Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 615: Animal door

The banquet did not allow more people to come. Although the tribes who were invited but still did not come on time because of communication obstacles, are they unwilling to come, or are they blocked by other things?

The banquet will not be excessively delayed because of this. It will not be said that other people will complain. Yan Yan people will not take advantage of themselves. There are so many people coming here. In order to run this banquet, many foods in the trading area are free. Therefore, the amount of food consumed every day is huge.

Yanjiao wants to hold a banquet like a feast to show himself, but he has never thought of eating himself poorly like those who are not self-sufficient but who want to hold a feast.

Therefore, one day later, the specific time and specific location of the banquet have been notified.

On the night before the banquet, the fleet of the Changzhou tribe finally arrived. Their fleet had some troubles in the middle of the road. There were some obstacles in the river, so it was late than expected. Fortunately, it also caught up. .

The five major tribes in the central region, as well as the Lu tribes that had a good relationship with them before, are all in place.

Because the time of arrival of the Changzhou tribe was already night, many things in the trading area were not so real. Until the next morning, the house that was placed in Yanjiao came out and saw everything around it, and took a deep breath.

"This...this is the trading zone?!"

In the trading area, not all of them are delineated, so that those who come to the show can do what they want to trade? Why are you building so many houses? I heard that this is not the headquarters of Yanjiao?

There is also Yanhe Fort in the center of the trading area, which is far higher than the Yanhe Fort in other houses in the trading area. People from the Changzhou tribe at night have already seen it, but because they are not close, they don’t know the whole picture of Yanhe Fort.

When I thought about the migration of Yanjiao in the Cataclysm, what the Changzhou tribe had done. Some people have some regrets in their hearts. Perhaps at that time they should take the initiative to reach out to help Yan Yan, instead of taking the opportunity to talk about the request. They really didn't think that Yanjiao would have such rapid development after experiencing the catastrophe and the big migration!

How long has this been? !

"Don't look at it, I am ready to go." A long-boat tribe person will stand outside the companion and enter the house. The banquet time given by Yanjiao is today. They have to prepare for the past.

Among the customs of most tribes, if a banquet is held, most of them will be in the daytime, not the night. There are too many uneasy factors in the night, and they will choose to avoid the dark time. The banquet of Yanjiao is of course the habit of taking care of most of the tribes. The election begins in the morning.

After the notice of the person who got the Yanjiao can go, they will sort it out and go to Yanhe Fort in the center of the trading area.

There are many people brought by each tribe. However, these people will not all enter the Yanhe Fort. Even if people in Yanjiao think, other tribes may not be willing. After all, they do not have full trust in Yanjiao. They must be prepared for it. .

A group of people are allowed to enter, and another group of people are looking at the situation outside the trading area of ​​Yanhe Fort, which is actually outside the trading area. They also left people, once there is a change outside the trading area. They will send out a signal.

A branch team came out of the house, even if it met other people familiar with the tribe, or people with old grievances, this time, everyone did not have much thought to talk, but looked at the direction of Yanhe Fortress, guessing What can happen down.

There are several entrances to the trading area. But there is only one gate at Yanhe Fort.

All the invited tribes, after coming here, can only enter from the only gate of Yanhe Fort.

The gate of Yanhe Fort is a huge square with a slightly longer lateral direction. With an opening height of more than 20 meters, even the raft can easily walk in from this door.

There is a huge protruding stone sculpture above the door, which is in the shape of a double horn, like the totem of the flaming horn.

There is a huge curved conical fang in each of the four corners of the door, which is much larger than the two that Shao Xuan gave to the Feng tribe. If the upper and lower teeth are arranged in a vertical line, it must exceed the door. A height.

The pair of teeth below will protrude slightly outwards, so the cusp of the upper and lower teeth can be staggered, which can solve the problem of too long teeth, and the combination is more three-dimensional, so that the door seems to be A big mouth of a behemoth, waiting for the coming person to walk in.

The sun shines down and hits the door. The four huge fangs reflect the dazzling luster of the glare, so that the people who see it can't help but feel flustered. It feels that the four huge beasts will close at any time, and they will bite and crush themselves. .

Although the people of several big tribes are also surprised, they have seen at least the world and met the behemoths. Even if the giant beasts are not comparable to the masters of these four teeth, the past experience can make them not ruined, at least Still looking calm.

But the little tribes who have never been in close contact with the behemoths trembled on their legs and screamed.

"My ancestor, is that a tooth? Really a tooth?"

" true, I just went to touch it and swear to the totem, that is absolutely true." The person who spoke snorted and shook his body's inexplicable chill, as if the murderousness on the beast was still stuck. On the hand, lingering.

"How did you get such a big tooth?"

"If I met such a behemoth, I ran away."

"Then you still have to run, maybe you have to step on or be scared to death without waiting to run."


When Abu’s people came in with the tribes, they saw that the appetite was temporarily forgotten. The two big feet were like bumps. They almost fell here. Fortunately, Abuyre reacted quickly, not in the I lost face here.

