Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 633: Different network

Kuntu, who was resting in the cabin, was quickly called out.

"Great elder, are you looking for me?" asked Quinto.

Unlike He Tuo and A Guang, who grew up with Shao Xuan, he was one of the people who came back to the tribe with the Yanjiao visitors on the grassland, but because of the good performance, the strength has improved rapidly. It is also very active in the tribe. Before joining this long-distance team, Kuntu often guards at the entrance of the Yanhe trading area, and the outside of the contact falls.

Kuntu has always paid tribute to Shao Xuan. At the beginning, Shao Xuan and others went to the grasslands to meet them. Otherwise, even if the fire was burned, they could not leave the grassland alive. Coupled with some of the later things, and Shao Xuan's status in the tribe, Kuntu is not as casual as other people in the title, so every time he sees Shao Xuan, he is directly called the "big elder."

Shao Xuan Chao Kuntu beckoned. "Come and see, these are the fishermen who brought the tribes to the trading area?"

In the past, Quintu carefully examined the two nets of Shao Xuan’s hand, because there are definitely more than one tribe in the trading area to sell fishing nets. Many fishing nets are very similar. Even if the first sight has been confirmed, he has to After careful identification, he did not want to lose face in front of the elders.

After carefully reviewing the two nets, Quintu nodded and confirmed: "Yes, these two are the same. The tribal fishnet is different from other tribes. The online grid is different from other nets, and there are many online. I can't understand the place, but the people of the tribe did not explain much."

Yes, the two fishing nets of the Yi tribe have many different places from other tribal fishing nets, and even some places give people the feeling that they are wrong when weaving.

"They didn't explain it?" Shao Xuan pointed to several seemingly redundant weaving points on the Internet.

"Yes, I was curious when I was watching it, so I asked them casually, but they didn't explain it. I only said that the network was like this. But..." Kuntu hesitated and continued. "I think, it is inside." There must be other secrets. The few people in the tribe at that time, my eyes were not very good."

"How is it bad?" Dori and Tuo are also curious.

"I don't know if it's right, I think, they look at my eyes, like I don't know the goods." Kuntu grabbed his head.

Because he used to be a tourist living in the grassland, there is no tribal cover, and he is attached to other tribal life. It is inevitable to look at people's faces, and Kuntu is also a person with more leadership talents in the Prairie Yanjiao tourist. He is more sensitive in many aspects. This is why Shao Xuan called Kuntu instead of calling others. Therefore, the people of the tribes at that time did not appear too obvious on the surface, and they also converge quickly, but he can still capture the contempt of the "smuggling, not knowing the goods."

In the Yanhe trading area, few tribes have bad eyes on people in Yanjiao. It’s definitely true that you can’t get used to each other, but this kind of contemptuous look is rarely seen.

“Talk.” Shao Xuan also has an interest. To understand a tribe, you can see a lot from the details. Using tools is one of them.

During that time, the tribes living in the trading area in the Yanhe area were mostly small tribes. For this reason, when they saw the battle of Yanjiao, their reaction would be more embarrassing and worrying. However, whether it is the evaluation of the levy, or the view of Kuntu, the people of the tribes obviously do not belong to this column.

Although the tribe's people in the Yanhe trading area will have a surprising and curious response, but compared to other tribes, there is more arrogance.

This kind of Shaoxuan is no stranger. Generally, such tribes are tribes that are in a dominant position near their respective habitats, rather than being suppressed.

"So, the tribe is definitely not a small tribe like the tribe."

Shao Xuan picked up a net and let Dori, Tuo and Quentula open the net, and then Shao Xuanyu came over a wooden stake. This was cut before being placed on the boat to dry, and when it was used as firewood.

One person's thick tree was easily grabbed by Shao Xuan with one hand and looked at the ten-meter-long net pulled up by three people. If all were opened, the net could be more than 20 meters long and nearly 30 meters long.

Zheng Luo also got these two nets shortly before Shao Xuan’s departure. Because he was too busy, he didn’t have time to go deeper. Shao Xuan decided to give it a try.

The line of sight was removed from the net. Shao Xuan looked at the wooden stake in his hand. Then he poked a few holes in the end of the stake with a knife and inserted several branches. It looked like it was The deer's horn is the same.

Then, Shao Xuan grabbed the wooden stakes on both sides of the "corner" and approached the net.

When I was just approaching, I couldn't see anything, and as Shao Xuan continued to move forward after hitting the net at the end of the pile, the original net had no abnormal network and made a "squeaky" sound.

It's like opening a switch, and as it turns on, the web starts to change.

