Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 641: Beast in the water

Shao Xuan and Tuo have been staring at the river.

Compared with Shao Xuan, the distance from the river is a little farther away. He knows the shortest distance he can approach. If he is close to the other side, he may not be exposed when the latter thing appears. Therefore, he dare not take risks. After hunting for so many years, he knows which level of beasts he faces when he is safe. He can't take risks.

There is a voice coming from the tribe's position. It seems that the people who patrolled the tribe met the beast, but those did not let Shao Xuan give a bit of attention. He still stared at the movement of the river.

After about an hour, a little bit of insects around, quiet again.


Shao Xuan and Tuo Tuo, hidden in the tree, are tight in each heart. Every pore in the body is forcibly closed without revealing a hint of breath. Even if the wind direction will hide their smell better, in addition to the smell, there is also the human gas field. The volatility of power, what kind of crisis is about to face, they have a lot of heart, do not dare to care.

The sound of the water wave rang, and there seemed to be something in the river that was swimming towards the shore, and the part of the water that appeared out of the water was carrying water and reflecting the moonlight.

Shao Xuan looked at the past, and the moonlight showed a strange shape on the river. I couldn’t tell what it was in the end. I only knew that it should be a big guy, because after the exposed part, the river dragged out. The long water pattern, perhaps the back of the thing in the water, is roughly estimated to be about ten meters. As for the part that is not visible underwater, there is no obvious water pattern. Shao Xuan is temporarily unable to know. He does not dare to observe it there now, and the savvy beast is very sensitive to the line of sight.

Shao Xuan slowed down and changed another field of vision to see the past. This time, Shao Xuan was really shocked.

The river, the leaves, etc. disappeared. Only the stones and branches showed gray shades. The world seemed to have faded the skin, leaving only a faint shape and a distinct skeleton. There, a huge animal bone is approaching here.

How big is it?

Shao Xuan is also uncertain, just look at the bones speculation, it can be more than 20 meters long on the ground.

Purely looking at the skeleton, like an elongated lizard, but its neck is much longer than the lizard, so that the head can be exposed to the water, and the body is all under the water, the thick bones of the hind legs are close together, the body is like a crocodile Swinging the water like that, the forelimb bones are thinner than the hind legs, and when you swim forward, you can move twice from time to time, the head...

Shao Xuan has distinguished it. In the field of vision, there is not only the head of the behemoth, but also a smaller animal bone. Only the smaller animal bones were smashed by giant beasts.

When the behemoth arrived at the river, Shao Xuan’s line of sight drooped and no longer stared at it.

In the next moment, there seems to be a fierce and sharp sight. Although the line of sight is invisible, Shao Xuan feels like there is an invisible cold knife that has been scratched.

That was the glance of the behemoth before landing. The reason why Shao Xuan avoided the line of sight in advance was to prevent the line of sight of the behemoth. Once it is right, even if Shao Xuan hides well, he can't avoid the investigation of the giant beast. This is Shao Xuan's intuition, and the monster has absolutely that ability.

Hunting the beasts for so many years, Shao Xuan rarely has this feeling, the giant beast is a fierce beast, there is no doubt that it comes from the forest on the other side of the river, but compared to the hunting of the Yanjiao hunting team on weekdays Those fierce beasts, Shao Xuan feels that this beast will be more difficult.

It’s not that you haven’t hunted a bigger beast. When you’re in the Yanhe feast, you can use it as a beast for the decoration of the venue, a beast to decorate the facade, and so on. These are huge behemoths, but Shao Xuan has a feeling. This hunting will be more troublesome, and one may accidentally lose yourself.

The two people hiding in the tree did not dare to appear, just like turning into a stone.

After the sight was swept, no change was found before I came to the shore.

Shao Xuan looked at the past and saw that the giant beast did not land. He just placed the smaller animal in his mouth on the shore, because the huge body could not be completely hidden in the shallow water on the shore. Even without special vision, Shao Xuan can see the body that is out of the water.

Its body is patterned, like the grass in the river, the color of the back and the belly is different, even if the trunk is not completely exposed, but you can see something by looking at its neck.

Dark with a back that is not noticeably textured, and a lighter ventral surface, this combination of colors is a camouflage color above and below, making it less likely to be found when swimming in the river. Its surface is not smooth, the raised part is covered with water stains, reflecting the bright moonlight of the silver. It seems to have a metallic chill. The head is not proportional to the body and looks like a slanting Fighting shield. There is an elongated hard bone above the head, like the horn, but no angle differentiation is so obvious.

Although Shao Xuan still can't see the whole picture of the giant beast, only the exposed part, combined with its overall skeleton, speculates that this is a powerful chasing beast!

Such a powerful beast, but in the middle of the night, sneaking around the river bank, what is jealous? Still have other purposes?

Obviously, there is a sharp-edged tooth, but when he is holding the little beast, he does not use force. Shao Xuan can see that it is avoiding hurting the little beast.

If this is the case, it will probably remind people that a mother animal is carrying a baby cub, however, this is not the case.

This behemoth is a female, male Shaoxuan does not know, but he can be sure that the little beast that it is carrying is not the same species! That little beast is not a cub, but a smaller beast. It is already an adult beast. It is a three-meter-long mammalian fast-food carnivore. Shao Xuan also hunted when hunting in the mountains. It is not what. Mild temperament beasts, on the contrary, such beasts are very ferocious, bloodthirsty!

The little beast that was picked up was motionless and his limbs were stiff and dead.

After putting it on the shore, the behemoth looks in one direction on the shore.

Shao Xuan's eyelids jumped, and there was the position of the tribe!

Is this a hatred with the tribe?

The river disappeared less than a year, how did the tribes provoke such a beast?

The behemoth looked at the direction for a long while, then the eyes swept all the way, and the murderous gas suddenly burst out several times stronger than the one before the beach! The evening breeze seems to be disturbed, and the leaves in the woods are more blown up.

There is a dead silence around.


The sound is very small, but it is especially prominent in this piece of silence. People with good ears can hear it at once.

The behemoth took back the line of sight and looked down at the little beast that was shaking his legs on the grass on the shore. The sound of squeaking is the result of rubbing the grass when it trembles.


Without looking at the shore again, the giant beast sneaked into the water, the sound of the water wave was not big, and it was better than the wind that pushed the water waves to hit the river bank.

When leaving, the giant beast sneaked into the water because there was no need to lick anything on the mouth. The long ripples on the water surface became shallow and disappeared.

The atmosphere of oppression and death was gone, and in the grass, the sound of the insects rang, intermittently, and cautiously. The shore returned to the original again.

The little beast that had been lying on the grass, one turned over, and rushed toward the forest like a wind, for fear of running slow. Mobile phone users please visit

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