The tribes living in the Yanhe area, perhaps they have seen the huge rivers of the rivers that existed in the original river, but those who are far away from them, the animals are vague, the impression is not deep, and those who can’t interfere with their lives. . However, these are the real land monsters! It is able to prey in the mountains!

What if those monsters really exist here? However, there are flaming horns, can you get these four teeth, and you can certainly deal with those monsters?

At this moment, some people who were originally guilty of the existence of the inflammatory horn have now begun to rejoice, but there is still a flaming horn. The disappearance of the big river can't stop it, the river bank is close to them and they can't change, and the beasts on the opposite side of the forest may come over. They are fearful but unwilling to fight, but if there is an inflammatory horn, maybe they will be safer?

The head of the Yanjiao is still on the other side of the river, and it is in direct contact with the mountains where the beasts exist. The so-called sky has a high support, and the beast wants to rush over. There are Yanjiao people blocking, what are they worried about?

Under the horror, he was relieved. The tribes who live in the cracks can always find reasons for comfort.

The Yanjiao Warrior, who was at the entrance of the Beast Gate in Yanhe Fort, naturally saw the reaction of all the people passing through here, even those who passed through the big tribes, even if they were well dressed, but that moment The emotions will still be captured by them. Think of this. The warrior's mouth can't help but rise. If he is still guarding the door, he has to keep the guard's serious posture. They have already laughed loudly.

These four huge beasts are the result of hunting by the hunting team of Yanjiao. Because one or two people or a few people can't successfully hunt such a huge behemoth, in order to find these four beasts that can support the facade. Shao Xuantong, who had already left the position of the leader, and the levy, joined the hunting team at that time.

And now it seems. The effect is good, not that they pay so much time and energy to wait, layout, and hunt the behemoth.

In the huge beast door of Yanhe Fort, in addition to the four most attractive beasts, there are people paying attention to the walls around the door.

The door and the wall of this place are built by a whole piece of boulder, and then finely carved and ground. Other tribes. Even if you do this, it will take much longer than the horn. But who can make Yanjiao manpower? This is not envious.

In fact, in the eyes of many people, the impression of Yanjiao is mostly a barbaric, but now they pass the layout and architecture of this trading area. Only then began to understand that perhaps the Yanjiao people, not only the strength, only a person with no strength and no brain, can not do such a thing.

The fangs door has given the first person a deep impression. Perhaps after that, even if they see the beast again, they will not feel much if they see the fangs of the beast.

The person who came here, after entering the door, the impact of the beast teeth has not dissipated, and it ushered in another wave of impact.

After entering the gate, there is a straight road leading to the venue. On the high walls on both sides of the road, there is a beast bone of a behemoth!

On the gray stone wall, the white beast bones form a giant beast form, even if there is no skin, but the bones can stand up, these animal bones embedded in the wall completely reproduce the shape of the giant beast in the forest. . The breath that still remains on the bones of the animal slams the psychology of the people passing by on this path.

Able felt that his feet had started to fight again. In the warm weather, wearing a suede, it was hot and sweaty. At this time, he felt that the thick animal skin could not block the coldness of the animal bones, and the hair seemed to be erected.

Many of them have heard of the dangers across the river and the ferocious behemoths, but they have never really touched them. But now, the arrangement in Yanhe Fort makes them the first time for the giant beasts in the forest. Initial understanding.

The skins and beasts that were once changed were cut and cut, and most of the beasts were removed. Now, they finally realize that they are walking in the behemoths.

Animal remains, such as teeth, bones, horns, etc., are the things that tribes touch the most. They get food from these animals, and the remains of the animals are used to make tools or ornaments, or to take some The way to sell, in exchange for other materials, in order to complete the full use of resources.

However, the animals they have eaten, the remains of the beasts, the beasts, the bones, etc., seem to be two worlds compared to what they see at this time. They have never seen a tribe, and the things used to decorate it are so huge and fierce!

The same is the corner, one is the ordinary bison horn, the other is the big horn of the behemoth in the forest is several times higher than the human, can this compare?

Seeing those decorations, many of the tribes in the Yanhe area that were invited to come, didn’t take it seriously at first, and decided to come over and eat a meal. At this time, they can’t help but be cautious. If such a tribe initiates I don’t know if I will train them. In the future, they should not go to attract Yan Yan people.

The gray building, the white animal bones, and the dark beasts, the terrariums and walls that are decorated with the bases, lack the splendid exquisiteness of the slave city in the sea, but a little more It belongs to the tribes of this continent, and the wildness of publicity. (To be continued.)

Ps: The people upstairs are doing renovations again. At 8 o'clock, they started to blast, the walls and the ground are shaking, and they will end at 6 o'clock in the evening. When they finish eating at night, they are going to take a nap and then code words. I didn't want to sleep until 10 o'clock, but I was quite sleepy. I almost sent a leave of absence. Finally, I thought about it, or I can open a computer code word. How much is the code? The mosquito is small and meat.

Some things in these days, there may not be too many time code words, have been one more, after the first month of the fifteenth, restore the double. I hope everyone understands. Mobile phone users please visit

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