Whether it is helping the three people pulling up the net, or the others next to them, they are staring at the net.

I saw that there is still a net on the Internet. When a net keeps the original grid blocking the "prey", the other net hidden on it starts to function, and the position of the "prey" hits the net. Start to shrink.

Because Shao Xuan's movements are not fast, the force is also slowly carried out, so all these changes, everyone in the scene is very clear.


"Two nets?!"

“Is this not a fishing net? How can this be?”

The crowd showed amazement.

After Shao Xuan continued to force, pushing the stake forward, the second net on the net finally closed, and the second net was firmly tied to it.

The first net is like a pocket, and the prey that hits it is put in, and the second net plays a binding role. When the prey is tied, the "bag" is tied.

"This kind of net, on the shelf, is hidden in the path of the prey. If the prey hits it, or the hunter catches it and slams it in, it will be wrapped up. If it is a long horn If the deer hits it, its antlers will be entangled in death and even be wrapped around the neck. The more earned the rope, the more tight it will be, and even strangle it." Shao Xuan said.

Because of some research on lasso, Shao Xuan can understand more clearly than others, and people in the tribe know this, so they don't doubt Shao Xuan's words.

"This net is to capture the deer, sheep and other body types!" Shao Xuan said that the woven plant of this net does not know which one, and also through the fine processing, more robust, catching the general The beast is more than enough.

"It's really not a fishing net!" Surrey surprised.

"So, the people of the tribe may not depend on the Yanhe River, and may not belong to the tribes in the Yanhe area, but in other places in the inland areas?" Tuo Siso.

"No, they must be in the area of ​​Yanhe, and it is definitely not too far from the Yanhe River." Shao Xuan affirmed.

Said, Shao Xuan picked up another net, the net is different from the first net, the weaving technique is different from the shackle.

The first rope used to weave the ropes is tighter and firmer. It is impossible to find a gap on the rope. A thorn wants to be pierced from the straw, and it can't be done without any force.

The second net, the woven straw rope is completely different, and the fine silky plants are synthesized, and there is no stage of “搓”.

Let Dori pull the net again, this second net, Shao Xuan did not use the stake test, but from the place where the food residue was piled up. There are some leftover piranha fish bones, which are left after the fish are caught and grilled and eaten when they are bored.

The big fish head of the piranha and the fangs of the mouth are very recognizable.

Shao Xuan smashed the fish skull of a piranha, and the fangs were very conspicuous in the open fish mouth.

Shao Xuan put the fish mouth full of fangs on the net, biting the net, and then moving the upper and lower jaws to make it look like it is constantly biting the net.

If it is a general fishing net, it will definitely leave a tooth print on the net rope. The unsound net will be bitten by this piranha. However, now, this net, after dozens of closing fish mouths, almost Still intact!

On the ropes woven into the net, a silky line-like structure separates the sides of the fangs when the fangs of the fish mouth are bitten, so each time the fish bites up, it will directly go from the rope. Pass through, when the fish mouth is opened, the fish teeth are separated from the net rope, and the net rope composed of many filaments is once again combined.

"this is……"

"This is actually a special predator for mermaid?!" Tori curiously picked up the net again and carefully, and found the fish head to try.

"It really is!"

In the inland rivers, there are also fish with fangs, but the number is not much compared to here, and the types are not the same. It is not intentionally woven such a net to catch. The most likely thing is that the other party weaves such a net to catch the piranhas in the river. After all, there are many piranhas here.

"The people of this tribe are really good at weaving the net." Although I haven't seen it, Tuo has to admit it. If Shao Xuan pointed out that they are not, they will not be able to see it so quickly.

"This net of fishing, if it is wet, the rope will be more slippery. The fish teeth that are bitten can easily pass through the rope of the net, but can not bite the net rope in a short time." Shao Xuan touched The place where the fishing net is wet with water is handed to everyone.

"It's really!" Kuntu grabbed his head again. It is no wonder that the people of the tribes at that time looked at his eyes like that. I really felt that I didn’t know what I was looking for and I couldn’t see the net.

"With such a weaving net technology, the people of the tribes will certainly not go hungry. On the contrary, their lives are rich." Shao Xuan said.

"There is no tribe here. We came along the river and did not see the tribe. Otherwise the elders will know." Kuntu could not understand.

"Since I haven't seen it so far, the tribe may be farther away from us." Shao Xuan looked ahead.

In the area of ​​Yanhe, you can still know the Yanhe trading area, and the information of the tribes is also circulating. Mobile phone users please visit

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