at first glance. Use this skill to judge.

Most people in the tribes like the skin on the back of the beast. The skin on the back is more elastic. The skin on the **** is harder. If a tribe is often hunting a beast, a small piece of hide is placed here. They may It will be judged by observing and pulling, etc., but for the tribes who rarely contact the beasts, they can only speculate by sniffing.

"I don't know if I sent the animal skin at the corner of Yan. I didn't choose it."

If you know the people who make the skins on the side of Yanjiao, they will definitely shout. They didn't think so much when they made the hides. They cut them into small pieces of similar skins and then made them into invitations. Who can think of the tribe's people just to sniff out the origin of the hide?

Although the animal skin on the hand is the skin of the fierce beast, but Ai Li still carefully rolled up and put it close, which is a pass to the Yanhe trading area. If they don’t, they can’t go. Eat and drink.

The excitement of the past, Abu, who slammed the hand around and wanted to see the animal skin pass, he thought of a problem, and there will definitely be many tribes in the past, they are only one of them, and in this case After passing the invitation, it seems that it seems that I have to prepare a gift. The ancestors left a note on the similar words, and Abu did not look through the Yanhe trading area before the winter.

Whatever the gift, he actually thought of it, in the cave owned by the leader. There are a lot of crystals hidden in it, one of which can be light, he can take it with him.

After thinking about it, Abu Li took the person to the cave, and moved the light purple, crystal clear one-person high crystal in the dark.

of course. Among the collectibles, those things that he thinks are more valuable are still in their own hands, and they will not be sent out. He decides that the one that comes out of the gift has already made many people feel painful. How much material can be exchanged with this? Ah, it was a gift that was exchanged before the tribe, and it was sent out.

Able is also painful, but he knows that this is the best. Although their tribes are small and there are few people involved, some do not understand. In public places where many tribes meet, they represent the face of the tribe. one look?

They can shame themselves, but they can't lose the face of the entire tribe.

The invitation has been received, the gift is ready, and there is only one thing that Abu is unable to do now.

"Well, who is going with me this time?" Ah did not look around.

Able's voice just fell. The pot was fried around.


"I, I am going! Look at me!"

"And I!"

"My feet are the biggest! Of course I go!"

"He said, obviously, the leader is the biggest! Collar, he challenges you! Hit him!"

"Fart. When did I say that my feet are bigger than the collar? I mean, except for the collar!"

"He head, he said to be more than your feet!"

The tribe's human feet are significantly larger than those of other tribes, and their toes are also very special, long and extremely flexible, as if they were their second hands. And, in the tribe. Bigfoot is the real calf, many people of the tribe, from each other, they are more than each other, who is big and who is the boss, the little one is the younger brother, because many times, in the tribe, it is true, the big people they When climbing in the forest and in the forest, it is much faster than those who are not flexible in their feet and toes.

The tribes are not warlike, but they like to show their big feet more than their feet. Therefore, at this time, the rules are moved out again. The people with big feet are justified.

I was still complaining about the people who wanted to give gifts, and suddenly let go of other things, and waved at Abu, and the people who stood behind the crowd couldn’t jump in, and some of them stood upside down and shook their feet. I hope that Abu Li will not notice himself and pick himself up.

Some people don't like to contact strangers. They don't like to go out. They like to be in their own tribes. If they don't bring people out to trade, they may not be interested, but this time it is different, but this time, go out to eat! I heard that I can open my belly and eat, how much can I eat, the beast meat and the beast meat, etc., all!

How can this kind of good thing not go? !

Able is guilty. For him, in addition to those who often follow him to trade, he has to bring something. Hey, I used to say that I want to go out and trade. These people are like encountering beasts. They don’t want to move outside, but now they are all very active!

Ah did not sit on the polished crystal, scratched his head, and patted his legs. "So!"

The people who screamed and blushed and thickened their necks suddenly stopped. The entire habitat was quiet, and all looked at Aless, waiting for Aless’s resolution.

"You," Ah, a little finger in the depths of the finger, a few points toward the surrounding area. "You fight one, and the winner will follow me."

Too poor ability is also a shame, and ability is not limited to the size of the foot. Moreover, Aberdeen felt that the more capable people, the more they ate. The number of people who can take the past is limited. If so, he will have to take those who can eat especially so that he will not suffer. What the ancestors said, you can eat anything, you can't lose!

"How can I choose this way?!" A tribe of the tribe, the next moment he kicked the person next to him, and the others around him reacted because of this reaction. .

Ah did not look at the side of the crystal on the side, a serious look, sweeping through every corner with a discerning eye, every time Abraham's gaze is, the people there are particularly strong.

While the tribes were preparing to travel to the Yanhe trading area, other tribes along the river continued to receive invitations from Yanjiao.

The tribes who went to the Yanhe trading area before the winter were invited, and the tribes were certainly on the invited list, not to mention the crystals. The rainy tribes, Yan tribes, and tribes that are familiar with Yanjiao have long been received, and other tribes that have been hiding too well. Still have to take the time to find.

As the days passed, Shao Xuan had already sent invitations to other places that went farther, to the Yanjiao headquarters, about the strange people brought by the tribe. Shao Xuan also said to other people during the meeting. However, for Yanjiao, what they care most about at this time is not the things in the desert. The slave owners can let the slave owners solve them themselves. They are still preparing for the first banquet after the millennium.

