Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 629: Another use of water moonstone

After going to the farmland and watching it, Shao Xuan went to other places to look at it. The distance will leave the tribe for a certain period of time. The specific date is uncertain. I must arrange some things for the tribe before leaving.壹 want an?s to see h?u?·?

When he went to the animal circle, Shao Xuan just saw him coming to find him.

He also carried a sac bag of animal skin in his hand.

"This is what the tribe people just brought over, used to pay off debts. You can see how much you can reach the ordinary water moon." He handed the animal skin bag in his hand.

Shao Xuan took the bag and opened it. The outside sun was too strong and he didn’t see it. He went to a wooden house near him. It was a place for people who took care of the animal circle to rest temporarily. There were also patrolling soldiers. Drink some water here to rest.

Seeing Shao Xuan and Yu in the past, the people who rested there quickly let go, and kept guarding nearby, not letting others close. They know that Shao Xuan and Yu must have something to talk about, whether it is a secret matter or not, they will definitely avoid it before they are allowed, and will prevent others from being close to eavesdropping.

After entering the house, Shao Xuan will open the window and only leave a ventilation.

As soon as the room was dark, the waterstone in the animal skin was much more obvious.

"The brightness is not enough, the turbidity is different, the advantages and disadvantages are not equal." These are contained in the animal skin bag, Shao Xuan can clearly distinguish the quality of the water moon stone at a glance.

Good water moonstone, not only is the brightness enough, the house is like a light bulb, and it looks pure, otherwise it can't be one of the common currencies.

But here, some of the light is very dim, can not meet the lighting needs of many people, not to mention the light bulb, the torch is far less than. Some even if the brightness is barely enough to meet the requirements of use, but the look is very turbid, really can be considered high quality, less than one tenth.

"These should have been chosen by the tribes, and they are definitely part of the preference, but they just come together," he said.

After the fusion of fire. To read the book, 1?k?a book nshu·咢 tribe people have tried to break away from the original fire, using the power of the fusion of the body to catalyze the water moon, but the time is still short. The manufactured moonstone cannot be compared with the past. This can also be understood.

"How are you planning?" Shao Xuan asked.

"Receive it, because the quality of these is not good, certainly can not be calculated according to the previous price, but when the Yanhe Fort was built, the people of the tribe helped many times. At that time they did not accept the praise of Yanjiao. I thought, the ones they took out were calculated according to the original price of 30%." He said.

Three yuan price, close to the previous one-third price of normal water moonstone.

If it is calculated according to the facts, the water moonstones that the tribes have taken out must be folded 90%, which can only be regarded as one tenth of the previous moonstones. After all, those faint waterstones. It can't be used at all, it can only be regarded as waste.

In fact, I am still very satisfied with the neighbors of the tribe. There are former Wanshi tribes for reference. He sees the tribes more pleasingly, and the tribes have helped them several times. Now the tribe has just rebuilt and changed. The days are not very good, so he is still a little bit to the tribe.

Because it is only his own subjective thoughts, I still have to ask Shao Xuan's opinion. There is no problem in blaming there, but if you can't pass Shao Xuan, you can't do it.

"Yes, just follow what you said." Shao Xuan will put the water moon stone back. Handed to you, "The dark water moonstones are open to the time."

"I know this." Sakamoto did not intend to use the water moonstones that could not be illuminated. Those dim water moonstones, from the palm of a hand, even the words on the animal skin rolls could not be seen clearly, let alone illuminate the road. .

"The dark water moonstones are then taken out and taken to the farmland. Let them put together the dark water moonstones at night to see if there are any bugs coming together." Shao Xuan said.

The more crops in the farmland, the more insects are there. Although some people are responsible for catching insects, even the green ducks will feed on the farmland to help remove the insects, but it is difficult to solve the insects during the day and night activities. I want to see? Book 1 book k?a?nshu· Someone once tried to use the torch to drive away, naturally it is effective, there are many creatures afraid of fire, the insects are also afraid of fire, but can not let the patrol all night The people used the torch to drive away.

I don't know if the smell of people in the Yanjiao tribe is too strong. Many birds are not close, and there are even fewer nights, so that the night-time insects are getting worse. Warm weather, humid rivers, large farmland, this is really a paradise for mosquitoes, especially those who fly from the depths of the murderous mountains. It is very annoying.

Now, just some of the water moonstones that can be regarded as waste products are taken for a try. These water moonstones cannot be illuminated, but the light is still there, like the light from the screen of a mobile phone. I don’t know if I can attract some night-time bugs.

