Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 636: Big brother was taken away by the beast

Even though the strange fish responded quickly, it was still a step late.

A blast of wind blew.

The river is like a piece of cloth cut off sharply, the strange fish that just dive is directly caught, the whole is lifted, and then only listen to the "squeaky" sound, the rich **** taste spread.

Originally thinking about the last hop on the raft, I was stunned by the big waves. If he was still holding a raft with one hand, he might fly out directly.

Because the river under the armpits does not open your eyes, the air has a **** smell, and there seems to be something else. When he opened his eyes, he saw that something was falling from the air in front of the raft, and the waves of water made the raft shake even more.

It was a strange fish that was torn in half. After falling into the river, the half of the tail sank, and soon the figure disappeared, while the other half rose and fell on the river, did not sink, and the network could still see The three-petal mouth of the strange fish was stretched, but there was no prestige before it.

Whether it was the person who was on the raft or the person who was on the shore, he was shocked by the scene.

Just... what is that?

"Be careful!"


"Get in the water! Get into the water!"

The people on the banks of the riverbank suddenly shouted in horror.

The people on the raft also felt that they seemed to be stared at. When he looked up, only one figure struck at a very fast speed. He didn't have time to jump in, and even the man was caught in the air with a raft.


Looking at the river far away, the fear and sadness turned into a desperate cry. Just out of the mouth of the strange fish, it fell into the claws of the bird.

The rescuers that have been found have arrived, but at this time, they are also helpless, and even the bows and arrows are too late to pull.

Such a speed, such a body shape, it is impossible to be an ordinary bird.

"That is a fierce beast!" the man who came over exclaimed.

The people on the shore can only watch the big bird in the sky, flying higher and higher towards the upstream, flying farther and farther, and soon disappearing into their vision.

Looking at the disappearing figure in the air, a child who still wants to run forward, when he was pulled away from the shore, he came back to the world, wowing and crying: "Big brother was taken away by the beast!"

The people who came over took their eyes back from the air and gasped. They were already fast enough, or they were a step late.

"Isn't you not going to be near here recently?! Are you stunned?! I am rushing to find death!" Among the people who came over, the leader's maddening beard was erected, and the one who slapped in the past, but cried The child didn't do it. After all, the family just had no big brother.

"帛 ...... ... ... is so gone?" Someone asked.

"Otherwise?" The middle-aged man in the lead irritatedly smashed the net of his body. "Be caught by the beast, what else can you end?!"

Said that he moved his sight to the river.

The current wind is blowing from the other side of the river, and the dead fish that float in the middle of the river is being pushed here. However, looking at the movements in the river, there should already be a small fish that began to feed on the fish body. I don’t know if it can float before it is finished. This is also the reason why they rarely get into the water directly. The river is too dangerous. Fishing is done with wooden rafts and then nets are collected on the river bank.

Off the river bank, they have no advantage in the river, and no matter how powerful the net can not make up.

Near the evening, they walked to the tribe with the dead fish that had finally floated to the shore. The atmosphere in the team was heavy and there was a sob in the children.

They also looked in the direction of the bird flying. They flew upstream of the river. They took the "just in case" mentality and went upstream to find a section. They did not see any traces at all.

Anyone who has been in contact with the beast knows how the child who is taken away by the beast will end up. Similarly, the person who is taken away by the beast will only become the food of the beast.

The group returned to the tribe in silence.

At the entrance of the tribe, the huge rope net that stands up is densely weaved by the center. The net is painted with dark pigments. If you look from a distance, you can see the pattern on the big net more clearly and comprehensively.

It's a totem, and the staggered lines look like a net.


When I woke up, I only felt that I was caught by the claws of the beast. No, he was caught by the claws of the beast!

Consciousness gradually returned, and he remembered things before losing consciousness. He is not a person who doesn't know anything. Can you tear the strange fish into two halves in a face-to-face, and the bird with such a large size is probably just a general beast?

Being taken away by the beast, only the possibility of being eaten, his luck is really terrible...

This is not right!

The cockroach moved the body, his eyes opened, and the glare of the sun shone his tears. He slowed down for a while, raised his hand to cover the sun, opened his eyes, and raised his hand to cause a pain.


He is still alive!

Thinking of this fact, I am excited. Just, what happened?

He didn't dare to move around without knowing the situation around him. Sometimes, when he met the beast, he had to pretend to die. If the beast is still nearby?

Carefully turning my head, I saw some strange buildings, and strangers.

He sat up and slammed around him, sitting around him, or sitting or standing with some people, looking at him with curious eyes.

Whose house is it here?

There is the sound and smell of the river around, and he can be sure if he hasn't seen the river yet. Moreover, the room is still shaking slightly, just like the feeling when standing on the raft.

Floating on the water?

Which tribal house is floating on the river? I can't think of it for a while.

"Hey, wake up?" A man with a fishing rod on his face smiled and looked at him.

"... is it... is you saving me?" asked the network. He has never seen these people. These people are not like any tribe he knows. They can know by feeling.

These people are very strong, even if the girl next to him looks like his sister, is throwing a big river shell with one hand, it looks like just throwing a small stone.

Although these people did not have a sullen face, when they were staring at them, there was a feeling of being stared at by the beasts in the mountains, which made him shudder.

"It's okay," said the young man sitting on a short wooden stake.

What is "also considered to be"?

I just know that my excitement that I am still alive has subsided a lot, my heart has turned sharply, and my eyes are looking at these people in front of me. How did you be saved by these people? Could these people fight with the beast? Or is it that the fierce beast who captured him dropped him halfway and ran away?

"Hey, how did you meet me? Have you seen a very large bird, a beast, a beast?" asked.

After asking the words, I found that the atmosphere was very different. The people in front of me showed a smile to him.

I always feel that something is wrong. He grabbed the goose bumps on his arm.

When he noticed something, he turned his head and looked back, then slowly looked up.

A bird that is only four times as tall as he is standing there staring at him.

After a moment of silence.

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