The wine is brewed well, and Shao Xuan supervised it. After going from the grassland, I went to look at it. According to his own standards, it is still far away. After all, it is mass production, and the conditions are limited. Errors can also bring qualitative changes. The standards available here are already very good, at least many Yanjiao people feel good.

The beastly meat is also prepared a lot. Some can't be stored for a long time, and they are directly tied with a breath, just like when they were at the sea, those who are less aggressive and threaten not so big, they will stay first, and they will eat. Time to slaughter.

"Is everything ready?" Shao Xuan asked Xiangluo.

During his time of leaving, he had always been the former leader of the two retired elders, because the banquet was held in the Yanhe trading area, and most of the arrangements were in the trading area. The two leaders, as well as Dokang and the tower, are now living in the Yanhe trading area, saving every day to toss.

The gold bottles of the bottles and cans that were once found out from the Wanshi tribe were also taken out one by one. This kind of "useless stuff". Yan Yan people originally planned to recast the furnace. After deciding to hold the banquet, they did not start to use it. Instead, they cleaned the goldware and prepared to use it for the time.

Although the applicability is not great, it is necessary. Still can come out and force it.

Things are rare, in this piece of 6, the gold is still very rare, who does not have nuclear species here? The only nuclear species, or those in the desert, came from the sea. On this big 6th, there were no nuclear species coming, so before the desert melee, most tribes had never seen gold. Or, after the reshuffle in the desert, the fleeing slave owners came out with gold, only to let some tribes see the golden glittering items.

However, there are still many tribes, especially the perennial "homes" like the tribes and tribes in the tribe. Even if the activities are just near activities, not far from the tribes who do not like to contact outsiders, they have never seen those. gold.

In addition to the rare goldsmiths, the banquet venues arranged by Luo and Yu are also very flamboyant.

Shao Xuan, who had been mentally prepared, was not surprised when he entered the Yanhe trading area.

The main venue is also in the heart of the Yanhe trading area, where a horizontal "u" ​​shaped field is built, with high-rise stone buildings on both sides.

The huge cheeks are hung on the stone wall, and the skull of the beast that has only the white bones is cooked and smoothed. Only the beasts of the prey are kept as they are, even the blood on the top is not gone. Wipe, even some blood on the beasts are boiled while cooking, but after the move, when decorating, 敖 deliberately let the blood of the beast left on again, because hunting beasts, for these beasts Too familiar, when I wiped the blood, it was also very natural. I couldn’t see it afterwards. It was painted afterwards. When I saw it, it was like seeing a forest beast with a big mouth and a bite. come.

In some places, the animal heads that have been hoisted have not been boiled. These have only recently been hunted. After treatment, the fur has been preserved, and the eyes have been remade with gum. It was made by the people of the rain tribe. They are good at making fake Something, perhaps this skill has not been excavated before, and now it is forced by life. When the rain tribe regains the skills of the ancestors, it also digs this ability.

The fur of the beast is more tough than the ordinary beast. Even if it is cooked, as long as it is not cooked for a long time, it will preserve the amount of fur. Therefore, it has not been cooked, but it has been externally modified. Some of the epidermis remains as it is, and even a whisker like a steel needle is well preserved.

According to a warrior who handled the beast head, he got rid of a beard on the head of the beast. Before he was re-installed, he took the beard and poked his hand. If the totem warrior is thick, it might Sting a blood hole.

In addition to these animal heads, the long "u" type sides of the venue, there are some beast bones embedded in the stone wall.

The skeleton of a long crawling beast is completely embedded in the stone wall. This is the hand-installed by the levy, which is also the beast that he personally hunted. The small bones may not be complete, but the main bones are He was stitched together, set on the stone wall, and it was not a rigid piece, but it restored the way the beast was when he hunted the beast, even if there was no skin and muscles, only the white bones were left. But just these bones are enough to show the dangers of hunting.

The momentum of the beast is in the bones of the world, and the close people can clearly feel the suffocation of the bones.

Ordinary beasts, only the bones like waste residue are left to eat, but the beasts are like suffocating weapons. Just lying there can make people feel a chilly chill.

If people in peacetime enter here, they will probably be scared, but here, this is the embodiment of high force.

Shao Xuan helped to deal with the remaining unfinished details. When the Yanjiao was busy, on the Big 6, the tribes who received the invitation from Yanjiao also organized a group of people, comparing the one on the back of the invitation. The simple but very clear map of the painting is directed to the Yanhe trading area.

"Leader, you said, how much capacity does Yanjiao have? After experiencing the disaster, what did you do in the 'Yanhe Trading Area'? Where is this 'Yanhe Trading Area'? Why have we never heard of it? "Quze holds the "invitation letter" on his hand and looks at the map on the back.

The tribal collar who walked in front just swept the curve and did not speak. He was also curious. Why can Yan Yan stand firm so quickly?

"Should it not be so good? It is definitely not comparable to the trading area in ours." One of the eight tribes heard the words of Qu Ce.

The tribes and the tribes of the three tribes have received an "invitation letter" from Yanjiao. They are also very curious when they are suspicious.

Yanhe trading area? Yanhe? Which one is it? (To be continued.)

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