Many bugs at night, but they are phototaxis, but they are not like many flying insects. They will cleverly avoid the hot light torch. Therefore, Shao Xuan intends to take these water moonstones to try, even if It doesn't matter, it's all right to try it out.

Shao Xuanyi said that there is a hint of enlightenment. People who are over-the-counter are not stupid people.

"What do you mean, those insects that are active at night, may like the light of the water moonstone?"

I used to have the experience of walking with the moonstone at night. I have also encountered some flying insects that are constantly getting close, but he did not think of the top of the moonstone, but thought it was his own reason. Now, listening to Shao Xuan said, is it actually Shuiyue Stone? !

"There are a lot of bugs coming out at night. They like the moon, but the moon is too far away. They can't touch it. If there is a water moonstone, I don't know if it will attract them." Shao Xuan explained.

"It turned out to be." At the same time, I thought to myself: This kid is not a big elder, and he knows a lot of things.

"Try it and you will know." I haven't tried Shaoxuan. I can't be sure that the light-sucking bugs are definitely there, but I don't know how much these faint waterstones have.

"Who should be aware of these people?" He asked again.

"Not necessarily, the tribes used to be covered with primitive fires. Many mosquitoes may not dare to approach directly. Moreover, the river has not disappeared at that time, and the insects on the side of the forest cannot fly. Only the insects on the other side of the forest are not a big problem. Now, although the two sides are close, there are some insects that can fly over, but the people of the tribes use the water moonstone and save a lot. It is not very likely to know this, but you can ask." Shao Xuantao.

"Also." He almost forgot that the original fire was deterrent to many creatures. The core residences of the tribes are not as wide as their flaming horns, and they are more protected from fires.

I took the animal skin bag and went to the house on the bank of the river. The tribes of the tribes were waiting there, and they looked very embarrassed. They also knew that the quality they came up with could not match the previous ones, but these are already them. The best batch of time made out during this time.

See you, the tribes inside are looking forward to seeing him.

“What do you say to Shao Xuan’s elders?” asked the head.

"According to the past 30%," he said.

When I heard that there was a 30% price, the people of the tribes were surprised. In their view, it was guilty to say that the price was high.

After the surprise, Zheng Zhongdao said: "Thank you!" He naturally knows that this is the Yanjiao to take care of them, otherwise, they take it to other places, it is estimated that the price will be pressed below 10%. In this regard, they are grateful.

Yanjiao is a good person!

"The next month, the water moon stone will definitely be better!" Their ability to make Shuiyue Stone is getting stronger, the moonlight is getting more and more prosperous, making it easier to make, and there will be more quality products in the future, otherwise they will be embarrassed to continue to pay back their debts.

"Right, how are the slightly darker moonstones of your tribe?" he asked.

"Cough, keep it for yourself." Those water moonstones that simply can't meet the lighting requirements can only be regarded as the waste products of the tribes who practice the production of the water moonstone. Don’t you hide it yourself and sell it? Is it shameful to be shameful?

"You guys... If you don't need it, don't throw it." He hesitated. He is also not sure whether Shao Xuan's night plan can be successful, but if it is successful, obviously they will need more faint water moonstones. After all, the faint moonstone cost is low, which is waste utilization.

"Hey?" The tribe's people looked at the puzzled doubts and did not understand what it meant.

"We...the elders may need some of these water moonstones." I originally wanted to say their plans, but I thought about it or stopped, and moved out of Shao Xuan. The people of the tribe seem to really know whether Shuiyue Stone attracts insects.

"But I don't know if I can succeed. He has to try these first, and then tell you later."


Returning to the tribe from the side of Yanjiao, I will tell these things to the witch.

It is known that the water moonstones that come out can actually have an ordinary price of 30%. The tribal witches are also very grateful to the Yanjiao, and the dark water moonstone is another surprise.

"Although I don't know what Shao Xuan's elders in Yanjiao want to do, I hope he can succeed." Wu said, "If they need it, give them the water moonstones in our hands."

"Well, I think so too."

Those faint water moonstones are just the failures of their practice. It is useless to stay in their hands. If they need it, they all give it to Yanjiao, and thank Yanyan for taking care of them.

That night.

During this time, the two rounds of the moon in the sky are no longer the curved crescents. They are much brighter, but they are still separated from the full moon.

Even so, if the two moons shine directly on the ground, those faint moonstones may not be able to compete for the glory of the moon, and the effect will be greatly reduced, but fortunately, there is a cloud in the sky tonight!

Most of the time, the two rounds of the moon were blocked by the clouds, which also facilitated Shao Xuan's plan.

Shao Xuan looked at the clouds in the sky and carried a bag of water moonstones toward the farmland. (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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