Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 648: You can't do it.

The behemoth was smashed to the side of the head and twisted. Instead of looking at the sorcerer on the side of the fire pit, he looked at the direction of the spear. ~, the network Phoenix update is fast, please search

There is an eagle in the sky over there.

The behemoth that was interrupted of good things snorted with dissatisfaction over there.

But the eagle over there screamed provocatively, not close or leave, just wandering there.

There was a dull, thunderous sound between the behemoth's throat. It was angry. If it could, it wanted to tear the eagle, but it couldn't go to heaven.

This sudden spear caused the tribes to smash. After all, such spears, their tribes did not, if any, used early. Similar weapons, they have seen in Yanjiao people, the Yanjiao people who came to their tribe a few days ago, carrying this kind of blue weapon.

Look at the eagle flying in the air. The Yanjiao people who came a few days ago also carry the eagle.

Is their Yanjiao

They are not leaving, how can they appear here again?

The other people in the tribe are just guessing, but the sorcerer can be sure that it is the Yanjiao, who can feel the fire of the Yanjiao people hiding in the woods. Although the atmosphere of the outside people makes them feel uncomfortable, but fortunately, the other party seems to be on their side, and they help.

Another spear came over and was tied to the behemoth, only because the behemoth is now prepared, hiding, and avoiding the key. The spear is running through its eyes, but it is tied to its forehead. There, it was the hardest part of the whole head. The spear was in the past, the skin was broken, but it didn't bleed because it was not deep enough.

The first spear affected the head because of the splashing stones and dirt, and the second spear was not fixed because of the protection of the behemoth. But there is no doubt that this successive two spears made the behemoth unexpected, very violent.

Broken skin. It’s actually broken

This is the first time after the giant beast appeared.

A person who is too close to the behemoth. They had not been able to evacuate in time, and now the behemoth has shifted its attention and has not hesitated to retreat.

The arm of the cheekbone was injured by the earthquake, because he was too close to the behemoth, and his legs were shattered at the moment when the giant beast was clawed, and the movement was inconvenient. He wanted to retreat, and the body was uncontrollably Fall back.

Before the cheekbone fell to the ground. One hand grabbed the clothes behind him, and then the whole man was thrown away in the distance.

Skeleton: "The way it is so rude is definitely not the people of their tribe."

The cheekbone looked at the figure who threw himself, and suddenly widened his eyes.

Yanjiao elder

The person who throws the skeleton is Shao Xuan, but Shao Xuan is not throwing it. The person who has the tribe in that direction will naturally catch the skeleton.

The great beating of the behemoth made the ground that was cracked even more messy, as if the cracked wound was pulled unscrupulously and looked even more horrible.

Shao Xuan was before the giant beast stepped on. Jumping quickly and backwards, avoiding the shock of the ground, the body is turning in the air with a rope of a tribe. Displaced toward the other side. You can't always stay in one place, you have to change position at any time.

The first spear was thrown by him. He couldn't take the spear on the behemoth for a while. It was too risky. The behemoth is now guarded and will not let him close. As for the size, that force, the offensive, you can be embarrassed. Shao Xuan is still not sure that he can quickly avoid all the attacks of the behemoth, and is not in a hurry to get back the spear.

Now they have no more bronze spears in their hands for them to tie. Fortunately, it has already attracted the attention of the behemoths, creating a gasp time for the people of the tribe.

"How come you come" is the skeleton of the retreat with the tribe. Ask the nearest person to the Yanjiao tribe.

The sight of the beast staring at the behemoth has not been removed. "Our elders said, you may need our help, so come."

"Why do your elders think so"

"Because he is a great elder."

This answer makes the bones do not know how to continue to ask, he can not guess the heart of the Yanjiao people, do not know why people who have clearly sailed downstream, why will appear here. However, Yanjiao can help this, and they are grateful.

The fact is that everyone in Yanjiao wants to return and see what kind of beasts the 罟 tribes hate with, and by the way, understand the fighting style and style of the Xia tribe. After that, Shao Xuan compiled a knot and took the person to the bow and returned.

Sui Wu looked at Shao Xuan in their direction, and thanked him for not having time to say that he made another decision.


The squatting tribe, breathing again, the battle is not over yet.

The giant beast broke many rope nets, but it didn't break all the rope nets. There are still a lot of ropes entangled in it. However, those isolated nets can't play the biggest role. All the nets must be Connected together, the gap is filled, in order to completely control this monster.

The position of the humerus has been replaced by other people. The tibia temporarily loses its combat ability and cannot be followed. He can only watch outside the battlefield.

"What more do you need to do?" asked Tuo.

"No, thank you for your shot, and then we will do it." said the skeleton.

The Yanjiao people appeared at the crucial moment, giving the people of the tribes a breathing time. Now what they have to do is to continue to complete the broken network according to the meaning of the witch. Just, can it really succeed?

Anxiety in the heart of the skeleton, although with the previous actions, everyone will be more skillful when they apply again. This is the talent of the tribe, which is not doubtful. However, for the time being, there are not many people who have been injured, and their actions are limited. Just looking at the current position of the behemoth, the heart of the skeleton can not be put down.

Too close, the behemoth has gone deep into the tribe, leaving little time for everyone.

"I really don't have to help," Tuo asked. In fact, they still want to shoot, it is rare to encounter such a behemoth, although they are not sure about hunting, but they will try to run again. In the mountains, if they encounter giant beasts that cannot resist, they may also make similar temptations.

The cheekbone shook his head and said firmly: "You can't."

Although this makes the people of Tuo and others unhappy, they have to admit that they are really not good at this situation. First, on the battlefield, the atmosphere of the tribes is too strong. The closer they are, the more affected they are, and they will share some of their strength to resist the rejection of the tribes.

In the face of such dangerous beasts, if they can't cope with it, they should be cautious. Years of hunting experience tells them that with a little bit of sloppyness, they may die under the claws of the beast. What's more, now the behemoths are attacking the tribes, not their Yanjiao tribes, they can't make such a fight, just take a hand next to them.

Second, look at the actions of the tribes. Although there are many people in action, it gives people the feeling that they are like a whole. Their minds are common. If they rush to take action, they will not help but will interfere with the plan of the tribe. .

At this point, Tuo et al. no longer go forward, but occasionally bring some of the wounded tribes away from the battlefield. There are so many helpers. No one can take responsibility for them. Compared with many other tribes. Said that Yanjiao has been considered "enthusiasm".

Now they are on the sidelines.

Oh, no, it’s a spirit. The elders who led the team seem to have not yet withdrawn and are still waiting to be continued. Mobile phone users please visit

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